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Briar Soul Dew Spells #4

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#1Briar Caidh 

Briar Soul Dew Spells #4 Empty Sun May 26, 2024 10:46 am

Briar Caidh

120,000j (20% Discount from College of Restoration)

Name: Name of Daisy
Rank: B
Mana Cost: 100
Requirements: Soul Dew Magic
Type: Other-Buff
Element: Water/Nature
Range: 15 meters
Cooldown: 3 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: The user slams the ground with a limb or weapon and makes a vocal indication before pointing at a location, causing a magic seal to appear at their feet and another 4 meters wide around them or somewhere else at the appropriate spell speed delay. Yellow daisies will sprout from a tide of magic, blessing everyone in their area but the user for 1xB-Rank Constitution as long as the spell is sustained. This will leave an ornamental daisy blossom on the left hip of all affected.

120,000j (20% Discount from College of Restoration)

Name: Name of Carnation
Rank: B
Mana Cost: 100
Requirements: Soul Dew Magic
Type: Healing
Element: Water/Nature
Range: 15 meters
Cooldown: 3 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user flourishes their arm or staff with a vocal indication toward their target, causing a spell seal to appear under them and the user's location. Red carnations will sprout from the seal and around the target with a light mist, dissolving as soon as it makes contact to refresh them for 1xB-Rank healing to their Constitution OR a limb's Endurance.


Name: Name of Venus Flytrap
Rank: B
Mana Cost: 100
Requirements: Soul Dew Magic
Type: Defensive
Element: Water/Nature
Range: 15 meters
Cooldown: 3 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: The user waves their arm or staff in a wide arc with a vocal indication, ending at a point to a location, causing a magic seal to appear at their feet and another 4 meters wide around them or somewhere else at the appropriate spell speed delay. The mouth of a phantasmal venus flytrap will open up at both ends of the area and then close together to form a glimmering barrier, rippling when interacted with. This can handle 1xA-Rank worth of damage before breaking, and lasts otherwise as long as it is sustained.

Total purchase: 390,000j


Name: Name of Bittercress
Rank: B
Mana Cost: 100
Requirements: Soul Dew Magic
Type: Supplementary
Element: Water/Nature
Range: 15 meters
Cooldown: 3 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user flourishes an arm in the intended direction with a vocal indication, causing a magic seal to appear under their feet from which bittercress springs out and propels the user up to 15 meters at their lunge speed. Faint popping can be heard from an expulsion of seeds as the plants rapidly grow before disappearing, seeming to be the source of the movement.

Name: Insult of Briar Thorns
Rank: A
Mana Cost: 200
Requirements: Soul Dew Magic
Type: Offensive
Element: Water/Nature
Range: 20 meters
Cooldown: 4 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user holds their arms together or around a staff, lifting them up before thrusting out at a location with a vocal indication. A spell seal appears under them and then at the targeted area 8 meters in diameter, after the appropriate spell speed delay. Thorned brambles burst from the seal at an alarming rate to whip and tear into anyone in the spell's radius, dealing 1xA-Rank damage to each.


Briar Soul Dew Spells #4 Empty Tue May 28, 2024 3:02 am


these spells have been approved, and some purchased~

calling spells after yourself hmm? little Bri-chan is getting confident~

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