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A Little Birdie

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A Little Birdie Empty Mon May 13, 2024 7:12 am


It had only been a few days since a raven from Iceberg showed up at Lumikki Hrútr’s office window. What more was that it was one of her mother's personal birds. Despite Lumikki's ability to understand them clearly, her mother would still act upon the habit of sending written letters. This didn't bother the Demoness as it maintained the message and oftentimes it let her hold onto the notes far for longer than word would afford her. Yet this particular letter was quite troubling to read.

My Dear little Raven,

I have been speaking with the clan as of late and it sounds troubling. Something nasty might be brewing and I just wanted to see you. Þorfredr will remain here until you come so please do not take long. I know you are busy, but this seems important.

Love Viola Omena

With a groan of frustration aimed toward the work left for the guild, Lumikki turned over to Unnr, the raven who brought her the note. " Would ye shine some light on this, Mum was quite vague and it's made me worried." As she spoke, Lumikki pulled out a pouch from the top drawer of her desk. Opening the bag revealed an assortment of nuts, which she poured into a bowl and pushed to her guest. As Lumikki poured some water from a jug kept nearby into another dish, Unnr would answer her inquiry." Lady Revna, from what I understand there might be malicious spirits roaming the lands of Iceberg. It's been putting the people at disease. Viola is just one of them. And thank you, my lady," The bird would not waste more time enjoying his meal, the travel here left him tired and hungry; but Lumikki was always one to take good care of her flock and in return gained their strong loyalty and devotion.

Lumikki would let the raven eat in peace as she looked over the note a second time. The little bit of context given was indeed worth calling out to her, but the desperate need to have her presence still worried her. Lumikki rested her elbow on her desk and proper her head atop her hand. Mulling over all the matters that needed yet to be done. It had not been long since she was appointed the position of Guild Master and with the absence of the prior, work had piled up to troubling degrees. Most of the papers and matters were sorted, it had been her focus for most of the time since. She simply had to make peace with putting a few major matters on hold, but she could find a means to keep things progressing as she was gone.

Lumikki extended her free hand, drawing a circle in the air with a ringed finger. From her gesture sprouted a portal and from the void, she'd grab for a key. With a simple turn of the item, a man could spring into existence, it was one of Lumikki's many servants tied to the magic of the key in hand. The man was tall and pale with raven-colored hair. Much of his locks were down but a few had been tied up in tight braids so that his hair wouldn't bother his face. His clothes were of cloth and leather, reminiscent of Icebergan dress. With a curt bow, he'd begin to address her." You called, my lady?"

" Aye Alvis, I did. I have a few matters to train ye in so ye could manage something while I'm gone. I want ye to handle the remaining paperwork while I am away."

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It would take a few days to sort the work and train her servant, but Alvis was both smart and responsible. He took to the work as quickly as she showed him and sought to it that all the matters would be done as she wanted. With that resolved, Lumikki would finally set out to leave. Taking her leviat, Asger as she travels to distant lands. Her large serpent capable of flight saved her the hassle of tiring out amid the journey and her companion, a harpy named Tenevi would join on the adventure as well.

The trip did not take the small group long. Lumikki would release Asger to roam the skies in her absence as she passed through the gates of her city Fjallgard. She and Tenevi would walk the roads that lead to her family home, noting all the changes that transpired since their last visit. It kept her mind calm from the rising anxiety as she worried about what summoned her here.

But sure enough, the pair would arrive at the door, and with the key in hand, Lumikki would let them in." I've returned Mum!" Lumikki called out. Ever since she neared her city, she kept to human form. Her skin was brown save for her arms stained back, periwinkle-colored hair tied back in braids, and miss-matched eyes of sapphire and citrine.

" Ye sure took yer time lass!" Her mother called back," We're in the kitchen, come grab some lunch." For all her dread, she'd rush into the kitchen as Lumikki always missed her mother's cooking. The smell was dreamy to the hungry Demoness, and she'd eagerly dash to the table. Viola was out of her seat, up by the stove preparing Lumikki and Tenevi a plate. While Þorfredr was still eating, only halfway done with his meal.
Viola Omena:

" It's been a while lass, but my have ye grown." He rose to give her a hug and Lumikki would happily return it. She hadn't seen her cousin in ages, maybe since they were kids. But as it was a tradition for those of the Omena clan to constantly travel Iceberg, there weren't many chances to see him. Viola and her mother used to travel the lands as well, but when Lumikki was born and her father left, Nerice, Lumikki's Nan, thought it better to stay. Hoping that doing so would grant her mother stability. In time that decision paid off in full, as that was how Viola found Lumikki's new dad. A dwarf of the Hrútr clan, head of the family. He took appreciation to Viola's passionate and fiery spirit and grew to love Lumikki as well, accepting them both as his own.

