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Chasing Dragons & Whirlwinds: You Can Only Know Hell Once You’ve Seen It [SL- Q1]

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Chasing Dragons & Whirlwinds: You Can Only Know Hell Once You’ve Seen It [SL- Q1] Empty Wed May 15, 2024 8:06 am


With each passing visit to Luluhawa, Tōga found himself losing count of the numerous times he had set foot on the island's shores. This time, however, he had forgone his usual means of transportation, opting instead to embark on a ferry from a distant land. The decision to take a more leisurely approach to his journey was driven by the unsettling rumors that had reached his ears, compelling the Rune Knight to return to an island he had grown so fond of over the months. While the temptation to simply bask in the sun's warm embrace and sink into the soft sands of the beach was strong, Tōga knew he had a duty to uncover the truth behind the whispers that had brought him here. More importantly, he hungered for a piece of information that had eluded him for years, a quest that had consumed his thoughts and driven his actions.

At least, that had been his plan before he set foot on the ferry.

"Arghhh! My stomach! My eyes! Everything's spinning, Ooowwoww!" Tōga moaned, his body sprawled across the damp, wooden floor as he rocked back and forth in agony. Despite his recent promotion to the rank of colonel and his tireless efforts to push the boundaries of his dragon slayer magic, Tōga remained a student and child of a dragon, and with that heritage came the ever-present specter of motion sickness. His stomach churned violently, twisting and tightening with each sway of the small ship as it navigated the vast expanse of the ocean. Tōga's cheeks took on a sickly green hue, while his forehead glistened with a sheen of purplish sweat, a testament to the sickness that had taken hold of him, attacking the very core of his being.


Chasing Dragons & Whirlwinds: You Can Only Know Hell Once You’ve Seen It [SL- Q1] Empty Wed May 15, 2024 8:06 am

"Awww! H-how much longer?" Tōga cried out, his words strained as he fought against the overwhelming urge to empty the contents of his stomach onto the ferry's deck. It was only through sheer force of will that he managed to keep himself from succumbing to the nausea that threatened to consume him. Fortunately, Tōga had become a familiar face on this ferry, having traveled the same route countless times before acquiring his birdsman's cape. The captain, well aware of Tōga's heroic deeds as a Rune Knight and mage, had grown quite fond of the young man, and the two had forged a close bond over the course of their many encounters. In recognition of their friendship and Tōga's noble work, the captain always extended a discounted fare to the dragon slayer and ensured that all the necessary equipment was on hand to help him weather the stronger urges to paint the ferry's deck with the remnants of his previous night's indulgences.

As the ferry glided across the vast expanse of the ocean, the distant island of Luluhawa began to materialize on the horizon, growing larger with each passing moment. The pilot, sensing Tōga's distress, called out in a reassuring tone, "We're nearly there, Master Tōga! Just a little longer, hold fast!" His words, meant to comfort and distract the ailing dragon slayer, seemed to have little effect on Tōga's condition, but they served as a reminder that relief was close at hand.


Chasing Dragons & Whirlwinds: You Can Only Know Hell Once You’ve Seen It [SL- Q1] Empty Wed May 15, 2024 8:07 am

Another grueling hour passed, each minute feeling like an eternity to the motion-sick mage, before the ferry finally began its approach to the island's port. As the small ship slowly maneuvered into position, preparing to dock, Tōga mustered what little strength remained in his weakened, sickness-ravaged body. Panting heavily, beads of sweat glistening on his brow, he sluggishly pulled himself up, determined to make his way towards the exit.

With each unsteady step, Tōga fought against the churning in his stomach, his hands clasped tightly over his mouth as he focused all his energy on containing the nausea that threatened to overwhelm him. As he neared the captain, Tōga managed to choke out a few words, his voice strained and muffled behind his hands, "H-here you go!" With a trembling hand, he passed over a small bag of jewels, the payment for his passage.

The captain, a kindly smile on his face, accepted the bag graciously, his eyes widening in shock as he peered inside. The amount within far exceeded anything he could have anticipated, a testament to Tōga's generosity and appreciation for the captain's unwavering support. The captain, moved by the gesture, sought to return the excess payment, but Tōga had already slipped away, disappearing into the bustling streets of Luluhawa.


Chasing Dragons & Whirlwinds: You Can Only Know Hell Once You’ve Seen It [SL- Q1] Empty Wed May 15, 2024 8:07 am

Driven by a desperate need to regain his composure and find relief from the lingering effects of his motion sickness, Tōga navigated the unfamiliar town, his senses slowly returning to him as he put distance between himself and the ferry that had been his tormentor for the past few hours. With each step, he could feel his strength returning, the color gradually returning to his cheeks as he breathed in the salty sea air and basked in the warmth of the island sun.

As the warm rays of the sun caressed his skin and the gentle sea breeze tousled his vibrant pink locks, Tōga felt the last remnants of his motion sickness fade away, replaced by a renewed sense of purpose and determination. "Alright! Time to get to work!" he exclaimed, his voice ringing out with enthusiasm as he surveyed the bustling streets of Luluhawa. Though he had finally arrived at his destination, the dragon slayer found himself at a loss as to where to begin his search.

Gathering his belongings, Tōga made his way to his usual accommodations, a cozy little inn nestled in the heart of the island town. After settling in and storing his gear, he set out once more, ready to hit the streets and uncover any leads that might point him in the right direction. The people of Luluhawa, he reasoned, would be his best source of information, their local knowledge and gossip a potential goldmine of clues.

As the day wore on, Tōga tirelessly navigated the winding alleys and sun-drenched plazas, engaging with the island's residents and inquiring about the rumors that had brought him here—whispers of a village consumed by flames, its fate shrouded in mystery. At first, his efforts seemed fruitless, each conversation leading to a dead end or a shrug of uncertainty. But just as the sun began to dip below the horizon, painting the sky in a breathtaking array of oranges and pinks, Tōga's persistence was rewarded with a surprising revelation.

Wc: 1078

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