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Zeno Empty Sat May 25, 2024 12:07 am


Zeno Downlo12


Name: Zeno

Age:Oct 31th, X772

Gender: Male


Ethnicity, Father: icebergian

Ethnicity, Mother: Desierto

Class: Hunter

Race: Fae(Unseelie)

Rank: D

Guild: Guildless


Face: Tyki Mikk - D.Gray-man



Weight:154 lbs

Hair: Dark hair

Eyes: amber

Overall: Zeno is a tall slender-looking well-dressed young man. He adorns a fancy black suit with holes thin slits in the back to make way for his wings. He fashions a pair of white gloves standing out from the most in his all-black attire followed by sleek black dress shoes with a gold lining along the midsole. His short wavy hair falls to right above his eyes hiding the star tattoos in a line formation across his forehead. His skin tone is that of a caramel brown, while his amber eyes shine like a flashlight in the darkest of depths.

Extra: A tattoo of a star symbol rests at the center of his neck and the same star is littered across his forehead in a line formation. The same star tattoo is implanted on the top of both his hands. A singular silver earring stud rests on his right earlobe. Parallel to his pupils is a mole under his right eye.


Personality:  A stern-looking fellow with a tongue as sharp as a knife to match his gaze. Zeno is a reticent man, he proves his worth by completing tasks swiftly and efficiently, earning him coin and reputation wherever he is stationed. He believes the value of an individual resides in their usefulness. Little is known about him other than he speaks softly yet sternly and accepts no form of disrespect. Women and children fawn over him due to his handsome looks and glittery aura but he shows no interest to anybody in a romantic way. Despite his cold demeanor, he is a friendly person where it counts, easily sympathizing with strangers and friends joking around. He is far from susceptible, one would dare say he is too clever. Zeno often spends his free time interacting with the animals in the wildlands of the location he is visiting. He often catches himself causing mischief when he finds himself to be bored as it brings him great joy seeing the reactions of living beings. From playing pranks on unsuspecting animals and humans alike by sneaking up on them and casting magic causing plants and trees to sprout and take up monstrous forms to give anybody nightmares.

  • Enjoying human festivities and customs
  • Flying around
  • Engaging with nature and animals
  • Playing games

  • Everybody but his twin sister
  • Being deceived
  • Captivity

  • Finding his Twin sister and slaughtering the family and the fairies who wronged him

  • Losing wings
  • Losing his twin sister


Strength: 1

Speed: 6

Constitution: 11

Endurance: 1

Intelligence: 11


Magic Name: Spirit Slayer Magic: Wind

Magic Element:Nature/Wind

Magic Description: Wind Spirit Slayer is a powerful magic learned from ancient tomes and scrolls which combines the elemental trees of Wind-type and Nature-type magic. It does not allow the users to use these trees separately. The magic they cast is always colored green


History: Zeno was a twin born from a wealthy family that earned their wealth and influence from having dealings with supernatural creatures over the generations. Using deceptive tactics to sacrifice and capture other humans to satisfy these creatures' desires in return for luxury and life was normal for the family. Unfortunately, a group of fairies who loved tricking humans from the winter court took up residence on their estate and decided to play a game with the children of the family.

The fairies offered the treasures of illustrious figures in the fairy courts as tribute to the family, granting them some of the highest respect in the land of the fae, under a certain condition being met of course. That condition being, the twins must never meet face to face, their souls cannot be within a certain range of one another, otherwise they will be converted into fae. This threat fell on deaf ears as the new generation of the family was more ignorant, arrogant and riding on their wealthy status, leaving them to feel untouchable. They would soon regret not taking the words of the fae seriously after that day.

During a night of intense drinking, the members of the family decided to humor the threat from the fae and summon them to agree to their game. They set out to hunt these dastardly creatures thinking if they wiped them out then nothing would come of this game they wanted to play, but it did not end well for them. The fairies took this attack on them personally and decided to imprison the humans and let them watch the twins play the game without any intervention. The game began a few days shortly after when  a fairy disguised herself as the butler of the family to watch things play out.

The butler raised the twins, giving them proper education and care until they were 13 years old and that's when the game officially started. Zeno and his twin never saw one another but only knew of each other's existence from word of mouth from the butler. Then one night, Zeno found a letter under his door. The letter's contents informed the twins about how they have always been living together but are not allowed to see each other and how they must never exchange names due to the fairy's curse on the family. Resting inside the envelope was a charm that was said to be a gift for the twins to remember one another by. This gift was planted by the fairy to strengthen the twin's link.

They began to write letters to one another and have the butler deliver it. Day after day, more letters were exchanged between the two. Zeno noticed how they had a lot in common and were even doing similar things, like getting tutored in different academics and learning magic. He also found out that at certain times they were not allowed to leave their rooms under any circumstances and those were the times at which the other twins were allowed to traverse the mansion. The desire to see and interact with one another filled the twins with every so  they decided to place letters randomly around the mansion, so the other would need to find it during their recess time. After finding the letter, they would reply, then put it in another random spot as if it was hide and seek.

