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Legacy of the lost [Manzo]

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Legacy of the lost [Manzo] Empty Thu May 16, 2024 11:44 pm

She had finally arrived. Although the journey had taken her a while, Therlin had finally reached the coastal city of Hargeon. Even now she felt somewhat out of place, the small dwarven lass her gaze drifting around the various unfamiliar buildings. From the architecture down to the very words spoken by the people of Hargeon, it was far different from the underground cities of her kin. Yet, one could say that it was out of necessity that she had come here. Her cloak had currently concealed the adorned box she carried with her but even now its light weight that pressed against her side reminded her of the importance of her task. She had to learn more about the mysterious woman that the Fae of Caelum mentioned in their story. Certainly, while she had her name, that according to what she was told wouldn't be enough to succeed. She needed something of importance, something that was deeply interwoven with the legacy of that woman.

Quietly she stared at her hand, at the magical runes that were left on the back of her left hand. According to the church representative they were the proof of her right of participation in the ancient rite, one that could see her gain access to something of such power it was rumored to fulfill a wish! Yet wishes never came for free, and as such she needed to find a means to summon forth a powerful heroic spirit, a being that had left their mark on the world in one way or another.

Even now she was not certain what had driven her to seek out this particular spirit. Perhaps it was intuition, or maybe it was merely on a whim, but now that she was here she needed to try to find a way to learn more.

"Umm... Excuse me," the lass stammered out at a sailor who walked past her. "Hmm? Was the matter lass?" Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves Therlin inquired "Do you happen to know where I can find someone of Blue Pegasus?" The sailor chuckled heartily at her question. "Das easy enough, just head up along the street till you see the big flashy building, that is where the guild is located. Otherwise you can possibly look around the neighborhood. I believe their Ace has a shop here or something."

Therlin bowed lightly in gratitude as she pondered about what path to pursue. While it was true that she could likely get some information about the heroic spirit by inquiring at the guild, wouldn't the Ace of Blue Pegasus possess more knowledge? It would be unlikely for the name to at least not be familiar to them, so she had decided to go based on her intuition again, walking around till she saw the shop that the sailor must had been talking about. Taking a deep breath she opened the door lightly and peered inside. "Ummm excuse me.... is anyone home? Mister Blue Pegasus Ace?"

Legacy of the lost [Manzo] Illyasviel-von-einzbern-fate-grand-order-thumb

Legacy of the lost [Manzo] Empty Fri May 17, 2024 12:35 am


It was almost time to open up the shop for the day. Manzo had gone through all of the necessary prep to meet the days needs. He had hoped it would be nice a profitable day. Filled with good conversation and good food for all. But it would seem the day would not start off with such an interaction. As he could hear someone come into the shop requesting his presence not as the owner of this establishment, but as his night job role.

This of course was a startling revelation of sorts that someone would come looking for him at his shop for what he thought was guild business. But perhaps this person in question had just gotten his title from a passerby whilst looking for a good place to have a meal and relax. He would exit the back of the kitchen and walk into the lobby and dining area. "Welcome welcome." He said with a cheery tone in his voice as he entered.

"What can I start you off with?" He asked he walked up to the short woman who stood before him. It seemed that she was a fish out of water in town. Well maybe not a fish, more of a little rabbit, a dwarf topside is a strang sight to behold for anyone, much less one that decided to come to a seaside port city.

Legacy of the lost [Manzo] LGnxHvk

Legacy of the lost [Manzo] Empty Fri May 17, 2024 1:05 am

Therlin paused as she watched the man enter from deeper in the store, and for a moment she couldn't help but be reminded of someone. It was one of her senior guards back home, a cheery dwarf who had this air around him that made you feel so at ease and relaxed, as if everything would be alright when he was around. A presence akin to a big brother perhaps? Shaking her head lightly as she attempted to clear the thoughts from her mind, the admiration still lingered somewhat as she shuffled a bit closer, not wanting to remain standing in the doorway. Her cheeks were still flushed up somewhat as she spoke. "Umm, what would you recommend? Perhaps something light?" Oh boy! she was being dragged along by the flow, like the hook line and reeling in of a fisher! But she was no fish! She was Therlin Mapleshield, proud member of the Dhain Dwarves! "Ah! but before that sir... Do you happen to know anything about the Caelish Fairy Witch?" She paused for a moment, a hand reaching for her cheek as she thought, pondering for a moment. "According to the rumors she used to have close ties to Blue Pegasus. I... believe her name was Esperia?"

A sudden question, although as she spoke she lowered her hands to her side, one hand covering the back of her other as she timidly waited to hear the response of the Ace of the Guild. She truly hoped her intuition would serve her well.

Legacy of the lost [Manzo] Illyasviel-von-einzbern-fate-grand-order-thumb

Legacy of the lost [Manzo] Empty Fri May 17, 2024 1:29 am


Upon the dwarf speaking her name it was as if time stood still. He couldn't help but feel a chill roll down his spine. Almost as if ice had been directly injected into his veins. His cheery disposition turned to that of disassociation. For a moment it was as if she was still there. He hadn't heard that name in such a long time that even mentioning of it was enough to conjure the phantoms of the past. He could still see it. The way she walked, the sway of her hips, the corners of her mouth when she smiled, the confidence she carried in her chest with her posture.

He broke the silence if just for a moment, before the icy hands of the spirit of that name grabbed him by the shoulders. "I'm sorry, I don't think I heard you quite right." He said as he continued to stare off into space. His gaze may seem to be directed upon her, but even she could tell that he was staring right through her, it was as if she wasn't even there.

Legacy of the lost [Manzo] LGnxHvk

Legacy of the lost [Manzo] Empty Fri May 17, 2024 1:49 am

She coudln't help but tilt her head slightly to the side in bewilderment at the mentioning of her name. Although she had attempted to scavenge some sort of information about the woman's past, it seemed like most of her existence was shrouded in mystery. In Caelum they only know about the folktales that the Fae passed on, of a brave and courageous magic user who had sacrificed herself to prevent a rift into the void from tearing Caelum asunder, but the reaction made her all the more curious. To have such a strong reaction to the name, it was intriguing. "Did you know her well?" Her voice shook lightly with hesitation as she finally took a step forward, attempting to lightly hold the man's arms as she looked up at him. "Please, I need to learn more about her! Can you please tell me what type of person Esperia was?"

But what could a dwarven girl possibly want with someone who had supposedly died in Caelum a while ago? It seemed there were plenty of tales and mysteries waiting to unravel.

Legacy of the lost [Manzo] Illyasviel-von-einzbern-fate-grand-order-thumb

Legacy of the lost [Manzo] Empty Sat Jun 01, 2024 12:25 pm


Did he know her? That was something new, he had never been asked that by any before. But she was new, she wouldn't know now would she. He tried to regain a bit of composure in order to better assist this little one in her quest. No matter how painful it was to talk about it. "She and I were very close at one point, secondly only to her wife and lovers I'd assume." He didn't really know what else to say about that situation in all honesty.

He took a breath and cleared his throat. "What is it you need to know about her?" He asked in a more composed manner. Trying his best to hold it together for the sake of this young girl's quest. He didn't wish to be a hinderance in what she was after, but it was hard none the less to be speak so openly about a subject he hadn't touched in a very long time.

Legacy of the lost [Manzo] LGnxHvk

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