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The Mother's Outreach [Missive]

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The Mother's Outreach [Missive] Empty Wed May 22, 2024 4:45 pm


"In my name..."

STR: 1 | SPD: 146 | CON: 251 | END: 251 | INT: 1001 | MANA: 11,650

"Bow before your queen"
- Astrid Venier

She arrived in Oak Town after what felt like a lengthy, exhaustive trip. Perhaps it was just that; a lengthy trip, the heat and humidity of late spring now proving to be an outright detriment to the idea of lengthy travels like this. Perhaps it was simply just the detours taken, her brief venture to Era neither being one that was first anticipated before she had set out from Oak Town, nor even one that she would have imagined when first arriving in Orchidia.

But it had proven fruitful.

The remnants of the Witch Hunter records within her possession, it seemed that her little project was going along smoothly. With sufficient time devoted towards picking them apart, piece by piece, as well as the observant eye of her personal Aide Sia, Astrid had great confidence of there being more far more answers to the questions that had lingered. Though, that would be answers and questions that would be addressed in the coming days, once all was properly investigated. For Astrid, sadly, there were still plenty of obligations that she was due within Oak Town. Much of it was the backlog left over from Iblis, some documentation and matters that he had either begun or never much touched, some of which merely a matter of her acquiring an update towards.

In totality, it was not an overwhelming matter, though certainly a collection that within her mind was secondary to that of the potential information stored within the records retrieved from Oak Town. It gave all of it a sort of futility, a sense that her involvement within it did not seem to much matter.

At least until she came upon an envelop addressed to Iblis; still sealed, as if the former Phantom Lord Guild Master had either forgotten about or had yet to properly receive. Either way, she ran her finger across the seal, nail severing the inked stamp and ripping through the paper casing in a single fell swoop. As her eyes scanned the parchment included, her eyes could not help but read it all again, intrigue increasing with subsequent readthrough.

Wasting little time, preferring to address the matter while the fire was hot and her focus not yet divided between existing obligations, she began as the ink made sharp, yet precise contact, ink cascading upon the page with sheer refinement.

Missive to 'Almost-Queen':

She leaned back in the chair, looking upon the piece of parchment, her own addressing, the title she chose to herself. Mother. It was almost ironic, the adoption of a name like that given her own familial history. Nevertheless, no point in exchanging greater pleasantries without a proper face to face after all. Her eyes lingered on it for a moment more before the words escaped her lips, echoing through the Guild Hall, "Sia!"

Only moments later approached the young woman, the assistant whom had arrived prior to Astrid, having spent time familiarizing herself with their headquarters and the Phantom Lord guild as a whole. Though she did not say, Astrid suspected she was involved in the unloading of the carriage, "I have a new task for you. See to that this be delivered with utmost haste," she rose from the chair, in a single motion reaching for the letter and coolly placing it within the hands of Sia. She watched as the young woman looked down upon it, the addressed party undoubtedly drawing a confused look upon her face. "Ask one of the members. I would imagine that they're familiar with who sent this."

With a nod, Sia departed, Astrid nodding slightly in approval before looking begrudgingly upon her desk again. Yes, the missive sent was an interesting development, and who knows of the potential benefit that she stood to gain. Yet, for as valuable as that may have been, certainly much else of what Iblis had left for her would be far from thrilling.

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