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The Stampede? - Void Cavern: Cavalry of Emptiness (YUUREI/ELIJAH)

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The Stampede?  - Void Cavern: Cavalry of Emptiness (YUUREI/ELIJAH) Empty Wed May 29, 2024 3:53 pm


Reports had come in from some concerned people about another of the Void Cavern as they were now being called that was in a different country and it was said to be a pretty dangerous area to be at. Kaito in female form had went ahead of the other two of his mage team mates and he opened a portal so that they could join him here. Kaito was stretching and making sure that she was loosened up and ready as she didn't want to end up getting killed off or pulling a muscle and having to take a time out from the fighting. This area seemed very unforgiving so she was going to have to be careful as she suspects that if they die out here there is no one that is going to be looking for them out here if some giant bird didn't come and get their bodies first as this area looked very slim for picks of the food groups.

Female Kaito:

Revy was the first to come through the portal and she looked at Kaia and she smirked and she wondered how the other two mages were going to react to be coming face to face with female Kaito instead of the male one that they had last seen before he had made his way to the other country to drop them down a way to get there with out them having to waste energy on having to climb or fly to get there as Kaito had a easier time with his magic and his many years of training plus like Revy already thought he was able to make a easier path for the others to take and make it here. Revy again took her human like appearance and she started stretching as well.

Kaia looked as the others were coming in and she started to speak and look at them as they needed to make a game plan on what they were going to be facing here, the intel they had was limited on the place from a scout that went in and took a quick look but they had spoke of a group of horsemen that were looking for blood and that it was going to be a mess. "Alright guys we need to come up with a good plan of attack here. Yuurei you are going to be the vanguard with Revy and my sword, I am going to be the one working the mid ground with Renji if you are giving him your staff like usual. You Elijah are going to do what ever you can to keep yourself alive and if you need help yell out to us." Kaia is not fully sure of what the other man can do with his magic but he hopes that he is not going to get over whelmed by what ever those creatures that were on the other side of the void caverns opening just waiting for them as the ground they stand on is unwelcoming she could only guess what it was in the other side.

Revy took Kaito's sword from him and she smiled with a joking salute to Kaia as she was going to do the best that she could do working the front line with Kaito's special sword.


The Stampede?  - Void Cavern: Cavalry of Emptiness (YUUREI/ELIJAH) Empty Wed May 29, 2024 5:40 pm

Elijah had just received the information on the next cavern mission with his previous teammates. He was glad they decided to include him in that adventure and he was happy to see them again but the thought of those dreadful dungeon-like things popping up seemingly everywhere gave him goosebumps. They were definitely dangerous and while that first one seemed sort of tame even though it was kind of nightmarish in its own right, Elijah was certain the next ones wouldn't be such a cakewalk.

Reading the brief he was surprised to find out the spot of their next mission was in another country and wondered how he was going to get there, his trip from Bellum to Fiore was already nerve wrecking having to travel by ship but thankfully Kaito informed the team that a portal was set up to teleport them to the place.

Having made his way to it he took a deep breath and walked through it, closing his eyes and exhaling the moment he felt his feet touch the other side. He opened his eyes and saw a female figure standing before him. Wondering who she was he looked confused as he was expecting Kaito and other than a small resemblance to hair color, maybe, she didn't look like him. His confusion quickly turned to amazement as the girl introduced herself as Kaia, or the female version of Kaito. Even though the nephilim didn't really understand the reasoning behind the change it could have been just for a fun and chaotic time and he was all for it. He laughed at the situation briefly before taking on a more serious face as he looked at his surroundings reminding him of the cavern they had to explore. The land was barren as far as the eye could see with mountain ranges cutting across the Steppes. The air felt dry and the land looked parched, he wondered what sort of people could live in this uninviting place, maybe a question that could be answered another time.

Kaia explained the plan to him, it seemed like they had teamed up multiple times with Yuurei in the past and knew each other's strengths and could play off them. The plan for him was to just survive and hopefully he would be able to provide some assistance, he wasn't even sure the group needed him but he would try to do them justice anyway. And at least their exceed friends had some humor as Elijah let out a soft chuckle at Revy's theatrics.

With everyone ready they entered the portal, the nephilim closed his eyes once more as hopelessness and emptiness surrounded him the same feeling he got when he entered the first cavern. This time however even the environment was against them, the air was thin and it was hard to breathe. He took a look around, a desolate land with flatlands far to the horizon, this place felt void of any life but he knew that not to be true. He heard galloping from far away and it was getting closer as a legion of void knights appeared behind a crag going full speed at them. Elijah readied himself for battle, awaiting his teammates first moves.

WC: 544


The Stampede?  - Void Cavern: Cavalry of Emptiness (YUUREI/ELIJAH) Empty Thu May 30, 2024 9:20 am


Yuurei and Renji would be the last of the group to go through the portal. When they came out, they would see that Elijah was confused as hell with Kaito’s new look. The Seraphim had known that he could do this, and to be honest, Yuurei had the same key. That Mysterious Merchant had a bunch of weird things to sell, and these keys were different. Each and every one of them had done many different things.

