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Fitting for Feet [Social/Ryuko]

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Fitting for Feet [Social/Ryuko] Empty Sat May 18, 2024 3:59 pm

Ittindi was sitting by the riverside there was a small camp of people, refugees? Ittindi couldn’t tell he didn’t know much about the current affair in Pergrande he had heard of recent upheaval but not the details surrounding it. He assumed it had to be bad if there were refugees moving around, Ittindi had to stop and wash most of these people’s feet. They were beyond disgusting he could see that they needed the moral support even if it was from a foreigner. Only one spoke a broken Fiorian to be able to translate for Ittindi. Of the few people he had met in the country few spoke his language, the man before him seemed to be a religious type. Ittindi had explained that he was a member of the Magic Council his tongue tattoo offering additional proof. That he was here on a humanitarian mission, while this wasn’t true Ittindi didn’t feel like explaining he was here on vacation and happened upon them. His magical tuxedo only lent to his credence and today the top hat’s stripe would be dark blue.

After helping the men gather some food and wood from the storage to create a fire as well as pack for tomorrow they’d relax. That’s when Ittindi would strike, their had to be an available bucket he already had rags. It wasn’t long before Ittindi was visiting all the separated tents washing camp goers feet while listening to their stories. Honestly he didn’t care about their personal stories, talk about wars and sides. Ittindi should of read the countries brief on his way here, but he wanted to finish house monthly there was a new style of broom coming into style in Noble households.

Ittindi would have to read about this new order bringing a different style of protection to these people. It seemed there was an organizational clash between them the Rune Knights hadn’t been briefed on any dangers so Ittindi assumed it was internal strife. He had to be aware of his rank when he was in a foreign country. Hopefully he wouldn’t meet any high ranking official they hated his more eccentric hobbies like feet washing.

He was currently washing a teenage boy’s foot, as Ittindi asked him basic questions. Unknowingly having someone listen to him, albeit not perfectly caused a torrent of emotions from the boy. His greasy unkempt hair was messy and made a bang shape in the front of his face. He was sniffling then into full tears as Ittindi continued to follow his typical pattern of hitting all dirty crevices in between toes. That’d usually make the ticklish laugh, but he was crying harder now. Ittindi hated it, looking around to see if the boy’s parents or guardians were near by.


Fitting for Feet [Social/Ryuko] Empty Sat May 18, 2024 4:22 pm


Although she had spent the last few days preparing for her voyage, the insistence from a certain someone to enjoy a break for once had left Ryuko in a peculiar situation. Ever since the events that saw the surrounding provinces united under her banner, the Dragon Order had long since replaced the presence of the Rune Knights in this distant land. Perhaps it was for that reason the presence of the order had become somewhat similar to that in regard that the patrols were a sign of peace and protection.

Maybe it was for that reason that even as the rumors lingered about the tyrannical dragon and how brutal her treatment of these who opposed her could be, some refugees' their only hope was to seek salvation by submitting to the mercy of the order. Although to these it came as a surprise that the people in the order's dominion were oddly comfortable. Certainly, every one of them reminded these that came to stay in line, the consequences of dissident still fresh on their minds. Yet ever since the order arrived the presence of monster and bandit attacks had reached truly a point where they were close to non-existent. Monsters were too intimidated to leave their territory in the wild, and bandits had fled from the land out of fear of becoming the next target of the Dragon's ire.

But even after all this time it felt... weird. She had left the keep and traveled to one of the settlements near the Voda River, a simple inspection to make sure everyone was doing fine, but the light bows of respect and the nervousness of some of the villagers still lingered. She had just finished discussing the recent harvest with the village chief when she had decided to take the opportunity to seek some seclusion.

She had moved for the river, hoping to find Maple among this bastion of nature but instead could hear the sound of a wailing child. Almost instantly her body reacted, her dragonic wings spreading out of her back as she glided down the direction the sound came from. Was it a monster?! No, instead she found a wailing child and... a butler washing his feet? Her wings stretching back into her back she heaved a soft sigh and approached the duo.

"Now, now. Tears are ill-suited for peaceful days." She extended a hand, raising the palm of her hand as she allowed the Monarch's magic to stir, creating a tiny miniature figure of a dragon whelping that started to fly small circles around the child, seemingly ceasing his sobbing as a worried voice came from near the tents Ittindi had been at earlier.

