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How Did This Even Work?(Closed Social.)

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How Did This Even Work?(Closed Social.) Empty Fri Jan 26, 2024 4:10 pm

One could question many things that went on in recent event in Elise's life. her some times odd behaviours left everyone in some manner always guessing between how moody she could and how nice she can be. Elise was not a ticking bomb so to say she was just much to handle at times.

Now here in Bosco not really thinking about how it could matter to anyone else. Elise was here to kind of do the thing she would say she would do. She just needed to finish the shopping. she was so far on track of her time line of things to do before Emil really arrived.

She was just picking up the things she would use for the food, She had prepared everything else and made sure everything was clean clothing wise before hand.

Letting out a sigh how she was unsure how this matter would go. Would Elise's effort all be worth it.


How Did This Even Work?(Closed Social.) Empty Wed Jan 31, 2024 3:31 am

Emil had answered the woman’s letter with a simple meat, potato and wine type of dinner idea and he had invited her to the country in which he had come from and had been born and raised. He was sure it would be fine as his father was still on the run so he shouldn’t be here to ruin this day or if he does Emil would make sure that he was not ever going to bother anyone else again. Emil was cleaning up the place that he had invited her too which was his childhood home the Demi-human servants are helping him to get the place in order as in his dad’s absence he is their boss and in charge of them so they are working extra hard to get the place prepared for the woman to come over to have their date like thing.

Some of the maids are gossiping that maybe he is going to be able to charm her and have a new wife and maybe a new heir to the home to go along with the other two heirs from his first marriage that ended in death from sickness.


How Did This Even Work?(Closed Social.) Empty Thu Feb 01, 2024 3:05 pm

For the most part everything would be laid out pretty simple. Everyone knew what was going to happen. Unless they really knew or not Elise was there and she was a woman on a mission, Emil was going too enjoy this meal and Elise if anything was prepared to do things her way and her way was something else.

Was this place fancy? Yes even with the demi-human maids, but Elise seemed to not pay much attention while she walked towards the goal. One could see how prepared she was. She was already dressed up for the dinner she had yet to cook. But there was something different seeing Elise in a fancy dress that fit perfect to her body, But still covered her enough that in some manner it was still clothing it was a dress that still went to her ankles and she had styled her hair to actually to be not tied back for once. Even dark red lipstick. Things not normal for Elise but most likely a nie change.

Then well she would remove anyone from the kitchen if there was anyone in there. Which most likely was going to be interesting. Then the sound some one preparing food, Elise was doing this all by herself. She knew how too do all of this herself. It seems in the end.

While Elise was preparing of the stuff for the meal. She seemed to have chosen a table. Starting setting it up in her way. In some manner Elise was going to continue doing all of this with out saying anything else


How Did This Even Work?(Closed Social.) Empty Fri Feb 02, 2024 12:47 pm

Emil hadn't heard any of the gossip of course as he was far too busy making sure the place was ready and when he tried to go into the kitchen the staff stopped him and said it is not proper to invade the kitchen as the woman was at work and they would rather him see her once she was done and had broken her back to make dinner Emil laughed softly as if the staff is stopping him he knew he must be in for one hell of a treat from Elise as he was even surprised that the woman had even accepted to see him again let alone make a date for them, maybe he had left some kind of impression on her that he didn't know.

The staff are actively keeping Emil from wandering in on Elise's hard works and seemed to be having fun of it as they were not wasting the chance to get Emil excited for when he would actually be able to see her and spend some time with her. Emil was surprised yet happy for the turn of events that had lead him here to this day that was nearly lead into evening.


How Did This Even Work?(Closed Social.) Empty Sat Feb 03, 2024 1:44 pm

It might seemed that Elise in some manner might be putting herself in too much work. But in reality she actually knew what she was doing with out much worry at this time. But Elise seemed to have not much else on her mind said from cooking as well as she was. So much so she could just walk away for a moment. Seemingly fixed on her goal most like it was a chance for Emil to see Elise dressed up as she did. But she was pouring glasses of water and making sure things where arranged nicely even if they where already.

Steak and Potatoes where simple, But Elise felt this simple stuff needed flare. It needed a added flare to make it special. So Elise's answer was garlic butter for the steak, a little seasoning for the potatoes she was roasting, Even adding in more things but not too many. She was cutting up some carrots at this point What she was going to do with them was a good question.