He was about to say something, but Kaito started talking about a plan. It would seem like he was going to be in the front of the group. He wasn’t sure what they were going to be facing here, but he knew it wouldn’t be good. If that Cavern they were in wasn’t hard, then this one would be extremely hard. The Seraphim cracked his neck as he had a smile on his face.

The plan was fine, and he was fine with that course of action. They probably had a lot to do as they were looking for treasure now in this Cavern too. Renji was surprised Yuurei had done this, and honestly, he was surprised that Yuurei looked amazing as a woman.

Still, things seemed dreadful here and he expected that it wouldn’t be as easy as the other one. They would enter the place without a moment to waste. There Yuurei figured he would speak up before the galloping and appearance of the Void Knights appeared to them.

“I guess if you’re going to turn into a woman for this one, then I guess I should do the same thing.” He said to Kaito.

Renji heard these words and he would shake his head. This was stupid, but at the same time, it would be funny to see two of the strongest people in Fiore fight around as women and kick ass. Yuurei would take out the key and he would use it on himself. It was then he would turn the key and he would change from a man to a woman without a problem. Yuri’s hair would become longer as she moved it around and then looked at the others.

“I’ve never done this before. How do I look?” She asked wondering what they would say.

Yuri would look over to Elijah and figured she would ask him if he wanted to give it a try.

“Do you want to see how you fair as a lady?” She asked him wondering what he would say.

“Alright, I will give everybody sight, so they can see everything around you. That way there is no excuse about you being caught by surprise.” He said this as he would give them an aura as they were chatting and figuring out what to do next.

Soon enough, the Void Knights would appear to them and soon enough they would attack. It would seem like there was no time for words, which was sad, but at the same time, it gave her an excuse to use the arsenal she had.

She would bring out her Lerzar’s Dreadwatcher Helmet and her Kaldbak Armor. In her hand, she would have Gae Bolg and within Renji’s hand, he would have the Jeweled Sword Zelretch. It would seem like things were getting interesting as she figured it was time to bring out the big dogs literally. She would raise her free hand, which would also bring out two sharpened appendages. Four shadow mastiffs would appear behind her, as they would prepare for battle.

“Prowl and attack the horse-like creatures.” She said this and Mastiffs turned invisible before rushing toward the Void Knights that were rushing toward them.

They worked as a pact, so they would all attack one Void Knight in groups of twos while moving to the other one while it was defeated. Yuri’s order to his Mastiffs would trigger his Fierce Winter on him just in case any of the Void Knights made it to him, they would feel slow like no other before today.



The Stampede?  - Void Cavern: Cavalry of Emptiness (YUUREI/ELIJAH) Empty Fri May 31, 2024 8:05 am


Kaito was surprised to see Yuurei also turn into a woman here as well he guessed that Yuurei thought that they needed to some female power here in the battle field. Kaito had simply done it as a change of pace and to use more of the gear that he had that he didn't really use that often then he reached into a hat in her pouch and hands a cookie that looks like each of them to them. "If you start feeling despair or overwhelmed eat this and let the jolly joy bring you back to your focus." once they had all taken their cookies Kaia suited up ready for the fight as the thundering clap of the hooves of the creatures hit the ground coming toward them Kaia put her hands up and took two giant chucks of the ground that was ahead of them to make the monsters have to be bottle necked so their numbers couldn't as easily over whelm them.

Kaia hoped that would be enough to help it. "The rest is up to how we fight and the strength of our resolve! Lets show them that we will take on what ever challenge they might attempt to let loose on to us! I am Going to release my ultimate spell through the bottle neck first so make sure you are not in there when that flies through there." The female dragon slayer kicked off of the ground and starts surveying the battle field a bit while staying within her zone of the plan in the middle ground as she was going to be letting loose a hail of beams after the first part of releasing the strongest spell she has but she needed to make sure that she didn't risk her team mates here as that is just messy business.

Revy after taking the cookie placed it in her pocket carefully as she was ready she just needed to make sure that she kept her self on her toes and that she doesn't fall behind or get cut off from Yuurei or the other part of the group but she knows that Kaia will save her if there was any issues. She moved up to the area she was going to be fighting in and she hoped that she was truly ready but then Kaia landed beside her to start with as Kaia was going to let loose the spell and then she was to fall back to the middle ground and take flight and start blasting into the group farther back to cut down on their numbers.

Kaia watched the bottle neck and as the first set of knights were to come through she transformed her skin being covered in scales of grey and white and her eyes turning more toward a dragons eye in form She then raised her hand and pointed a finger and a grand beam of arcane magic with light magic mixed into it fired out and drilled a hole through the group of enemies that were racing through swiftly and to the max of the spell range leaving a massive trail of dead knights. Kaia kicked off back flying again to start picking spots to hit with more beams and area of effect spells that don't risk his friends and Revy runs to the front line and clashes with the new group that is coming in on them through the bottle neck.
(578) (1,127)


The Stampede?  - Void Cavern: Cavalry of Emptiness (YUUREI/ELIJAH) Empty Fri May 31, 2024 1:57 pm

Elijah looked at Yuurei in shock as he was changing genders in front of him, he could only thing of one single question, why. Why can these two do that at will and was that key the reason Kaito had turned as well. Why did they change into women, did it give them some kind of alternate power, was their psyche more fortified because they could tap into their feminine side undeterred? All these questions and no time for answers, well except one "Um, you look great!" he said surprised, "I would be interested in trying the key sure, but only after this whole thing is over with." he said as he pointed towards the void knights galloping at them. That seemed like an issue to be addressed in the present so they could talk about the future later.

