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Re:Death [Lore]

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Re:Death [Lore] Empty Sat May 25, 2024 9:27 am

Tap, tap, tap. the sound of a finger tapping repeatedly on the surface of a table was the lone sound that filled the room she was in. The white-haired witch gazed curiously ahead at the small sphere on the table while a soft hum escaped her lips. "How utterly delightful~" Her voice was soft and sweet, like honey that could lure in most mortals, a sign that was evident in the fact the guards of the Hellsea Bastille had bend the knee to her, leaving the woman to contemplate the events that were transpiring. It was clear that she had come here for a reason, yet unfortunately for her the reason was slightly preoccupied right now.

From the shadows a tall middle-aged man emerged, his stern grizzled features making even his mere gaze capable of causing the hardened criminals in this bastille to be aware that opposing him would end up badly. Although where one might had expected the man to wear some type of mage robe, or a glorious set of armor he instead wore a traditional western-styled butler outfit. "My lady-" The man spoke with reverence in his voice, causing the woman to turn her gaze into his direction. "Ah~ Sebas, how are your preparations going?"

The butler placed a arm before his chest and bowed lightly. "I have finished the task you bestowed onto me. Shall I proceed?" But the woman shook her head lightly, her lips curving up into a smile. "Not yet Sebas, let us enjoy the spectacle for a bit." The woman's words were enough to make him consider the matter settled as he stepped behind her.

"It is true, there would be benefits to acting now, yet why should we rush it all? In a way their arrival is precisely what we needed. This world is unfair Sebas, a world where the odds can be turned against us in the blink of an eye, and I'm kind of curious what he will do when he is driven into a corner~ Will he remember our bargain? Will he curse the unfairness of this situation till the very end, squirming in futility or will he decide to accept the hand extended to him?"

The butler called Sebas couldn't help but hold back a sigh. There was no helping his master when she was like this. But perhaps there was another topic that needed discussing: "What about the one in his presence?" The question made her lean back in her chair as she hummed softly. "Zariya? I can't say I'm too interested in them yet. Queendoms are rarely eternal, whether it is in Earthland or the Abyss. Yet perhaps their actions today will entertain my curiosity."

she leaned back forward, trailing a finger along the surface of the crystal ball. "Show me Erebus~ What will you do today? I hope you were worth the wait."

And with these words, she resumed observing the events that were unfolding.

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