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Beyond Here Lies Eternity [Greater VC| Alisa, Knuckles & Lilly]

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Beyond Here Lies Eternity [Greater VC| Alisa, Knuckles & Lilly] Empty Mon Jun 24, 2024 11:21 am

The geomorphology of Earthland had been forever altered by the emergence of enigmatic rifts in the fabric of reality. These Void Caverns, as ominous as they were lethal, now dotted the continents like malignant constellations. Their very presence seemed to infect the world with a creeping malaise, their gaping maws eager to devour any soul foolhardy enough to venture within. The genesis of each cavern began with a hairline fracture in the tapestry of space and time, a gossamer-thin portal to a realm beyond comprehension. Brave warriors and mages, lured by the siren song of untold riches, unparalleled fame, and power beyond measure, often found themselves ensnared in a fate worse than death. For many, the caverns became not just their tomb, but an existential prison, erasing all evidence of their passage and leaving behind nothing but unanswered questions and hollow grief.

Yet, Tōga's tale diverged from this grim narrative. The dragon slayer had not only dared to breach the threshold of these cosmic wounds but had emerged from their depths, his spirit tempered and resolve hardened by each foray. Whispered rumors and an ineffable instinct guided his steps as he approached the latest manifestation of these otherworldly portals. Materializing from the shimmering heat haze, Tōga's figure gradually took shape against the backdrop of a sun-baked mountain range. Rivulets of perspiration traced gleaming paths down his brow, evidence of his arduous journey through the barren environment.

"Ooooi, I wonder who'll be joinin' me this time?" Tōga's voice rang out, a mixture of excitement and curiosity coloring his words. He stood transfixed before the pulsating tear in reality, its swirling vortex of midnight and violet hues seeming to writhe with an insatiable hunger. His heterochromatic gaze, a window to both red and brown, studied the anomaly with a blend of caution and barely contained enthusiasm. The Rune Knight found himself at a crossroads, weighing the merits of solitary exploration against the proven benefits of companionship in his previous expeditions.

Recent incursions into the unknown had been bolstered by the presence of allies, their combined strength serving as both shield and sword against the eldritch horrors that lurked within the caverns' depths. The shared burden of danger and the camaraderie forged in the crucible of adversity had not only eased the physical toll but had also soothed the psychological strain of confronting the unfathomable.

Yet, as Tōga stood on the precipice of another otherworldly adventure, the siren call of the unknown proved nearly irresistible. The prospect of uncharted territories and untold discoveries set his blood afire with anticipation. Each passing moment stretched like an eternity, the portal's silent beckon growing more insistent with every heartbeat. The dragon slayer found himself teetering on the edge of impulse, his warrior's spirit straining against the bonds of prudence.

In this moment of suspended decision, Tōga embodied the eternal struggle between carefulness and daring, between the wisdom of experience and the intoxicating allure of the unsuspecting. His very presence at the mouth of the Void Cavern spoke volumes about his character – a soul not content with the safety of the familiar, forever drawn to the edges of the map where monsters still roamed. As the sun continued its relentless assault, casting long shadows across the rugged terrain, Tōga's internal debate raged on. Would he heed the lessons of past adventures and exercise patience, awaiting potential allies? Or would the irresistible pull of the void prove too strong, propelling him into its maw, consequences be damned?

The answer hung in the balance, as precarious as the reality-warping fissure before him.

wc: 611


Beyond Here Lies Eternity [Greater VC| Alisa, Knuckles & Lilly] Empty Mon Jun 24, 2024 2:36 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Knuckles Shi @Lily Knight | ARMOR

The last dungeon had proved surprisingly easy... Challenging in some aspects, but easy overall. Neither of the members had any struggle with tackling it individually, their real challenge came in the form of that impromptu teamwork. Teaming up with new people is always difficult, all the more so when you're forced to do so on a place so utterly alien it may as well be called another dimension. Since clearing the first dungeon, Alisa quicly looked up where the others were located, and found one hidden in the steppes of Pergrande. Once again, she relied on her aerial ship to find it, and soon dropped down a scarce few meters away from the portal, immediately coming face to face with her previous companion:

"Oh, hello again Toga~... Feels like we're fated to run into each other hm?"