That said, it didn't take long before each of his teammates literally exploded with power-of course after they had received a cookie with their face on it from Kaia and tucked it away safely in case of an emergency-. I should probably ask for the recipe later hmm, he thought as he placed his in a small pouch attached to his belt. He then turned around and at that moment armors, helmets, swords -and frankly only his mother missing- appeared in his allies grasp. "Where do you even store all that stuff." he said flabbergasted.

With each one taking their positions in the battlefield, Elijah tried to be as much in the middle of them as possible so he was covered from every angle without the danger of getting hit by them or obstructing them. He didn't have much in terms of equipment as he was still new to the whole "being an adventurer" experience but he could at least provide them with some kind of support. He thought for a moment which combination of angels would fit in this situation, then like before, placed his palm on his chest revealing golden coins that burst into light summoning Raziel and Leliel.

Raziel appeared to Elijah's right side donning his mage armor and unfurling his wings made of book pages, his book of mysteries appeared and with a wave of his hand it opened as a circle of light took shape in front of it and at the same time above the swarm of void knights summoning light beam after light beam incinerating each creature individually. Leliel appeared on his left side, spread her raven wings and weaved her night's veil blinding groups of enemies, spreading chaos among them as they attacked each other, galloped to a random direction or even took themselves out by ramming into boulders. Both angels would stay by the nephilim's side to keep him safe and to not interfere with his teammates. Elijah was careful not to overdo it as the summons were constantly draining his energy but his want to help his team provided him with the necessary courage to go past his limits. He would provide shields for his group whenever they would need them as he himself wasn't able to cast any offensive spells, they would form as crystalized light protecting them from all sides before shattering into pieces.



WC: 542 | 1086


The Stampede?  - Void Cavern: Cavalry of Emptiness (YUUREI/ELIJAH) Empty Fri May 31, 2024 11:13 pm


Yuri watched as her Mastiffs would go to work, it wasn’t just that, but Kaito had done the same thing. It seemed like they were going to make it harder for these creatures to get to them. That was fine by her, and she planned on taking advantage of this. Renji was thinking about what to do, but he noticed that Kaito and Revy were fighting off the Void Knights. It was then he saw a bunch of them be wiped out and their path becoming slimmer than it was before.

He would look at Yuri, and the woman was waiting for an opportunity. When she saw, she would toss Gae Bolg in the direction they were coming in, and the spear would pierce through a few of them as they had lined up for her to do that.

It was soon the spear had disappeared and reappeared in her hand. The Mastiffs would appear tearing apart different Void Knights. Yuri knew that there was going to be no end to these creatures. They were like the ones from before, which meant that standing here and fighting would lead them nowhere.

“We shouldn’t stay here and continue the fight, we need to find some treasure and be on our way. If we stay here we will eventually lose our mana and they will overrun us.” She said to the group.

Renji heard this and he nodded agreeing with Yuri. It didn’t mean he would stop attacking. The Exceed would use a spell from the Staff and he would pierce right through a few Void Knights before striking them with his free hand and then a kick to the side of one. He looked around trying to figure out what to do and where to go.

Yuri wasn’t sure if they would listen to her. It was why she was going to stay here until they made a decision. She did notice that Elijah had created more of the angels that hated her. They found Yuri as an abomination since she wasn’t always one.

“Do you have full control over those two Elijah?” She asked him wondering what Elijah would say.

Yuri decided to attack as well. The woman activated a spell that brought out a spear into the sky. She was going to enjoy this. Once the spear had formed fully, it would be sent down toward the ground and it would crash into the Void Knights on the other side.

Renji would see the crashing and he would jump from how scary that must have been on their side. He wasn’t even sure that they had feelings but that was not a good look from their side. Still, Yuri was right they needed to do something quickly. These things didn’t seem like they were going to stop coming after them. She was hoping that someone would have a solution soon, or else they would be fighting here for quite a while.



The Stampede?  - Void Cavern: Cavalry of Emptiness (YUUREI/ELIJAH) Empty Sat Jun 01, 2024 10:33 am


Kaia heard what Yuri had said and she sighed it seemed she had messed this up as well. "Since we can't stay here lets open the path and start looking for this treasure of theirs." Kaia flew forward and started blasting into the groups of knights to keep the reinforcement numbers down, so that her team mates can get across and not get caught up in the knights overwhelming them. This all was going to require the team to keep fighting forward as swiftly as they could while she and maybe the others slimmed the numbers that were getting through to the ones that were on ground and fighting and looking for where this item might be as there weren't many places it could be as most of the land was flat and dead seeming so maybe it might be hidden inside of something or under something but there were a lot of places to look under they would have to look for it hard.