" Sure have, wouldn't it be weird if I didn't," She laughed at the absurdity and took a seat, Tenevi joined her." I heard you're a Guild Master now. Is that true?" Þorfredr wasted no time in alleviating his curiosities, this was hardly a surprise as it was all their nature. The Omena were a clan of raven demi-humans, and it would be because of their curious nature that garnered them high regard. As during the times when the cities had not yet been created and the warring tribes always found conflict. The Omena, blessed with relics to turn into ravens, would scout the lands, pass along messages, hold onto stories, and help promote alliances. Because of this, they have held a high standing in Iceberg, but it would also be this reason that they often stay on the move. Besides their affinity as ravens and bird bearers, they held master over magics with frost. Claiming their origin to be Aurilandür or Niflheim as most would know it; and were often seen in likeness to Odin, a god who values knowledge and wit as well as harbors ravens of his own.

" Aye, of Paradise Dawn." Lumikki remarks, Viola just then placing a plate before her and Tenevi. " Thank you lady Omena," voiced Tenevi in appreciation. Lumikki's mother was one of the few she held any sincerity for as she often disliked all people besides Lumikki." No problem lass, now eat up. There is much to discuss but I'd rather ya two were settled before we do." Without delay, all at the table would dine, finishing their meals before retreating to the living room to continue their discussion.

" So why have ye found need to call me?" Lumikki would begin the conversation while adjusting herself on the couch. Her mother took the other end and Þorfredr sat in a chair just off to the side. A fresh pot of tea was placed on the table and they'd partake as they spoke.

" Þorfredr and a few others were telling me about the spirits roaming in the lands just east of here. Somewhere by the Oddr mountains. But that's not the only thing bothering me." There was a nervous expression on her face, but it did not dull her fire. " Spirits is just what we call them for now, but if ye ask me, they're something else. The elders can't make heads or tails of it either but there's something sinister brewing. Some of us conclude that they could actually be Draugr and if that's the case it'll be a major problem. Besides the solution, the High Jarl is planning to combat them." Where Viola appeared nervous, Þorfredr appeared grim.

" Okay? Spill it Þorfredr, what's he planning?" Lumikki couldn't ignore the knot growing in her stomach as they discussed this, so she preferred to not drag it out longer than needed. Þorfredr would realize this and comply, his voice low but a little agitated, " We heard he's been importing things from some place called Talaz Lagaar. Word has it that the relics he's collecting should help his men combat the Draugr, but we can't be sure. We don't know what those are." The dread in her stomach would churn painfully as her blood almost came to a boil. She could barely hold back the chill of her cold aura as she mustered the patience to respond without yelling.

" Talaz Lagaar?! Does that fool know what he's doing? Does he know what that could do to our people?!" With a deep breath, she tried to steady her temper. Minding her breathing as the other two gave her a moment to recover." Lumikki....Do ye know what Talaz Lagaar means?" Coaxed Viola, she could not hold her curiosity any longer, especially with the reaction and aversion her daughter displayed to her.

" I sure do Mum, is some island off to the east with technolo--relics that are too dangerous to consider using. Those things should have never been taken from those weak-ridden islands. But since they are here, I'll be sure to destroy them all meself..... The anger that swelled within her was enough to rise her from her seat and begin heading for the door. " Where are ye going," asked Þorfredr in confusion. He didn't think this news warranted any action at the moment, but Lumikki figured there was no time to waste.

Without looking back Lumikki would answer," Since I can't meet with the High Jarl just yet, I mean to bother the Jarl of Fjallgard instead. I need answers and I'm sure he'd be the one to know." Lumikki left through the door followed by Tenevi right behind her.

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More flashy than all the other Jarls including the High but not any less of a warrior. Vidar Ovesen is the Jarl to the Fjallgard city. The second biggest city after Eyrrstad. It is also known as the Dwarven City as it sits atop a mountain that many Draven clans consider their home. And with their presence, there is much trade with the human residents. This is what allows Vidar to have the flashy armor, ornaments, and weapons that he does; and he is well beloved by all the people he looks after.
Vidar Ovesen:
Just as his city is second to only Eyrrstad, Vidar is second only to Gunvor Sverresson the High Jarl. The man has also seen his share of battles and lost but despite his age, he has never been stronger. And it would be him and his amicable relationship with the Dwarves that provided a bulk of the export materials that Iceberg is known for; because of this and the weight of his warrior prowess, he and Gunvor are in constant communication.