Alisa still hadn't forgotten how they'd agreed to have themselves a little spar, but between running from one dungeon to another, they still hadn't had the chance to do so. Alisa, for one, hadn't even changed... With her heart still racing from completing the first dungeon, she merely paused just long enough to replenish her energy, before heading off on the next adventure. While others may have had to travel, she simply relied on the effectiveness of her teleportation to get herself there in the blink of an eye, while using the remainder of that time to refuel. Granted, from what she'd heard about this dungeon, it wouldn't be nearly as dangerous as the first one they stumbled into, meaning they could hopefully take it a fair bit easier than they had the first time around:

"So... Pergrande hm? I must admit, I'd never seen much of this particular part of this country...", she mused as she looked left and right, the dry, arid air around them seeming like a stark contrast to the iciness of the country... Then again they were in the very south of Pergrande, where the weather was closer to, say, Fiore, rather than Iceberg, as Pergrande was perhaps better known for

Alas, there were only two of them still... True, if the previous dungeon was anything to go by, one or two people should be more than enough to clear out the entirety of the dungeon, but having a few extra pair of hands ultimately made all the difference. With her and Toga here, she inevitability found herself thinking about Knuckles, and the other mysterious Daemon... Bird, was he? Still sounded like a fake name, but Alisa couldn't fault him for trying to keep his name secret:

"Well... Now we wait...", True, the two could always try to tackle the dungeon on their own... But from what she saw last time, that was a terrible idea... So as she walked up to the nearest large rock, Alisa took a seat where, crossing her shapely, leather clad legs, brushing a loose black lock behind her ear


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Beyond Here Lies Eternity [Greater VC| Alisa, Knuckles & Lilly] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#3Lily Knight 

Beyond Here Lies Eternity [Greater VC| Alisa, Knuckles & Lilly] Empty Mon Jun 24, 2024 9:39 pm

Lily Knight
Lily Beatrice Knight stood at the base of the Stena Mountains, her heart racing with a mixture of anticipation and nerves. The dry mountain air tingled against her skin as she adjusted the belt around her waist so that her shorts were secured enough that they wouldn't fall down but also not so tight that she was being squeezed to death. The feeling of her responsibilities as a member of this void cavern crew and the excitement of her journey ahead gave her all the adrenaline she would need to push forward towards her destination.. Her monolith dragon slayer magic, rooted in earth elements, lent her a natural affinity for the rugged terrain or so she thought and that was enough for this to feel easy. As she began her climb up, she could feel the sturdy rock underfoot respond to her touch, making each step sure and steady.

Despite her mastery over earth-based magic, this climb was no ordinary feat. Stena Mountains stretched endlessly before her, their jagged peaks disappearing into wisps of mist and cloud. This wasn't just any mountain trek, it was her first venture into a dungeon, and the stakes were high, Lily hopped more than anything that she didn't disappoint the other people she would be working with..

As Lily kept moving, her thoughts danced between the thrill of adventure and the weight of the task at hand. She imagined the allies she was set to meet, strangers brought together by a shared purpose. Soon she wouldn't have to imagine at all as she finally reaching the rendezvous point, Lily approached the other two with a confident stride, her gaze meeting theirs with a mixture of curiosity and respect. "Hey there, my name is  Lily Knight, supa happy to be workin with ya!" she introduced herself warmly, her voice steady despite the flutter in her chest.

Her ocean blue gaze would be met with two individuals, a gorgeous woman with cascading dark hair and alluring eyes, whose presence hinted at depths of experience and wisdom, and then there was the man, whose very aura stirred something within Lily. It was a sensation she couldn't quite place, a mix of familiarity and intrigue. It was as if the two shared something, it was unsettling but she didn't let it bother her.

With the introductions made from her end, Lily turned her attention to the looming entrance of the void cavern. She approached cautiously, drawn by the eerie energy emanating from within. It was a sight unlike any she had encountered before, a swirling vortex of darkness and possibility. She resisted the urge to reach out and touch it, instead opting to study it with a keen, cautious gaze.

As they waited for the final member of their party to arrive, Lily couldn't help but feel a overflow of excitement. The journey ahead was daunting, but she knew she wasn't alone. Together, they would venture into the depths of the void cavern, where untold secrets and challenges awaited. For Lily this was the start of an adventure, another story to add to her legendary tale of life that she could bring home to her family and wow them with.