How Did This Even Work?(Closed Social.) Empty Sun Feb 04, 2024 9:00 am

Emil had gotten a small sight of her and he near fall over as she was breath taking it seemed that she had gone all out for this and now he was feeling a bit underdressed as she was a Goddess given earthly form and he thought himself to only look like a lowly beast. Making this a real beauty and the best moment without there being talking furniture and other items. He was trying to think of what he can do as he was stunned for the most part as usually he would be running his mouth but the sight of her had really left him speechless and unable to be witty or cocky cause this was a date by all means to him but he was feeling like he might not be good enough for this kind of thing. He simply could only get one thing to come out of his mouth. "You look amazing Elise."


How Did This Even Work?(Closed Social.) Empty Mon Feb 05, 2024 4:43 pm

Elise was not really going to be saying much at this time, These things where beaten into her to complete effectively long before she ever became a nun and even after it she could just do all of these things effectively with out thinking. Even if no longer in her grasp. Elise's mother trained Elise to be the perfect wife and it reflected how quickly this woman could go form a hunter to that entirely wifely image quickly.

But alas she was not really thinking much else while she was making sure everything was has she planned it. Every detail was in mind:Plate,cup,fork,knife, drinks, how the food was placed, What was made, How it was cooked. It all mattered Elise removed everyone for reason. Because if she didn't get it perfect internally much like previous parts of her life some one would beat her or yell at her.

But she was not actually at risk, thinking of times that were long ago that echoed in her mind when she was free from it. But she was also making things look nice and smell nice. She would be done cooking soon. Not even realizing Emil had been staring.


How Did This Even Work?(Closed Social.) Empty Sat Feb 10, 2024 8:16 am

Emil sighed as she seemed to have ignored him but he guessed that she just had her planning on her mind as he also got a sneak peek of the stuff as she was doing and making and he was wondering if he had just happened upon a home maker and then he remembered that she admitted to being from a country that prides them selves on such things and he wonders if he might have made her feel she had to do this even through he wanted this more to be a fifty fifty ordeal. So not to make her feel he is dead weight but it seemed for now he can’t do anything to change this outcome as she had pretty much taken over his home and was making it look and smell good like she was making the most refined and higher class versions of the foods he had asked for which to him was surprising.


How Did This Even Work?(Closed Social.) Empty Sun Feb 11, 2024 4:48 pm

It would not be much longer of a wait, for while after he sat their waiting Elise would come by again, seemingly humming a song to herself while she walked over with some plates in her hand started by putting out some dinner buns, Elise would admit if he asked she had gotten a bit of a rush in the time frame of getting here and preparing that she did not make these herself. She bought them on the way here. She almost felt lazy for a moment until most people realize she had prepared everything else by herself. In some manner Elise was most likely doing so many things she didn't need too.

But she did because she felt like she needed too."I will be back with the meal, Then we can sit and enjoy our selves."With that it showed Elise was kind of in a state of just working to get the job done the most effective way possible. The thing Emil most likely picked up on that was how Elise was raised to be.

The next two steps seemed simple, She would come back with the plates put them down one in front of Emil and another on the spot to his right. Rather then sitting across Elise was breaking that normal tradition for a reason she was after all intending to talk to him and this was personal. She then walked away again for a moment came back with a bottle and two wine glasses. She would sit down after that wait a moment and well sigh as if she was done and she just had finished a long work shift and could relax.


How Did This Even Work?(Closed Social.) Empty Wed Feb 14, 2024 5:11 am

"You are very impressive in everything you do huh?" He sounds very impressed even though he had been told of who she was and where she came from and the things she had faced she was just an amazing person over all and was probably way too good for Emil and he is feeling it but is trying not to show it. "I am glad you agreed to have dinner with me and you made a really great dinner." He helps her a bit with the placement and he can tell the dinner rolls are store bought but he was not going to say anything as he was over the moon that the woman was even giving him the time of day.

He waited for her to start eating and he joins in as he tries all the stuff she had made for him to enjoy "This tastes fantastic I can feel the love and hard work you put into making this and you look amazing as well~ How ever did I get so lucky?" he was partially teasing her but was still being a bit in shock at how hard she worked and turned his simple request into something so elegant and beautiful as well as she really dressed up for it as well and she hadn’t skipped a detail of the night the general decor and how stunning she looked and he has to fight the want to just ask her if she wanted to make it more than just just night and maybe life as she had thrown everything into this.