As the twins continued this game for several weeks, they began to feel like they were being watched, and it brought upon a sense of uneasiness. With the twins sharing these senses and feelings, it amplified within them and this was when the twins started to learn about the special connection they have with one another. When the uneasiness became too great for them to bear, they took a break from venturing out and playing the game.

Sadness and loneliness filled his heart each passing day without receiving letters from his twin. Zeno decided to take a stroll around the mansion one day and stumbled across a letter. Super excited, he rushed over to open it and read, but his hopes were dashed when he noticed that he didn't feel the sparking connection. This made him grow suspicious, leading him to remember about the fairy curse the butler told him about.

Taking it upon himself, he decided to write back and cautiously play along but also wrote another letter to be given to his twin directly. Later on, the letters continued to keep appearing in random locations within the mansion, but they continued to feel fake, while the letters he received in his room were authentic. He asked his twins about the game of hide and seek and if they were still playing in his previous letter and received confirmation that they hadn't sent out any letters and hadn't seen any until now. Zeno had no reason to discredit his twin and he sensed the connection from this letter, but now he was worried more than ever about what was going on.

More days went by and the sense of being watched increased to a feeling of all the time and weird laughter randomly filled the mansion. Zeno asked the butler about the existence of fairies and the curse, wondering if it was real or if everything was just a magic trick. Demanding answers from him to cure his confusion and insecurities about the situation. The butler smiled and gave Zeno a key, claiming it was to his twin's room in the opposite wing of the mansion.

That night Zeno's thoughts were spiraling like a whirlpool about what to believe and what to do as it seemed only he was experiencing these events and not his twin. He sensed the worry of his twin but didn't know how to resolve the issue, taking off the charm and holding it up above his head to think for a moment. In that short time, he noticed the senses of his twin were fading. Quickly putting it back on, then taking it off, noticing the effects, convinced him the charm in fact had magical properties. From the sense of being watched, the fake letters, the curse, the key, and now the magical charm, Zeno accepted the curse was real and the eyes watching him must be the fairies. With a strong conviction, he decided he wanted to protect his twin so he would continue to abide by the rule, but now curious as to how to deal with the fairies.

The following night, Zeno's doors flung open violently, crashing into the wall, startling him awake. Whispering voices came from the dark corridor reading out the letters he and his twin shared. Then a set of unfamiliar distorted voices rang out, sounding like a bunch of drunk people talking about protecting the twins from a game and how the fairies must die. Distorted screams along with loud bangs roared from the darkness as if it was a battlefield outside, then immediate silence came. Suddenly, a loud screech of a girl could be heard and the extreme sense of fear filled resulting in him  jumping out of bed reflexively and darting out the room heading aimless into the dark mansion. Yelling for his twin and feeling his heart race and pound so hard it was almost as if it would burst from his chest cavity. Zeno didn't understand what was going on with himself nor with what he was hearing, but all he knew was something was amiss, and his twin was in danger. Just as soon as he got to the stairs of the mansion's main hall Zeno saw what would be like a reflection staring at him from the foot of the stairs.

The woman was young as him and with the same face down to all the details. Even the clothing they wore was the same. Could this be my twin? Zeno had thought at that moment or was this a trick of the fairies? Just before he could say anything, numerous fairies filled the room. Colorful wings and sparkly dust filled every corner of the hall around the twins. They suddenly began coughing non-stop before collapsing, but all Zeno could focus on was his twin, reaching out for her. Words echoed throughout the room. “It looks like we won our game, now you will join the family~” the fairies all started laughing as the last remaining seconds of Zeno's consciousness faded.

After several years passed, the family was holding a secret masquerade party to bring in tons of donations to be sent out anonymously to different countries to help them recover from their various crises. These charitable actions were in letter form with only an insignia stamped onto them. After reaching a certain goal, several guest members would pay the family directly for access to the VIP rooms. These rooms consisted of high-class elites or top-ranking officials and powerful figures. All to be swallowed in madness as the drinks were filled with magical toxins to make the drinker hallucinate and become powerless. Zeno would fly in and guide certain races to their desired target to begin negotiations. This was now Zeno's life.

Discord: ghastlybiscuit

Reference: Lumikki

Last edited by MKZeno on Mon May 27, 2024 9:20 am; edited 2 times in total


Zeno Empty Mon May 27, 2024 8:43 am


@MKZeno has been cleared for approval.

As guildless there are a couple of events you are free to join at the time of this accepetance. Those would be this one, this one, and this one that expires end of this month may.

Last but not least. Do not forget to claim your starting magic here.

Welcome and we are happy to have you~

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