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Race to the Dragon Chamber [Brone/Lumikki]

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#1Brone Heavyaxe 

Race to the Dragon Chamber [Brone/Lumikki] Empty Sun May 19, 2024 9:11 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
All looked to the young female dwarf who had burst through the doors to the war room. She spoke saying Grektor was found, the message they've all been waiting for. Morgrym was the first to speak, "Where?" is all he said, his tone showed impatience but was steady, as if he was trying to hold himself back from leaping from where he stood and rushing out the door.

"We saw him at the Dragon Chamber performing a ritual of some kind" She stood up straight as she could, despite the fact that she was tired and trying to catch her breath. Her eyes met the stern eyes of her clan leader.

"'We'?" he asked.

"There were guards there-"

"I said don't engage him!" Morgrym voice sent a chill up everyone's spine; many of the dwarves wanted to burst out through the door right then and there, but they dare not move until they were given the signal. Brone clenched his fists and was already on the balls of his feet.

"The sorcerer summoned giants, the guards didn't want them to escape the halls" her voice was strong but she had a hint of fear, fear of upsetting the clan head and Morgrym caught this. He sighed, calming himself before giving her a nod, signaling a job well done, to which she sighed with relief.

"All take arms! Charge to the Dragon Chamber!" the moment Morgrym said this as he raised his axe made of black ice, Brone immediately sprinted out the war room, slamming open the double doors. The rest of the dwarves followed suit while yelling out war cries. The dozens of clansmen, both male and female took arms and rushed after those who led the charge. The only ones who stayed behind were a handful of able-body dwarves who intended to protect the vulnerable such as the elderly, the children and several mothers who too bore weapons of their own, including Frare who looked to Vivian with an assured smile and an axe resting on her shoulder.


"Brone, slow down! Allow us to keep up!" one of the older dwarves called out as the rest of the group did their best to keep pace with the young Heavyaxe.

"To be young again!" Dordon laughed out loud, causing a sense of positive excitement to rush through the running crowd. For Brone's father, it has been a long time since he's held an axe in his hand fought along side his brothers and sisters against a common foe. The rush of the adrenaline had brought him back to his early days when his clan earned the name 'Heavyaxe'.

As for Brone, he gritted his teeth, fighting himself as he slowed a bit to keep from falling out of view of the clansmen who were nearly out of sight behind him. His blood boiled thinking about Grektor and the fact that he was already working on whatever ritual he planned. And for a moment he wondered if Lumikki was nearby, he had not seen her throughout this event and now had concern for her, "Are ye still close, lass? Are ye safe?" he partially said this in whisper, not expecting her to hear him, but part of him hoped she was like the little shadow she was, always nearby, always listening in like a curious child. During this terror of a event, he wanted to at least know his niece was safe and wasn't spirited away by the wicked sorcerer. They were so close, he was so close to finally stopping Grektor for not only besting him the first time, but for stealing all the sacred gems of the clans.



Race to the Dragon Chamber [Brone/Lumikki] Empty Tue May 21, 2024 1:29 pm


Whether it was Morgrym’s voice or Lumikki’s cold aura to send a chill up the Dwarven’s spines, it was hard to tell. Her irritation was spiking just as much as all the others from the news of Grektor’s sighting; but word of a ritual kept her clear of mind as this would be important to prepare for.

The tension in the room was rising and the air was thick with anticipation. Everyone here was waiting for the word to drop that would allow them to start running. Lumikki herself was crouched atop her statue in a pose that’ll let her jump off the moment they could start moving and soon enough Morgrym make the command.

Brone was the fastest, almost crashing down the doors, but all the other battle ready Dwarves would soon follow. Lumikki would kick off and match his speed just enough to stick around, her silent wings carrying her through the air as she flew to the Dragon chamber.

