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allow me to set you free. (nq)

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allow me to set you free. (nq) Empty Sat Jun 01, 2024 2:39 pm

The poor girl had never done an honest day's work before. The spoiled, pompous princess born to a noble family always had somebody to take care of her, and even in the aftermath of her curse, she found her wily charms to be more than sufficient in obtaining the aid of such eager thralls. This day would differ, however. A rather remarkable display of independence for the dainty diva. She had to make a living on her own somehow. Desdemona Lafayette did not possess any semblance of pride, stripped away when her will became shackled to virtue all those years ago, but even she would not slither so low as to take advantage of her Mother's kindness. A twinge of guilt, that always resonates pleasantly in her cold, ailing heart. She did not crave this "reward." This lovely feeling pulsing as if to goad her into continuing to do what is "right."

It makes her wanna vomit, spill her guts, and gouge her eyes out. Mona is being dramatic of course. She doesn't despise being nice and helping people when it suits her whims, but it's the positive reinforcement inherent in those good acts that drives her up a wall. Mona doesn't want to simply obey. She wants to indulge in all the hedonistic pleasures of the world, and partake in the darker inclinations that come with being a creature of the night, and yet; she cannot. Instead, the daemon is standing at the doors of a holy church, the pitter-patter of clacking heels as she taps away on sturdy ground. A wry smirk, mangles her pristine complexion, a flash of bold magenta. At least she could revel in the perversion of this sacrilege.



allow me to set you free. (nq) Empty Sat Jun 01, 2024 3:42 pm

Fingernails caress the frame of the door, an amusing little scenario whirling around as she tempted the gods' wrath. "I wonder, I wonder~" A hushed purr, cracking into an ear-splitting cackle. Distracted in her own musings as she might be; there was still a job to be done. She'd huff, arms outstretched to pry the doors open, a hallowed sanctuary, empty of any living souls. Her obscura burns bright, all too eager to step foot in a place that she should never be allowed. A skip and twirl, arms squeezing at her chest as an icy chill trails along her spine and, an elated giggle teetering on the edge of lunacy. It seems she was permitted in these godly corridors after all.

A hand brushes every passing pew, frolicking with a renewed vivacity in her step, echoing a hum along with the fluttery notes of her heels. The procession at hand would not take place here. No, the quest had nothing to do with the lack of living souls, but rather the infestation of the dead that lurk in the catacombs. What a dreadful business. She'd cease her dallying and proceed to the stairs leading to the haunted crypt, a sigh escaping her lips as the door is unlatched. A guttural groan, wispy and empty as the stagnant air hits the girl's nostrils. "Mm... Great..."



allow me to set you free. (nq) Empty Sat Jun 01, 2024 4:10 pm

Mona shrieks at the first graze of cobwebs in her face, flailing about with a hoarse grunt in annoyance. She dusts herself off and traverses deeper within, the odd sound following in her steps, but completely invisible to the naked eye. She can feel their presence, everywhere and nowhere. "Come out, come out~ Don't be afraid of little old me~ I'm here to help." A gust from the abyss and colder still, envelops the serpent slithering through the catacomb. It's cold. Too cold. A pinprick of icy needles at every window of flesh. "Pretty please~" Her tone dampens and flits, creaking with the pouty tenor of her voice.

Another figure manifests in the mist, a small child, dressed in the cloth of a bygone era. He looked so... sad. Destitute. Impoverished. "Why, hello there, little one. Aren't you just cute as a button!" Mona's words did not need to ring true, the quest must be fulfilled and this is her first real clue. She'd coil ever so slowly towards the tiny apparition, a gentle hum as her arms entwine behind her back. "Say~ You wanna tell the nice, pretty girl why you've decided to not... you know?" The implication was clear and her hands were already clasped to cast a spell in retaliation to an unsatisfactory answer.

"W-well, miss'm... There's been a weird fella comin' round here... He's been waking us and using us for somethin' bad!" His voice was hollow, but the sadness in every crack of his voice was immediately evident. Mona's hands snap forward, clapping in swift flaps as her face contorts into a devilish grin. "You don't say~? Is he perhaps... still lurking in the catacombs, little one?" Her eyes were brimming with ferocious intent, absolute jubilation at a potential kill that would be justified. The sanctity of life and death must surely be upheld; any virtuous soul would agree. The ghost nods, pointing in a direction deeper within.

"Can you show me the way?"


allow me to set you free. (nq) Empty Sat Jun 01, 2024 4:40 pm

Her request was only one out of a sense of politeness for the pitiful child. He would show her exactly where the wannabe necromancer was, or there would be no salvation for him or any of the other specters roaming this dreadful place. Mona would hunch and unstrap her heels, cradling them in her hand. She would need the element of surprise, a swift end to the necromancer before he even knew what happened. She would creep low to the ground, soft, muted paces, quiet like a mouse. But, the girl was not the prey in this scenario. She was the predator. Hunting through the darkness, fangs already bared to sink deadly venom into the perpetrator's veins.

A tongue slips, hisses, and laps along the contours of her lips. Time seemed to slow in the anticipation of the kill, she almost got lost in the inferno swelling in her eyes. The tepidity of her body overheating in the lifeless tomb. Ba-dum. Ba-dum. The boy halts, a hand elevating to point towards a winding bend, a peek upward as if to say that was where the target was. Crimson penetrates the opaqueness of the penumbra, her fist clenching as it taps sideways against her open palm, stifling the cackle she so desperately wants to howl. As Mona rounds the bend, a magic circle manifests in front of her and a snake clad in shadows and dripping ultraviolet blots lunges at the man caught unaware.

He writhed, he begged. He screamed so beautifully. Desdemona would crouch down, head tilted to spectate the macabre scene, gore and mess were strewn about, but just teasing from the periphery of murk. Still, it was enough to satisfy the girl. The presence of the boy had long since vanished, cleansed from this earthly plane in the death of its contractor. and the rest of the infestation was likely to follow. For now, Mona was delighting in greedy decadence, a sin surely, but not one that would attract the ire of her patron demon. No, she certainly did a good deed today. A treat was in order.

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[I really gotta quit going over]

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