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Unholy cleansing (pest control).

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Unholy cleansing (pest control).                                                    Empty Mon Jan 01, 2024 8:08 pm


Lumikki sat at the highest point of some church planted in the city of Orchidia. Plucking the strings of her harp in an harrowing melody. It was a Sunday afternoon, and so the people of worship were held within their temples walls. Moaning and drudging on about their saviors and guardians. Things the Demoness cared little for. But the mention of Yuurei and how he ushers the divine will made her sick to her stomach. So she figured she could get away with some fun.

Her ravens were all perched atop the towers around her. Croaking as they waited for what was to come. The endless blue of the sky was cluttered with speckles of clouds slowly inching to the horizon. One would say this day was a lovely and peaceful day. That was before Lumikki got word of what she wanted to hear.

As a harpy flew up to greet her, the Demoness would smirk.


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Unholy cleansing (pest control).                                                    Empty Tue Jan 02, 2024 1:09 am


” The smoke bombs you gave me to place in the vents and crevices are just as you wanted. The fools down below hardly noticed me moving about. So lost in their chimes and sermons that they overlooked me entirely.” Tenevi, her harpy, was hidden away in her cloak as she wandered the grounds placing the bombs. It now flapped in the wind along with her wings as she hovered in the sky, reporting to her Demoness of the task completed. A malicious smirk would be apparent on her face, her usual closed eyes were open and shining with the lights of the aurora lights. She was enjoying the prospect of their plans.

The smoke bombs weren’t placed to be lethal but to be disruptive. And it wasn’t with the intention of bothering the church goers, but to rustle the colonies below. She was tasked today to draw out the vermin. Work that she very much didn’t care for but it was a fabulous feast for her birds, becoming her main incentive to take on the job at all.


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Unholy cleansing (pest control).                                                    Empty Tue Jan 02, 2024 1:29 am


All her hungry ravens perched in their places. Waiting patiently until the feast was among them. All were privy on the plan, some even assisting in leading the harpy to optimal locations. The hope would be drive them all out and have a laugh doing it. And soon the festivities would give way.

Lumikki took a moment longer to enjoy the strumming of her harp, playing the languished melody Orpheus did at the apex of his misery. A song worthy of the namesake of her instrument, it echoed the chilling notes through out the air louder before. It was even beginning to cut into the gathering below. Drowning out the words of their priest ever so insistently. It made the goers stop to listen, looking about for the source of the horrendous music playing amid their praise and worship. Their mutterings would drown the rest of the man at the pews words, causing him to give up his point and finally address the commotion. His face was getting redder by the moment as he was insistent on their attention. But his nerves would reach their peak and he too would chime into his confusion on the melody.

It was as it if brought madness with it, and as it droned on, the energy of the people were escaping them.


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Unholy cleansing (pest control).                                                    Empty Tue Jan 02, 2024 11:05 am


Lumikki let her song end on a crescendo as she uttered the magical words to detonate the smoke bombs. One after the other, they would burst. Sending forth black smoke, it rushed through all the space accessible. Like a ravenous beast hungry for light and all the mice tucked away in the cracks and corners. They little creatures with smaller lungs would scurry like their lives depended on it, which it both did and did not.

Many would flee to the open world above ground, running from the scare in the moment only be to snatched up quickly by hungry ravens who were ever vigilant. But to Lumikki’s amusement, and the reason of her interests and planing, many would surface from within the church walls. Running across people’s feet and climbing on top of them as they tried to escape. This brought the goers in a frenzy. Many screeching as they tried to heave the rodents off. The rats would cling on in dismay. Their claws and teeth clutching on the church attendants clothes until they were finally flung off.


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Unholy cleansing (pest control).                                                    Empty Tue Jan 02, 2024 11:50 am


The priest was dumbfounded at the scene unfolding before him. Wisps of smoke rose from the ground and through the cracks in the wall. While rats were swarming his donors and tearing into their clothes. “ Quick, burn all the incense we have!” He bellowed to the choir boys, hoping they could heed his instruction. Their stage gave them a small window of leeway as the rats flooded the isles, but soon they too would be submerged in the infestation.

The priest, snatching a candle holder with a long base, would take the object and begin sweeping at the rats. An attempt to hold them off while the boys worked on their task. Though it was futile, it was the small bit of control he was afforded. Meanwhile the boys were stuffing the burner with frankincense and trying to light it. It took a few tries to get it to burn, they over did themselves in prepping the vessel. It would hardly close, but the burning smoke would ward the rats as they were already trying to flee the smoke from below.


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Unholy cleansing (pest control).                                                    Empty Tue Jan 02, 2024 1:11 pm


Meanwhile from above, Lumikki threw her head back before letting out a guttural screech. The pitch and ferocity bled out the rest of the sense the people had remaining. Whatever thoughts they were trying to form to relieve them of their problem, slipped from the heads. But now the rats scrambled to leave the chapel, hoping to find a new place to hide. Their instincts driving them crazy from the rush of danger.

More and more of them trickled out from the doorways and windows. Pouring onto the streets outside while Lumikki’s ravens swooped in to claim their meals. Her magic was wafting from just above the ground. Chilling the rodents do that they would slow down exceedingly. Forcing them to become prime pickings with no means to get far away from the grotesque flock residing above.

The skies were beginning to blacken from the movement of all her ravens at once clamoring down in their glide to feast on the rats. Who ever among the people in the temple were able to regains their senses, would try to run out the door themselves, only to be stopped in place by the fear of getting caught within the birds too. Ravens still being seen as omens, even in places like this, were not well looked upon. But this only made the fear on their faces taste sweeter to the Demoness.


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Unholy cleansing (pest control).                                                    Empty Tue Jan 02, 2024 4:39 pm


" Cleaning out the rats if ye don't mind father. Look how many scurry! Can ye believe they all hid within yer walls? But worry not, I'm here now and I appreciate the opportunity in the assistance of ridding 'em. Ye could thank me later if ye like, but I know....yer like is rare to spread praise. Don't worry of it....think of it like an act of kindness on me part." Lumikki's voice came out honied and smooth. Every word poured with dramatic empathy and kindness. But the goers could hardly register her presence, or even acknowledge it. They were still recovering from their panic.

The priest who was hollowed from being submerged by rodents, looked over to the Demoness with a dimly lit gaze. You could almost see the fire stoke within his eyes, a passion was taking over as his face scrunched in disgust. And his wits would refine as they returned in a moment, his anger would boil and settle on the eye sore before him. " You!......So you took it upon yourself to assist us, is that what you claim? Why would a Demon pay us such kindness, of course, I'm sure you came to spread your filth. I am sure these rats were yours too." He spoke with such contempt and vindictiveness.

It would offend her if she didn't find it so amusing. She didn't pay it more mind than needed, much like he didn't care for any kindness she could offer. She would always be an abomination in his eyes.

The priest had never actually met Lumikki before, he never even laid eyes on her before. It was her reputation that garnered her. She was becoming a commonplace character around the city, and so Lumi was becoming recognizable. Even to one with his nose so buried in his book and hands outstretched for donations.

" Why are you here witch?!"

" Isn't it clear father? I thought I made it obvious. Should I make a note in that book of yers so ye could understand me? I mean, I'm not speaking Icebergish here. Aren't I?" A cheeky grin would show on her face.

1600_20%wcr due to ring

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