"M-Monarch! Please forgive us for the disturbance." One of the refugees called out, bowing their head deeply in apologize while the child's mother ushered him over, making the child bow alongside her, but Ryuko merely dismissed the gesture with a light wave of her hand. "Please keep an eye on your child, although the Order has done their utmost to secure the area, wild animals do prowl the outskirts of the forests from time to time and the stream of the river can get a bit violent at times."

The refugees nodded their head lightly as they were dismissed, and while Ryuko watched the trio return to the refugee camp she sighed deeply. "If only we could construct proper shelter for them fast enough, at the very least it would make for more comfort then."

She brought a hand to her chin as she pondered. "But more people keep attempting to move ever since Druringrad started ushering whispers of the encroaching civil war." Her gaze finally settled onto Ittindi as she smiled briefly. "hmm, I think I seen you before... Yes, I don't think I seen anyone else ever challenge a goddess in a tuxedo of all outfits..."


Fitting for Feet [Social/Ryuko] Empty Sun May 19, 2024 8:51 am

It was while Ittindi was looking for the boy’s parents that he spied dragon like wings approaching them. His gun more than accessible he felt comfortable, turning  to face his winged interloper. Something about her was familiar but Ittindi couldn’t recall from where. She’d summon an apparition of a dragon that would hover around the child. He seemed to be cheering him up, when another voice echoed from one of the tents.

Before he could get a word off another villager was apologizing for their behavior, apparently this woman was royalty. He wondered which sides royalty he was speaking too. Either way his manners would be at their top when addressing a member of high society, they could be particular. From what he saw of the kid’s parents their customs of bowing and respect were like Fiores. “Monarch”, She’d smile at him and mention his fight with the avatar of a god.  This confused Ittindi because of how few people he had mentioned this too. Just Lady Lumikki, which meant they were there. They didn’t look like the masked man that was there near the end of the fight. So she had to be the demon dragon. Ittindi didn’t’ get a good look at them though they felt the bloodlust inspiring power they offered. He wondered if the man was scared out of respect or for some prior example that this Monarch had made. Either way it was none of his business so he’d respond to the women while the boy ran off with his parents.

”Greetings Madam Monarch, I’m Ittindi Amali at your service. I will be the greatest butler ever to walk these lands its only natural I wear a tuxedo at all times. You never know when you might meet royalty.”

The last part was a joke, Ittindi assumed she was high nobility or royalty from the response of the villagers. They were out and about a moment ago, seconds later the streets were deserted, quiet. Ittindi had only seen this effect with Guild Masters, granted when he had met Lady Judith they were the only ones around. Ittindi had worked with so many important and self important people that he had a hard time discerning authority from peoples auras like others. Though the Monarch definitely seemed to fit the aesthetic of Royal as he looked up her up and down.


Fitting for Feet [Social/Ryuko] Empty Sun May 19, 2024 7:05 pm


Itindi's respectful greeting made her chuckle, even if the last part was a jest of some sort, it seemed to had amused her based on the hints of a smile on her lips. "Ryuko is fine, After all you are no Dragon Ittindi."

She gestured lightly to her side as if beckoning for him to walk alongside her. If he accepted she would walk away from the refugee camps along the riverbank as she mused softly. "What is royalty, I wonder? Certainly, I inherited the role and legacy of the Eternal Monarch, and am a leader among dragons but does that qualify me as royalty?" She paused for a moment, her gaze drifting along the river. It was so calm and peaceful compared to when she first waged her campaign of conquest. "Nay, royalty is just a term mortals invented to bestow themselves a sense of self-importance. In that regard, I consider myself not royalty, but a 'leader'."

She finally stopped, they were not too far from the village, it was still in sight but far enough to ensure that they wouldn't be interrupted. And so she turned toward the greatest butler in existence. "A Monarch must be greedier than any other. She must laugh louder, and rage for much longer. And embody the very extremes of all things good and evil. It is why her retainers envy her very existence... and adore her as well. and why the flames of aspiration, to be just as great as the Monarch is can burn within her people."

