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Birds of a Feather - Void Event: Wings of the Void [Private: Salem + Eelzad]

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#1Alaric Holloway 

Birds of a Feather - Void Event: Wings of the Void [Private: Salem + Eelzad] Empty Fri Apr 26, 2024 6:10 pm

Alaric Holloway
“What was that?” Alaric’s ears twitched as the sound in the far-off distant caught his attention. It was not so much the sound but the pulse of pure mana that pulsated out from deep within the forest. He stood up from the picnic that he and Salem had set up under a large willow tree. Pulling the braided branches back, Alaric’s nose sniffed the air. “Did you feel that?” He returned his attention to Salem. Salem was a friend and guildmate. Lately, the two had been spending more time around each other. It was nice, something he wasn’t really used to, truthfully. Besides Salem, Lumi was his only other friend within Paradise Dawn. It wasn’t much, but it was everything to him.

With a concerned look, Alaric walked back through the willow’s branches towards Salem. “You felt that right?” He asked with a stern but inquisitive tone. A pulse raced out again, and Alaric shifted his posture to face outside the leaves once more. “Salem, what is that? You’re more magically gifted than I am. Surely, you felt those pulses.” Animals squealed and squawked, racing from the direction of the mana beating. Something had spooked them. It must be why Alaric could sense it too. It was a primal fear. He felt as if whatever was causing this was something that should not be messed with.

An echoed beat out. Alaric’s attention immediately snapped. His helmet, Henaes' Helm, pulsed an echo of the mana beat. Not only that, there were two beats. Salem’s staff matched the helmet’s tune. Henaes' Helm was a twisted gift from The Void. It had called to him that day on the island. When he and Bron delivered that medication, he had gifted it the items he had and it had given him the helm. Perhaps a similar tale could be told for Salem’s staff. Had The Void returned? What could an insatiable power like it want in the Worth Woodsea?

WC: 337

Birds of a Feather - Void Event: Wings of the Void [Private: Salem + Eelzad] 1ttePXg
#B72F22 | Sheet
#A96161 | App

Birds of a Feather - Void Event: Wings of the Void [Private: Salem + Eelzad] Empty Mon Apr 29, 2024 7:42 pm

Eelzad's arrival was announced by the rustling of leaves and the stride of a confident man just as Alaric's tension reached its peak. With a sense of almost theatrical bravado, Eelzad broke through the hanging branches of the willow and emerged, his charismatic grin glistening in the sunlight.

"Ah, the sound of adventure calls!" Eelzad proclaimed, brushing off a few stray leaves that clung to his cloak. Amidst the ominous pulses that had unnerved the wildlife - and Alaric as well - his eyes sparkled with a mixture of curiosity and thrill, clearly undisturbed by the ominous pulses that had unsettled them.

"Alaric, I'm meeting for the first time but you look capable, Salem, I had a drink with," he began to say to each of them, nodding with familiarity and respect as he addressed them. He continued, his voice carrying the weight of his experience and the buoyant excitement of a mage who thrives on the unknown. "It's not every day that the forest itself plays such a haunting melody. You're right to wonder," he mused as he spoke.

Eelzad stepped closer to the duo, clasping his hands behind his back with a relaxed yet poised posture as he strided closer to them. "These pulses I'm feeling, they're powerful mana, yes? Perhaps a call to action, perhaps a challenge from the depths of the Worth Woodsea itself." As he looked into his eyes, it seemed as if they glinted with excitement at the prospect of a new quest. I've met many such mysteries in my travels. They often lead to the discovery of unknown magic, the discovery of ancient artifacts, and even sometimes the encounter with formidable foes.

He turned his gaze in the direction of the disturbance, his expression contemplative but full of anticipation as he looked at it. There is no denying that the Void is an insatiable power. Its energies are indistinguishable and often leave a signature in the ether that echoes like ripples on the surface of a pond.

"What better adventure could we ask for than to delve into the unknown, to confront or perhaps harness such power? Besides, what are guildmates for, if not to face the shadows of the world together? More importantly, the drinking and storytelling afterward. Let's continue to make our legend here."

WC: 390

#3Salem E. 

Birds of a Feather - Void Event: Wings of the Void [Private: Salem + Eelzad] Empty Fri May 10, 2024 7:59 pm

Salem E.

Salem had a frown on his face. He felt the pulse from his staff. It reacted to his mate's helm but the pulse he felt was too familiar. His staff was giving off the same vibes as when he dealt with that plight in Caelum. It was definitely the taint of the void coming to play. His staff was a void item but was meant to restrain it. It helped him be sensitive to such things. One thing was certain. He did not like it.

