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The Fairy Mother's Personal Challenge. (FPHS – Climbing Cookout/Open)

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The Fairy Mother's Personal Challenge. (FPHS – Climbing Cookout/Open) Empty Sun Feb 11, 2024 4:17 pm

It was about time Judith set up her own verison of the climbing cookout. After all she intended this to be a really hard challenge. So she would prepare and spread the word around to see if anyone would do this her way. It was just for fun because to Judith it was about seeing if you could do it.

To start with doing this with no magic, preparing and cooking with out magic to climb up what they where told too while making sure you did not spill anything or burn anything. Was a lot harder then how most people might do this challenge. So she left it open to everyone and set up the exactly made back pack that would be used by her to function enough to cook the things you might want to cook. She just had to hope people weren't going to be lazy with this and just find something simple enough that could be passively made while climbing. But that was Judith internally wanting to take this to the extreme.

She would be pondering what to cook while she was strapping this werid backpack travelling cooking station on her back. Making sure her shoes where tied up and she was prepared to climb. It was now down too what she would cook, when everyone else was ready and if anyone else showed up for this.


The Fairy Mother's Personal Challenge. (FPHS – Climbing Cookout/Open) Empty Fri Feb 23, 2024 10:00 pm

Lazarus had only been in Fiore for a few weeks, and he can confidently say he was thoroughly enjoying himself. It had been many years since he visited this land of flowers and guilds, and while much had changed, other things have not. Fiore was still wonderfully diverse in all things, from food to people. Hosenka was a perfect example of this, the elegance and regality of Joya wrapped in a little resort town. Marvelous.

Technically Lazarus was here to do some networking with the local yakuza and legal merchants on behalf of his company, but this evening he decided to take some time to himself. In an effort to enjoy Hosenka even more, the vampire left the town to the mountains above, finding a wonderful spot to see the town below in all of it's beauty, particularly the cherry blossom trees. He had already hunted earlier to drain a local boar of it's blood and rid of the body, so all that was left was to sit and relax with a quickly cooling thermos of coffee as he enjoyed the chill and the view. It would soon be interrupted by the approach of footsteps in the snow, causing Lazarus to turn around to check for danger. But he really need not be worried.


The Fairy Mother's Personal Challenge. (FPHS – Climbing Cookout/Open) Empty Wed Feb 28, 2024 5:31 pm


The Fairy Mother's Personal Challenge. (FPHS – Climbing Cookout/Open) Zendre18

Zendreyu showed up for work directly prepared to make sure climbing lines were secure and to hand out cooking materials to those whom might not be prepared. He was well set with climbing gear, hooks, tassels, hammers, pinions, pistons and clips. Zendreyu was over prepared to charge down the mountain to reinforce any climbing points that weren't properly anchored. Havings staged extra gear at the first 3 cliff faces for any competitors Zendreyu stood on the lookout ready to help or give out cooking needs. If the judges hadn't mentioned their love of chicken pasta Zendreyu wouldn't be so well stocked.

Armed with recipes, climbing gear, cooking utensils and the fixings Zendreyu had arrived to make sure this event was safe, and if he could help it delicious. He carried a set of chicken recipes that weren't too terrible for high altitude cooking.
10 boxes rigatoni noodles
10 jars extra virgin olive oil
10 packs of boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into bite size pieces
10 lbs of  white onion, chopped
10 lbs of varying olives, chopped
10 lbs hot or sweet pickled peppers, chopped
10 lbs of garlic cloves, minced
5   lbs of red pepper flakes, optional
4 bottles of dry white wine
6 gallons of tomato sauce
5 lbs Freshly ground black pepper
10 lbs Freshly grated parmesan, plus more for garnish
5 lbs Fresh basil, chopped

Corn, carrots, broccoli, potatoes, dill weed, cilantro, greens, beans, potatoes, tomatoes... all settled in easily accessible pockets on his pants legs and his service backpack.

As Zendreyu staged himself to assist in the event he hums a song from Bellum that was stuck in his head from an old lady that lived near the main city. It was very catchy and motivating.