She smiled briefly. "Aye, a tyrant dragon to some, a charismatic leader to others. But I am not royalty. I am merely the one who has chosen to lead. Which does bring me to the question: What brings you so far away from your homeland Ittindi?" She stood before him, her wings spread proudly behind her back while despite not having a shred of hostility in her demeanor, there was a certain sense of power in her presence, truly the aura of a Monarch. "Not that it matters, as long as you are here without the intention to cause unrest, you are welcome in my dominion. You won't find many Rune Knights within Pergrande, for unlike Fiore, the people of Pergrande came to rely on personal militias or, in recent days the Dragon Order for protection. Although there is a remnant of their forces in Illingrad."

She finally smiled for a moment as she added. "Although if you come here to offer your services, then I certainly won't turn away an experienced man like yourself in aiding the people. A lot of refugees are hoping to settle somewhere, Pergrande is a harsh land, but many still consider it their home, even if the conflict with Druringrad threatens to engulf it into civil war."

Perhaps through conversation she could learn more about what had brought Ittindi all the way to Pergrande, after all while she was not suspicious of him, she did find herself a bit curious.


Fitting for Feet [Social/Ryuko] Empty Mon May 20, 2024 3:42 pm

Ittindi would return a quick smile to Lady Ryuko’s and walk with her when she gestured to her side. For one claiming to not be royalty she sure had the air of it, it reminded him of Colonel Tōga some seemed ashamed of their title. Instead of reclaiming their god given right they seek to fix some injustice in the past. Ittindi was more of a don’t throw the baby with the bathwater guy, finding titles useful and something to be proud of.  He’d listen to her wax on the qualifications of being royalty, Ittindi heard it or imagined it. Whatever pain that had caused her to view her own role so unfavorably, one of the most unspoken bonds between servant and master. To reassure them of their path, would Ittindi be causing the death of countless villages with positive words? He didn’t care people would die regardless of his choices, his time as an avatar had only reinforced that point. Ittindi could only focus on what was in front of him, each step another strides towards a society with passionate butlers and maids.

” Well, I wouldn’t dare tell you what to think Lady Ryuko, I personally see nobility as something brought upon by extraordinary people. Then from there it can either blossom or deteriorate depending on how they build a family, which is why staff is one of many important steps to a perfect noble line. I think the strongest nobles are those who find it hard to find nobleness in violence. Just remember that enduring such hardship is part of what allows an entire family to bathe in your glory afterwards.”

It was hard to humanize the atrocious acts that someone would have to commit to be called the Monarch. He knew his Young Master’s epithets were earned in similar circumstances, Ittindi didn’t look forward to the day his name caught up to him. While he hadn’t been particularly violent that’s all that would be remembered in the wake of solved cases. He had been told more than once he could seem impersonal on the beat. It wasn’t on purpose his focus was on solving the case, not relations half the time. When he focused on socializing he was fine, he just couldn’t do two things at once. Ittindi didn’t plan on being a judge of such a person in their territory with no information on the land. That would be extremely foolish, and he would reiterate that to her when he spoke.

” It’s funny you ask that I had a dream about a field of flowers in this land. So, I went and found it and met an extraordinary mage on the way. I’m here purely as a tourist off duty, though I know my tongue is a permanent display of my loyalty. I know nothing of the current political landscape here, even if it were the case you were a destructive tyrant that’s not in my purview. I see a mess I start cleaning; I’ve found that a simple foot cleaning can help revitalize a camp’s moral. So, I was offering my services before you came when the boy’s emotional plug became unstuck. Awfully sad, for the boy and for me I was barely paying attention, so I feel twice as awful. Though I’m sure that sounds convenient to you I don’t mind being detained if you’re worried for your life Lady Ryuko I wouldn’t be offended.”
Ittindi would finish his long diatribe, he didn’t often have to talk so much, especially to strangers. He wondered if this Monarch had threats on her life, the thought had occurred to him, he wanted to reassure them of their safety. If she saw him at the battle of the god avatar he could understand her hesitation.  He had been on top form that day with almost every shot hit. The pain of the loss magic would hit Ittindi and he would stare off for a second before returning his attention to Lady Ryuko.


Fitting for Feet [Social/Ryuko] Empty Fri May 24, 2024 6:41 am


Ryuko had remained silent while Ittindi spoke, contemplating the words spoken by the butler. In some manner she could understand his point of view. In a way she saw the role of leadership in a similar manner to how the man saw nobility. It was an interesting concept, and in a way it made her think about the Dragon Order. She had built the order as a support, a staff for her legacy. However, the mentioning of family made her close her eyes for a moment. It reminded her of Maple, of how much she longed for the conflict to finally be over so she could establish a peaceful environment for Maple to live in, to build a family alongside her. "It is a pity your loyalty is already accounted for, I could use such a skilled and thoughtful butler as my retainer."