How Did This Even Work?(Closed Social.) Empty Fri Feb 16, 2024 5:05 am

These compliments seemed to make her feel weird, almost like she was unsure how to take them. But not express it if anything she almost looked confused for a moment. To Elise this was all normal she did these things just as normally that it was almost her second nature.But alas a struggle was shown for Elise she was raised to be perfect, not to get praise for it. She was raise to just have this all work this way."Oh, considering how this place looks and all of the servants....I assumed this was normal for you."Elise actually answer it was not that she was avoiding taking the compliments well she just seemed to almost confuse Elise's mind.

Emil could most likely tell Elise was not use to because the first thing she commented on."Here I merely guessed how you wanted your steak cooked, I didn't even ask like I should of..."It seemed almost like that life reflected on her exposing some minor flaws already that where not apparent.

Then she seemingly just snapped back to reality."Right...I should be enjoying myself here some what too." For a moment there was a faint smile. After all under Elise's harden exterior was in fact a woman who was most likely lonely and had no large amounts of known family who was trying to do things to improve herself. The thoughts just where hard to click in her mind times.


How Did This Even Work?(Closed Social.) Empty Mon Feb 19, 2024 9:48 am

Emil guesses he should have seen that coming from the woman to say that he should probably be the pampered brat type that is far use to being waited on hand and foot like some kind of noble because of the slaves and at one point he had been waited on by them and had them doing things for him but as he grew and got more independent he didn’t use them as slaves,Myles they would still help him clean up messes and sort things but he wasn’t just making messes for making a messes sake or forcing them to do things they didn’t want to do. "I guess I could see how you got to that thought but not for a long time has a woman waited hand and foot for me, mostly cause I don’t see that as fair to them. If that is what you want to be for me and my children I will not stop you but I will say something to the matter. You do not need to be perfect and know that I will love you with every fiber of my being~"

He was simply being honest so she knows that he will respect if that is how she wants to be with them but to know that he will appreciate her and love her for who she is not what she does for them as he is a man that is easy to please and hard to let down unless she cheated on him that would let him down swiftly and hurt him and his children who would have let her in by then. "Please do enjoy yourself as well as you did a great job and worked hard and you made this all happen like it was magic but I can see you worked hard for it."


How Did This Even Work?(Closed Social.) Empty Wed Feb 21, 2024 11:15 am

In some manner Elise didn't know what she wanted, She had torn a life she was use too completely to shreds. Elise did not know what she wanted. But she always so far seemed to have wanted simple things. the depressing reality of being free and actually loved by some one. Almost sounded like a parody but to some one who got it. Elise's dream was entirely because she didn't know these things. Elise in some manner almost assumed these things would make her uncomfortable. But she almost seemed unsure mentally how to take this. She just hid it well.

So she would merely admit it."I...don't entirely know what I want."It was said so casually that anyone who had some kind of connection to Elise could find it mentally shattering Elise always knew what she wanted to do and when, Always did things of her own accord all with confidence and glee.So most likely it was a different step for Elise.

But telling Elise she didn't need to be perfect, seemed to in some manner confuse her still. Emil most likely knew this all was going to be a bit for Elise to take in, not from a lack of a trying. Elise pulled out all of the stops and merely got told she didn't need too. Elise however was going to be Elise she was going to try and relax but she could not help herself in some manner."Well I guess you could say it was almost beaten into me right?"Yes she was making that dark of a joke about it. Because she knew this was all possible in heels, a pretty dress and a small amount of lipstick because it was all beaten into her. She was just making a joke at her expense.

But she seemed like she would try to relax, if anything remarking about it."I am merely...doing what i feel is needed in return..."Elise almost still seemed like she was trying but some what emotionally struggling in other manner because she was trying to understand what being cared about was like. But she seemed to be handling it well. Even after a moment a quiet that almost felt awkward she seemed finally to give into the compliment."Well...thank you...It is a relief."She left it at that for now.


How Did This Even Work?(Closed Social.) Empty Sat Feb 24, 2024 9:28 am

Emil looked at Elise and he wondered why she was going to beat herself up like that. "I am sure that you can take it a bit easier with things Elise, I love that you are able to do such things, but remember you don’t have to work so hard on this, if we are going to be a couple this should be a more give and take thing." He got close to her and he gently took her hand in his own hand and he kissed the back of her hand and he smiles at her.