As the two members of Dawn sprinted forth, they’d quickly leave the rest of the family behind. Not out of desire but need to meet the threat soon. And as Lumikki lingered by her Uncle in the mad dash, she’d hear his whisper meant for her. ” Close as a shadow Uncle and just as silent. I didn’t want to bother Pa with worry of me being around. He’s barely holding back his temper as is, imagine knowing his wee lass is flying about toward a battle with giants…” Lumikki lowered her glide so that she soared right beside him, pulling back a bit of her veil to reveal her face to him with a cheeky smile.

Race to the Dragon Chamber [Brone/Lumikki] Img_0811

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#3Brone Heavyaxe 

Race to the Dragon Chamber [Brone/Lumikki] Empty Tue May 21, 2024 5:54 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
The sound of the clansmen running steps were distant. Brone's own steps echoed the tunnel he entered as he kept looking forward, remembering the exact direction of where the Dragon Chamber was; though he was a teen when his parents took him to see it, he still remembered how excited he was to witness the chamber because of the story it had, despite being just an empty cavern-like structure.

Lumikki's voice came, her face faded into view from the darkness, matching her uncle's speed. A sigh of relief came to Brone, but he dared not slow his pace or look away, making sure he was making the correct turns into the new tunnels, "I don't blame yer dad, many of us are angry" though he smirked when he said this, it vanished just as quickly, his intense look indicated he was also referring to himself as well, "Ye know of the Dragon Chamber, right, lass?" he asked Lumikki, mainly trying to focus on keeping his patience and getting his mind off of worrying whether or not they would make it in time to stop Grektor, "There was a dragon so mighty who claimed the western tunnels, intending to push the dwarves out of the halls, but the five clans had worked together to drive the beast to a large cavern where they would pincer it, preventing it from tunneling away or flying away, and there they delt the final blow, claiming victory... there they called that cavern the dragon chamber in memory of the clans last victory as one before they split and went their separate ways" This tale was told to Brone by his uncle during one of their travels. It was obvious that his uncle wanted to point out the clans' strength were working together, it was a memorable moment for many dwarves, not solely claiming victory on a grand creature, but that the clans were togther.

"Now after all this time, the five clans have returned to the same place to claim another victory... together" he turned to smile at Lumikki, happy to be apart of such a great event along side his kin. He had been sinking into his anger for revenge against the sorcerer for stealing from him, eluding him, and stealing from his kin, he nearly forget that he had his family with him this time, which would be the major difference. Now he was sure this time, Grektor wouldn't escape.

411 | 1,021


Race to the Dragon Chamber [Brone/Lumikki] Empty Wed May 22, 2024 8:39 pm


” Story ‘bout a Dragon? I don’t recall. Pa tells me so many stories of the clan but tends to favor a few. Maybe I should have bothered him for more when he came home, but I didn’t know to ask. Ye know, I’d love to learn ‘em ya know, ya could have told them to me too.” To which he did, filling Lumikki further on her family’s history. ” Oooh…” she’d utter, thinking on the story a little more. She did hear it before but long, long ago when she was a little girl. Growing up, she thought it was an exaggeration. A means to discuss the Dwarven might. After all, dragons were few to come by and it was hard to deem this tale real. That is of course until she became a battle mage herself, as now the world was more vast than she’d ever though before.

” So the dragon really existed huh. I’m less surprised they managed to do it, and more curious how the dragon found his way inside. Do we have the bones I wonder?” Lumikki mused her thoughts as she was lost in her wonder. The implication this was real struck her hard as it painted all the stories she knew differently. But as she mulled all this over, she was careful to follow his very move. As it would be through him she’d know the way at all.” I never thought in me life, I’d have a moment to do this. Fight along our sister and brothers for whats’s ours? It swells me with pride I’ve never known….”

Race to the Dragon Chamber [Brone/Lumikki] Img_0811

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#5Brone Heavyaxe 

Race to the Dragon Chamber [Brone/Lumikki] Empty Wed May 22, 2024 9:41 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
To hear her voice was refreshing; he felt like he was being forged through heat and pressure and finally was dipped into cool oil. Her human voice has always gave him a sense of peace. He smirked as he continued to run ahead, making another turn and entering a descending tunnel, "The bones, I think my dad said something about the clan use them to forge the pillars for the halls, but I don't know if that were true or not" he chuckled; he knew his father would exaggerate his stories at times, a trait that he himself picked up when storytelling.