She laughed heartily at the words as she followed up by listening to Ittindi's reasoning for being here. A light shake of her head followed in return to his suggestion. "Nay, I don't see a reason for you to be detained Ittindi. While it is true that one of your companions was chasing me during the fight against that warrior goddess with the same feverous zeal of an obsessive ex, I doubt you would hold any ill intentions toward me."

She paused, a hand raised to her cheek as she mused softly. "Then again, that encounter was when my powers were still waning, I could barely even control a lesser Anjin at the time. An embarrassing display if anything" Heaving a soft sigh she pondered a bit about the extraordinary mage he had mentioned but decided to leave the topic aside for the time being. "Consider yourself free to continue as you were. Perhaps your presence will aid in reassuring the refugees that times of peace will soon be upon them."

She lowered a hand toward her side and smiled briefly. "Although if by some reason you were to be approached by the Dragonborn you might have to explain your intentions to them, while the majority of the order's forces come in the form of my magic, and as such the legion will leave you alone, the Dragonborn are quite alike to the staff you mentioned earlier. They are part of the precious staff that will help my ambitions become a reality. It is for that reason I also grant them a bit more freedom than is typical of the guilds within Fiore."


Fitting for Feet [Social/Ryuko] Empty Fri May 24, 2024 1:16 pm

Ittindi would blush, partially from the compliment but more from her mentioning his Young Master’s behavior. He recalled what she spoke of, when she had retreated during the battle his Young Master had tried to detain her out of his anger. Ittindi didn’t agree with his Young Master’s battle philosophy to fight until dead or incapacitated, so he didn’t blame Lady Ryuko for leaving to stay safe. Ittindi would have likely done the same if the avatar’s attacks hadn’t been blocked by Colonel Tōga.

” Sorry about that, that was my former Young Master, he has some real anger issues.”

The worry had been surfacing more after their talk in that bar, Ittindi had a bad feeling about the path his Young Master was taking. It hopefully didn’t affect any countries outside of Fiore, he’d have to take a trip to Iceberg sooner than he thought for that reason. He wouldn’t be surprised to see his Young Master causing trouble there when he visited to discover more about his Lady. Ittindi would pause for a second before continuing in conversation thinking of the best way to explain his circumstances.

Yes it is a shame, but I’m always available for temporary help, my loyalty lies with the people now, everyone should be able to experience an elegant home. I’m making that possible one citizen at a time. Though I fear the day seems to be coming when my loyalty to the people versus my old Young Master is approaching. I think Lady Lumikki can only keep him under reign for so long.”

Ittindi wondered what the rest of her Dragonborn looked like. He hadn’t spotted a particular fashionable or unique aura besides hers around him. Did they have stealth officers, that would be the best bet to protect a ruler without slowing down their diplomacy. It seemed that every time he traveled he realized how much of a cultural echo chamber he resided in Fiore. There was a civil war going on in this country and Ittindi wasn’t even aware of it, he hadn’t even seen it on the front page of any news. He’d have to go re-read all the articles and see if there was any mention in the back pages.

”I can’t imagine how strong you are if that was you at waning powers. When your organization is done handling all the issues I’d love to see your headquarters. Or embassy, I always enjoy staring at the architecture of different countries. I don’t understand any of it, but it’s one of my favorite things to do besides visit a countries’ natural sites.”

Ittindi wondered how powerful Lady Ryuko was, the strength she exhibited in the Avatar fight was on par with Lady Lumikki or Sir Brone more than his Young Master. If she was even stronger…well he could understand why people would look to her for leadership. The extra freedoms for her organization sounded a little suspect. He had heard worse things from nobles so he’d write it off for now more of a flag than anything else.


Fitting for Feet [Social/Ryuko] Empty Sat May 25, 2024 10:22 am


Ryuko shook her head lightly in response to Ittindi's apologize. While she appreciated the gesture, she felt little reason to blame him for the actions of another. "While some might say that emotions can be a source of strength, losing your control over them during a critical moment like on a battlefield i indeed cause for concern. I saw little reason to stay around, with my mana reserves mostly spend on the conjuration of these Anjin, I would have become simply dead weight."