"I am not saying I might not be demanding at times, but I feel you can also be a little demanding of me as well." He was laying it all on the line as he wants her to know that she can ask him to do things and she doesn’t have to hold all the weight her self as he was not going to abandon her or blame her for anything that she falls short on as he wants her to feel safe with him and not have to keep second guessing her self in fear that if she slips up that he will just throw her away.


How Did This Even Work?(Closed Social.) Empty Fri Mar 01, 2024 9:36 am

It was odd, for Elise to feel the way she does.Not everything was as perfect as it needed to be, rather then some one pointing it out and raising her voice at her to try again and do better. There was no means of Elise skirting around and trying to joke about the things she is doing here, in some manner after all of this and hearing she didn't need to go as far as she did proved that the world around her was as she hoped to be. Flawed and uncontrollable unlike being forced to make everything perfect one did not need it, One just needed to do their best. So far some what of a moment of quiet Elise would finally talk."Well....suppose this means you don't need to go as all in as I did."Elise laughed it off even if she most likely could be picked up as feeling different because of how Emil wanted to treat her.

It was not that she was not happy about it, But merely not used to it. Being gawked at for being a pretty woman? She was use to that. Even when a nun she had people eyeing her in some manner. But suppose she would get use to it eventually."That might be dangerous in the future, no?"Demand was an interesting word to Elise as she seemed to view it differently.But since Emil seemed find with it she would most likely settle into it quickly."What kind of demands do you generally make of your partners?"Elise did seem curious as she seemed to have become some what normal casually slice a piece of steak for herself. Even if she didn't need too she sat and ate like a princess or royal has been caught too. But she seemed for the most part fairly content even if she was in a form of shock.


How Did This Even Work?(Closed Social.) Empty Sat Mar 09, 2024 7:23 am

He looked at her gently tilting his head as he wondered what she meant by her saying wouldn’t it be dangerous. "Wouldn’t what be dangerous in the future?" he didn’t think of her as dangerous, he knows she is strong which might mean that they might settle things differently than normal couples that just talk it out. He was not scared of this thought as she was still someone he fancied and from how much work she put into this night he was guessing that she liked him as well but was it really love he wondered but knew she was one that was a bit harder to read.

Hearing her ask what his demands were for someone he was seeing those were simple. "Less so demands more requirements, if we marry you not just taking me you are taken on my children as well. That they must at least like my children and them like her. Uhhhh third more I wish to not leave anything in a questionable fog if we need or want something we speak about it and get it out in the open. How about you what are your demands?" He smiles at her and slide his chair a bit closer to her.


How Did This Even Work?(Closed Social.) Empty Sun Mar 10, 2024 1:14 pm

It seems the parts Elise generally was over all hiding away where coming out. After all eventually it would most likely be noted that it was intended as a harmless joke as it was not in fact dangerous she was just trying to be some what funny."Being demanding to one another, Keep in mind I was merely trying to be funny." She would speak it as much because well Elise knew very much she knew she was some what hard to read at times."After all, I am more a politely ask once I wish for something kind of woman."Elise hoped the joke landed, After all it was a bit odd to try and express humour at times. But at least she was trying.

most of her humour was dark internally so she generally kept it to herself. He seemed to already be thinking about marriage and Elise was not overly shocked. Elise in some manner took her life equally as serious in some way even if she should not to start with. After all it might do her some good to not think about it in such a streamline way."Oh children? something I did not consider."Easily picked up she did not say anything about disliking children or not, But in some manner maybe it was just other matters of Elise's own feelings towards herself. For that was a part of life she never really thought over or considered before. Mostly because of her glaring flaws that Emil knew about some what.

Motherhood, Elise already feeling she was not a worthy partner to anyone, seemed like an idea far out of her ideas that she felt fit her. That doubt would some what linger in ways Emil could pick up. So for the moment she merely seemed to avoid mentioning anything about his children, raising might be something if they ended up dating that she had to deal with later but it was not anything she felt like she needed to put herself into quite yet.