Last edited by Lily Knight on Mon Jun 24, 2024 9:40 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : added word count)

#4Knuckles Shi 

Beyond Here Lies Eternity [Greater VC| Alisa, Knuckles & Lilly] Empty Wed Jun 26, 2024 7:08 am

Knuckles Shi

At last, the final member would join the waiting three. Between all these world-saving events, and fighting Knuckles had bolstered himself in quite a lot of power lately. In fact, he would even argue he was likely twice as strong as he was the last time he would have seen Toga or Alisa.  When he approached the ground he was happy to see Lily among his peers for this quest. It was good to see his guild members out in the world doing things that would change the aura of the Guild's name and reputation.  Upon seeing his rival Toga Knuckles walked straight up to him and extended his arm for a handshake. "Good to see you Sir Toga, I seem to spend more time around Knights than anything else. " He'd part the handshake with a smile.

Turning to Alisa, Knuckles would smile and extend his hand to her as well. "Lady Alisa, it is an honor to join you once more. I look forward to seeing even more of what you can do today." She was a demon slayer so it would be smart of him to see how she fought and study it. If he was going to become a demon after all it only made the most sense to understand how the magic worked from a master.  "I'll try to avoid your spells this time around."

Knuckles lastly fetched his eyes upon his newest Guild Member Lily. "Good to see you out and about Lily" , he smiled as he walked over to her and leaned closer to her face. "Let's be sure to outshine the others okay?" He said smiling then stood back up to his full height.

Knuckles reached his hands up summoning both his hammers into his hands. They came out of a red aura like magic. Since he last saw any of these people he had become a Legendary Master of his weapon type, he had made his dream come true, and with that dream, he had got many perks. He had also been working on fixing not only the Guild's reputation but his own, and most importantly he had reformed Sleeping Calaminity and was now their Guild Master.  

His face and chest would be covered in the same red glow as his Clown Clout Armor and Helm would be summoned onto his person. He was now ready for combat and for whatever it was they would be facing off against today. It was going to be fun, he always had fun slaying the enemies of the world.  However, he would be happy if they were staying outside this time around so he could use more of his magic from his hammers and show his rival just how much stronger he was overall.  He had learned a certain mastery of how to use his weapons in a more effective area.

"Let's bring some order to the world."
WC: 478

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

Beyond Here Lies Eternity [Greater VC| Alisa, Knuckles & Lilly] Empty Wed Jun 26, 2024 12:00 pm

The hyperarid air stirred, carrying with it a whisper of change as particles of dust danced around Tōga's form. His heightened senses—ears twitching and nostrils flaring—caught the subtle shift in the atmosphere. His gaze lifted skyward, drawn by the sudden eclipse of sunlight as an Aerial Ship cast its imposing shadow over the landscape. From this floating behemoth, a solitary figure descended, gracefully piercing the veil between sky and earth.

"Oooi, Alisa-sama!" Tōga's exuberant greeting cut through the air, his arm extended in a wild, welcoming wave. His mismatched eyes tracked Alisa's descent, watching as she alighted mere steps away from where he stood, her presence a stark contrast to the ominous void fissure that hung suspended nearby, its purple and black energies hissing defiance at reality itself.

With a respectful bow that spoke of his Joyan heritage, Tōga straightened, his face illuminated by a warm smile that belied the intensity of his heterochromatic gaze. "I’m glad our paths keep crossing," he beamed, his words carrying a subtle undercurrent of anticipation. "It keeps the idea of our future sparring match fresh in our minds." This gentle reminder, couched in civility, served as both a nod to their current alliance and a foreshadowing of their eventual clash on the battlefield.

Before the echoes of their greeting could fade, another presence made itself known. From the west, a vision of alabaster emerged—first a crown of white locks, then the delicate features of a young woman who introduced herself as Lily. "It's nice to meet you, Lily-chan! I'm Tōga," he offered warmly, his hand raised in friendly salutation. Yet, even as he welcomed her, an inexplicable sensation tugged at his consciousness. Though certain this was their first meeting, something about Lily stirred a deep, almost primal recognition within him. It was a feeling both foreign and achingly familiar, like a half-remembered dream or a long-lost memory struggling to surface.

Before Tōga could fully unravel this enigmatic sensation, the air crackled with crimson energy, heralding the arrival of their final team member. Small portals winked into existence, disgorging not only Knuckles but an impressive array of weaponry. "Ah, Knuckles-san! Welcome, and congratulations on your guild!" Tōga's salutation was tinged with genuine appreciation. In the brief interlude since their last shared adventure, Knuckles had undergone a remarkable transformation. Not only had his strength visibly increased, but he now stood as a Guild Master, mirroring Alisa's status. The presence of Lily, evidently a member of Knuckles' newly formed team, added another layer of intrigue to their gathering.

