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Heather-Leigh Riley-Anne Flocklear

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Heather-Leigh Riley-Anne Flocklear Empty Mon May 27, 2024 5:56 pm



Name: Heather-Leigh Riley-Anne Flocklear

Age: January 5,x770.(26 years old.)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight.

Ethnicity, Father: Fiorian.

Ethnicity, Mother: Fiorian.

Class: Spellsinger

Race: Demi-human. Harpy.

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Guildless.

Tattoo: Back of her left Thigh, Green

Face: Monet- One piece


Height: 5’6”(170cm.)

Weight: 130 lbs.(58.9kgs).

Hair: Hip length, Dark green.

Eyes: Yellow Eyes

Overall: Heather wears the seemingly most basic clothing she can fit for what she needs too at the time For buying clothing and styling for a Harpy is a bit odd to do. So she takes what works. Her long green hair is not the most well kept at times messy. Often seen in tank tops of various colors and flood pants or anything short enough to allow hertalons to fit through, THe colour does not matter to Heather she will eventually find something that matches it or will be covered in dirt eventually, As long as she can fit her wings through and her talons through she will take it and wear it.Heather herself is healthy hourglass shaped woman, with caucasian
Skin color, it sometimes tans quickly or seems slightly red in color from being out in the sun too long.

Extra: Heather’s legs from the knee down are the legs of a bird, with her feet being talons, From her shoulders down are light green wings of a bird. Heather has a seemingly bottomless pit of a stomach from how hard she works and flies; it almost seems impossible to fill her stomach when she is hungry.


Personality: One should not let everything they see in front of them from Heather trick them. Heather most of the time speaks somewhat crudely, Sometimes says very confusing things when frustrated to avoid swearing. Extremely blunt to the point that one must be careful of how they phrase something around her lest she answers your question when you either are not wanting her too or in a manner that might not be entirely polite. But when actually informed of something Heather does actually seem to do her best to stick to requests. She is friendly even if a bit rough around the edges, Often having her own form of hospitality that most would say is very different compared to other people around in Fiore. She is very welcoming and giving towards people when she knows or first meets them.

Given her friendly nature one will meet a very stubborn woman, With a Tomboy attitude.One who often tackles her own problems herself. Often putting all of her effort into things first, She is a very proud woman not hiding she is prideful, Not so much to make herself seem full of herself and willingly to admit faults. Heather seems to have fairly dirty humor to go along with being blunt. Under all this Heather does care about the people who would be around and attached, One just needs to look past her faults she has, Unintentionally she times she assumes things, Like people will be okay with how she cooks things, How she prepares things.

At times Heather suffers with body dysphoria from being around mostly human her entire life, She does not let it take her thoughts at times, But she does believe at times she might have a bit of a happier life she did have human limbs compared to being a harpy.

  • Cooking Large Fests: Heather tends to enjoy cooking large meals, favoring barbeque over other styles of food. Sometimes the amount of spicy food is somewhat overpowering. But she really prefers making large meals over just single meals.While she can still make them, it feels boring.
  • A Healthy Harvest: Her current job is a farmer of various vegetables, tending to a farm is fairly easy for her, one of her common enjoyments is a good and healthy harvest of her crops.

  • Judgement: While one might assume her rough and tumble nature. Heather seems to actually dislike judgment. Upon others and even herself. When it’s baseless it leads to worrying thoughts she most likely does not express to anyone unless really pressed on it.
  • Quitters: With her pride,stubbornness and tomboy-like behaviors. She rarely quits, thus no one else should quit around her. You might be a few steps away from achieving that goal before you quit.

  • Learning:  As odd as it sounds at times. Heather does actually like learning things, It has to be some manner of value for her. Not interested in any topic you throw in front of her. It can be how to manage other crops that might not have been tried before. Or knowing how to fight because she doesn’t know how too. She has to find value in it, While straightforward it can be odd at the same time.

  • Being considered a Monster: Heather might be living a life far different from other people, but she is not stupid. Being Harpy she knows there are other kinds of harpies and they are sometimes considered dangerous to other people for their actions, She fears being considered that.
  • Being Defenceless: Recent things on her to-do list made Heather remember one thing, She does not know how to fight. She has been lucky as no one has caused her problems walking on to her farmlands where she had needed to defend herself, But she realizes she could easily be beaten, Becoming a fear that it will be her downfall.


Strength: 3

Speed: 7

Constitution: 7

Endurance: 7

Intelligence: 3


Magic Name: Windy Times’ a Commin’

Magic Element: Wind

Magic Enhancement: Homing

Magic Description: It is the most simple form of wind magic, Heather uses it as a means to help her farming. Only adapted to be able to home into the things she is trying to farm at the time. Using the wind for the means to control various things from her own movement to the temperature in the area to help the plants around her grow.


History: Born peacefully in Marigold to family of Harpies, Heather is just one of an unknown about of children For the most part, Heather had a seemingly best life she could being free to choose what she wanted to do during living a life on a farm, While other Harpies she lived with chose other paths, Heather seemed to be prefer being a farmer. Heather preferred to help at the farm, doing all of the dirty work, She even ventured into various towns and cities to sell the vegetables her family grew, While in some manner she did well because she sold well kept and fresh vegetables it was easy at times to pick up sometimes people found it odd a harpy was selling wears, It was not overly horrible but behavior she picked up on. While it was not overly common, humans and other Demi-human at times mistook her for a different breed of harpy, thinking she was a more tame one than the ones that attack and harm people. While this isn’t the case and the Flocklears are a different breed it seems to be something Heathered needs to work past.

Eventually Heather moved on her own, To Baska to start her own vegetable farm,Being comfortable enough to live her own life somewhere else, While she has her ups and down, Heather seems able to manage well, she runs this farm without problem, Even at one point meeting a lone raven seemingly tired and lost. In some manner Heather does value the wild life around her, so she took the raven in, Even not realizing there were a few more around, So she fed and looked out for them. Not realizing she had made a connection with someone who would become her friend. Eventually forging a friendship with someone named Lumikki. Not one to disappoint guests Heather made a massive fest that evening, one large enough to feed at least ten men. Since then Lumikki has been busy with other things. There is a bond between then most could not really figure out how to piece together. Almost a sisterly bond Heather seems uninterested and semi-disconnected to the world around her, she does not seem to look into things at all unless it helps with her farm. While she does not get a lot of visitors, people are welcome and she does not keep people away.

Discord: Tree

Reference: Me


Heather-Leigh Riley-Anne Flocklear Empty Tue May 28, 2024 2:42 am


Heather gonna leigh----- okay that name is too long to make a pun of.

approved >_> at your own risk.

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