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Does he live

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Does he live Empty Thu Apr 25, 2024 7:43 pm


The sun was at the highest point in the sky but it had already began to make its descent. Though adequate clouds would bog the heavens and obscure its intense light. The air was crips but windy, adding to the chill of the pleasant winter day so that it felt colder than it was. And Lumi would revel in the sensation as she sat along a lake that she frequented.

She sat along its edge with her feet submerged in the water. A book laid to her side opened flat with pages to the ground. The title made known that it was a collection of Bosco fairytales and it would seem she was not yet halfway through.

For the moment, Lumi had taken a break. Opting to sing some songs from her motherland of Iceberg as she plucked the strings of her harp. Her skin, the color of night, and her hair were like fallen snow. As for the moment in her leisure, she felt no need to disguise herself.

Ravens and many other birds would perch among the trees, some even joining her in song. They were made easier to see with the lack of leaves clinging to the branches as it still was the thick of winter. Even so, Lumi was clothed in a loose, short dress. Needing no protection from the cold, but instead thriving in it.

Does he live Img_0811

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Does he live Empty Fri Apr 26, 2024 3:23 pm



Minutes becoming hours, hours becoming days, days become weeks. Ixedde forgotten how long he's been in the woods. He didn't know when the mountains became towering tree's but he knew one thing. He was lost. " FUCK! " He shouted letting his frustrations fill the air as he fell to his knees and began to pound his fist into the earth as rage began to fill his actions, as he got to his feet and rush towards the closest tree, punching it as the wood splintered underneath his fist.

Withdrawing his hand to see blood pouring from his hand, just enraged him more as he punch the tree again with his other hand as he began to rain blows upon the trunk.
" CREATURES OF THE NIGHT!?! BANDITS! BEARS! FREEZING COLD! ICY WINDS AND RAIN! HUNGER! WHATEVER TRIAL I CAME ACROSS! I PASSED! SO WHAT!? WHAT IS THE MEANING OF A JOURNEY, IF ONE LOSES HIMSELF! AM I TO BECOME A BEAST OF THE WOODS?! LOST AND EVER WANDERING?! " He would shout as he continue to lay into the wood all of his frustrations of his situation. As he cocked his right arm back as far as possible. unbeknownst to him, his mana had began to swell like a balloon filled with water. The balloon bursting as his fist crashed upon the tree as he felt empowered.

Glancing down at his blood soak hands, he huff and puff heavily as he felt stronger than ever before but as his rage died down so did this mysterious boost. He couldn't explain it but it felt natural as he sat down and began to bandage and wrap his hands. Once bandage, he look upon the tree with multiple impacts where the wood began to be splintered but the last one look as if someone took a sledgehammer to the trunk.
" Maybe, I'm in the woods for a reason. " He grumbled as he continue to head off in search of water to clean his bruises.


Does he live Skmb-full-22467690
Color for Speech=#ffd966   Color for thoughts=#f06261

Does he live Empty Fri Apr 26, 2024 11:19 pm


" A man approaches," chimed one of her birds, and the others would repeat the news until it hit the Demoness' ears. " Really now?" She replied in a sing-song voice. Lumi was excited for the arrival of another.

" It seems like the man you've met before. Lost in the woods once more." Another raven would contribute. It was around for the prior visit. " Kukuku, so we cross paths again", and as she spoke the darkness peeled away from her skin like petals in the wind until she looked like her human self.

Brown skin with mismatched eyes like the citrine and sapphire. Her hands were stained black like ink and her periwinkle hair tied back in braids. She continued her songs like nothing changed but now her voice was more human and the chill she usually promoted was dialed down. Besides the fact so only wore a long slit dress in the winter, she seemed normal enough.

Does he live Img_0811

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Does he live Empty Sun Apr 28, 2024 4:32 pm



It didn't take long for Ixedde to come across the running stream, the animal tracks wasn't hard to spot not in this wintery frost. His steps through the frost and cold was steady and yet lack purpose as he moved forward. It didn't take long for him to finally find the source of water as the cold had finally dulled the pain in his hands as he shuffled forward removing the bandages. The binding that was once wrapped around his hands quickly fell to the ground as he approached the body of water but he quickly stopped.

He forgot he was in the woods as he was too focus on cleaning his bruises as his head whipped to the left. A women was sitting at the end of the stream further down, she was humming a song but he didn't pay it much mind. She was wearing a dress during the winter, that strike him as odd but he couldn't really make out much beyond her brown skin and black gloves.
" A person this deep in the woods? I can get her to get me out of here. " He thought to himself as he plunge his hands into the cold water loudly as to make his presence known.

He knew he looked rough, his hair wild, eyes holding dark heavy bags underneath them, and his clothes torn and dirtied. The bag he was traveling with was now missing and his cheeks wasn't as full as it was before he came into the woods.
" Howdy Miss, I didn't mean to scare ya! But do you know which direction town is in? I've been in these woods for... a while and I seem to have took the wrong step. " He would shout towards the lady as he began to wash the bandages that he had use to wash his hands as he didn't have much else to bandage his wounds with.