Did Elise have demands? it was an interesting thing to ask her and she almost wanted to joke.But she seemed to take it some what seriously."I suppose at this time I don't have any demands."One had to ponder if it that was a good or bad thing over all for her to admit that currently.


How Did This Even Work?(Closed Social.) Empty Wed Mar 13, 2024 10:31 am

Emil listened as the woman spoke a few things and he wonders if she was okay. He knew he had said a lot but he also knows that time wastes and putting things off will only lead more to him not wanting to pick up and keep going with them fast enough and soon the time for the things will pass as he seemed to ping pong off of things to other things and not giving the attention that is required to the things he needs to get done but he knows that he needs to make sure that she knows that he is thinking she would make a good woman in his life as he was still not fully there yet but he knows that she can be there if he makes sure to work it out with her.

He saw how she reacted to the children part and he smiles at her. "Children meeting I think will be a later date so you can see if they like you or if you feel anything toward them at all besides that they are living creatures that is." He figures Luna and her might clash a little but he knows fang will probably like her as they both like to fight and Luna is far more caring older sister to him even though she was only like two minutes older. Though maybe Luna might latch onto the fact Elise is more proper usually with this stuff.

"Wellmif you think of anything that you feel you need in the relationship let me know and we can work on it as I owe you a lot even if I seem like or act like I don’t." He smiles and he bowed his head to her in respect as she had out done herself but he wanted her to know that he appreciated her for all she had done here.


How Did This Even Work?(Closed Social.) Empty Fri Mar 15, 2024 8:49 am

As much as Elise might be hard to read and figure out. But most likely she was not going to be much a problem towards a lot of other people in ways that most likely where intentional." I would not expect to meet some one's children so soon. After all a good parent figures out, If their next partner is good for them as well."Elise most likely did not consider motherhood, or what being one would be like for her. But most likely expected by Emil as he gotten a grasp on Elise. if brought up Elise would most likely not feel like she would worthy of parenthood either most likely worried that she would reflect behaviour she saw of her parents.

Most likely Elise's personal internal worries would most likely eventually reflect in some manner later on between her and these children. Even if she most likely won't take anything out on them. Elise didn't ask or demand much, But Elise also most likely did not fully grasp and understand how to piece together these things in her life quite yet even if she is trying. But in some manner Emil has these parts in life better understood compared to Elise. But she was just not going to argue anything about it."One of these maybe I will figure some of these things out."Elise said it was not intentionally a hint that she could piece together and knew how to be in these situations, She was a hunter and use to these various things other night time hunting things. For the moment Elise seemed to casually go back to eating her food, Almost like she was trying to process and understand what she might be getting into at this point, While trying to avoid her loner hunting behaviour.


How Did This Even Work?(Closed Social.) Empty Tue Mar 19, 2024 8:21 am

He looked at the woman and smiled at her candid attitude about it. "No need to feel rushed or anything into meeting them and if you rather the meeting with them might be more of a this is Elise my good friend instead we can do that. As for you being good for the children or not, I will weigh in with a you would be good with them I think, as you know a lot of skills clearly." He pointed at the food they way she was dressed the way she had handled the whole day with him and this date of sorts. "Yes you come from a strict high strung background and family but that is what makes you perfect, as you and them can help each other learn the balance between them."

Emil was more saying that she can work with the children and learn the boundaries and can help them grow and mature as they needed someone like Elise in there life to help them, as Emil knows he is a good father he is just a horrible teacher and is not well learned himself, Elise would clearly be the more strict parent and be what they need in their lives. "We would have to work together to piece it in not just your Elise." He gently leaned in close to her and kissed her cheek his rough skin touching against her skin.


How Did This Even Work?(Closed Social.) Empty Wed Mar 20, 2024 2:20 pm

Having time for it was a good and safe thing because Elise was over all unsure how to consider and process being around children, in some manner she was worried about reflecting behaviour in which was how she was raised to them in which Elise knew was unhealthy and she didn't want to have that happen. Given on how Elise was she just said."Can't say I can give you a preview either...Children are ones I don't interact with much."it was something that was easily factored in, How many times has anyone seen Elise talk or interact with children, She was a nighttime worker for a reason. People where lucky to actually get to see her over all.

