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Void Raid: Darkfang the Kobold Lord

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Void Raid: Darkfang the Kobold Lord Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 3:28 pm


Darkfang the Kobold Lord

As the final seal blocking access to the throne chamber came unsealed the large doorway opened. A grandiose red carpet unrolled along the stairs the three groups were situated at, but it wasn't the only red there was. A red liquid had dried on the carpet, and legions of armored corpses were scattered around the chamber. Seated upon his throne the massive kobold lord's gaze focused onto the group.

"And so you have finally come Champions of Earthland, here to feast upon the bounty of the Void like I did?" The kobold laughed deeply as he gripped a hand along the armrest of his throne and rose from his seat. "But this castle has only room for ONE CONQUEROR!"

As he rose the kobold lord rose to a massive height, standing at least somewhere over three to four meters tall. His hand slipped to the side of the throne's armchair as the group had just entered the room, his fingers wrapping around the heft of his massive bone axe when without nary a warning the kobold lord swung it?

Void Raid: Darkfang the Kobold Lord C90k7zlc-1

"Watch out!" A voice in the back of the crowd alerted them as the swing was accompanied by a literal torrent of wind, perhaps calling it a hurricane might had been better? The entire environment seemed to shift and quake underneath the sheer force of the massive power of the lord, pillars caved, walls crumbled and collapsed and as the dust of the chaos finally settled....

Void Raid: Darkfang the Kobold Lord IMG-8918

Arena Description: Once a massive throne room, only the scarred floor remains of what had once been a proud Caelish castle. Darkfang stands over three meters tall and carries a giant bone axe and a leather shield on the other arm. On his back, there seems to be some sort of weapon shrouded by bandages.

Objective: In order to defeat Darkfang the party will have to collaborate to work together to defeat Darkfang, having certain people focus on certain tasks that will arise. Meanwhile, at the back of the party Fei Yu will be actively using her magic to prevent the void from encroaching upon the group. Should she be defeated it will increase the difficulty of the fight immensely.

Battle logs will be expected for the fight.

Difficulty: Devastating

Location: Caelum - Kingdom of Albion

Enemies: Aside from Darkfang there will be a series of obstacles and mechanics that need to be cleared in order to succeed in finishing the fight.

Knuckles Shi, Ittindi, Toga, Lumikki, Brone, Saturn, Astrid, Erebus, Fei Yu

Post Deadline: For now people can post in any order they prefer, afterwards everyone will get a 48 hours timer from the next round onwards. Fei Yu will post at times to help with mechanics and as a conditional ally to protect for the raid.

Dungeon Master: Ryuko & A certain frosty Valkyrie

Current Objective: Darkfang has unleashed a massive attack that requires the collective power of the raid to negate. Offensive attacks aimed at the air blast send the group's way, defensive spells and similar can be used to add to the collective power. Failure to complete the objective by the end of the next round will lead to the entire raid suffering damage.


Void Raid: Darkfang the Kobold Lord Empty Sat Sep 07, 2024 6:02 pm


Lumikki barely had a moment to scoff at the return of a certain brooding mercenary before someone quickly ushered and pushed the group further toward the entrance of the Boss' chamber. Whatever was the case from breaking the previous statues, a magical shift could be felt from within the castle's walls. Lumikki couldn't be sure of the details. She barely had a moment to inspect the previous spell before her two new wolf companions had run deeper down a branching hall. From there, she, her uncle, and Saturn had a run in with more kobolds. Causing them to fight a battle that resulted in not only their victory but their ticket inside the throne room. Lumikki whistled curt and short, snapping her fingers twice before laying a command. "I need ya two, to sit and stay!" Lumikki commanded in a voice that was not harsh but indeed quite stern. The wolf that had taken a liking to her quickly heeded her request, while the other, who tailed behind Brone, whimpered as he begrudgingly sat beside the other. The Demoness could not afford to lose the two amid the clash, and she would rather they stayed safely behind.

Of course, she did not predict what would happen next, but the show of power was indeed engaging, to say the least. The kobold lord, often referred to as Darkfang, sat atop his throne like an imposing force. His relaxed posture giving away his lack of fear from their sudden arrival. He was sure of his strength and, in turn, they would have to do the same. So Lumikki wasted little time summoning her Abyssal Spine at the ready, swiping her hand in the air to pull it from the in-between realm from which it always sat just at her side. She finally took a moment to get a good look at those around her. Surprised to see her beloved among many of the prominent Rune Knights, and an individual she saw in slight passing. Whatever worried she held for her group's might would vanish, as she didn't know of many mightier forces. Even the cloaked jester showed his hand, revealing adequate strength should he choose to focus. Ittindi showed disciplined precision, Toga the potential, and Knuckles held a rapturous might like a raging storm. Though, it would be the fact that she was standing behind the Sheild of Dawn that gave her the most comfort, as she knew he'd endure any fearsome attack if need be.