Revy bravely pushed herself to the front of the battle line clashing with the knights that were coming in and watching as some fought the others or knocked around or fell into the giant holes Kaia had made to make sure that they would be safe and not end up dead or over run but as the female with white hair had said they need to keep moving and look for something that was the key to it all and could help them to close this dungeon area down and have them move on to where they needed to be next as she had heard that there were a lot of these things and more just seemed to keep coming so they were going to probably be busy for awhile dealing with more monsters like this that might attempt to kill them. The sword and Revy seemed to have bonded a little with the other from Kaito letting her use it more, she wondered if this was normal to feel so at one with the weapon to chose to use or if this sword might have more to it than one might have thought that they did.

Kaia kept making sure that the way was clear for them as she wondered what they might be looking for and why she was not on the ground to help look but she knows that they need someone moving and culling numbers while the others look around and attempt to get to the areas that they need to be going to and she was the best pick for that as Yuri could do a lot more on the ground and in charge than she could have as she is always second fiddle to Yuri and their lovely figure and bouncy well kept perfect looking hair. Kaia shook her head to snap herself out of it as that was not what she needed to be focusing on as danger was coming and it was coming in hot and fast toward them so they were going to have to really dig in and keep themselves safe as a slightly bigger Knight was around in the group and it might be stronger or maybe just a copy that went a bit rouge.
(543) (1,670)


The Stampede?  - Void Cavern: Cavalry of Emptiness (YUUREI/ELIJAH) Empty Sun Jun 02, 2024 10:54 am

Elijah tried his best to hear his teammates what with the explosions, loud thunderclaps and battle cries, bright lights coming from the beams and the lightning spears, it was prime ground for an epilepsy episode and he was having a hard time staying fully focused. Raziel continued firing off celestial beams to keep any of the creatures from getting too close and Leliel feeling her summoner's anxiety rise she stopped channeling her blinding magic and instead embraced Elijah to give him some peace. It was like night had fallen in his head and everything seemed more quiet and serene, he finally managed to focus and ground himself, letting go of the battlefield for a mere moment, but it was enough to calm his heart rate and allow him to be present in the fight instead of just a part of it.

Leliel slightly backed away from him as the dark veil was lifted from his mind and he could once more actively participate in the fight. He heard Yuurei and Kaito talk about finding a way to the treasure of this place as they couldn't keep fighting forever. The harsh reality was that the monsters seemed to be endless as for each one they slayed more popped up seemingly from around the corner, like the place had an infinite amount of those void knights at hand. He tried to look around but even with the boosted sight from his teammates he couldn't locate something that looked like a treasure, going off from what he had found during their previous encounter. "Let's move towards the middle maybe we can see something from there." he yelled hoping that all of them could hear him before turning to Yuurei to answer his question "Those are fragments of the Seraphim so they stay under my control." he assured him, he might not have been the owner of this power for a long time but he figured out the ways it worked and how he could take advantage of it.

Having said that maintaining two of the angels at the same time and for this prolonged period had taken its toll on his body as he was getting weaker, a price he had to pay to invoke their power. He dismissed the angel of night so he could regain some of his vitality back while maintaining Raziel this time firing beams of light straight ahead to open a path for Elijah and the others towards the center of this area. Even though they seemed like they could all fly he was more than happy to provide them the opportunity to rest. He continued looking around with the enhanced sight but nothing seemed out of the ordinary, like a sign saying "Vast amounts of mana here" and pointing to the treasure. He had been thinking for a while to use divination like last time but the area was a lot bigger this time and he had hoped they would be able to locate it without having to worry about Elijah being vulnerable but from the looks of it, locating it was quite the task. "I will try to locate the treasure like last time but I'm gonna need cover while carving a path through them." he finally said hoping his team would come through for him as he couldn't maintain two angels for now.

With a word of his in Lucian, Raziel dissipated and Elijah immediately felt less pressured as his strength returned in waves faster. However, there was no time for him to complete recover so once again he placed his hand on his chest and summoned the angel of divination, commanding him at once to locate the place where the treasure was kept. Without delay, the angel started preparing for the spell creating all those intricate geometrical designs around his spherical head as he hovered beside the nephilim. "He will need around a minute to locate the treasure with an area of this size, please try to hold on till then." he yelled once again as another loud explosion was set off behind him from his teammates. It was far enough not to injure him in any way but it might have startled him letting out a soft scream.


WC: 711 | 1797


The Stampede?  - Void Cavern: Cavalry of Emptiness (YUUREI/ELIJAH) Empty Mon Jun 03, 2024 7:15 am


The Seraphim heard his words, they wanted to progress forward and within good reason to. Yuri understood, and she was ready to go forward. Still, it seemed like Elijah answered her and she was surprised. Her eyes widened as that was a scary concept. He was using fragments of the Seraphim, which meant these weren’t them. The Warden sighed because they did not like him at all. She was an abomination to them, and they were always after her for some stupid reason.

Kaia was paving the way for them. It seemed like she had felt the need to rectify what she had created earlier. It was a good plan and Yuri didn’t mind it. She made it easier for us to kill these Void Knights and now they were able to move forward even though more made their way here.

She was ready though and so was Renji. The Exceed didn’t need to use his mana for this staff, but his aura was taxing. Of course, she didn’t mind it as a new path would be formed in front of them. While they continued their progression, more of these Void Knights would show up.

