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Elijah Musse

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Elijah Musse Empty Sun May 19, 2024 1:35 pm



Name: Elijah Musse

Age: June 21st, X768

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Ethnicity, Father: Bellan

Ethnicity, Mother: Desiertian

Class: Summoner

Race: Nephilim (None)

Rank: B-rank

Guild: Guildless

Tattoo: Right Hand | Crimson

Face: Fate/Grand Order | Solomon


Height: 5'11" feet | 1.80m

Weight: 152lbs | 69kg

Hair: White

Eyes: Honey

Overall: Elijah is of average height and weight. His body is fit and he carries himself with grace. He has long white wavy hair, silky soft to the touch. His radiant honey colored eyes in combination with his smile can melt most ice cold hearts. His preference in clothing comes down to flowy garbs, robes and capes with pants that he can move freely in and boots or sandals depending on the situation. He adores wearing jewelry due to the time he spent in Desierto resulting in necklaces, bracelets and rings adorning his body. His favorite colors for clothing include hues of red, white, golden, gray and black.

Extra: -


Personality: Elijah is a cheerful man with a warm, charming smile. He thinks of close friends like family and is always open to assisting them granted that he can. Polite and heartwarmingly friendly, he leaves a good impression in people's minds.

Humor and laughter are very important to him and with a bit of sarcasm you've got a friend in him. He is flirtatious by nature and an outright tease with any gender provided he likes the individual, that said it is purely for fun and excitement as he seeks nothing more from these interactions.

In his eyes there is no right or wrong, good or evil. He will not judge anyone for their actions provided that innocents are kept relatively unharmed. He does thrive in chaos and mischief and uses his charms and wiles to get his way.

He possesses strong spirituality and his intuition has never failed him, often following it instead of a logical course of action. He is more likely to follow that feeling rather than listen to reason when presented with choices.


  • Art: Having a background in visual and performing arts, Elijah appreciates art in all its forms and expressions. He will usually go out of his way to delve deeper and understand more about each art piece or performance.

  • Sweets: Dessert and tea after a meal is a requirement, not an option.


  • Crowded Areas: Noise, discomfort and the smell of unwashed people. The unholy trinity of crowded places is plain vulgar for Elijah. Just keep walking.

  • Nosey People: While a good old fashioned gossip is fun and welcomed, Elijah outright hates people that get involved in others' business and especially his when no one asked for it. If he sees such a case he will call it out and will not be nice about it.


  • Theology: Elijah is a scholar in his own right researching beliefs and religions around the world. His latest experience as a newborn Nephilim has left him thirsty for answers.

  • The Seraphim: His mission was the starting point of his journey and he accepted it without a second thought (almost). The Watchers have to be found, or so they said.


  • Thalassophobia: Dark deep waters are Elijah's biggest fear. Travelling on water has to be done with a big ship, a boat will not do and a raft is certainly out of the question. Sea creature attacks, depending on the situation, can be a source of quite a big panic attack for him.


Strength: 1

Speed: 11

Constitution: 21

Endurance: 11

Intelligence: 99


Magic Name: Angel Summoning

Magic Element: Light

Magic Enhancement: [Shop Magic]

Magic Description: Angel Summoning Magic is a strange and dangerous magic. It allows you to summon divine beings from another plane of existence by the use of golden coins. Each of these creatures is magnificent with their holy powers. They ask from you, not your mana but your life's essence. The longer you have these champions by your side, the greater risk you place your own body.


History: Elijah was born in a middle class family. His parents provided him with all they could and in return he was a paragon of a child helping with the chores and always being respectful of them. He quickly displayed a prowess for the arts, something that pleased his mother as she was a painter herself.

As Elijah was growing up he became aware of weird figures that would frequently appear in his surroundings. They would not take any action and simply vanish when he approached them bending space like they were never there to begin with. Elijah had a lot of trouble processing the figures and their space altering abilities and would sometimes collapse in pain from his brain unable to comprehend what he was seeing. Over time he got used to seeing them and took advantage of his talent in painting to depict those figures on the canvas. People were mesmerized by them, they had an alien beauty, they looked human but ethereal and at the same time inspired dread in people. This proved a helpful method to Elijah as he could now perceive them without being in pain or fainting.

Years passed and Elijah went about his life with school, graduating from a college of magic, practicing his art and even taking an interest in the performing arts. The beings had always been there observing in silence, never attempting to make contact with him or responding to him but something told him that they were responsible for his "good luck" in life almost like divine intervention.

A fateful day then arrived during which he was murdered by what appeared to be fanatics that had become upset at him painting those figures. Time seemingly stopped for him as he fell on the ground feeling his life waning.

As he regained his consciousness he found himself atop an elaborate floating platform. His surroundings didn't seem familiar at all and he was still dizzy from what occurred seemingly mere seconds ago. Then he saw them, the figures hovering in a circle around him in all their bizarre but alluring glory. This time they spoke. A ringing in his ears, his brain rushed to make sense of their words, and then he understood.

They always talked to him, even when he could not understand them, planting ideas in his head. He was their protégé and they had a task for him in finding and imprisoning the Watchers, angels that should have brought only knowledge to humans but instead brought things far worse. As their final act before sending him on his way, they imbued Elijah with their grace and turned him to a nephilim while proclaiming him a medium to the mortal realm. Through his own life force they would be able to manifest with a fragment of their powers and help him in his mission.

Elijah accepted this duty. He had read about the Seraphim and was always intrigued by them. He had also learned of their contracts but he didn't feel forced to do good.

"Your alignment matters not. We only ask that you deliver the Watchers. Balance must be achieved." They spoke in his mind in unison and the ringing started again.

Elijah was laying on his bed just like any other morning, except this time he prepared for a long journey to accomplish his mission. The first step was the country of Fiore.

Discord: Philomele

Reference: Alfyn Musse - Death Coin


Elijah Musse Empty Tue May 28, 2024 2:23 am


Yorokobe Shonen! Your existence has been approved.

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