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The Day we Meet

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The Day we Meet Empty Wed Apr 24, 2024 10:28 am


Word was reaching Paradise Dawn of the abundance of cases within Orchidia. The Rune Knights were overwhelmed with work and have been reaching out to the Guilds to for help.

Lumikki ignored them for a time, not interested in the work beyond the little bit she already encountered. But with the crimes piling up and the cases getting out of hand, it was time for her to step in.

The Demoness paid little mind to the file she grabbed, picking the first one on the pile. And she would leave the guild doors before even taking a peek at the papers inside.

The incident seemed recent, just a few days ago in fact. It would make sense, as it was the first within the stack. And so Lumi would read it over while flying over to Orchidia.

” And so ye said ya were suppose to meet them at the station?” Lumikk inquired Mina, the person who wrote the report. She wore a long black dress the dragged behind her, a wide brim hat with her hair down, and circle shades as dark as a black out. With her lips painted with darkness, Lumi was just dressed all in black as if prepared for a funeral.


The Day we Meet Img_8011

Pokedex Entry

The Day we Meet Empty Tue May 21, 2024 8:20 pm


“ You’d be right Ma’am, I even have the letter right here.” Mina reached into her purse and pulled out a folded letter. Opening the page revealed the message inside:

Hey Mina,

I’ve been looking forward to get some time to finally meet up again. Work has be really hectic and I’ve been having to take care of my mother. So if you can, I would like if you can meet me in Orchidia station in two days time at around two o’clock. We can meet in front of the cafe that I like and plan the day from there. I should have three days to spend over in the city.

Love you, Tera

Lumikki quickly read the letter over and handed it back to Mina. What was presented to her was something quite odd. The pair were outside the station as they discussed the matter, sitting at an outdoor section of a restaurant. A quick and sharp whistle left her lips as she called over a few of her birds. ” Could ye describe the friend yers. They won’t do well without seeing her first hand, but we could try and sort this out.”


The Day we Meet Img_8011

Pokedex Entry

The Day we Meet Empty Tue May 21, 2024 9:12 pm


“ Oh, would a picture do?” Mina rummaged through her purse for a bit to find it, but she was struggling trying to figure out where it was. By then the waiter would return with the drink and sandwich Lumikki had ordered and she’d begin to dig in.

In a fit of frustration and panic Mina shook her bag, duping all the contents on to the table so as to get a better look. In her haphazard attempt to look around, the book she was reading fell onto the floor. Its spine cracked opened with the pages touching the ground. Lumikki stole a glance out of curiosity, from its title she assumed it to be a fantasy. “The Three Mercenaries” as it read, didn’t appeal all that much to her interest but the Demoness leaned over to pick it up all the same as Mina sorted her things.

As Lumikki lifted the book and pulled herself back up, a slip of paper fell out and flopped to the ground. “ There it is! You found it!” Mina lunged to the ground and picked up her picture. Looking it over for a minute before passing it to the Demoness.” Here, that’s what she looks like. Would that be enough?”

” Yea lass, this should prove more than enough.” Lumikki held her hand to receive the picture.


The Day we Meet Img_8011

Pokedex Entry

The Day we Meet Empty Wed May 22, 2024 9:34 pm


She and the ravens she called over would study the image. Her birds taking turns to study the page. This wasn’t how they usually went about their surveillance but it suited them fine enough. Ravens were good at remembering faces after all, and it would be this skill that proved them well as they worked on.

” Alright,” Lumikki began after another bite from her meal. ” I can’t guarantee we’d see her, but I can guarantee that if she’s somewhere that can be see, we’d find her and be swift enough to act on it.” Lumikki presented sincere enough, trying to calm the women from her woes. The Demoness didn’t blame her, as she’d be panicked too, but for the moment only time could tell.

“ Thank you, thank you. Any help, anyone looking at this helps. I just was to be sure that she’s okay.” Mira exclaimed as she slowly became more hysterical. Lumikki tried to cue and sooth her to little avail. It was with a deep sigh that she decided to take her sandwich and leave. Placing the jewel for her meal on the table as she left so that she could inquire more elsewhere. Perhaps it would suit her best to start at the Rune Knight building. She was curious to see of the Knights there had anything to add. Granted, if the file was atop a pile at her guild, she knew it was probably not looking well on their end. Especially with how over worked they currently are.

Still, she was hoping to find even a slight lead if they could help it. So that she could promptly call this case done.

“ And that’s the case with a woman called Mira right? Lady showed up out of no where a few days ago, talking all hysterical. We told her that we’d do what we can, I mean if you’re here then I’m sure you’ve heard back in the Paradise Dawn that were kinda short handed. Yes well we told her that too and that the most we could do is pass on the case to see if we could get more eyes out. Consider her lucky that the Raven Queen of all people would give it a glance; but that didn’t deter the lady showing up everyday to the building crying. So I hope those tears won’t extend to you.”

The Knight held the picture Lumikki showed him in hand, and looked it over for the second time. “ I’ll go ahead and make some copied, this could use some more eyes. And if you don’t mind. It doesn’t hurt passing them around.”

” Suppose it don’t. So I guess I could pass them around. Either way, this feels like a fair start.” It took the man a few minutes to go and make the copies; but Lumikki was hardly in a rush. She’d wait outside for him to finished as she people watched to kill the time. It would be then that one of her ravens swooped down to join her.” So far there has been no words back from the ravens my Revna. Me and Lonu included. Though of course we had expected something like this to take time. It’s important to report all the same.” It was Trygve who came to inform her. He was one of her more attentive birds, often eager to please Lumikki.

” Figures, doesn’t it? I didn’t think this would be easy anyways, but with the eyes I have all around with me birds all about….if there’s a sliver of hope, then we are it.” She’d lean onto the build and look upward at the sky. Many ravens were still flying about on the Demoness’ request. All busy scoping around for anyone to fit the missing woman on the picture.

“ Hope I didn’t have you waiting around too long. I have a stack inside to pass about later, but here’s yours so you can do it now. If we hear anything on our end, we’d be sure to pass along the word.”

679_1305 +50%wcr due to dress, ring, companion.

Curtain Call

The Day we Meet Img_8011

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