“We will have your back, so do what you got to do. Elijah.” She said to him as she focused on making sure he was fine, and to make sure that these creatures didn’t overwhelm them.

Yuri moved into the battlefield quickly. She had to make sure none of her companions was in her way. When she got in front of everyone her chest started to glow and another light spear would start to form before shooting a huge beam of light energy toward the Void Knights in front of them. When the attack was clear, the dispersal of the Void Knights had occurred as well. There were a few still standing, allowing her to see that there were some stronger than others.

Of course, Renji was going to just stand there. The Exceed rushed into the battlefield as well. He knew that Yuri would be able to protect Elijah without a problem, so he could do as he pleased. His movements quick thanks to Yuri’s powers. When he got close to one of the Void Knights, it thrusted the spear at him. Renji dodged the attack, but also countering after the abomination missed. He would slam his shin to the side of the beast, bringing it to fall.

He looked around to see others were coming for him, and he’d use another attack to create a pulse of mana to fly around him and take out the others that Yuri had failed to destroy. The Seraphim looked at Elijah to make sure that there weren’t any Void Knights trying to get to him. She had made sure that if one did appear she’d attack it without hesitation.

One thing had gone through her thoughts, if these creatures found a way to get out of the Void then things would be chaotic in Earthland. Even if her mind had been plagued by the Oni and Demon within her, she wouldn’t want that. It would harm those she loved, which she couldn’t stand to watch or think about.



The Stampede?  - Void Cavern: Cavalry of Emptiness (YUUREI/ELIJAH) Empty Mon Jun 03, 2024 10:17 am


Kaia wasn't slowing down her attacks as she kept casting throwing slashes and beams of arcane and light magics that just kept raining down on the knights who seemed either mindless or fearless in the face of the ones dying around them Kaia wasn't going to allow them to get hurt as she kept attacking and keeping the path open as the knights time after time as the waves of them came just met with a painful fate at the spells of the dual powered dragon slayer. She was not one to mess around if she had the choice in the matter but she was also not going to over fixate on one set of the group as she needed to make fully sure that her attacks kept the knights busy or having to regroup on her part as she knows Yuri is also doing their part of this whole thing.

Revy and the ward seemed to cleave through parts of the knights as Revy aimed for spots that would make the knights less of a risk like cutting through the legs and the weapons that the knights seemed to have. She was making sure to leave enough of a gap between herself and the monster as she can before she moved in to strike at the first appearance of an opening that the creature made. Revy had been with Kaito for a long time and this was one of those times that she had been trained to handle with great ease as she had spent the time watching Kaito and learning from him when she could on how this was done and what to look for in the enemy's movement. Revy knew that she should keep moving as there were a lot of these monsters around them that were still seeking to get a piece of them.

Kaia lording over the skies at the moment moved with great swiftness as she casted her spells and even dropped down a time or two to physically ram through a few of them as she was working as hard as she could to make them come more at her and away from the path she had helped to make for them to get through and find what ever it was that was at the core of the dungeon. Kaia made a blade point with her hand and swung her hand in a guided line and a slash of energy went from her hand and into the group of knights that were attempting to hit her by stabbing their lances at the sky which did little as she stayed out of their range with them as she picked them off to keep them busy. Kaia really missed her shield in these kinds of situations as she could have just used the legendary shield to take the hits and while they were all distracted, the team could have just taken their time finding the item as the knights would have just been fruitlessly attacking the shield to no effect. She for now will just have to deal with the hand that she currently has which is her bare fists as her sword is with Revy to keep her safe and armed.
(537) (2,207)


The Stampede?  - Void Cavern: Cavalry of Emptiness (YUUREI/ELIJAH) Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 2:04 am

This time around the locator spell seemed to take longer than usual, even with the extra time allotted to amount for the difference in the size of the area the angel of divination seemed to encounter trouble with pinpointing the location of the treasure. Elijah's partners seemed to be making a valiant effort in eradicating as many of those creatures as they could and keeping him safe at the same time allowing for his energy to be restored steadily. His magic took a lot out of him summoning two angels at the same time and keeping them active for so long but now he felt like he was ready to join back in once again especially since maintaining Eistibus didn't require much energy. How could he help them out though he wondered, they weren't lacking in firepower that was certain just by watching all those flashes of light and explosions, they seemed to be trained and seasoned fighters something the nephilim couldn't say for himself. He looked around checking for any blind spots where the void knights would ambush them but it didn't seem to be possible as this was a pretty open area, just then however he noticed a pack diverge from the others' assault as they galloped towards the exit, that shouldn't be allowed to happen as the results would be catastrophic should they start pouring out of this place into Earthland with the numbers able to multiply like he was witnessing in this place.

The others were already preoccupied with keeping the monsters after the group at bay and wouldn't have enough time to reach the monstrosities closing in on the gate. Elijah knew what the solution to this problem was but despite his current angel not consuming too much energy he wouldn't be able to bring out the right one for the situation. The divination spell had to be interrupted and the angel dismissed for him to summon the angel of the sky. He spoke in Lucian dismissing Eistibus before bringing both hands together in a prayer stance and calling out to Sahaqiel. Multiple golden coins appeared once he opened his hands and as they burst in light a sudden gust of wind swept away the dust around Elijah. The angel appeared next to him hovering freely without the need of wings, the wind and sky were his domain and it was what the nephilim would put between the void knights and the gate. Elijah commanded the angel to protect the structure and with a nod Sahaqiel took to the sky and with his speed it almost felt like he teleported to the front, blocking any access for the creatures. He raised his hands towards the sky and what felt like a refreshing breeze at first whipped up into a violent gale seconds later.