"Ye ready for it Uncle!?" Lumikki exclaimed just as the lord sat up with axe in hand. The imposing creature wasted no time to swing his might, and with it came a gale she wasn't sure everyone could handle. "Brace yerself lads!" Lumikki, with her staff in hand, jumped high into air with wings unfurling to allow the Demoness flight. In a graceless motion, she'd twirl twice. Both rotations flung the mana she had poured haphazardly into her weapon to manifest her magic rather quickly. Many circles would appear just in front of her before revealing their purpose.

One was three black talons forming in the air before cutting into the wind with a gale of their own. Its rotation and each over enhanced by the use of her most prized staff. The next spell was a blizzard to blow back the current's might.

Clutching hard onto her staff, black frost would creep up from her fingertips until it encase all of her skin in a protective casing. She'd use the shield to assure no needless harm came to her as she hung in the air.

Lumikki's Pokedex entry:

Plight of a Raven:

Void Raid: Darkfang the Kobold Lord Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

Void Raid: Darkfang the Kobold Lord Empty Tue Sep 10, 2024 2:38 pm


Heavy footfalls echoed down the vast corridors of Caelish Castle, now under the control of the Earthland champions—a formidable group of mortals bold enough to challenge the abyssal forces of the Void. Their quest was fueled by a blend of impudence and ignorance, yet it was their sheer might that tipped the scales in their favor. Strength, after all, was the universal equalizer in battles where understanding faltered.

Tōga surged ahead with unbridled enthusiasm, his voice resonating through the ancient stone, "Oh, I’m fired up!" His skin bore the distinctive, scale-like armor of his dragon force, deep onyx and crimson hues gleaming under the flickering torchlight. His eyes, typically a warm brown, now glowed with a fierce, luminous yellow, signaling his readiness for the fray. He had wisely invoked his dragon force in advance, eschewing the need for activation amidst combat, a strategic move to harness its full potential from the outset. Flanking him were familiar allies, each a stalwart defender of their causes. Ittindi and Saturn, fellow Rune Knights, both as powerful – if not more – and fully capable of defending themselves and others. Alongside them marched Knuckles and Lumikki, the latter as dear to Tōga as kin, her icy prowess a chilling complement to the fiery anarchy he wielded. Notably absent was Alisa, whose formidable strength had often tipped the scales in their past endeavors. Her absence was a silent chasm in their ranks, felt but unspoken.

As the final barrier shattered with a resonant crack, the air itself seemed to thrum with anticipation. The towering figure of the paramount Kobold emerged from the shadows, its menacing form a dark blot against the crystalline glow of the castle's inner sanctum. But it was not alone; a legion of minions surged forward, driven by a gale-force wind that sought to sweep the intruders from the castle's heart.


With a deep inhalation, Tōga unleashed a torrent of black flames, a powerful counter to the approaching storm. His attack intertwined with Lumikki’s icy spells, weaving a blanket of fire and frost that surged forward to meet the wind. Together, their combined might clash against the elemental onslaught. As the forces collided, the air crackled with energy, and the outcome undecided for the other champions could surely contribute to their magical struggle. Still, if this were phase one of the battle, the dragon slayer mused brightly, understanding more was to come.

Combat Log:


Void Raid: Darkfang the Kobold Lord Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 9:43 am

With their victory over the rider kobolds it was now thankfully apparent that they did the right thing. With the shield powering down and them quickly making their way to the next local they were greeted with something saturn honestly wasn’t expecting. He was fairly used to being on the bigger side of things; so with the kobold leader being… well as massive as he was made saturn wonder what would have been the creatures size if they had been say a gnoll king or a lizardfolk king. Hard to tell really. Seeing that they had so many people here, ranging from hardened criminals to rune knights meant they had a vast pool of different kinds of experience to draw from. Which he was inherently thankful for.

"We can do this..."

Saturn gave the two knights distinct nods, not needing to tell them what to do. They knew their abilities well enough and they weren’t newbies. They’d have their own situations sorted out well enough; he’d let his armor form into it’s combative state. Armor plating sliding along his body as he glanced this way and that. He’d extend his hand out, summoning his spear to his side… His spear. Sleeping dragon. The general blinked as what he pulled from his personal pocket realm most certainly was not sleeping dragon. A look of apt confusion spread on his face and the voice that tingled in his head was much unlike the voice of the grumbly spirit.