With their party now complete, a palpable sense of anticipation filled the air. Tōga's eyes sparkled with barely contained excitement as he surveyed his companions. "Well, we're all here, there’s no time like the present, right?" he declared, his voice brimming with enthusiasm. Without further preamble, and with a recklessness that spoke volumes about his adventurous spirit, Tōga launched himself towards the swirling vortex of the void fissure.

As he plunged into the trans-dimensional rift, Tōga showed no fear of the unknown that lay beyond, nor any concern for how the passage might affect him. His leap was an act of pure faith—faith in his abilities, faith in his companions, and faith in the grand adventure that awaited them on the other side.

The portal's energies engulfed him, a maelstrom of cosmic forces that threatened to overwhelm his senses. Yet Tōga embraced the chaos, his heart pounding with exhilaration as reality itself seemed to warp and twist around him. In this moment of transition, suspended between worlds, Tōga felt truly alive. Whatever challenges awaited them in the depths of the Void Dungeon, he was ready to face them head-on, bolstered by the strength of his allies and his own indomitable spirit.

As the last traces of their world faded from view, replaced by the unknowable realms of the void, Tōga's laughter echoed through the rift—a defiant challenge to whatever forces might seek to stand in their way.

If everyone else followed, leaping into the aimless abyss of the void fissure, they’d find themselves transported to a desolate world. Encapsulated within a colossal dome-like structure, they beheld a barren landscape devoid of any discernible life.

The circular walls of their enclosure were pockmarked with small, gaping holes, each no larger than a giant's fist and spaced evenly apart. A silent count revealed twenty such openings, twenty potential pathways or perilous traps, their true nature veiled in uncertainty. Remnants of void energy danced in the air, adding an eerie ambiance to the scene.

wc: 800 [1,411]


Beyond Here Lies Eternity [Greater VC| Alisa, Knuckles & Lilly] Empty Wed Jun 26, 2024 4:18 pm


WORDS: 750 | TWC: 1250 | TAG: @Knuckles Shi @Lily Knight | ARMOR

Pergrande was defenitely an interesting place... Alisa had travelled far in her younger years, but even she had never found a reason to travel this far. She'd set foot in Pergrande before, but never gotten so far East as to find herself in the steppes, where most people could never travel far absent the air of a horse... But now here they all were, the wind blowing across the mountains, leaving her hair fluttering about. With them minutes away from venturing into the dungeon, Alisa reached around behind her and pulled her long hair into practical ponytail:

"Likewise, always good to see a familiar face. Can only imagine how you'll surprise me this time hm~?", she chimed, throwing him a teasing little wink. She remember she'd agreed to have herself a little sparring fight with him, but their paths had yet to cross since the last Dungeon. It really hadn't been that long since the last Dunegon. Toga had grown tremendously since the first time they'd met, so she wouldn't be surprised if he managed to grow even stronger yet.

Soon, they were joined by a rather striking blonde with her eyes hidden under that gorgeous golden hair. Alisa flashed her a warm, welcoming smile, pleased to find there were more people eager to tackle the unknowns of the void.

"Oh, hello there! Pleasure to meet you, Lily. Call me Alisa~", she greeted, returning the introduction in kind, wine red hues washing over her new acquaintance. Immediately, she couldn't help but feel a certain ease about her on these rugged mountains, not unlike Alisa herself... She was either an Earth mage like herself, or someone equally accustomed to mountain living.

She had never seen or heard of this woman before, however, so she'd have to learn about her preferred way of fighting as they went along. Nothing too different from their first exploration into the void... And soon enough the fourth member of their expedition arrived. Soon enough she was greeted by the red haired visage of a familiar hammer wielder:

"And good to see you again too, Knuckles. The honour is mine~... And I heard you started your own Guild? I suppose congratulations are in order.", returning the greeting, Alisa flashed him a smile as she took his hand in a firm, but graceful handshake, chuckling at his words, "Fufu~... Worry not, I'm sure you're even more capable of dealing with them at this point."