The anger and frustration from earlier simmered away, being replaced with joy and pride in being together with not just niece, but his parents and the rest of the clans. "Aye, I hear ye, this is what makes our people so strong and longlasting... maybe we should talk about bringing the clans closer, ma had talked about moving back to Iceberg in the past..." Brone got lost in the memory of the past, when his mother would tell him of the clans and their distant family members; such warm tales filled him with joy, there were even times he and his cousins would pretend to fight giants as they were kids playing about. The memories filled him with joy.

Brone's instincts kicked in. He would quickly shove Lumikki back as he would tumble to the side as a massive club would come down, slamming onto the tunnel floor and cracking the pavement. The dwarf then got to his feet as he drew his axes into his two primary hands. He faced the enemy, a stone giant who had stepped out from around the next corner they were suppose to make. Unlike the golems, these were more intelligent beings and much larger.

"All arms!" Brone cried out, to which the clan of dwarves let out their own cries upon witnessing this altercation; all drawing their weapons as they rushed forward.

"Blades, aim for the ankles! Arrows to the upper body!" Morgrym yelled out as he led the charge.

Brone rushed at the giant's shin and quickly struck it with his golden axe; to his surprise, the shin was denser than he thought, though he felt it give way, the leg didn't collapse. He pushed in and let the blade run a slice across the shin, barely drawing blood. He took a step back, then noticed the large club was moving quickly towards him, scraping along the ground. He met the club with his black axe which caused the club to split in half, leaving the giant confused.

With a loud yell, his golden axe glowed and his body surged with cyan energy, his muscles tightened as he swung his golden axe once more with intense strength. The blade sank into the shin again, but this time dug deep and forced the giant to drop to one knee. He wanted to focus on giant further but Brone noticed down the new hall, at the end he spotted the Dragon Chamber with reddish energy surging like lightning and before it, walking up the hallway were a handful of more giants, "Lumi! Take down this one down and follow me! We're going going to fly-by!" he didn't realize he had shouted Lumikki's name, unintentionally revealing she was present as he ran off down the hallway.

"Lumi?" Morgrym's voice dropped; he thought she had stayed behind with her mother, but knowing she was here, his eyes began to scan around for her, but a second later he shook himself back into focus; they needed to fight without hesitation, lest the tables would be turned against them. He sent a prayer to Thor to protect his daughter as the clan rushed forward to strike at the kneeling giant who was trying to gather his bearings.

647 | 1,668


Race to the Dragon Chamber [Brone/Lumikki] Empty Thu May 23, 2024 6:11 pm


The knock back to the side took Lumikki by surprise, but not as much as seeing the club crashing down and slamming Brone with it. Lumikki didn’t take long to recover from the shock, be she’d hold back her attack for now until she found the moment to strike. But that moment would come soon, with repeated heaves of Brone’s axe and many attempts to cleave the giant. He’d not only pierce the skin at last but drag the beast down. Begrudging calling her name out and dragging her into the conflict in a way she hadn’t choosen, but lumikki would accept it with magic swelling to finish the enemy in from of her.

” Ayw, Uncle!” The Daemon growled, unleashing her magic to a devastating degree. The Giant the knelt down was now pierced by massive black shards. It was slow at first, but her insistence prevailed. Paired with the strikes of the Dwarfs below to slay the beast and assure his end.

Lumikki though wouldn’t relish it in the slightest, instead surging forward on her Uncle’s precious request. Her strong wings would carry her swiftly to the Dragon’s corridor, to where a faint but eerie red crack would glow and streak the air. The little raven could not know for sure what that could be, or what it alluded to. Only that the display of magic in the room could be a threat to her Uncle despite Spell Cleaver resting in his hands.