All those who live among the Dwarves are not spared from their hearty influence. Vidar is appreciative of good work and great skill, often inspiring that pursuit in others. He has an eye for ore like he has an eye for great armor. Often chatting with the Dwarven fold on their opinions and ideas over long drinks of ale and hardy dinners. And he would set out to enforce such quality and grasp of the fundamentals on the humans above. Hoping to instill in them the appreciation for taking time with your task and creating something worth showing. Of course, even so, not all the work made would be complimented by the Dwarves.

A man of this stature would not always be easy to demand a meeting from but Lumikki was hoping to levy her status and standing as both Guild Master and heir of the Hrútr to force his hand. And as she stomped her way through Fjallgard toward his fortress, Lumikki wouldn't notice the presence of another lurking behind her. Nor that the stranger had stalked her home until she had arrived. Tenevi more privy to noticing, would glance their way from time to time, but the stranger would just as often dip away out of sight for long periods of the walk.

Upon arrival, Lumikki would strut toward the guards with hardly any restraint. Though she was pretty well known in these parts since she was a child, the reverence only grew as she left to join Paradise Dawn. An introduction wasn't needed, but as a form of pleasantry, she entertained it still. With a sweet and calm voice, Lumikki would begin, " Lumikki Hrútr, Guild Master of Paradise Dawn. I request a meeting with Vidar Ovesen the Jarl of Fjallgard as soon as he can take me within this day." The guards were speechless, her sudden appearance followed by a stern demand to meet with the Jarl took them off guard. It would take them a moment to think things over but finally, the one on the left would respond. " Aaah yes lady Hrútr, we weren't expecting you. The Jarl is in a meeting already but it should end within half an hour if you don't mind the wait. Someone could direct you to a seating room inside so you can pass the time there."

Lumikki was relieved that she'd be able to meet with him within the hour, and so her pleasantries became less forced. " Aye, I could accept that fine." The guard on the right called over another from within and he'd escort her to the place to sit, and with her anxiety, she wasn't able to distract herself with books or Tenevi's company.

Finally, the time came when the previous meeting concluded, just before the other guests cleared the room, someone came to escort her. As she entered, she found Vidar still sitting in his seat. " Greetings lady Hrútr, what do I owe this honor?" His arm gestured to one of the seats beside him and Lumikki sat down before continuing the conversation." Greetings Jarl, I came to voice me grievances." For the moment she remained vague, wanting to let the conversation breathe and gain his acquaintance before hammering her wants and demands.

" Is that so my lady, but you never had any before? And how is your father doing? It has been some time since I've got to see him." Vidar did well to ease the conversation himself, as evidenced by his talent as a leader. Lumikki found peace in this and entertained his tangent as she got used to his presence. " Pa is doing quite well, immersed in his work per usual, but anything otherwise would be unlike him."

" That's good to hear, he'd nod as he spoke," And I'd assume your mother is doing well? I heard she got to join one of the Hrútr celebrations just recently, I'm sure she was ecstatic. I myself have only witnessed one in my lifetime and I'm not sure I'd get to witness another." The Hrútr family celebration in which all clans were invited to return to Fjallgard and meet, was only held once every fifty years, as such it was not in the realm for most humans to see more than once in their lifetime. Her mother got to see the first just recently, which was a blessing as she was still young and full of vitality.

" Aye, and ye should have seen how happy and beautiful she was!" Lumikki smiled as she recanted the memory. It eased her mood more than she'd like, and so she set to point the conversation back in the direction she wanted." Me family hold ye in high regard. Yer almost like a friend to the family, if father bothered to relate more with humans than he manages at home. We have no complaints to bring ye, well...ye that is. I've heard word of an issue cultivating by the Oddr, and what more I've been told what the High Jarl plans to resolve it...." She'd pause there before pressing on so that Vidar had time to let it sink. The surprise would show on his features but they soon washed over with understanding, besides being a Dwarven daughter, she was also a member of the Omena. It was because of that and her reputation with ravens in her service that Vidar would piece it together. " Consider me impressed Lady Hrútr, I did not think you'd catch wind of that so soon. Especially with its sensitive nature. But it seems your reputation truly precedes you. Tell me what is the matter you visited me for."