The fact that Eelzad popped up took him by surprise. Still it was not bad to have his follower around. He would be able to test his potential and see what the man was capable of. Where they were going could be considered dangerous. It would be a great way for them to all grow and gain power.

“It is most likely the void and we need to move. Whatever it is happens to be in our territory. Which makes me happy that you are here Zaddy. You can help us check out the issue and take down any dangers.”

Salem made sure he did not say meet shield but he had the thought in his head. He grabbed his gear and made sure he was ready. He took a second and spoke aloud.

“We need to get used to you Eelzad. Alaric and I have a certain understanding of each other. Stay close to me and you can consider it as working as my guard. Alaric if it moves take it down, if it is down move on.”

The Fairygodfather would start moving to the source of the disturbance at a brisk pace. The forest would seem to be helping them as a path was formed. It made traveling a tad bit easier. When they would get closer Salem would get that disturbed feeling. He cast the strongest full body defensive spell on Eelzad. He used the second strongest on himself and left Alaric out of the casting. The man was hard to take down and Salem would just use healing magic as it was needed.


#4Alaric Holloway 

Birds of a Feather - Void Event: Wings of the Void [Private: Salem + Eelzad] Empty Sun May 12, 2024 1:28 pm

Alaric Holloway
Alaric’s posture changed when he picked up the scent of somebody approaching them. He tensed his body and positioned himself between Salem and the unfamiliar scent. He was ready to pounce as a man theatrically appeared from the brush. He greeted the two of them as if he knew them. Alaric’s face scrunched up with confusion over the encounter. “Who the fuck are you?” Clearly, Alaric was not known for his filter. Alaric turned back towards Salem. “Who the fuck is he?” Salem seemed shocked to see this strange man appear but not one to miss a beat he brushed that awkward encounter off. Salem did seem to have an idea of what was going on, no surprise there. He was pretty quick to catch on and always seemed to keep his cool.

Urgh, okay. If you think it's best. Alaric said begrudgingly. He went and gathered his things from the surrounding area. “Who is this guy and do we really need him tagging along?” He muttered under his breath as he was near Salem but his back was turned to Eelzad so that he would not hear him. He gave Salem some glances, waiting to see what he did. Realizing that Salem was more concerned with the mana pulses than the stranger, Alaric geared up and was ready to head out.

The trio pushed through the deep green forest, following the trail of pulsating magic. It was eerie. The forest was humming to life with mana but it was not natural. At least, it did not feel natural to Alaric. They approached a large rip in a mountain, a cavern that seemed to still be opening. While it was not visible, Alaric could almost see the aura of mana radiating from the cave. It was that palpable. Salem wrapped the trio in his unique barrier magic and Alaric felt the nerves that had started to build wash away. Why did he need to be nervous? With Salem covering his back, Alaric could run wild and dangerous.

As they approached, the sound of something inside caused Alaric’s ears to perk. “What’s that sound?” Before he was able to get a response, a flurry of winged shapes blasted from the cavern. They raced through the trio, their wings slicing into Salem’s protective barriers. Alaric grunted and clapped his hands before him. A magic circle appeared and dozens of explosions rippled throughout the entrance. Clearing the swarm that had just assaulted them. He could hear more of them, deeper in the cavern. “Alright, stick tight.”

Alaric was the first one inside. As he entered, he expected his eyes to have to adjust to dimmer lighting but was shocked to see it was as bright inside the cavern as it was outside. In fact, it did not even feel like it was a cave at all. It was open aired and spacious. It looked like the forest they had just came from but a bit fuzzier. Like it was vibrating. There was so much mana racing through here, it must have been twisting the space itself. Alaric wasn’t too sure coming inside this space was the best choice of action. He hoped Salem knew what he was doing.

Wc 553
Twc 890

Birds of a Feather - Void Event: Wings of the Void [Private: Salem + Eelzad] 1ttePXg
#B72F22 | Sheet
#A96161 | App

Birds of a Feather - Void Event: Wings of the Void [Private: Salem + Eelzad] Empty Fri May 24, 2024 8:40 pm

Eelzad, taken slightly aback by Alaric’s blunt questions, quickly composed himself. He understood the protective nature of the wolfish man and the need to establish trust within the group. Eelzad flashed a reassuring smile, his usual confidence shining through.