She couldn't help but hum softly at the name Ittindi mentioned. "Lumikki, hmm?" she paused for a moment, a hand reaching for her cheek as she pondered. "Based on my meeting with her I'd say she is quite capable, although I'm loathe to admit it, the actions of a Monarch's retainers still reflect on their monarch themselves. As such I hope that should it come to that, Lumikki will find a way to make your 'young master' see reason."

Yet she couldn't help but think back to Maple and how her relationship with the half-elf had changed her so strongly as well. "Well, then when we approach a time of peace and prosperity, consider yourself invited."

She gestured in the distance toward the mountains that separated the Voda River from Pergrande, where also the keep of the Dragon Order was visible rising among the mountain-range. "See that castle in the distance? It is where my order is situated. Although unlike the mellow climate we have here, it gets a lot more chilly once you start ascending the mountains to the castle."

She couldn't help but wonder about the first part Ittindi spoke. "It is hard to estimate, but considering my current powers I would say I am about ten times more powerful. The Monarch's power has granted me the means to ensure that isn't a bluff." She smiled briefly at Ittindi as she continued. "Although I rarely call upon the Monarch's powers. Till now I been able to mostly rely on the power vested to me as a Dragon, but should the conflict escalate that might change. It is why I worry about other nations becoming involved."

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "But it is a responsibility I chose to bear, so I only hope that by the time this all is over we can look toward the future where the people can enjoy the peace and prosperity they long for."

Her eyes opening she turned her gaze back at Ittindi and chimed softly. "Perhaps I'd entertain you the notion of washing my feet in exchange for a tour at the order someday then~"


Fitting for Feet [Social/Ryuko] Empty Sun May 26, 2024 9:14 am

Ittindi would laugh as Lady Ryuko spoke about not letting your emotions take control of you. He still had nightmares about her buff to their strength, it brought out a different side of Ittindi. That truly had been the only time he felt possessed even in his current situation. He’d speak in a light tone jokingly at Ryuko.

”It’s funny you say that, because I remember a certain person having a power that made you feel more violent.”

Ittindi wouldn’t be surprised that Lady Ryuko knew Lady Lumikki two powerful women would surely know each other. It seems that she had faith in Lady Lumikki, was Ittindi still underestimating her? He knew she was one of the most powerful mages he had ever met, that was what had informed his decision to enroll in her class at the academy. He knew that Colonel Tōga was involved in the project as well. It had been a shame they hadn’t been in the same class, but they did have different kind of goals.

”Well I wish you luck in reaching those times, I’m sure with what I’ve seen on the river your warfare seems strong it shouldn’t be too long.”

Ittindi would look around at the mountain ranges when Lady Ryuko pointed out a beautiful castle. It reminded him of the other guild halls he needed to visit, they all had such cool exteriors. Ittindi was almost the rank where he could go to the Rune Knight’s floating castles, he had been most excited about those facilities. As Lady Ryuko spoke of her power Ittindi would be blown away by the admission or possible bluff. He hoped he’d never find out what this Monarch that everyone kept vaguely referencing around Lady Ryuko.

”Haha, any time you wish tour or not, most non Illumist Nobles don’t like the ritual. I found it has a calming effect even if one doesn’t entertain the spirituality. The feet are the base of our existence as warriors it deserves extra attention for that reason alone. I would offer prayers, but I don’t know enough about either side.”

Ittindi would often massage as he cleaned peoples’ feet, that was part of helping them relax. There had been few that had not enjoyed his feet washing, mostly really closed off tight people. There was no physical characteristic that gave off that indication, so it was always a surprise when Ittindi would run into one. He hoped the last part wasn’t too rude, it would feel weird to pick a side after meeting the leader of one of them. While having a charismatic leader was beneficial it didn’t make one side’s right.

”So Lady Ryuko, what is your favorite part of this country?”

Ittindi felt as if he hadn’t learned much about her besides her strength in their conversation. While that was useful as a Rune Knight he was still here on vacation primarily. He didn’t care much about gathering tactical information, that was probably how he always met important figures. Thinking back to his encounter with Lady Judith and chance first encounter with Lady Lumikki.

That was when he'd be smacked with an intense feeling of dread. He'd get up and wish Lady Ryuko a fond goodbye.


Last edited by Ittindi on Tue Jul 02, 2024 3:56 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Headed to Seven will thread with you again!)

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