More and more packs of void knights were diverging from their normal path towards the exit but were met with the angel's storm that either outright destroyed them or flung them back forcefully towards their own or on to the surrounding mountains and cliffs often times impaling them on the sharp stones. Even though Elijah and his teammates weren't spared from this turbulent spell he knew that they were all stronger than the nephilim and it wouldn't prove to be more than an annoyance to them, however with the lack of cover around him Elijah was fully exposed to it and he didn't have the strength to fully withstand its effects. He turned to his allies and asked them to come together and become a shield for each other while the gale now started pushing the creatures from all sides and forcing them back towards the place they started coming out from. If his teammates had decided to not heed his advice they would have a very turbulent flight and he would have to create shield after shield in front of him so he wouldn't be swept away with the others.

WC: 672 | 2469


The Stampede?  - Void Cavern: Cavalry of Emptiness (YUUREI/ELIJAH) Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 9:38 am


Yuri had been doing what she needed to do. It seemed like everybody was handling their own as well. That was good, which meant she could continue with what she was doing. The annihilation of these creatures was happening, but when things were thought to be done more would appear. Yuri would suck her teeth with annoyance to the problem. She shook her head as she decided to attack again. This time her Excalibur replaced Gae Bolg. She couldn’t use the spell on her spear for a bit, so she decided to use something else.

When Excalibur was in her hand, she turned to hear Elijah. It seemed like his Seraphim had attacked, but at a cost that would hurt Elijah himself. It would also hit her as well, but she was fine with that. She did, however, didn’t know if he could take a hit. She looked at the Void Knights ahead of her, and she rushed to Elijah. She swiped her hand and changed her armor. Once that had happened, she created a magical coated armor that covered her.

When she did that she would get in front of Elijah taking the attack without a problem. While this happened, the Void Knights she had been keeping at bay, had started to move through. She shook her head at that, before looking at Elijah.

“You keep doing what you think is right. We will keep making sure that all of these things don't become overwhelming.” She said this to Elijah as she stepped away from him and rushed toward the group she had heard eyes on.

It was there Yuri would swing Excalibur without tremendous force behind it.

“EXCALIBUR!” She shouted as a beam of light would shoot out without hesitation.

The blast would cover an area of sixteen meters wide and would head out for a long distance. The number of Void Knights dwindled in that move. Still, one thing he noticed was one of them was emerging from the shadows. This one looked bigger than the rest and more dangerous than the others. She had chuckled at this. It was going to be delightful to see what would happen here.

“Don’t worry about asking for help Elijah. I rather that, than something happening to you.” She said to him with a smile and a nod before looking at the danger that was coming her way.

Renji had been rushing around the battlefield. His eyes not looking too hard due to his spell. It was taking a lot out of him to hold onto, but he figured there was nothing to complain about when Yuri and Kaia had been doing the hard work.

The Exceed would unleash a slash of mana from the staff, taking one of them out and moving to another. He would punch them on the side of their body and it would topple them down with one hit. Another would approach Renji, trying to hit the Exceed with a spear to his back. He saw this and he would crouch, avoiding being hit.

When the Void Knight moved past him, Renji tossed his body toward the Void Knight. With the impact of his body and the force he used, he would take out the Void Knight.



The Stampede?  - Void Cavern: Cavalry of Emptiness (YUUREI/ELIJAH) Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 4:08 pm



Kaia sped around tossing more bursts of magic as she keeps powered up and not backing down. Kaia stops dead and makes a heart shape with her hands and points it forward toward another group of that knights then speaks in a overly cutesy voice. "Dimensional Love Beam~!" A heart shaped beam of his dimensional magic mixed with light magic fired forward into the ground of knights and after it landed Kaia did a cute pose and then flew forward and back to fighting with the knights with a smile on her face as she did that and she had no idea how Yuri will react to seeing that from her. She was not known for doing those kind of things but the attack worked so no reason to complain. She stays low and fast as a red cloud started coming from her feet and she plows through the knights and the red cloud behind her left a shape of a heart.

Kaia was on a role and she breaks off the lance of one of the knights and she started using it to run through more knights as she was hearing a song in her head as she fought but she was not complaining as she knows that this is a fight and it was better to have a song in her head to keep the tempo of her strikes and to drown out the sounds that these knights made as she ran them through and left them a bit worse for wear. The knights she was flying through were just collapsing to the ground for the hits and she sees her team is working hard. "Keep up the good work you four~" She giggled as she kept going and then lifts and smashes a knight into the ground as she was feeling gity from all the excitement and fighting that she was doing plus she didn't often use her dual dragon mode so the extra power and the magic coursing through her body and out into the world was addictive to say the least.