There were some upsides to having the innate ability to sense mana, and she could see how much his had grown since the last time they'd met. Looked like he'd been training intensely for his new position. Now with the four of them assembled, Alisa couldn't help but wonder what happened to Bird since their last adventure, as neither of them had seen or heard from him since the battle. She was sure he'd survived, as they hadn't really found any body, but the man had lost himself quite thoroughly to his lust for battle. Well, she was sure he'd suvived, which meant he'd most likely turn up sooner or later:

"And this time we'll be able to do so without that merciless cold~", she chimed, chuckling as she thought back to their first dungeon.

Summoning her visor from her pocket dimension, Alisa thus finished fully armoring herself, wearing her sword sheathed and strapped to her right hip, ready to be drawn at a moment's notice... But as she joined her companions into the portal to the void, she could immediately feel the pulses of that eldritch energy rippling all around her, an energy so eerie it could make anyone's hairs stand on end... But Alisa could only feel that tingle of excitement as she imagined what might await her on the other side:

"Quite different from the last one...", as her feet touched the dusty soil of the void dimension, she could immediately noticed how that extradimensional pocket housed a vast, expansive dimension all around them... Is this what the void dungeons really were? The last one took the form of a cave, hard to see where it began or ended, but right here... They had a clear sense of its scale and boundaries, "In here we should have no trouble making the most of our speed. But I'd imagine whatever beings make their home here are equally well adapted to it..."

Alisa had confidence in her speed, training herself with daily runs with the simple, single minded goal of catching up to faster foes:

"And over there... Those paths feel more like what we saw last time.", assessing her surroundings, her eyes finally fell on the paths lining the dome they found themselves in. With no other clue in sight, she started heading towards them, intrigued by what she'd find...


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Beyond Here Lies Eternity [Greater VC| Alisa, Knuckles & Lilly] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#7Lily Knight 

Beyond Here Lies Eternity [Greater VC| Alisa, Knuckles & Lilly] Empty Fri Jun 28, 2024 1:19 am

Lily Knight
The introductions rolled in, and soon Lily learned that the man's name was Toga, though she didn't understand what he called her after he said her name. She wanted to ask what "chan" meant, but before she could, the woman spoke up and introduced herself as Alisa. Pushing wild strands of white hair behind her ear and away from her face, Lily held back a blush while looking at Alisa. The woman was so pretty that Lily immediately wanted to be friends with her. It was nice meeting new people, but the last person to arrive was not new to Lily, it was her guild leader Knuckles, who seemed already familiar with the other two. For now, she was the newcomer among them, which was fine because she was determined to prove she wasn't dead weight when it came to helping the team.

When Knuckles came over to Lily, she gave him her full attention and nodded in response to his comment. She was fired up and ready to go. This was her first time experiencing something like this, and she was eager to dive in headfirst.

Stepping back from the portal, Lily watched as the others interacted and prepared to enter the void. Her eyes widened in awe as she saw her guild master pull two hammers from a red aura. One of those hammers she remembered very well, and seeing it made her heart race. Whatever was in that void was going to get the beating of its life if Knuckles was using that hammer. Lily remembered how that hammer had almost caved her body in, but thanks to that attack, she had been able to finish her spell training and protect herself. She hoped those skills would be useful in the dungeon. Once everyone seemed ready, Toga took the lead, disappearing into the void first, leaving no trace behind. Alisa went next, and she too had weapons at her disposal, making Lily think she might need to invest in some herself.

Deciding to enter at the same time as her guild master, Lily stepped into the portal and immediately noticed the shift in energy. It was so different, so alien compared to anything she had ever known, and she could feel adrenaline rushing through her. Lily wasted no time gathering her mana, prepping herself for what was to come. She was thankful to have others by her side but was determined not to rely too heavily on their help. She wanted to show them that she could stand on her own, even with her limited experience. Taking in every detail of the surrounding area it looked dead and lifeless inside but she knew that whatever was lurking here was nothing to take lightly. Lily would follow whoever took the lead but until then she didn't move too far from the group. The stale air in the dome-like void was sure to house some scary things and, for Lily, some awesome stories to bring back to her family.


#8Knuckles Shi 

Beyond Here Lies Eternity [Greater VC| Alisa, Knuckles & Lilly] Empty Mon Jul 01, 2024 8:21 am

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles nodded to Toga in thanks and spoke his voice slightly muffled through his helmet. "Thank you Sir Toga, I hope we can show you what I can offer you if you ever wish to leave the Force. " Knuckles then turned to Alisa, and he replied to her next. "I did, well I more so brought an old one back. It would be best if you came to Seven and visit you can see the new guild hall.