"I'm Eelzad Kors," he introduced himself smoothly, extending a hand. "A guildmate, here to lend my skills and, it seems, test my mettle alongside you both. You look strong and reliable, and you speak your mind. I already like you, so let's get along."

Salem's quick instructions and the brisk pace they set off at left little room for further introductions. Eelzad fell in line, his senses sharp as they navigated through the forest, which seemed almost to part ways for them. He appreciated the care Salem showed in casting protective spells, feeling the strong, reassuring magic envelop him.

As they approached the cavern, Eelzad felt the palpable disturbance in the air, the void energy almost tangible against his skin. He kept his composure, drawing on his training and experience to maintain focus.

Inside the cavern, the environment shifted dramatically, the mana pulsing so intensely it seemed to warp the space itself. Eelzad glanced around, assessing the situation as Alaric dispatched the initial wave of winged creatures with explosive precision. The brightness and surreal nature of the place were disorienting, but Eelzad knew he needed to stay sharp.

Eelzad turned to Alaric, who was now on high alert. "Impressive work," he commented, nodding towards the remnants of the dispatched creatures. "This place is charged with a strange energy. It feels like the very air is vibrating with mana. We need to stay close and be ready for anything."

He looked towards Salem, catching his eye. "Salem, any idea what could be causing this level of disturbance? I’ve encountered some powerful void entities before, but this feels different—more pervasive."

Despite the surreal and potentially dangerous surroundings, Eelzad felt a thrill of excitement. This was the kind of challenge he thrived on, pushing his abilities and testing his resolve. He focused on the rippling energy around them, ready to channel his Ripple Magic at a moment's notice.

"Let's move forward carefully,"
Eelzad suggested, his tone serious but calm. "For us to tell a good tale of our adventures, we need to be alive for it."

WC: 382
TWC: 772

#6Salem E. 

Birds of a Feather - Void Event: Wings of the Void [Private: Salem + Eelzad] Empty Sat May 25, 2024 8:05 am

Salem E.

Salem was pretty content; he did not have to explain to Alaric too much. He had his issues with the humans so he felt pretty lucky the wolf liked him. If not, the bits and pieces of Eelzad would make him sad. It was so hard to find a decent follower. It would have set his time table back too much.

The inside of the cavern was nice. It was not as creepy as the time that he went to that terrible castle. The visibility of the place did not bother him. Since he came back from the place he has realized that it is very hard to make him blind or lose sight, To him being inside was the same as being outside in the bright sun, the only giveaway was the fact that his eyes glowed like a bright blue lantern. Anyone looking at him would be able to see them glowing.

“Most I can guess is that it is related to the void. I can feel it in my staff. It sends a tingle all throughout my body. Like a dark feeling of foreboding. Except we need to get through this.”

That last bit was for himself. Salem felt it before he noticed it. A blade of wind had hit his body causing some damage to the armor that he casted on himself. A lucky thing for him to do. He could have survived judging by the damage done to his spell. It just would have hurt.

Salem looked up to see an emerald blur. Whatever had hit him had done it at such a speed that he could not make it out. “It looks like we got company.” It was the truth. Salem managed to squeeze the words out when it looked like a swarm managed to get around them. The group was gonna be in a ton of danger. The options to him look like escape or take 'em all down. Salem wanted to see what the others could do in battle before he stepped in. He was ready to cast spells as needed. He could heal the entire group up in a snap as long as they were alive. If things went well Alaric should reasonably be able to blast them all to pieces.

“SQQQUEEEAKK!!!!” The monsters shouted at him and dived. Salem was not expecting for him to be the main target. It was like Salem had stolen their wives and looted their homes or something. It was ridiculous the sheer amount that was coming to eat him alive.

WC: 426 TWC:778

#7Alaric Holloway 

Birds of a Feather - Void Event: Wings of the Void [Private: Salem + Eelzad] Empty Sat May 25, 2024 6:15 pm

Alaric Holloway
Still giving the man a bit of a cautious look, Alaric took Salem’s lead. “Alright.” He grunted. Eelzad introduced himself as a fellow member of Paradise Dawn. The smell of the man did resemble the guildhall’s own scent. Either he had been sticking around the building the last few days or he was a member of the Dawn. Alaric shook his hand halfheartedly, he was not one to warm up to others quickly. At least not while sober.