Lumikki made a circle with her ringed finger, creating a portal to her things so she could pull a few papers and reports out. Stacking them all on top of one after the other. By the time she was done, the pile was the thickness of her thumb. " Jarl, me problem lies in the plan to implement technology from Talaz Lagar. He doesn't understand just how dangerous it is, or how much it hurts the people that created it....There was a conflict there that me and me guild joined to fight against. The technology leaving the island was one of the things we opposed. So I will not allow me land to plunge into the chaos akin to theirs." Lumikki pushed her pile of papers over so that Vidar could look them over himself. Granted it was a lot to skim over all at once, so he would only glance at a few pages to digest and confirm her point. All the while his face was reflecting his confusion and horror and what the reports would tell.

" In me disdain and boredom from working along the Loyalists to quell this war, I took it upon meself to catalog some of the events, suffering, and dangers of their relics. I figured it could aid me in bringing someone to an understanding as to why I stuck with the side that I did, but I never would have thought it'd prove its use like this. I refuse to allow the recklessness of that blasted island to wound me people. But I understand his desperation to resolve the matter. All I request is time to look for another solution, and a meeting with him when I do...."

It took a long moment for Vidar to speak, there was a lot for him to process. Admittedly he was not fond of the new contraptions, or what he'd heard about how they'd need to be installed in people; but without any other solutions, he figured it to be the only answer. He just didn't think he'd be so winded by a random guest over a matter he assumed no one knew." Aaah, yes lady Hrútr, this is....a lot to think over indeed....I am not sure I can promise you the meeting but you've given me much to think about. I think I'll send word to all the other Jarls and see if we can assemble to review these reports. By then, you should find a passage to join us. Of course....you don't have time to waste. The more time passes, the less I can entertain your solution..."

Lumikki sighed, as she knew what she promised." I just appreciate ye hearing me out...and I will take what help I can get." Lumikki rose from her seat in preparation for leaving," When I'm ready to meet with ye and the other Jarls, I'll send word by raven."

" As expected of the Raven Queen," Vidar jested to lighten the mood at the moment."gọ̄der hēle, gọ̄der-hēle," he'd say as he wished her luck. Lumikki would nod before passing through the doorway. Someone stood outside already prepared to lead her out.

" He took that...well." Tenevi would voice, she did not have much to contribute to this conflict but she wanted to comfort her master all the same. " He did, but all those notes I collected helped sway his judgment. Something told me if I came empty-handed, he'd just push me away. At least now that he's aware of the dangers, he could discuss it with all the Jarls before I return." The pair were leaving the fortress now, and walking down the steps." That's the thing lady Revna. Return from where?" Even if Tenevi didn't voice it, the pair were thinking about it. Too much so to entirely ignore.

And as they wandered the street in the direction of her home, Lumikki would mull it over; but nothing came to mind. That was until a woman stepped in their way blocking their path. She had long and messy blond hair that was somewhat braided, pale blue eyes that betrayed her fire, and what was the most noticeable feature, a tattoo akin to diamond shapes marking her forehead. She dressed warm with leathers and furs and in her hand was a pouch and rune.
A Stranger:

" If you are the raven of my runes, then I can foresee you're on a quest. May I insist on finding the three sisters to the east within Udgard Wilds? Though the journey through the woods could be treacherous, I'd bid you to tread carefully as you can only meet with them if you walk through the wood..." Before Lumikki could utter a word as the interaction was confusing and intrusive, the woman that spoke broke into a mist. She left just as fast as she came and the Demoness was left dumbfounded. Tenevi too wouldn't have much to say as that was something hard to respond to. And so they would walk home in utter silence.

" How did the meeting go, lass?" Voiced her mother upon their entry. It took Lumikki a moment to answer, as she was still stunned by all the events of the day." He saw me and we spoke....He says he'll have a talk with the other Jarls and buy me a lil time. So I shall be off at Dawn as there is a location I want to investigate first." Lumikki wouldn't bring up the apparition as it was it was too suspicious, but she could not ignore the only lead she had.

" If that's the case me lil raven, I want ye to take this." Viola held up a white cloak with pale embroidered runes and snowflakes and handed it to Lumikki." I made this for ye as I knew ya were coming. I'd like ya to wear it as ye handled this all. Just a lil something to keep ye safe." She looked more worried than she was before, and Lumikki didn't want to stress her further. As she took the cloak, all she could do was give her mother a hug." Thank you..." she uttered in a voice so soft.

A Little Birdie Img_0811

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