Humming and working up his internal energy for work. Zendreyu took a look over the edge of the mountain face to see that two people had begun ascending the mountainside. As Zendreyu set up his own climbing gear and anchors memories of his training emerged as he began to rappelling to secure more anchor points to make sure that the climbers were safe.

Zendreyu set up 4 additional ropes along with his personal two for the safety of the two climbers that were already ascending. After making sure the clips were locked on to several anchors he had deeply embedded into the cliffside. With the rappelling ropes special loops set into there locking point. There was thigh length strands of rope set for the heavyweight backpack and materials he was already carrying not to mention his own body mass. Along with the memories pouring out Zendreyu's muscle memory went in synch as he clipped his retaining ropes in.

With the slack in his lines Zendreyu made two special knots for each rope to keep openings in lines for emergency anchor points. With his kneepads and gloves reinforced for proper friction along his safety harnesses. Zendreyu was making sure he carry a lot of weight so he made multiple anchor points and left free ropes coiled at set cliffs that people could sit on and rest.

On his way down Zendreyu made sure to dig out proper feet and hand holds that could be comfortably grabbed and would not crumble if people supported their body weight.

Zendreyu continued down till he reached the base of the mountain side after setting up extra safety points and multiple hand and feet holds so that there are multiple paths to climb the mountain.

WC: 600

Last edited by Zendreyu on Wed Feb 28, 2024 5:33 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : cleared up some grammar/spelling errors)


The Fairy Mother's Personal Challenge. (FPHS – Climbing Cookout/Open) Empty Thu Feb 29, 2024 7:39 am

It seemed that two people had finally arrived for her challenge, Judith seemed delighted. She just had to hope people took the challenge how she intended still, Even if she figured some might not when she was not around but that was another time for another story to hear. This was about challenging yourself to do this just by sheer will and strength, Passing the challenge even if hard, Even coming first or last place, Was never what Judith wanted some one to focus on, Judith wanted people to just do it and do the best they can to learn form it.

But before she said it was time to start, She looked around at who all was here."Is everyone prepared?"Judith made sure for good reason she was not the type to make sure everyone was ready and prepared. As well she looked over to check if anyone else was coming up to join the event.

And after that mention it would be time to go and start the climb, Judith was taking her time to start with. After all the climbing part. She seemed to have taking off her cliff climbing with a casual walk forward towards the climb. But she was casually cutting an onion while she walk forward.


The Fairy Mother's Personal Challenge. (FPHS – Climbing Cookout/Open) Empty Tue Mar 05, 2024 1:57 pm

Well, it looks like his prediction of danger was most likely correct, unless he was sorely misunderstanding the situation. Just walking past him were two individuals, one a woman with white hair and white robes, the other a bald man wearing camo. Both had large bags on their backs, food bulging out of it along with cooking utensils, causing Lazarus to raise his eyebrows. Hikers? Now the man was curious, so he put the cap on his thermos and wandered over. "Hello there," he greets with a friendly smile and a wave. "What brings you both up the mountain this fine day? Are you also here to enjoy the view?" The man questions, giving a vague wave towards Hosenka not far down below.

Then another idea occurs to him, something he heard from one of his contacts. Was there not some sort of event going on with some guilds? "Or are you both with Blue Pegasus or Fairy Tail, off on an adventure? If so, I apologize for interrupting you. I am Lazarus, a merchant," he introduces himself, giving them a short apologetic bow, hand over his heart.

WC: 188


The Fairy Mother's Personal Challenge. (FPHS – Climbing Cookout/Open) Empty Tue Mar 05, 2024 6:39 pm


"Is everyone prepared?" Judith said.

Lazarus raised his eyebrows, as he put the cap on his thermos and wandered over. "Hello there," he greets with a friendly smile and a wave. "What brings you both up the mountain this fine day? Are you also here to enjoy the view? Or are you both with Blue Pegasus or Fairy Tail, off on an adventure? If so, I apologize for interrupting you. I am Lazarus, a merchant," he introduces himself, giving them a short apologetic bow, hand over his heart.

