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I'm only (Almost) Human [C-Rank] [Solo]

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#1Tsukishima Higurashi 

I'm only (Almost) Human [C-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sun Jun 02, 2024 11:46 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
In the darkened alleys of Crocus, Tsukishima walked wearily, his body weighed down by exhaustion. The evening had been consumed by intense training, a relentless effort to resurrect the razor-sharp instincts of his youth. Though the preparations for his enlistment in the ranks of the Rune Knights had provided a framework, he sensed a void that transcended mere physical prowess. His goal demanded more than brute strength; it required a mastery of his inner reserves.

With each step, Tsukishima felt his mana coalesce, a reservoir of potentiality drawn from the depths of his being. Through meditation, he had glimpsed the flicker of this energy, a glimmering beacon amidst the darkness. Now, as he traversed the city streets, he sensed the gradual release of this power, like a gentle stream flowing into the vast expanse of the ocean. Each breath expended was a testament to his resolve to confront the challenges ahead.

Word Count: 151
Total Word Count: 151 / 1,000

#2Tsukishima Higurashi 

I'm only (Almost) Human [C-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sun Jun 02, 2024 11:48 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
Turning the corner near the artisan building, Tsukishima's gaze caught a glimpse of someone leaning against the building. The figure, clad in crimson armor, seemed to be in distress, their form contorted in agony. Clutching their arm tightly, each convulsion sent shivers through their frame. With a limp that spoke of a grievous injury, they leaned heavily on one leg, the weight of their body supported. Initially dismissing the sight as that of a common drunkard, Tsukishima moved closer with caution, his hand instinctively hovering near the hilt of his dagger, ready to spring into action if needed. Yet, as he drew nearer, a dawning realization crept over him, dispelling the notion of mere intoxication. This was no ordinary encounter; the figure before him bore the mark of something deeper, something unnatural.

"Is that..." Tsukishima murmured aloud, his voice tinged with uncertainty. Stepping forward, he cast aside his initial hesitation. "Are you okay?" His words hung in the air, a tentative inquiry laced with genuine concern.

Word Count: 166
Total Word Count: 317 / 1,000

#3Tsukishima Higurashi 

I'm only (Almost) Human [C-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sun Jun 02, 2024 11:52 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
"Or art thou friend, a rescue from my lonely wake? The last of all of the thoughtless gifts you gave. Merlin. Hold tight, I am Abbadon. Lady Merlin. Lady Merlin. Lady Merlin," the man uttered in disjointed phrases, his words weaving a tapestry of confusion. Each syllable seemed to hang in the air, disconnected from the next, a fractured reflection of a mind in turmoil. Tsukishima's brow furrowed in perplexity. None of it made sense, a jumble of fragments devoid of coherence. Yet, amidst the disarray, one name stood out like a beacon in the darkness: Merlin.

"Merlin?" Tsukishima echoed. He suddenly remembered what he knew about Merlin, recalling the time he helped Merlin’s protege Luciel with translating a note that turned out to be a shopping list. Suddenly, the pieces began to fall into place, confirming his suspicions. This being before him was no natural creation but a homunculus. "Do you need to get back to Lady Merlin?" he inquired.

Word Count: 161
Total Word Count: 478 / 1,000

#4Tsukishima Higurashi 

I'm only (Almost) Human [C-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sun Jun 02, 2024 11:53 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
At the mention of Merlin's name, a fleeting lucidity flickered across the homunculus's eyes. "Please. Find Lady Merlin," Abbadon pleaded, a desperate plea born of a yearning for solace and sanctuary. Without hesitation, Tsukishima extended his hand. "Come on," he urged gently. "Let's go find her."

The two walked in silence, broken only by the sporadic outbursts of Abbadon's nonsensical ramblings or his futile attempts to break free from Tsukishima's grasp. Each step forward seemed to be met with resistance as the homunculus struggled against the tide of their journey, veering off course in a desperate bid for escape. Guided by an intimate knowledge of Crocus's streets, he navigated towards their destination: the Mercurius. Merlin was known to be nearby so that would be as good a place as any to start. As the dim glow of the building loomed in the distance, Abbadon made one final attempt to flee, his fleeting burst of strength catching Tsukishima off guard as he slipped from his grasp.

Word Count: 165
Total Word Count: 643 / 1,000

#5Tsukishima Higurashi 

I'm only (Almost) Human [C-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sun Jun 02, 2024 11:56 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
With a sigh of exasperation, Tsukishima raised his arm skyward, invoking the arcane power that lay dormant within him. "Awaken, Lucian," he intoned, the words carrying a weight of command as a shimmering gray portal materialized before him. From its depths emerged a figure cloaked in darkness, the demonic butler bound by duty to his master. "How may I serve you today, my lord?" Lucian's voice reverberated through the night air. Tsukishima's gaze settled on the fleeing homunculus, his expression tinged with growing frustration. "Restrain him and bring him back," Tsukishima instructed, his tone firm. "But try not to hurt him if possible."