With the hellos and how are yous out of the way Knuckles readied himself for battle. While he did not have anything new besides his glove that would aid in finding anything metal around him within 25 meters, he had to get used to the information being poured into him via the item. He had felt Toga and Alisa up until the moment they had stepped through the portal.  Knuckles grinned as he pulled his hammers in close as he nodded to Lily eager to see what she could do in this kinda of environment.

Knuckles could feel the void calling out to him, ever since he had consumed whatever was a part of that monster they had slayed he had felt a connection to the void rifts like nothing he felt before not even his pact with either Demon.  For now, Knuckles would take it at face value assuming he was indeed just attuning to the Shattered Hammer further and these places that were the void Dungeons.

Before entering the void space, Knuckles offered a prayer to his gods. "Gods, protectors, mighty and wise, Heaven's and earth's embrace, hallowed eyes, I summon thy ancient might, Into shield and protection in this hour of night. Oh All-Father, Odin, guide me wise, Be thou great in counsel, stand before my eyes. Oh Thor, stand visibly with hammer at might, Keeping me safe through the darkest of nights. Freyja, with thy love so fierce, May thy grace wrap fast around my pierced. Tyr, thy courage bold, Holding me safe, as the tales are told. By rune and by the old ways, I bid thy strength through all my days.
Shield me from harm, bane, and blight, With your blessings, make my spirit bright. By All-Father, this I pray, Protection in every way. May Your presence ever stay, And guard me on my path each day."

Knuckles then ventured through, coming out of the other side he scanned his surroundings, his shard detecting Alisa and Toga once more, and Lilly beside him.  Looking at the environment it left nothing to the imagination, mostly because it was bare.  There was nothing that made Knuckles think this was a nice place to hang out.

WC 447
TWC 925

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

Beyond Here Lies Eternity [Greater VC| Alisa, Knuckles & Lilly] Empty Yesterday at 6:31 am

As the quartet ventured through the shimmering veil of the void rift, each experienced the dimensional transition in a unique and personal way. For some, like Toga, it felt like a gentle caress, a fleeting moment of weightlessness followed by a tingling sensation that danced across his skin. His familiarity with the Void had tempered the journey, transforming what could have been an unsettling experience into a mere whisper against his soul.

Others, less accustomed to the whims of spatial manipulation, endured a harsher passage. They felt the agonizing sensation of being torn asunder, molecules disintegrating before reassembling in a new reality. Pain and comfort were but fleeting shadows, flickering in and out of existence before their senses could fully register them. And for some, the experience was a complete blur, their minds unable to keep pace with the dizzying speed of the trans-dimensional voyage.

Yet, regardless of their individual experiences, all four found themselves deposited within the same enigmatic chamber. The air hung heavy with an otherworldly stillness, broken only by the rhythmic dripping of unseen moisture from the cavern's lofty ceiling. Twenty ominous holes punctured the cavern walls, their gaping maws promising untold wonders or lurking dangers. The Void, an impatient entity, wasted no time in revealing its secrets, its enigmatic nature a siren's song to the curious and the brave.

The cavern's silence was soon shattered by a series of heavy thuds, their muffled echoes rapidly multiplying into a deafening chorus. As the adventurers' eyes adjusted to the dim light, gleaming metallic figures began to emerge from each aperture. These beings, resembling centaurs wrought from silver and cerulean, advanced with a mechanical grace, their movements synchronized and deliberate. They formed a precise circle around the newcomers, stopping fifteen meters away to create an imposing ring of steel and intent.

These were the Void Knights, guardians of the rift's secrets, fashioned from cold metal and colder purpose. Their bodies caught the cavern’s sparse light, casting angular shadows that played across the rough stone floor. They stood motionless, a silent challenge to the intruders, their presence a clear signal that passage through the Void was not granted lightly.

In this arena, the air thick with the electric anticipation of a confrontation, the adventurers faced the metallic sentinels. Each member of the group could feel the weight of the moment, understanding that their actions here could define the path forward—not just through the cavern, but in their understanding of the Void’s mysteries.

What would unfold next was anyone's guess, but one thing was certain: the cavern and its inhabitants would not yield their secrets easily. The group needed to decide their next move, whether to engage these daunting foes or seek a less confrontational path through the labyrinthine depths of the rift.

"Well, well, well! This is a surprise!" Toga's voice echoed through the cavern, a mix of exhilaration and caution lacing his tone. His mismatched eyes, one a fiery amber, the other a swirling abyss of crimson and shadow, darted around the vast chamber, taking in the sudden influx of metallic figures.