” Brone wait!” Lumikki plead as she called out behind him. She did her best to follow him into the chamber but more giants began to spill through. ” Uuuuugh!….” Lumikki growled. Her patience was waning and soon there was nothing left to tap. ” I’m done!” She exhaled, her temperament took hold and exploded in her magic. Lumikki slammed into the ground erupting her mana and magic, the surge of power manifesting into black frost stalagmites from the ground piercing and impeding the progressing of the newly summoned giants. Hardly seconds later, Lumikki would kick off again and fly above them. Chasing after her Uncle into the ominous chamber, the red mysterious glow only growing in hue as she inched closer and the magic charge in the air undeniable.


Race to the Dragon Chamber [Brone/Lumikki] Img_0811

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#7Brone Heavyaxe 

Race to the Dragon Chamber [Brone/Lumikki] Empty Sat May 25, 2024 1:19 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
The stone giant tried to stand back up and recollect himself, but as he placed a hand upon the wall to help prop himself up, a gust of cold wind overtook him as a demonic shadow passed by him. He didn't know the angel of death would claim his life that night; his body remained like a statue before the incoming dwarves. The clansmen didn't allow the black statue any mercy as they dropped their weapons upon it, bringing it down like a boulder that stood in their way.

Morgrym allowed his clansmen to finish off the enemy as he ran ahead. As he turned the corner, he witnessed a sight that nearly took his breath away. Black stalagmites of ice scattered along the corridor like a nightmarish tundra. He took a moment to look down at the black axe in his hand before raising his eyes to his daughter's creation. He had speculated whether or not she was present given he had not seen her at all, but as he recalled to all those moments she practiced her magic from the days her Nan had brought her to the world of ice, he began to fully realize just how powerful she has become.

"Woah! This Brone's handy work!?" One of the younger dwarves asked just as a handful of them came rushing around the corner. Morgrym didn't answer, but brought himself back to the battle at hand and rushed forward towards the other approaching giants.

As for Brone, he ran as fast as he could, already eyeing the next giant. The wave of stalagmites changed the terrain, nearly hitting the charging dwarf, but not fazing him. As for the two giants who were closing in, he halted and nearly tumbled as the jutting stalagmites erupted from the ground, piercing their legs, causing them to echo out pain.

Brone then bulleted from his position once he was close enough, then slammed his horns into the knee of one of the giants, shattering the bone beneath before twirling and slicing the shin on the way down, bringing the foe down to his knees before the cold began to claim him as well.

The other giant brought down a club to try and squash the dwarf, but the black axe countered and destroyed it. His adrenaline was keeping him from slowing, constantly on the move. As he looked over to the opening to nearby Dragon Chamber, he spotted him: Grektor. Cloaked in dark cloths, his eyes glowing green with power; he stood before a magic circle that held the seven gems encircling it. The red lightning of volatile magic crackled as he continued with his incantation.

"Grektor!" Brone roared with fury as he dug his axes into the shin of the other giant.

Grektor looked back for a moment to see the dwarf, but instead of being surprised, he smiled before returning to his spell... he clapped his hands and a red portal opened, resembling a rip in space and then... he was gone.

"Ye won't escape again!" Brone yelled as he dashed away from the giant and bypassed two more giants. He entered the chamber. As he was told, the chamber was large and empty, but it wasn't a natural cavern, the floor was like the tunnels, the walls were marble, with designs of a story, clans of dwarves fighting a mighty dragon. In the center was the magic circle that remained, but the gems were gone. He looked back to see the clansmen were rushing to them, taking down two more giants rather quickly. When Brone turned back to the portal, he noticed something... it was rapidly closing.

610 | 2,278


Race to the Dragon Chamber [Brone/Lumikki] Empty Sat May 25, 2024 4:58 pm


Connected by their many shared battles fought along the side of the other. The presence of her magic and black frost hardly made the Dwarf flinch. He took it all with strides as a warrior of his might would; and he'd use the opening granted by her erupting spell to do a good bit of damage of his own.