Zendreyu nodded with a responsive accepting smile, "Mr. Lazarus, M'Lady, I am Zendreyu. I was hired as a safety coordinator for special events. I am not a part of any guilds, I am just a veteran working to pay taxes for the family ranch. At your behest M'lady, I will compete with you. I carry a pasta recipe that is easily prepared at high altitudes. If you would rather challenge different recipes I can accommodate you there as well. Mr. Lazarus I carry enough ingredients for a dozen servings. If you would like to participate in this event I have set up 7 separate climbing lines and rest points on each ascension point on the mountain. M'lady I would like to point out that cooking at higher elevations will be harder than the normal cooking. If you would state the conditions to succeed in your challenge I will do my best to reach your standards."

Zendreyu set aside climbing harnesses for Lazarus should he choose to participate.

"M'lady would you like me to check over your climbing gear, and harness? Mr. Lazarus should you choose to participate I can check over your gear and harness or provide them to you and fit them properly."

Zendreyu was thoroughly prepared to do his job and participate in most competitions as long as he was informed of the standards.

WC: 260

Last edited by Zendreyu on Tue Mar 05, 2024 6:43 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : separating wording with bolds, itlaics, and underlining)


The Fairy Mother's Personal Challenge. (FPHS – Climbing Cookout/Open) Empty Thu Mar 07, 2024 4:13 am

These were both fairly different and interesting people ones she was not expecting for such a matter that was going to be happening, in some manner it was in fact a welcoming shift what from Judith expected from the the challenge ahead."This mountain is going to be a part of a wonderful challenge that I have invited everyone to try with me."Judith answered because it was overly a good thing to inform some people who might have missed the starting words about Judith's challenge.

For the question about guilds Judith would answer."Well Good sir.I am Judith the Guild Master of Fairy Tail. I set up this challenge to see who all is ready to try things that might be hard to do...but the entire point was to do your best."Judith mentioned because as it all came to light it seemed like a really hard challenge over all.

But Judith would make that all clear."There are two ways, I would consider the challenge completely. climb the mountain while cooking everything, trying not to spill anything. Or climb the mountain have stopping points to cook and make it to the end. your end goal is simple. Reach the end with a fully prepared dish. with out the use of magic to aid you."Judith was not going to watch them but hopefully the entire idea and spirit of what she wanted people to do would hopefully be there. Just try.

She would even make sure make it clear."My goal will be with out magic, no spilling or dropping anything and having a clean and prepared dish by the end with out magic, But over all i expect one to just try."With that out of the way it seemed herself and one another where preparing to start.

With that offer Judith would actually say yes."A second set of eyes is always good to look over, You we more then welcome too Zendreyu."Since he did state what his name was and she merely forgot in the moment to knowledge it."Then we can either wait for anyone else, Or prepared and start." Judith seemed if anything more then happy to start it was entirely more about when everyone else was ready for Judith seemed already prepared to go. Everyone else seems to have just been setting up when they found her here.


The Fairy Mother's Personal Challenge. (FPHS – Climbing Cookout/Open) Empty Sun Mar 17, 2024 2:24 pm


Zendreyu nodded to Lady Judith and in a very professional manner checked her climbing gear and straps. Zendreyu made sure her climbing rig was snug but comfortable for her repeatedly asking how she was after he adjusted the harness on her back and hips. The footwear Lady Judith had on was okay but Zendreyu offered some climbing spikes that could reinforce her footing if she wanted. Zendreyu then checked her gloves to make sure they wouldn't slip involuntarily or get in her way. Zendreyu then looked over to Lazarus with an expectant eye. Surely this man would participate but Zendreyu would not touch anyone without permission.

"I have some cookware that can be sealed to prevent dirt and rocks from falling into your meal preparations. Would you like to use some or do you want to use your own?"

Zendreyu addressed both Lazarus and Lady Judith to ensure they were ready as it was quite the challenge before them. Although Zendreyu would be participating he was mainly there for safety measures.

