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South to West

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South to West Empty Sat Jun 01, 2024 1:15 pm

As fast as saturn was told to go to the south, saturn was quickly told to go to the west. He didn’t even have time to do what they had asked of him. It was a little frustrating having his movements dictated by the rune knights more and more. He had very little time to himself and the longer he thought about it the more he was questioning why. He was ‘higher’ but now because of that it was like… He didn’t even have any freedom to himself anymore?

He hadn’t heard from the general in quite some time and the various stand ins between him and the man was making it difficult. He questioned a lot as he packed his bags, questioned the few knights in the south outpost about where they were sending him. Apparently there were a few guilds in the west that begged a bigger investigation than their staunch ally of blue pegasus. A good guild wasn’t an issue; it was the neutral and illegal ones.

He supposed that made sense but he wished he could have talked with a few of the blue pegasus members other than briar. Not that they weren’t someone he didn’t mind. Sighing a bit he and his companions would start making their way towards the exit of the massive city. Turning his head back to stare at it; he’d have to come back here later. Maybe for a vacation? The beach looked nice…

Sighing he’d shake his head and set out in earnest, the two companions made a little banter between themselves. One eating while riding the other’s back and eventually offering the now disguised saturn a treat.


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