Now that the party had entered the dungeon, the energy was immense. “Yea, I don’t like the feeling this place gives. Seems like it’s not natural. Shouldn’t belong here.” Looking towards Salem, Alaric asked the Fae. “Salem, you’ve got some inkling on where the source is right? Lead us where we need to go. I don’t think we’ll have too big of an issue so long as we are not overwhelmed by those birds.”

The path to the side of them appeared as if glass was shattering. From the crack in reality, a second swarm of the birds poured out and to Salem’s command, Alaric engaged. The birds targeted Salem, something that Alaric was going to ensure did not come to fruition. Alaric held up his hand forming a magic seal. As that seal formed a second one appeared right alongside it. “Spell Suicide” He commanded just as the birds flew through the space. Both circle’s glow brightened dramatically and immediately erupted destroying all within that flock’s break. More cracks had started to appear all around them. This space was not stable. He hoped Salem might make heads or tails of the situation that they had all found themselves in.

He kept his body close to the group, not wanting to risk the chance of a break happening nearby and splitting them apart. He quickly glanced towards Eelzad. “Well, if you’re a part of the Dawn that means you know how to hunt, right? Let’s see what you got.” His gaze shifted back toward the cracks appearing. Waiting for them to spew more birds.

Wc 357
Twc 1247


Birds of a Feather - Void Event: Wings of the Void [Private: Salem + Eelzad] 1ttePXg
#B72F22 | Sheet
#A96161 | App

Birds of a Feather - Void Event: Wings of the Void [Private: Salem + Eelzad] Empty Sat May 25, 2024 10:25 pm

Eelzad, already on high alert from the strange energy in the cavern, was quick to respond to Alaric's challenge. The pulsating mana and the sudden appearance of the birds had his adrenaline pumping. As Alaric unleashed his powerful spells to destroy the initial swarm, Eelzad prepared himself to demonstrate his own combat prowess.

"Understood," Eelzad said, his voice steady and confident. "Let's show these creatures what we're made of."

As more cracks appeared in the space around them, spewing out flocks of the aggressive, emerald birds, Eelzad's eyes glowed with determination. He centered himself, taking a deep breath, and activated his Ripple Magic. The energy flowed through his body, enhancing his physical abilities and preparing him for the fight ahead.

With a swift movement, Eelzad launched himself towards the incoming swarm, his fists charged with the concentrated power of the Ripple. "Sunlight Yellow Overdrive!" he shouted, his voice echoing through the cavern as his fists began to glow with a radiant light.

Eelzad's movements were precise and fluid as he struck the birds with powerful, light-infused punches. Each hit sent ripples of energy through the creatures, their forms disintegrating upon contact with the intense light. The combination of his physical strength and the magical enhancement of the Ripple made him a formidable opponent. The birds screeched and dived at him, but Eelzad's agility and enhanced senses allowed him to dodge their attacks with ease. He continued to strike, each punch a calculated blow that sent more of the creatures falling to the ground, lifeless.

As he fought, Eelzad kept an eye on Salem and Alaric, making sure they were holding their own against the onslaught. He was impressed by Alaric's devastating spells and Salem's calm command of the situation, even as the birds targeted him relentlessly.

"We need to find the source of these creatures and stop it," Eelzad called out to his companions, his voice filled with urgency. "These attacks won't stop until we do."

He continued to fight, the cavern filled with the light of his Ripple Magic and the sounds of battle. Eelzad knew they had to act quickly before more cracks appeared and the situation became even more dangerous. With each punch, he focused on clearing a path, hoping to find a way to the source of the disturbance and put an end to the chaos.

"How's that? I am a lot of things, believe me. However, dead weight isn't one of them. "

WC: 419
TWC: 1189

#9Salem E. 

Birds of a Feather - Void Event: Wings of the Void [Private: Salem + Eelzad] Empty Tue May 28, 2024 7:01 pm

Salem E.

Salem was deep in thought about their current predicament. Alaric was able to take the birds out in droves. He was not a fan of Eelzad rushing into battle but he needed to deal with what they could. Instead he put up a small bubble shield to try and keep the birds that got passed all of them out. He would have let them peck at the armor but that was not happening. Eelzad was taking small amounts of wind damage in places that the armor did not cover. He probably did not notice because the armor was healing him as soon as it happened, and Salem’s innate ability transferred half the damage to him. Allowing Salem’s own magic armor to heal it as well. The only person that looked fine was Alaric, and Salem wanted to bet it was because of his freakish werewolf vitality.

