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The Smaller Flame

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The Smaller Flame Empty Fri May 17, 2024 9:50 am


In a poof of mist, the decoy was gone. The message that she was tasked to deliver had been received and now the blond woman could return to her cousin and move onto the next plan.

The pair had been staying within the city of Fjallgard for around a month’s time. As her grandfather could scry that the woman they intended to meet would come, but could not divine exactly when. So for the days that passed Eindride and Leif stalked the house of Lumikki Hrútr’s family, hoping to get a glance of her as she arrived so that they could commence their plan. Albeit, it did not go as they’ve intended, but a seed sown did fine enough and the curious Demoness was destined to her course now, falling into the role that would most likely perpetuate the coming chaos.

One could say that Iceberg has stayed comfortable for far too long. Though there were still tribes warring and bringing change, the systems that settled within the towns and cities had soften the people far too much. Almost to the point that they hardly reached the standards of the gods. Where were the warriors? Where were the battles? Who would serve Odin when the time comes?

While the others no longer considered such quandaries, the Drivsnö didn’t assimilate to such comforts. Rather taking on the task of holding onto traditions and promoting change through the means of battles or the influences of gods. The people of this tribe have been doing such for generations now with competency that makes them almost go unnoticed. This paired with their nomadic nature allows them to promote their work with little disturbance. As only the older generations were in the know; but a clear indicator of one being within such a tribe usually boiled to the symbol often tattooed on their forehead. A tradition to adhere as a symbolic attachment to their spiritual attunements and devotional practice.

The pitter-patter of Eindride could be heard as her feet hit the stones that devised the roads on her jog back to the inn. In her excitement, she no longer cared all that much to go on overlooked, yet her joy didn’t devoid her of all her caution either. As when she approached the door to the room shared with her cousin, she was still careful to knock in the way the two had both agreed; and Leif would promptly recognize the sound and open it.

” You’re earlier than expected, did ya find the girl?” A young man with messy raven colored hair and a thick beard, answered the door. He was only in his linens but his furs and leathers rested on the chair by the bed. With the meal half eaten atop the table, it was clear that she caught him while eating; so as Eindride barged in, she’d take his seat and a few spoonfuls.

“ Now why’d ye have to do that!” he’d grumble in annoyance as he fixed himself a new plate. He always hated when his cousin did that, inviting herself to what was clearly his.
” No need to get mad! We should be celebrating, finally we can finally leave this city and do other things.”

“ Oh, so you did see her? What was she like?” Leif took the seat from across her and began digging into his new dish. Two spoons in and he remembered that it was probably best to also pour himself another glass and so he rose to grab a cup.

” More intimidating than I’d thought. I could hardly approach her as she stomped up and down, and that bird thing of hers was more acute than I’d like; but she took the bait! Not like she had much choice, the story’s been written and she didn’t know where else to go.” Her mouth was still full as she spoke but now she was washing it down with the water of her cousins previous cup.

“ Father will be happy to hear it. I guess after this, we should get to packing.”

The Smaller Flame Nerili11

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