"Mr. Lazarus let me know when you are ready or if you want to be checked over."


The Fairy Mother's Personal Challenge. (FPHS – Climbing Cookout/Open) Empty Fri Mar 22, 2024 5:58 am

It seemed everything was working out well side from some one who seemed either not paying attention anymore or still thinking on it. Not that Judith minded. She was making a simple idea extreme for little more then just feeling like she wanted too when she could have just done to reason and dealt with it as it was agreed upon in the end. But she since the spirit lingered on. But with all of the things checked on and suggested the ideal changes Judith seemed okay with it."I had intended to use what I already had, but if you have some to spare I will not refuse."

After all supporting one another was not argued for or against either. What better is a victory when you knew everyone could achieve it equally. Then well it seemed she needed to wait just to in case the third person here was going to join them or not. Believe it or not they could not wait here all day they did need to actually do this challenge. Judith herself would not say anything as it seemed some one else was already doing all of these check overs just as well as Judith herself would have done it.

#10Phoenix Shields 

The Fairy Mother's Personal Challenge. (FPHS – Climbing Cookout/Open) Empty Fri Mar 22, 2024 1:21 pm

Phoenix Shields
'Damn it!'

A young werewolf was rushing toward the mountain region with a backpack and a large blue-and-white wolf by their side. They weren't much for cooking, but the mountain climbing challenge had caught their attention. Phoenix saw it as an opportunity to hone their skills and get some good strength training and cardio in the process. As they drew closer to the small gathering, their nose caught the scent of cooking ingredients. Had they started already?

Thankfully, as Nick arrived, they discovered two men and a woman conversing. Good, it looked like they hadn't started yet. Maybe they were on time after all. Adjusting the backpack on their shoulders, Nick bowed apologetically, sweat on their brow from the jog. "Sorry I'm late! I lost track of time... and missed my train... ah, not that any of that is an excuse or anything." As they spoke frantically, their wolf nudged them with her nose. "Oh! I'm Phoenix... this is my best friend Blue."

Blue slowly wagged her tail, eying the three strangers warily. She wasn't dangerous, but she was a bit shy—much like her friend Nick, who was a bit of an introvert themself. This was way out of their comfort zone, and even though they had packed a few bare cooking essentials, their main goal was to see if they could reach the top at all. It was a long climb, from the looks of it, but they were up for the challenge. A soft whine and bark from Blue confirmed that she was ready as well.

[WC: 252]


The Fairy Mother's Personal Challenge. (FPHS – Climbing Cookout/Open) Empty Fri Apr 12, 2024 12:56 am


ooc: I made a post on April 2nd but it somehow disappeared, odd but okay I will accept being an April Fool yet again.

Zendreyu greeted the newcomer after passing some portions of food to cook to Lady Judith having already made sure her climbing gear was safe and secure. Zendreyu turned to Phoenix Shields in a professional manner and spoke in a clear and concise manner.

"Hello Phoenix, I am Zendreyu and I am both participating in this mountain climbing cooking challenge and working as a safety measure. I have climbing ropes and lines securely placed on the mountain that you may use at your leisure. I also have safety harnesses that can fit your friend blue if you want her to climb with you." Zendreyu approached in a calm and direct manner so as not to anger Blue by seemingly approaching her and her friend in a dominant manner. After arriving within 3 feet of the couple Zendreyu would lay out weather resistant material and set down 3 sets of harnesses specially worked on for four legged companions. Carefully smiling without showing his teeth as his Sinese beast warrior teams had taught him to do while he had been in the military, Zendreyu also set down 2 climbing rigs that he wagered would fit Phoenix as well. "Here are two climbing rigs for you as well Phoenix, please let me know if either of you need assistance placing them on. I also have food and cookware of the portable variety that can be used for the contest. Feel free to request however many portions you would like and whatever cookware I carry is available for your usage as well. Whenever Lady Judith is ready for you both we can start the competition. I am certain that as the source of this challenge she would have something to say to you about the rules and her expectations for this event. After you have conferred with Lady Judith, please let me know if you need any further assistance."