“I got it!” The Fairy Godfather had an idea. He knew his staff could restrain voidal forces. That was something he was already aware of since his time in the village. The more mana he put behind it the more things he was aware of that he could restrain, as long as they were void in nature. “I hope this works!” He said more to himself than anyone else.

Salem pointed at one of what he was gonna try and term as a void rift. He pumped his mana into the spell and watched that rift close. Trapping the birds on the other side. How long it would hold was beyond him. He did not put that much mana into it because he was merely testing out that theory. He did not want to waste mana that he could not spare in such a situation.

“We need to go! Fight and move!” Salem was yelling but had a huge smile on his face. To the fairy of fun and games. The task at hand was more of a never before played games. Sure they could die but it was so much fun to play. When he succumbed to his nature more often the smiling fun side of him could come off as unhinged. The only thing keeping him rational is the fact that he was also the Fairy of protection. Letting his comrades die would be such a dumb way to lose.

WC: 388  TWC:1,166

#10Alaric Holloway 

Birds of a Feather - Void Event: Wings of the Void [Private: Salem + Eelzad] Empty Sat Jun 08, 2024 8:14 am

Alaric Holloway
Alaric watched Eelzad with a mixture of skepticism and curiosity. The man was proving himself, no doubt about that, but trust was something Alaric didn't give easily. He noticed Salem's bubble shield flickering under the constant assault of the birds. They were relentless, and it seemed they had a particular grudge against Salem. "Alright, let's keep moving!" Alaric shouted over the din of battle, his voice a deep growl that resonated through the cavern. He could feel the pulse of mana all around him, each beat like a drum in his chest. This place was alive with energy, and it felt wrong on every level.

As Eelzad cleared a path with his glowing fists, Alaric's mind was already calculating their next move. Salem's spell had closed one of the rifts, but there were more appearing, and they couldn't afford to be overwhelmed. "Nice work, Eelzad," Alaric grunted, nodding in approval. "Just don't get cocky. These things are faster than they look." He turned to Salem, who seemed to be enjoying the chaos a bit too much. Alaric could see the gleam in his friend's eyes, the thrill of the fight, the excitement of the unknown. It was both reassuring and slightly unsettling. "Salem, keep those rifts closed as best as you can. We'll cover you," Alaric ordered, his tone firm. He knew Salem's magic was their best bet at keeping the birds at bay.

Alaric took the lead, pushing through the chaos, he trusted Salem and Eelzad to watch his back, but he wasn't about to let his guard down. As they advanced, Alaric could feel the mana growing stronger, the air thicker with each passing moment. The birds were relentless but the trio’s joint efforts had kept them at bay for the most part. Sensing that this conflict would only be prolonged if he held back, Alaric decided he needed to start to pull out some ace’s to get this ordeal over with. He took a deep breath and shifted his posture to a martial arts stance. White and black magic rippled from him and his gauntlets as a trigram appeared beneath his footing. As he released the breath, the aura solidified. With great haste, Alaric started a volley of blows at the birds. Each blow a rift of energy was given. With each blow, the birds shattered like glass. Their poor frames stood no chance of withstanding Alaric’s barrage.

Wc 413
Twc 1660

Birds of a Feather - Void Event: Wings of the Void [Private: Salem + Eelzad] 1ttePXg
#B72F22 | Sheet
#A96161 | App

Birds of a Feather - Void Event: Wings of the Void [Private: Salem + Eelzad] Empty Thu Jun 13, 2024 5:19 pm

Eelzad grinned as he watched Alaric and Salem in action, their combined efforts a testament to their strength and teamwork. He felt a surge of pride being part of such a capable group. The Fairy Godfather's bubble shield flickered under the relentless assault, and Eelzad could see the strain on Salem's face, despite his unhinged smile.

"Let's do this!"
Eelzad shouted, determination fueling his every move. He felt the familiar hum of his Ripple Magic coursing through his veins, his Aqua Sphera Gauntlets glowing brightly.

Eelzad's eyes darted around the cavern, assessing the situation. The rifts continued to open, spewing more birds into the fray. He needed to create a distraction to give Salem more time. With a quick decision, Eelzad launched himself at a cluster of rifts, punching the ground with his Ripple Magic-infused fists. The impact sent shockwaves through the cavern floor, destabilizing the rifts and causing them to waver.

"Alaric, i'll cover Salem! Please handle these!"
Eelzad called out, his voice echoing through the cavern. He moved with purpose, his fists a blur of radiant light as he struck at the rifts. The birds were fast, but Eelzad's reflexes and magic kept him one step ahead.

