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Conman Coward [D-Rank] [Solo]

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#1Tsukishima Higurashi 

Conman Coward [D-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sun May 19, 2024 6:18 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
Tsukishima relished the rare peace and tranquility he found himself in among the array of dirtied dishes. Lost in his own musings, the world outside faded until Batra's sudden yell jolted him back to reality. "Goddammit," the typically composed man swore, the frustration in his voice evident. With his curiosity piqued, Tsukishima abandoned his task for the moment and decided to investigate. He quickly dried off his hands and made his way towards the front of the inn where Batra stood with an obviously distressed bar patron.

Is everything alright?" Tsukishima asks as he approaches. “That damned Kyle got someone else.” Batra says with an exasperated sigh. “Kyle? Who’s that?” Tsukishima asks. A wave of realization comes across Batra as he remembers that Tsukishima isn’t very familiar with locals, preferring to largely be alone. “I forget you’re usually not one for idle chatter. Kyle is a notorious con artist. He preys upon unsuspecting tourists, like this gentleman here, swindling them out of their hard-earned coin. Unfortunately, he got away before I could get him. Slippery bastard.” “I can find him.” Tsukishima said frankly, slipping off his apron and laying it across the bar counter.

Word Count: 194
Total Word Count: 194 / 500

#2Tsukishima Higurashi 

Conman Coward [D-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sun May 19, 2024 6:21 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
A look of approval spreads across Batra’s face as he realizes that Tsukishima might just be the best chance they have of catching Kyle. "If you believe you can capture him, by all means, go ahead. He was last seen heading towards the markets, so you might still have a chance to intercept him," Batra advised. Tsukishima nods and moves to depart the inn but Batra’s word of warning stops him in his tracks. “Be careful.” Batra warned, full of concern for his friend’s wellbeing. “Kyle is not to be underestimated. He typically carries a weapon with him and he is not afraid to use it.” “Neither am I.” Tsukishima said, tapping at the hilt of one of his daggers secured at his waist. The response was swift and carried a confidence Batra had not seen in Tsukishima before. “Perhaps he can catch him.” Batra said aloud as he watched the elf depart into the night.

Word Count: 156
Total Word Count: 350 / 500

#3Tsukishima Higurashi 

Conman Coward [D-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sun May 19, 2024 6:24 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
Minutes later, Tsukishima was in pursuit, his senses locked onto Kyle’s general location. Ever since he was young, the elf possessed a rather unique gift. It was a keen sense of smell that allowed him to track both people and animals with frightening precision. As he trailed Kyle’s scent through the Crocus streets, Tsukishima briefly reminisced on his ability. Some in his village attributed it to his heritage as an Athlas Elf, while others whispered of more sinister origins. To Tsukishima, it mattered not to what they said or the true origins of it. He focused on the practical advantage it gave him in situations exactly like this.

As Tsukishima closed the distance, his irritation bubbled beneath the surface. His gaze fell upon Kyle, preying upon yet another unsuspecting tourist. "It's over, Kyle," Tsukishima's voice sends shivers down the conman’s spine as he turns to see its source. With swift precision, Tsukishima drew his dagger and pressed Kyle against the rough surface of the alley wall; the tip of his dagger poised dangerously close to his throat. “Leave.” he says darkly to the tourist who immediately takes the hint and leaves.

Word Count: 191
Total Word Count: 541 / 500

#4Tsukishima Higurashi 

Conman Coward [D-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sun May 19, 2024 6:28 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
"Why'd you have to ruin a sure thing?" Kyle protested as he struggled against Tsukishima's firm grasp. Tsukishima’s response was cold, his grip around his dagger tightening. “You stole from one of Batra’s patrons. I’m here to take back what is rightfully theirs.” Kyle’s attempts at bargaining fell on deaf ears as Tsukishima resolved to return the stolen jewels. Kyle, realizing he’s fighting a losing battle, eventually gives up. “Fine. I’ll return the jewels. Just let me go.” Relenting, Tsukishima releases his hold as he watches Kyle dig into his pockets and retrieve the stolen jewels. “Happy?” Tsukishima takes the jewels, placing them in his jacket pocket. He kept a watchful eye on Kyle just in case he attempted to try anything. “Leave. Now.” he commanded, the irritation in his voice evident. “And If I catch wind of you scamming anyone, we’ll have more than just a problem. Is that clear?” “Crystal.” Kyle says as he turns and runs away. As he runs, a brief smile flashes across his face. “Sucker.

Word Count: 171
Total Word Count: 712 / 500

#5Tsukishima Higurashi 

Conman Coward [D-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sun May 19, 2024 6:31 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
Son of a bitch," Tsukishima seethed, the frustration on his face was evident. He paces around, becoming angrier and angrier with each lap. “Don’t beat yourself up Tsukishima, these are expertly crafted fakes. Even I might have been fooled if I hadn’t encountered them before.” Batra says as he moves towards the patron and places a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Come on. We’ll head to the Rune Knights’ Headquarters and make a report about the scam. Tsukishima, since you’ve encountered Kyle tonight, you should come along with….” Batra turns to address the elf only to find him mysteriously vanished.