Does he live Skmb-full-22467690
Color for Speech=#ffd966   Color for thoughts=#f06261

Does he live Empty Mon Apr 29, 2024 12:22 am


Lumi continued on until he addressed her. Not for any reason beyond the enjoyment of passing up an opportunity to talk. Sometimes it was more pleasing to let those around her simply be, even if she knew more about them than they'd thought. But to her surprise, he would approach her. And so the Demoness would look over to him with a faint smile.

" Well what are ye looking for stranger? There are a number of towns nearby but ya look like ye'd prefer something more city-like." It would be something she inferred from his lack of direction. But his disheveled appearance made her think he would do well outside of nature.

Lumi rose from her spot to approach him, her pace was slow and elegant. And after looking him over she continued. " Where did ye fall after that wrong step?" Her voice playful but curious. She usually would heal him but showing her powers would only give her away.

Does he live Img_0811

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Does he live Empty Wed May 01, 2024 8:53 pm



After announcing his presence the women had begun to approach him and as she drew closer the more of her he was able to properly make out. Her hands was black, like the midnight sky while her skin was brown. " Odd. It's like that spirit thing, I ran into weeks ago. He thought to himself as he continue to observe the women as he continue wrapping his hands. " I would LOVE if you would be able point me in the direction of the nearest city then." He would respond as her eyes was a mismatch of golden yellow and a deep blue sorta like gems.

He begun to think how to address her question as to where he took the wrong step, because in his mind. It was when he decided to go train in the forest only to get lost. " Well it's a long story. I came into the woods to train and better myself. I had a near death experience with some thing. I ran into bandits. Fought bandits. Ran from the bandit reinforcement. A thief stole my supplies. I think something has been tracking me a pass few days but I've manage to avoid it so far... I hope. Then I got angry and punch a tree a few times. OH, nearly froze to death a couple of times too. " He would say giving a brief run down on the wrong steps that he has taken, as he would look her up and down and ask his own questions.

" Aren't you cold since you're wearing a dress with no shoes? What's wrong with your hands? Why are you alone in these woods? Oh, what's your name? I guess I should give you mine first. I'm Ixedde. I-X-E-D-D-E. The most important question is, do you have any meat. I've been living off of berries the the occasional plant that doesn't turn out to be poisonous but I've been able to catch any wildlife at the moment. It's seem the one's in the area ran off scared of some type of predator in the area. " He would say as he begun to look around to see if their was any birds flying around.


Does he live Skmb-full-22467690
Color for Speech=#ffd966   Color for thoughts=#f06261

Does he live Empty Sun May 05, 2024 12:40 am


" Fast talker lad, so many things to answer. I'm not cold, I hail from lands more frigid than this. This is hardly to me liking." She walks back to the spot where she was bending over to pick up something wrapped in a cloth. " I have this if ye'd like it." She handed over a sandwich with roast beef, cheese, and tomato. Lumikki brought it over as a treat to enjoy in her leisure, but seeing how pitiful Ixedde was inspired her to do otherwise.

" Bandits are common in the Woodsea though they're usually found north from here. No surprise ye've had a run in but I'm, bewildered as to why yer still roaming these woods. There are many villages around here ye know, I'm sure one of 'em would take pity on ya. Hel, there's another to the south, maybe five miles from here." Lumikki took another seat back down and grabbed her harp. Plucking random strings before playing another little tune.

Does he live Img_0811

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Does he live Empty Sun May 05, 2024 8:42 pm



He listened intently as she answered his questions as he continue to smile and nod but the moment her back was turn he squinted his eyes. " She avoided my questions about her hands, why she's alone, and her name? She even approach me. a dirty and bloody man in the woods. That means she doesn't see me as a threat and that she's hiding something. " He thought to himself as she bent over to pick something up from the cloth.

His face would return to normal as she begun to turn around as she mention that bandits are common in woodsea and that their plenty of villages around. He had made no move to take the sandwich from her as he spoke himself.
" I've must have missed them then. So I have to ask..." He would say pausing for a brief second. " " Do you think I'm stupid? The blacken hands was a big give away but you wasn't the least bit scared of me. That tells me you don't see me as a threat. So what is it you want?"


Does he live Skmb-full-22467690
Color for Speech=#ffd966   Color for thoughts=#f06261

Does he live Empty Sun May 19, 2024 2:26 am


" Ya speak as if I came to ye first, but it was ya who stumbled to me. So yes, I think yer stupid to not be able to find yer way around alone. I'll leave ye to it then." She spoke with waning patience, retreating to the spot where he found her, Lumikki unwrapped her sandwich and took a bite. No longer looking at the messy man or paying him any mind.

Instead, she'd dip her legs into the water and enjoy the sensation. Humming in between her bites while seeing to it that the meal would be done. Leaving nothing else for him to eat when she took the last bite. If he stayed or left, she no longer cared and after rinsing off her hands, Lumi would return to her harp. Plucking her strings in sporadic ways until she settled on a melody she liked and began weaving together a new song.

Does he live Img_0811

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