Kaia wondered if they had any ideas where the mean only object is as this was starting to get wild and more just kept coming and she was feeling a bit out of trouble keeping her power going like this and in this form but she didn't dare to drop her form as she was going to need it to keep her spells in top shape and not lagging behind she was on the ball and she rams into more of them and grabs one and spins tossing into the group and then doing some finger pointing and a pop idolish looking dance as the beams left her fingers and into the knights that just fell over to the ground. She giggled again and she her eyes glowed red and she tore through more of the knights that were coming right at her as she tore through their every weak point like they were made of paper.

Revy was starting to think that maybe Kaito had lost his mind as this was a weird sight to be seeing as she was fighting the knights back with her sword at the ready and bravery in her heart that she can handle this and see where they end up at the end of this fight. Revy looked over to Renji as he was also handling himself well as well and she heads toward him to watch his back as she was not some wilting flower.
(593) (2,800)


The Stampede?  - Void Cavern: Cavalry of Emptiness (YUUREI/ELIJAH) Empty Fri Jun 07, 2024 6:39 am

The summoning and upkeep of that violent gale spell had taken a lot out of the nephilim, with the void knights far away from the gate and the wind now having calmed down the angel dissipated as Elijah thanked Yuurei for his intervention keeping him safe from harm. Kaia's display of heart beams and destructive love left his heart in a state of wanting to see more of it, but he pulled himself together and stopped gawking as they still had a treasure to find and finish this fight having taken way too long and the risk becoming greater over time with their mana reserves depleting. Elijah sighed, trying to concentrate as he summoned the angel of divination again, this time lending him part of his magic in order to speed up the locator spell. Seeing how Kaia was now on a rampage he didn't feel the need to be protected from the knights anymore as she was wrecking them in every possible way, same for Yuurei and their companions. He had never seen such a continuous display of skill, feeling like they could be even called monsters if they hadn't displayed some feelings already. Shortly, he dispersed all thoughts from his head but one, finding the treasure and putting an end to this, Eistibus seemed to be almost ready to pinpoint the location.

WC: 227 | 2696


The Stampede?  - Void Cavern: Cavalry of Emptiness (YUUREI/ELIJAH) Empty Fri Jun 07, 2024 7:37 am


Yuri had kept her eyes on the big Void Knight, but when she heard Kaia say a spell, she looked over to see what she had done. This caused her to cringe a little. They had turned into girls, but they were still men, so that pose she had done, only brought her want to backhand Kaia. Still, there was no time for that, she sighed, looked over to the Void Knight, and noticed that he was charging right for her.

She jumped out of the way from the Knight as it would change its course immediately and moved toward her once again. Yuri saw this, as she slid on the ground. Her eyes focused as she switched out from her Excalibur to her Zabimaru. When the weapon came out it would roar, bringing the Void Knight to hesitate for a second. It didn’t understand why, but that weapon was a bit scary to its liking. That was when she had awakened Zabimaru right away, changing its form as it looked at the Void Knight.

The Knight charged again as it was heading to Yuri.

“You decided to ignore that thing called fear and charge ahead.” She said as she watched it get closer.

That was when she swung the sentinel sword. The direction it moved was toward the four-legged monstrosity. When the Void Knight saw this, it thrust its spear at Zabimaru. The two clashed and it kept moving straight toward Yuri. The Warden saw this and she would fly over the Knight and then landed on the ground gracefully. She turned around to look at it and she would snap Zabimaru at it once again. The sword moved quickly and toward its destination once again.

It would reach the Void Knight again and this time the two clashed as Zabimaru would crack a bit, but The Void Knight’s spear would be destroyed without question. It didn’t have a weapon, but it still seemed like it was going to fight Yuri.

Renji was still fighting as he had slashed another Void Knight with the staff in his hand. While doing that, he looked over to Elijah and was waiting for him to confirm the location of what they were looking for or obtain it himself. He would do the honors, but if he didn’t need his assistance he’d continue fighting instead. He saw Revy had joined him on this and he had a smirk on his face.

“You are so pretty when you’re fighting.” He said as he couldn’t help it.

When a Void Knight got close to him, he dodged the stupid creature again, before sending it flying to its death with a punch.



The Stampede?  - Void Cavern: Cavalry of Emptiness (YUUREI/ELIJAH) Empty Fri Jun 07, 2024 10:00 pm


Kaia watched the others fighting a little as she dodged attacks that she could sense and she countered them with her now heightened reflexes that she had gained some how magically out of no where. She was not going to slow down but it was cute to see that they were working so well and she kind of wondered why these things kept fighting like it was their life. Where they really mindless puppets or monsters that were attacking for just sport or was there something else to it that she was not seeing here, could it have something to do with why they had appeared in the first place? Kaia had no answers and she knows she doesn't have time to be worrying about it as this is still an active battle field and she is still battling on it at the moment. She snaps the lances and tosses the knights around like they are smaller creatures that they are.

Revy blushed a little at Renji's comment about her. "Do you think now is the best time to be throwing charming comments at me?" She teased him a little bit as she kept fighting by his side even if he might not need her help and he is a big strong boy himself she will keep seeing him as the one of her closest friends who use to help her when they were trained by Santa and no one can take that away from them as they were a surprise and over the years of training with Kaito and the others she has kept a good bond with those that she use to serve with. Though now most of them are gone or forgotten in the sands of time by those that they had teamed up with. She keeps her edge while she clashes with the knights not backing down or even losing a step.