This all seemed to hint towards allowing Elise to sprout out as a person. But then again Emil already know Elise was over all struggling with connecting to people and herself in some manner emotionally.But She seemed some what delayed in any form of reaction to Emil's affection. Elise was trying to learn who she was now and in some manner. She seemed to smile for a moment. Then the closest arm to Emil's head gently guided touch his face, merely seemingly having it as a non-vocal sign for their faces to stay there for a moment. Internally Elise seemed yet again to be trying to take in and understand being loved for just being herself at this time but still almost like it was weird for her.


How Did This Even Work?(Closed Social.) Empty Fri Mar 22, 2024 11:10 am

Emil was surprised that she had touched his face like that and he wonders if there is something that she is wanting him to do now but he thinks it is just best to allow her to make the next move as he had started this but he knows that she would be able to end it if she wanted to. He thinks that maybe she was slowly getting use to being around him and maybe even that she might be into him though the fact she broke her ass to give him a great dinner should have already shown him that she was willing to want to maybe take that step with him. He thinks that she will be fine if they do get to the her meeting his children phase, as he can tell she isn't a bad person and he feels a bit like maybe the children will help her be able to feel a little bit of a strange warmth that only children could bring to a person.


How Did This Even Work?(Closed Social.) Empty Sun Mar 24, 2024 5:03 pm

Elise would not mention it yet, But Elise was merely trying to adjust to being able to express emotions. Elise in some manner was also not admitting here, This moment was something she did not realize as a person she needed, she needed to feel and touch in terms of an actual person contact right now. Even then Elise would not want to right away. But Emil would feel one of Elise's arms go around his waist for a moment and she kissed one of the cheeks of his face, the one that was just resting upon Elise's face.

It seemed if anything she was letting out something that was most likely locked away in her mind for many years from having to repress her emotions. Emil was seeing expression of Elise trying to come out and he might need to be careful of what he might say or do because it might cause an odd reaction to Elise. Even if this was all a good thing.

Then Elise put down her sliver wear. Then seemingly rested both of her arms around Emil's neck and guided Emil head to where her's was and rested their foreheads together, After saying nothing. Elise seemed to show her really just needed the human touch, the realization she could feel positive emotional connections to someone. This was the case going on now, This is why she said nothing.

Then after ten minutes, She let him go pick up her sliver wear and continue eating her steak like it was nothing."I am a bit too use. To just doing everything by myself if you noticed..."Which was a true statement Elise was use to being a night time loner hunter nun, So she was trying but something needed adjusting still.


How Did This Even Work?(Closed Social.) Empty Sun Mar 24, 2024 5:37 pm

Emil was surprised that she had just kissed him on the cheek as he had not expected that she would give him contact like that so fast as he was expecting that she was going to need a slow build up but it seemed that she had relaxed a bit and that was good for Emil as that means that the things she had said were real and she was really in need of someone that would give her the time and build up a loving relationship with her slowly and let her come out of her shell at he own pace and she came out a bit faster than he had expected her to have done but he was not going to be complaining about this.

When she pulled his forehead against her forehead he was in a bit of heaven as her skin was softer than he thought it would be and her warmth pushed against his cooler head and he was so comfortable and he felt safe with her like this if anyone had not known what was going on here or knew here out side of this they would have probably have been confused by this happening as Elise was known as a hardened killer and creature hunter so he was glad they were in a private place as that probably made it easier for her to come out of her shell and do these kinds of things and he smiled. Ince she had let him go so she could return to eating he spoke softly and friendly. "I know you are and you are a damn good fighter and I am thankful that you took the time and gave me a chance to witness your skills and the kindness and simple beauty you have." He was being honest to her as he was fully amazed by her and the things she can do and how many dimensions she seemed to have outside of just being the huntress of the night that would keep the streets safe.


How Did This Even Work?(Closed Social.) Empty Tue Mar 26, 2024 10:41 am

Now however Elise's wit had to come back. After all she could not be this all of the time or else people might think she isn't the same person anymore."Careful now, Some one might actually believe you."It was thick witted sass that was returned for a reason. Elise knew she was this way and needed to work on it. But she still had to seem like her normal self for a reason."Some one might think twice at some things they can do."This was all also entirely a joke. Just Elise's humour was not outwardly forward and just mentioned in other ways.

But she had a feeling Emil had picked up on how Elise tended to joke about about many things around her. She just didn't really laugh about it right away or let on any sign about it. So one could over all get fooled. But she did wink as if it was actually the sign that it was a joke.

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