That’s strange…

The giant muttered as the spear grew to the same proportions for him as it would be for others. Gritting his teeth a little bit, and thrusting it forward like he did with sleeping dragon, he hoped that it’d do the same as his old spear. When nothing happened the knight looked confused, a sort of ache in his hand and he’d lift it up to point at the oncoming attack. Much to his surprise the ache blossomed into being as a spiraling burst of light. He felt it sup on his mana something fierce, something he wasn't used to feeling from an item such as this.

Definitely going to have to practice with this later tch..

Saturn took a ready stance, hoping that everyone would be able to throw up something in time. If not this would be immensely frustrating as a start. Saturn’s ears flicked and he had a moment before feeling something brush past him. His companion, vestige of the outsider was here to assist him. Amidst it’s halo was a pair of seals. One outside and one within it. From four points of the cardinals of the circle lines of energy condensed together and met at the CenterPoint. Firing a 4 meter in diameter beam straight towards the oncoming squall. When it’d slam into it, the excess mana would flush out to either side, forming a massive cross.

It’d be quite some time before the Vestige would be able to do anything like that again. But it was a strong entry next to it’s friend. Saturn would spin his spear and look to the kobold leader, the vestige standing a little ahead of him as though wanting to protect saturn.


Saturns Stuff:

Last edited by Saturn on Sun Sep 15, 2024 8:56 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Forgot the notification box.)


Void Raid: Darkfang the Kobold Lord Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 12:13 am


The last few days through this dwelling, after his journey through the ice mountain. Erebus was feeling the pressure early, he had used his wits to navigate the realm of the Void, where others may have powered through it, bringing him back to the same place as numerous others he had encountered there.

He wore his attire, which presented a robed individual, who's face one couldn't make out under the guise of the hood, a large carry bag was hung across his shoulder to his waist, crossing his torso- with a thin bedcot roll and frying skillet strapped to the back of a tiny kobold lagging behind the dark one. His pants were frayed and torn; atop those holes he had replaced for metals platings there, so as to protect from critical shots or knee skids. A second hood, which draped the other like a raincoat, was a mystical thread, translucent and erie, smoking and fogging his visage to that of a wraith...

Wrapped around his right arm, was his Chaos Claw whose metal was black and trimmed by red steel, and in his other palmed grasp, a liquid bow. Inky black, and seeming as though it lacked much of a solid form. A cursed object -- a useful tool in dealing with things Erebus didn't overpower with his strength outright. With the black fire colliding against a spell dealt across the arena map, Erebus lifted his bow arm over his face. The spell seemed to be sustained but Erebus, slid his wrist back as the bow manifested a spelle circle, all Erebus need do is release the quiver to send forth a spell, arrows that were pinched between in the tips of his fingers, he kept his eyes on Darkfang as he moved to a different location, navigating way from the collective group to catch a flank shot, if he were successful in going that route, he rounded the oval shaped arena on the right side, and shot one more arrow forward, just one arrow spell-- albeit it was the second one, meant to collide upon the foe from a blind spot. He attempted to catch and stick Darkfang on the opposite end of the map, from a different angle, that wasn't directly in front of the Kobold Lord but aimed at his legs, in the series of moments after, Erebus was ecliptic, and maneuvered with the demonstration of a silent assassin, a black shade that dashed and picked up the winds beneath his feet, which allowed him to somersault and push his weight around with strength that was perceived super-human or greater. Until he was primed at the right flank of the creature twenty-five meters gapping the distance between the giant and the rogue.

And should he need to avoid any damage and keep momentum, his abilities were not hampered there, as Erebus could disappear and avoid damage just like that of a ghostly apparition; appearing and transpiring in different, unique locations, at different times or all at once. His ideal battle parameter remained to be at close range, especially when in combination with his many weapons, all of them that managed different bonuses and attack mechanisms at their different lengths and various reach.

As buildings are torn up and crumble due to gale force, hurricane structured forces. Erebus finally opens himself up to speaking

"Greetings, salutations, you're pleasured I'm sure," Erebus mocked, in regards to this Void-being, an opposing force to the tranquility of his world, overrun by his own Darkness. "So this is the invader Kobby mentioned, that ate one of our dragons, who'd of thought such a thing was even possible. Suppose I will make light of my interests here, cleared of one thing, that information will spoil the records of our timeless adventures together-- good mages of Earthland. But if it's out there, it might as well go down in my books as well, what is learned, is shared." he finalized with a faint smug shrug of his shoulder, moving away from the group, a hidden warning in the tone of his breath.