Kaia started blasting into the mess of knights that had come out to face her and the team she was working with but she hoped that soon they would gain the item and get them out of the hoard they are fighting on repeat, Kaia pushes hard and spreads the beams out and she was hitting the weak points on the knights making them mostly fall to the way side like they were bags of rocked for the picking she was not backing down and they weren't either so that was just how it had to be and she was going to show she is not the coward most people think her male side is just because he minds his own business.
(440) (3,240)


The Stampede?  - Void Cavern: Cavalry of Emptiness (YUUREI/ELIJAH) Empty Sun Jun 09, 2024 7:37 am

Elijah was literally caught between a rock and a hard place what with the monstrous boss knight Yuri was facing and the hordes of creatures still pouring out of who knows where that Kaia was facing. This whole life threating situation was fun no doubt but he wanted for it to end soon. The spell was completed right on time when the angel pointed at Elijah, his eyes shone bright and in his mind's eye he saw the treasure hidden inside the mountain to the left. He was then snapped back to reality as the angel dissipated, no wonder we couldn't find anything it's all the way over there, he thought as he got ready to call the others. "Ok people I have the place. Kaia if you could come here for a moment I'd like to show it to you too so you can teleport me and the lovebirds so we can grab it and stop this nightmare." he shouted so she could hear him among all the fighting and explosions. When she'd land he would lightly tap her forehead and an image of the exact location would be display in her mind. With that one done he then waited to see if both their companions would follow him inside in case of danger or how they would want to handle the situation. Either way, Elijah would summon his angel of snow to protect himself before entering the dimensional gate.

WC: 246 | 2942


The Stampede?  - Void Cavern: Cavalry of Emptiness (YUUREI/ELIJAH) Empty Mon Jun 10, 2024 6:44 am


Yuri was looking at the Void Knight as she was waiting for the opportunity. It seemed like as the days had gone by, she would continue to just use her swords. That was fine because she was on the pursuit of mastery of her usage of the blade. If she were to be a Requip mage, then she needed to make sure that she could wield the weapons that she had in her arsenal without a problem. It also allowed her to become stronger with her weapon the better her mastery was with it.

Zabimaru looked at his master for a second, before looking at the creature charging them. The woman would bring forth her left hand into the air and she would then swing it down as fast as she could.

“Excalibur!” She shouted as the blast of her weapon would shoot out as it would come in contact with the Void Knight.

When the spell dispersed, the Void Knight ran right by Yuri without doing anything. The only thing it could do was fall to the ground from the impact. The Seraphim would sigh with relief that it was able to go with that attack. In the meantime, she pushed forward to keep the rest of the Void Knights at bay. The Warden heard Elijah call out to Kaito, which meant that they had found the location of what they were looking for.

Renji rubbed the back of his head as if she was right, but he couldn’t help it. While that happened another Void Knight tried to attack him, but he dodged it last second before swiping at the monster with his free hand. It was then his ear twitched as it seemed like Elijah had found what they were looking for.

That was good, which meant that they could get out of here soon. He moved closer to Revy so that Kaia could take them to Elijah, and then to their destination. Yuri would be fine on her own and would meet up with them after it was all done.



The Stampede?  - Void Cavern: Cavalry of Emptiness (YUUREI/ELIJAH) Empty Mon Jun 10, 2024 12:08 pm


Kaia seeing that they were finally about to be done with this and sees that Yuri is in position teleports himself and the others to where the other man that they had sent ahead was as it was time for them all to get out of here and hopefully never have to face this kind of thing again though she had a feeling that they were not out of he woods as of yet but she would have to see where it took them and what it might give them on this journey and if what the other man found was truly the piece that needed to stop the onslaught that had been going on in here and she wonders if she was not really made for this kind of life. She looked at the man that should be holding the relic or thing that ended it so they could leave and hopefully return home as she was a bit sore from all the fighting and doing maneuvers that she didn't really do or very rarely did so her body wasn't use to it.
(184) (Exit) (3,424)


The Stampede?  - Void Cavern: Cavalry of Emptiness (YUUREI/ELIJAH) Empty Mon Jun 10, 2024 1:13 pm

Moments later after wanting to retch having passed through the dimensional gate yet again, Elijah was holding the relic in his hands, it pulsated with vibrant mana, no mistake about it, this misshapen black thing with a purple gemstone in the middle would finally allow them to exit and hopefully somehow keep the creatures at bay for a while. Thankfully the squad followed him through as there were more knights to take care of before claiming the treasure, but for them it had already become childsplay. The nephilim whistled to signal that he claimed the relic and it was time for them to leave, with everyone passing through Kaia's gate this time without leaving behind a frozen treat as every monster had been taken care of on that side. Making a run for it through the foggy black gate they all returned unharmed back to their realm as a small sound came from that hellish maw possibly signaling that it wouldn't pose an issue for some time. Elijah was ecstatic with the near death adventure he just came out alive from hoping for more to come in the future, should the opportunity arise he wouldn't be able to resist the temptation, and with these interesting individuals for partners who knows where the road would lead him.


WC: 219 | 3161

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