Having presented himself before Blue in a nonthreatening manner Zendreyu took 3 steps back while facing her and then slowly but smartly turned around in a professional manner so as not to trigger any of Blue's instincts that a challenger was toying with her presence.

WC: 380


The Fairy Mother's Personal Challenge. (FPHS – Climbing Cookout/Open) Empty Mon Apr 15, 2024 12:21 pm

In some manner maybe, Judith could consider that her challenge might have been giving people cold feet. Others had showed up Judith in some manner was wanting to actually get going for this challenge. After all it was starting to feel like something was dragging everyone along. Did Judith make it a bit too hard for people with her terms of how it worked? Part of her almost felt like she was.

Then again maybe this showed that in fact the most bravest of determine should take this challenge"I will let you know if I do." In some manner Judith might be stubborn and not say anything. After all if Judith as gild master failed what would that show? Well that it was actually a hard challenge when you break it down to what it was intended for.

But Judith was prepared. Looking around to see if everyone else was prepared. After all it was entirely intended for other people to join her, Going alone was merely not part of the fun of it. But Judith would finish preparing for it and and stretch. When some one else had lined up with Judith she would start the climb effort.



The Fairy Mother's Personal Challenge. (FPHS – Climbing Cookout/Open) Empty Mon Apr 29, 2024 6:15 am


Zendreyu looked around and noticed everyone else had gotten cold feet. It was understandable... mountain climbing was already an extreme challenge and they would now add cooking to it. No matter, Zendreyu decided it was time to step back into the fray as it were.

"Lady Judith, I accept your challenge and will still provide safety, I have a companion named Magnus whom can fly so no matter what happens you will be safe. If you go ahead with a countdown we can start our race and I promise you no matter which of us comes in first you will have a first class meal waiting for you."

If Lady Judith were to look up the mountain she would notice a majestic white lion with wings seemingly napping on one of the cliffs. Zendreyu's companion was quite the looker as a lion.


The Fairy Mother's Personal Challenge. (FPHS – Climbing Cookout/Open) Empty Mon May 27, 2024 2:52 am

Over all it did seem like everyone was ready and prepared to help out one another, Judith did not mind these results. She just now had to ponder what she wanted to make, which was silly Judith was normally far ready and able to know what she was cooking to start with. But it was not Judith in this time. So she would figure out quickly what she wanted to do. There was a bit of time before she needed to turn on any heat. She just needed to hear the go mark which would not be too long of a wait.

When the sound went off Judith seemingly went off to a slow stop most likely compared towards other people. It was more of a casual jog at this time. But she pulled out a paring knife and casually started cutting an onion, A bit slower then how quickly she is use too be able too because while cutting, being on the move, Watching to make sure what she was walking up at the time. She did want the starting before. For she needed to hope by the she got to a different step of what she was cooking she just needed to hold some lids down and consider the centre of gravity. Judith seeming was accounting for everything with this version of the challenge. But this was just the entire scheme of proving one's self with out magic with great feat and effort was about being sure and able to do it yourself.

Mincing an onion was going fairly calmly, Making sure she would placed her hand over it before she took a broader step up, Since she needed to be sure to not spill anything. First that first broad step she slid her onions onto a frying pan, starting to move on to the next vegetable. Which so far was a green onion while not anything too special at the moment it was fairly easy to cut and walk there was a stride going and Judith was going well to stick to it. As well she seemingly over all started tuning out who was around her, ahead of her or behind her. She was not worried about it for her plan to work she needed to finish a few things before she had to do some actual climbing, As it was the test Judith wanted to do for herself, As silly as it was. This was more of a personal challenge to Judith as well to other people.

Stopping at a part she would actually have to climb, Judith stopped her casual jog for a moment. Looked at what her options where to climb up. Putting her paring knife in away for safety reasons. Then struggled to pull herself up this part Judith did some know know this would happen and she seemed to smile about it. One of the best lessons in life is no one was perfect everyone had flaws and people needed to realize they did. It did take a bit more time than she would have liked but Judith made it up this cliff, While high it seemed now she just needed to make it down while completing her dish. The climb up was a bit more of a challenge because Judith was trying to make sure she did not burn her onions and made sure her green onion did not fall either.