Erebus was no newcomer to dealing with threats outside of the veil, having truly felt the difference in Void-entities as opposed to natural enemies in Earthland, pon his peruse of this dimension. Erebus despised this parable, and paradox, that was the Void, he had not enjoyed the counterpart to it, in that Abyss. Now there was a new force; an evil one, beyond the quiet rest of the darkness he was chasing, inching and tugging his control like a cosmic ravager, not that Erebus truly felt fond of any Abyss either, he was fighting and building to avoid it all together. But at least there was an Order to the chaos there, this place was more like foggy memories, beautiful places turned sick and I'll, forgotten and erased. Too Erebus, he was not up for erasure nor the legend his namesake sat upon, and standing for his world was something that he felt obliged to do. With or without the consideration of his world's heroes, rather-- alongside them, was where he had gotten too. Where there was a lack of information in the Void here, there was a potential to learn more there-- in those gates, and if realms could be taken whole, there was going to be someone, not something, to do it. Just why wouldn't he be here, when the potential for another to take that and use it against him were so clearly plausible...

"In one hand, we happen to outnumber Darkfang, wouldn't call myself an oddmaker, but our nine, to some Fiend seems too easy, so just what game is at play here.. I wonder what mysteries has he in wait for us." surmised the dark mage, more so to himself than the others. Having only noticed now, he was surrounded by mages who weren't fond of his crimes in recent times. Being that Erebus did as he was left too, his namesake was already drenched infamously, where most of them had garnered fame. He'd built a reputation of carrying himself as an dark dealer, hunter, and salesman, looting and selling his way to the top of riches that rivaled the petty nobility and law-makers who took advantage of his homelands-- littered and filled at it's brim with Vampires, Lycans, and Demons. All of which had left marks on society through his time as an adventurer.

In particular, he had already noted Lumikki, but Toga too. Another champion like himself who hadn't relinquished themselves to ascending, but rather, studied the gifts given for combat against other entities. He had grown a bit of respect for Toga in their short battle, Lumikki was a threat now out of his own reach which needed careful considerations to impeach from the Fioran North Lands. Erebus didn't need to note their powers anymore, as much some other faces he'd yet to face, ones he hadn't seen yet. Simple bouts with such prestigious figures warranted details Erebus could sell to the Underworld and profit on. But being that only he, and one other dark mage were here to aide in this defense, Erebus would reframe from such careful analysis and stick his focus to the monster ahead.

Astrid had demonstrated similar power to a Void ice Giant-- he assumed a place near her defenses would ultimately prove the most fruitful until later in the fight, when certain facts about this monster's strengths & style were more clear, but there was a few here, he found to be a peculiar type, and wondered what their ranks would prove in beneficial as well. Erebus released a sphere from his belt-- while running his own observations, pitching it forward so that Occula could be freed from their resting portmanteau, as he did this, a second window of sights magically appeared in front of his visor as an HD vector, connecting him to the tiny droid.

Gear and Stats, Perks:
Spells Cast:
Action Log:

#6Brone Heavyaxe 

Void Raid: Darkfang the Kobold Lord Empty Sat Sep 14, 2024 4:59 pm

Brone Heavyaxe

The footsteps from the heavyset dwarf echoed along the halls as they made their way through the dungeon. His niece, like a shadow to him, was silent and walked alongside him; both exuded confidence and power, they were beacons of hope and victory, such a visage the dwarf learned to carry for the sake of the people who looked up to them. The two wolves that joined them were ordered to stay put by the demoness as they entered the vicinity of the throne room.

The throne was massive, and so was the giant kobold that sat upon it. Entering the throne room, other challengers had arrived, familiar faces that brought a smile to Brone's ashen gray face. "By Dhurain's beard! We have the best of the knights with us!" he bellowed with laughter. Saturn had recently arrived, and the dwarf was fortunate enough to meet him beforehand, understanding that this wasn't the same Saturn that sought to destroy Earthland, but this world's Saturn was a hero. As for Toga, the dwarf recalled when they traded blows and was excited to see how strong the knight had become.

As Lumikki called to her uncle and took to the sky, Brone bellowed another laugh. "Aye, lass! My blood burns like the forge itself!" His excitement radiated as the golden veins along his face glowed, making them more noticeable as his adrenaline kicked up. He gripped his shield in his left hand and tightly held the golden spear in his right as he jumped in front of the group, just as several blasts of magic flew toward the kobold king, meeting the gale that sought to strike them.

"By the forge and stone! Let's show this oversized lizard what we're forged from!" Brone yelled as his body surged with magic. He roared loudly and planted his shield before him, preparing to defend against the gale blast if the magical onslaught didn't stop it.

⚔ Battle Log ⚔:

🛡️ Brone’s Spread 🛡️:

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