Tsukishima sprinted down the Crocus streets, his thoughts consumed by the singular pursuit of finding Kyle. Each step brought him closer and closer to his goal. The Athlas Elf’s anger was beginning to bubble over; a harsh reminder of the true nature of humanity. Finally, his senses honed in on his prey. His fleeting figure in the distance, his form blurred by the urgency of his movements. A black bag swung from his shoulder, undoubtedly full with his haul of stolen goods for the evening. Kyle glances back, seeing the enraged elf in a full sprint towards him. “Oh shit!” he yells as he sprints faster, hoping to evade his pursuer.

Word Count: 211
Total Word Count: 923 / 500

#6Tsukishima Higurashi 

Conman Coward [D-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sun May 19, 2024 6:35 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
Kyle's speed was impressive, surpassing that of the average man. Had his pursuer been anyone else, he might have slipped away into the night unscathed. Yet, fate had dealt a different hand this evening in the form of Tsukishima's relentless pursuit. Closing the distance, Tsukishima delivered a decisive blow to the back of Kyle's head, sending him sprawling to the ground in a heap. Despite the pain that surged through his body, Kyle rose to his feet, wiping the trickle of blood that formed in the corner of his mouth. "Bastard," he spat venomously as he retrieved a bat fastened behind him. Recklessly, Kyle lunged at Tsukishima, hoping to land a critical blow to his head.

Tsukishima, however, was no stranger to combat, his reflexes honed by years of training and experience. With a fluid grace, he sidestepped Kyle's attack, his movements fluid and precise. In a flurry of motion, Tsukishima countered with a swift uppercut, the impact reverberating through Kyle's jaw with jarring force.

Word Count: 165
Total Word Count: 1,088 / 500

#7Tsukishima Higurashi 

Conman Coward [D-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sun May 19, 2024 6:38 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
As Kyle’s unconscious body crumpled to the ground, Tsukishima stood over his fallen opponent with a mix of disgust and resentment on his face. To Tsukishima, Kyle embodied everything he loathed about humanity: the selfishness, the cowardice—the visions of his village lit with flames thanks to these exact traits. His hand instinctively drifted towards the hilt of his dagger, the thoughts of seeking revenge for their sins clouding his thoughts. However, before he could act, a familiar and unexpected voice shattered the silence.

While I, personally, would relish the sight of you exacting what you believe is ‘justice’, I have discovered an unforeseen utility for him.” Bael’s voice echoed in Tsukishima’s head, surprising the elf greatly. “Return him to the innkeeper for now. Soon, it’ll be time to set my plan in motion.” Tsukishima initially sought to protest but kept his mouth shut for the time being, deciding to trust Bael's judgment. With a grumble, he hoists the unconscious man’s limp body onto his shoulders and heads back to Batra’s, eager to see just what the Demon King had planned.

Word Count: 180
Total Word Count: 1,268 / 500

#8Tsukishima Higurashi 

Conman Coward [D-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sun May 19, 2024 6:42 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
"Well, I'll be," Batra exclaimed as Tsukishima gently lowered the still-unconscious Kyle to the ground. A small pool of blood stained the fabric of his shirt which Batra noticed. He quickly assessed the situation, noting the signs of a broken jaw but was relieved he was not seriously injured. "Looks like he put up a bit of a fight," Batra said curiously as he moved to retrieve something from behind the bar. “He tried.” Tsukishima said tersely. A simple response. Tsukishima emptied the contents of Kyle's black bag onto the bar counter, the stolen loot spilling out. Kyle’s relieved victim, who still lingered in the bar, wasted no time in reclaiming his stolen jewels, expressing his gratitude to Tsukishima for his intervention.

Meanwhile, Batra, having secured Kyle in restraints, approached Tsukishima with a grateful smile and a bag of jewels held out as a token of appreciation. "Thank you for everything tonight," Batra said earnestly. "From assisting with the beverages, to helping out with the dinner rush, to apprehending Kyle, you've been invaluable. I'll make sure the Rune Knights know just how much you've contributed." Tsukishima hesitated, a protest poised on the tip of his tongue, but Bael's authoritative presence in his mind urged him to relent. "Let him," Bael's voice echoed in Tsukishima's thoughts, silencing his objections for the moment. With a resigned sigh, Tsukishima conceded, his weariness evident as he accepted Batra's handshake with a nod of acknowledgment. With the evening's events finally at an end, he retreated to his room, seeking peace and a retreat from others.

Word Count: 260
Total Word Count: 1,528 / 500
Quest Completed

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