Upon finishing her climb, the moment Judith's foot hit the top and she was completely up, Judith then pulled out: bread, bacon, green peppers, yellow peppers, red peppers, cubes of ham, Upon turning back on the burner placing from mushrooms in, She took off at a running speed forward. While Judith was not the best runner she seemed to trying Judith was known for motherhood, not the best fighter or known for her athletic nature. Pulling out a bowl and cracking three eggs and mixing them. Placing in the frying pan with everything else she had prepared, She would allow it all to slowly cook up, Butter up the pieces of bread, grate some cheddar cheese.

Judith's progress was where she was hoping it was, she was keeping up the pace and she was preparing to finish her dish a small amount of salt and pepper. Folding her egg mixture as it cooked to make it a square, Judith made sure to add cheese in the centre and on top of it. Putting one slice of buttered bread on the bottom allowing it to toast, placing the folded eggs atop then placing the the slice on top. Judith was now at toasting stage for her omelette sandwich. She just wanted to be sure she was on toasting stage while she did her final climbing trials. Timing was key Judith would reach the end, With a smile on her face and a bit of a huff because she was not use to running this hard, She was happy she had completed her own challenge making it to the end as she did.





The Fairy Mother's Personal Challenge. (FPHS – Climbing Cookout/Open) Empty Mon May 27, 2024 6:18 am


Zendreyu started his climb shortly after Lady Judith, the scent of onions caused a small tear but a large smile, as memories of his mother struck Zendreyu briefly. Using his harness, Zendreyu set a liter of water inside of a pot and turned the electric plate on as he added seasoning to the water while climbing. At points where he could clip his line to a rock piston Zendreyu added noodles, as he checked to make sure the water was slowly rising to a boil so that it would adjust to the altitude like he was going to do. Holding his nose and using his internal breath to redistribute the pressure inside his ears behind his eardrums at the first 500 feet, Lady Judith was ahead of Zendreyu and slightly off to his left so he could see if she was having any issues. She was perfectly fine, she even had the strength to run along some thin ascending cliffs like a mountain goat, Lady Judith was simply too agile. As the water temperature rose Zendreyu struggled to keep up with Lady Judith and lost bits and pieces of veggies he was chopping to add to the pasta. Magnus the winged lion looked down from on high with a grin before mouthing in a motion that Zendreyu could see, "YOU ARE TOO SLOW AS A COOK." Zendreyu smirked and nodded as sweat beaded on his face and quickly soaked his shirt. Luckily he was boiling water so the steam kept him warm against the cool air intermingling with his sweat.

The vegetables were all mixed with the noodles and the water was evaporating with the changes in altitude so Zendreyu added some pealed tomatoes and minced meats. The only thing he had prepped while waiting for Lady Judith to begin her ascent. Swiftly the smell of tomato sauce floated through the air that even made Magnus drool. Adding a little water as he continued his ascent to make sure the noodles didn't burn or get stuck to the sides of the pot despite all the jostling from his rough yet simple climbing technique. Shortly after Lady Judith reached the top and started finishing her omelete sandwich Zendreyu came up and slid the pot of pasta across the ledge before pulling himself up. A bit exhausted but enthusiastic, Zendreyu nodded to Magnus whom removed the lid off the pasta with a smile. The sauce was very thick since the tomatoes had broken down by heat and banging around a semi pressurized pot. The minced meat and vegetables made the aroma delightful. Zendreyu slid over with a tired look on his face as he pulled a small block of ancient cheese out and and grated it into a bowl before scooping a hefty amount of pasta and sauce into the bowl before adding a little more cheese on top. Zendreyu passed the bowl with a beast sized fork and spoon to magnus who was smiling like a kid in a candy store. "Bon Appetit my friend."


WC: 505

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