Just moments ago, the expansive space had been occupied solely by their quartet. Now, it teemed with two dozen beings, their gleaming forms a stark contrast to the earthy tones of the cavern walls. Twenty Void Knights, their presence a silent challenge, an imposing barrier to their progress.

"Looks like they're not keen on us venturing any further," Toga remarked, his fingers instinctively tightening around the hilts of Zangetsu and Rengoku's Kimetsu as he unsheathed them with a practiced flourish. The twin blades shimmered in the dim light, their edges humming with a barely restrained energy.

A mischievous grin spread across his face, his adrenaline surging as he assessed their formidable opponents. "Time to show these tin cans what we're made of!" he declared, a spark of battle lust igniting in his eyes.

wc: 673 [2,084]

Opponents: Void Knights (20). Each possesses a steel-faded Lance that can deal x2 A-Rank damage upon hit. They also possess x1 S-rank instance of durability before they’re destroyed. Have fun!


Beyond Here Lies Eternity [Greater VC| Alisa, Knuckles & Lilly] Empty Yesterday at 4:24 pm


WORDS: 900 | TWC: 2150 | TAG: @Knuckles Shi @Lily Knight | ARMOR

"Mmm, I'll take you up on that~... I talked about it with Jikan but never got around to seeing it with my own eyes?"

Alisa remembered meeting Jikan and thinking how she hardly matched the impression most people had of Sleeping Calamity, which was undoubtedly affected by the reputation of their original founder. Perhaps the refounding was just what the Guild needed, a chance to start anew in a different land, with nothing but their original binding purpose to unite them.

That said, catching up could wait until after they'd killed all the enemies, after all, no point keeping their quarry waiting now, is there? Void creatures were far from the most typical prey after all. So once Alisa found herself inside, her mood shifted instantly, preoccupied with potential enemies rather than the personal lives of their companions... She'd taken interest in the holes in the walls...

It looked very much lifeless at first glance, and even with her omnidirectional senses Alisa was unable to spot anything amiss anywhere near the portal... She knew better than to lower her guard, after all, her senses may be sharp, but far from absolute. A stealthy, high speed attack from outside her sensory range could still catch her off guard. Unlikely they'd run into it, but not impossible.

And before they could get far, that rythmic thudding across the loose terrain kicked up clouds of dust, announcing the approach of their enemies. Gleaming, silvery and metallic, a twisted mockery of the legendary horse riding warriors of the steppes, the creatures rushed forth with a silent roar as they approached the intuders, a gestalt of rider, armor and steed, merged into one:

"Oh my~... Is this what passes for an ambush around here?", her lips curled into a knowing smile, reaching her sword wielding hand towards her blade. With a swift observation, she estimated the speed of her foes. Fast... But not as fast as her. She had only a single one of her swords, Yamato, in hand, "Fufu~... This time... There's more than enough to go around~!"

And this time, she had over half the battlefield to herself for the next few instants, at least, until Knuckles and Lily jumped into the fray... As she thought of that, she also recalled that she didn't have the slightest idea of Lily preferred to fight, but hey, she'd find out soon enough. Having this much space to herself, however, meant she cut loose for a little bit:

"First... Lets cull their numbers a bit~...", twenty to four was still an unpleasant difference in numbers, even with strong party members such as them. And so Alisa unleashed one of her widest attacks, which, despite lacking the raw power of her magic, could easily cut through the armors of her resilient foes like butter. So as she stepped forth into the charging cavalry, kicking up a cloud of dust in her wake, she timed her attack just after she got the attention of half a dozen foes, waiting until they charged her in unison, before letting her magic power flare as she drew her sword from its sheath

With a flash, the entire area surrounding her was enshrouded in a storm of sword slashes as Alisa's very position blurred, channeling her sword's dimensional abilities to cut across the space surrounding her, instantly damaging all enemies surrounding her, before taking aim at the nearest one:

"HAAA!", and as her foes reeled from the slashing storm they found themselves in, Alisa took aim at the nearest enemy and let out a bellowing battlecry, conjuring a large magic circle over her mouth as she unleashed her magic's signature Demon Rage, the calling card of any Slayer mage, obliterating that single enemy as the other ones releed, their charge slowed from her onslaught.



Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Beyond Here Lies Eternity [Greater VC| Alisa, Knuckles & Lilly] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

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