The giants did not know what hit them, it came swiftly and so suddenly that they hardly had time to react. Many succumbed to the pain and impairment that the ice afforded her and her own. And many other Dwarves would seize the opportunity of the moment. Their war cries now drowned out the pain of the giants as they were felled one by one.

Lumikki hardly paid these beings any mind, she cared not for their presence at all beyond the needless obstacles that they served to be. However did this Dwarf convince them to sacrifice their lives, she did not know. That kind of guile could prove to hint at his dangerous power, but the manipulation she cared for the most at that moment was the one he had over magic. The red glow ticking an ominous hint to the disaster ahead, but before she could witness the twisted magic she'd need to catch up with her Uncle first.

Lumikki heard Brone make out his cries to the rival he always stalked, but was always just out of his grasp. She'd witnessed the man glance back with a smile before completing the last of his spell. And just after her Uncle would lunge forward, Lumikki would bulk her magic into one last case. Sealing the doorway of the chamber with her black frost magic and created a wall to bar the way for anyone to enter. This would not hold forever but it should deter anyone who wishes to come. So as her father and kin labor to tumble her structure, she would join Brone in the ever-shrinking portal before her.

The world they entered was similar, only that it appeared to a grander scale. The room occupied before was now more vast than ever, the floor made of obsidian, and the walls if one could see them were of a myriad of crystals placed carefully to make morals of stories older than those above ground. Statues that worked more like decorative works of art than anything needed for structure or purpose were sprawled within. Depicting what Lumikkio could only assume to be the Dhain Dwarves themselves within their own depictions. She'd study them for a moment as well as the colorful displays. The existence of this place washed her haste away before she remembered the purpose for her here once more. By then she studied Brone." What now Uncle? I made sure none could follow us here."


Race to the Dragon Chamber [Brone/Lumikki] Img_0811

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#9Brone Heavyaxe 

Race to the Dragon Chamber [Brone/Lumikki] Empty Sun May 26, 2024 5:35 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone stared at the portal, desiring to rush forward and end this, but he hesitated, remembering that this battle wasn't just his anymore. He looked back just in time to see Lumikki fly in through the opening of the cavern. A wall of black ice erupted from the ground and blocked off the opening. He gave her a warm smile and nodded before jumping in through the portal. The energy surged through, feeling a sense of anger, pain, and a feeling of rigidness.

The dwarf hit the ground. It took him a moment for the pins and needles to settle before he stood up. The cavern was vast, filled with endless black rock and glass, crystals jutting from the ground and the ceiling and a red tinge filled every crevice as the wave of heat hit him, he realized they were just above a magma chamber, possibly a large one.

His niece was there, followed him through the portal that was still open, but still shrinking, "We take down Grektor, bring back the gems and jump through the portal before it closes, easy" he gave her an assured smile before turning towards the one noticeable structure that seem to stand out above the rest; a large black shard that gave off a gray aura. Looking a bit closer, he spotted a cloaked figure standing before the shard... Grektor.

229 | 2,507



Race to the Dragon Chamber [Brone/Lumikki] Empty Mon May 27, 2024 11:24 pm


The cavern seemed too vast for her to understand, there was a mix of nothingness and sprawled structures to catch the eye. Lumikki's eyes raced about in confusion and wonder, noting all the things, but it would seem Brone knew exactly where to gleam. Lumikki followed his gaze and heeded his words." Shouldn't be hard to get all them gems back with me here. Time to see who's the better mage. That is of course, after ye get yer fill of thrashing him first Uncle."

There was an echo when they spoke, and a faint one coming from the Dwarf before them. Huddled ominously over some black shard as he mumbled his words or enchantments. It must have been quite the old spell to require so much work and proportion, but it only made things more dangerous from the perspective of the frost mage. She may not have dabbled in older spell work but her Nan did, and from time to time, she'd show the young Lumikki ancient magic.

But the magic before her was not something the young frost mage could recognize.

Curtain Call

1392_1577 50% wcr due to armor, ring, companion

Race to the Dragon Chamber [Brone/Lumikki] Img_0811

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