As he continued to fight, Eelzad felt a strange energy emanating from one of the rifts. His gauntlets hummed in response, their magic resonating with the voidal force. "There's something different about this one," he muttered to himself, focusing his energy on the rift. With a mighty punch, he struck the rift, sending a burst of light through it.

The rift exploded in a shower of energy, and for a moment, the birds seemed to hesitate. Eelzad took advantage of the pause, launching a series of rapid punches at the remaining rifts. Each punch carried the force of his Ripple Magic, shattering the rifts and sending the birds into disarray.

"Seems to have some kind of reaction to magic when attacked directly. Is it possible that the direct attacks with magic could be something that can act like an emp and shut the whole thing down. "
However, Eelzad didn't have any sort of projectiles and would have to go in close in order to test those theories even more. However, he wasn't afraid and had some comrades with him that he could rely on.

WC: 402
TWC: 1591

#12Salem E. 

Birds of a Feather - Void Event: Wings of the Void [Private: Salem + Eelzad] Empty Thu Jun 20, 2024 5:07 pm

Salem E.

The bubble broke but it was lucky that Alaric was making a path. The trio were making progress as they dived deeper into the dungeon. It was actually getting harder for Salem to tell how deep they were going. It was just becoming a cycle of fighting and moving. The density of birds increases immensely at some points. If it was not for Alaric's ability to take down hoards with ease. They would be screwed.

Observation. Besides making it his personal mission to make sure these two stayed alive. It was the main thing he was doing. Salem was rapidly learning the true measure of a healer. The ability to pay attention. When needed he would try to shield anyone who needs it. That was on top of healing as needed and suppressing the rifts. It was a lot of work he was trying to accomplish at once.

That was why he internally started cursing when Eelzad broke formation, not that they really had one going, but It was like he was craving death by bird stabbing. Salem believed he was an amazing healer, he was not however a necromancer. The fairy godfather could not bring the man back from the dead. If he died Salem would just have to give him a lovely burial at sea. When a ripple came out and managed to stall the birds. Salem felt a bit of a rush. It was like they were reaching the end of the game and it was time for it to end.

“Welp. I hope you are right Zaddy. It cannot do this a lot.”

Salem moved his body to catch up to Eelzad. It was just a short movement spell and a dash. The fae hit the ground to the bottom of his staff. A magic circle formed underneath it. Like a spring of water appeared from the ground. It swelled out in a huge circle and it enveloped the group healing their injuries. The birds took damage as if they got hurt from the water spring. The water reached the rifts. The cavern shook immensely as the two came in contact. The birds fell from the sky as the rift closed. Salem fell back and laid on the ground. The last spell took more mana out of him then he would have liked. He would need a moment to rest.

“It looks like we did it. Can one of you carry me out? I would really enjoy hitting my bed right now.”

That was the last sentence Salem would get out as he closed his eyes for a nap. He was so tired he started snoring. The sound actually sounded like a relaxing bubbling brook.


WC: 449  TWC:1,615

#13Alaric Holloway 

Birds of a Feather - Void Event: Wings of the Void [Private: Salem + Eelzad] Empty Thu Jun 20, 2024 7:09 pm

Alaric Holloway
Alaric grasped Eezlad’s instructions firmly. This had to end now, for all their sakes. “Alright, let’s end this thing.” His aura pulsed as he surged toward the volatile core. Magic flowed through the werewolf, channeling from both hands. As each hand struck the rift, Alaric unleashed additional spells; a pulse of nullification magic tore through the rift just as his primary hand struck with full force. The rift shattered, collapsing the cavern around them. Alaric was blasted back by the force but escaped harm, thanks to Salem and his armor. He shielded his face with both arms as he recovered from the blast.

Regaining his footing, Alaric looked back at Salem and Eezlad. His expression shifted from a proud grin to one of concern. “Shit, Salem!” Alaric rushed to the Fae as his footing began to falter, catching him just in time. He gently eased Salem to the ground, his eyes meeting Eezlad’s. “He’s exhausted himself.”

Carefully, he slid Salem onto his back and began his transformation into a wolf. Large and sturdy enough to carry the man, Alaric knew he’d have to move slowly. Once Eezlad was ready, he’d head back to the guild hall, determined to ensure Salem’s safety.


Wc 210
Twc 1870

Birds of a Feather - Void Event: Wings of the Void [Private: Salem + Eelzad] 1ttePXg
#B72F22 | Sheet
#A96161 | App

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