Lucian nodded solemnly, a flicker of understanding crossing his features before he set off to fulfill his master's command. "Something difficult," he remarked dryly, his form disappearing into the shadows as he embarked on his mission. And with that, Tsukishima watched in silence as Lucian effortlessly restrained and retrieved the homunculus. Opting to not deal with any more of Abbadon’s outbursts, Tsukishima designates Lucian to continue to restrain Abbadon while they searched for Merlin.

Word Count: 177
Total Word Count: 820 / 1,000

#6Tsukishima Higurashi 

I'm only (Almost) Human [C-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sun Jun 02, 2024 12:10 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
As they approached the gates of the Mercurius, Tsukishima's senses sharpened, alert to the possibility of confrontation. Two guards, their weapons poised for action, emerged to intercept them, their steely gazes sizing up the newcomers with a hint of suspicion.

"Lucian, be prepared for a brawl, just in case," Tsukishima cautioned. "By your command," Lucian responded as he readied himself for whatever may transpire. But as the guards drew nearer, their demeanor softened, the tension in their features melting away to reveal a sense of recognition and relief. "Oh, Abbadon. Lady Merlin was looking for you," one of the guards exclaimed, a note of warmth infusing their voice as they greeted the crimson-clad homunculus. “These empty sheets are all that's left of you. The last of all the Merlin thoughtless gifts you gave." Abbadon spoke. Tsukishima watched as the guards exchanged bewildered glances between one another, clearly taken aback by Abbadon’s unusual behavior.

Word Count: 153
Total Word Count: 973 / 1,000

#7Tsukishima Higurashi 

I'm only (Almost) Human [C-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sun Jun 02, 2024 12:16 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
Stepping forward, Tsukishima seized the opportunity to offer an explanation. "I found him damaged and speaking incoherently around the artisan building earlier this evening," he began, his gaze steady as he addressed the guards. "He mentioned Lady Merlin's name, so I thought it best to bring him to her." A ripple of concern passed between the guards, their expressions mirroring Tsukishima's own apprehension. "It's good that you did," one of them acknowledged, their tone tinged with gratitude. "Something seems very wrong with him. Lady Merlin's mansion is that way," they gestured, pointing in the direction of their mansion. With a nod of thanks from Tsukishima, the trio resumed their journey towards Merlin.

Before long, Tsukishima and company arrive at Merlin’s mansion. Tsukishima noted the impressive stature of the building. As he began to knock, the doors flung upon, revealing the enigmatic Lady Merlin on the other side. “Abbadon.” she says, her tone similar to that of a doting mother.

Word Count: 159
Total Word Count: 1,132 / 1,000

#8Tsukishima Higurashi 

I'm only (Almost) Human [C-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sun Jun 02, 2024 12:19 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
Instantly, Lady Merlin's expression shifted, a flicker of concern darting across her features as she assessed the homunculus's condition. With a swift understanding born of years of practice, she turned her attention to Tsukishima, her gaze piercing. "Lady Merlin, my name is Tsukishima Higurashi," he began. "I helped out your apprentice, Luciel, some time ago. I found Abbadon on my way home. He seemed to be injured and spoke incoherently. The only thing that made sense was your name, so I thought it best to bring him here."

Recognition dawned in Lady Merlin's eyes, a glimmer of acknowledgment as she recalled the elf who had aided her apprentice in deciphering the list that turned out to be nothing but a simple grocery list. "Oh, you're the elf that helped her translate the list? Good to meet you," she remarked, a faint smile touching her lips. "Please, bring him in quickly. I'll prepare the potion to fix him."

Word Count: 157
Total Word Count: 1,289 / 1,000

#9Tsukishima Higurashi 

I'm only (Almost) Human [C-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sun Jun 02, 2024 12:29 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
With a sense of urgency, Tsukishima and Lucian ushered Abbadon into Lady Merlin's mansion, their footsteps echoing in the hallowed halls of her laboratory. As Lady Merlin set to work creating a curative elixir, she motioned toward a nearby chair, her voice tinged with a sense of purpose.

"I'm going to need a bit of assistance. Can one of you strap him in while the other helps me with this?" she requested as she prepared to mend the broken homunculus. "Lucian, restrain him. I'll help Lady Merlin," Tsukishima declared. With a nod, the demonic butler complied, his movements calculated to minimize harm as he secured Abbadon in place. Meanwhile, Tsukishima positioned himself by Lady Merlin's side, his hands quickly retrieving the ingredients she required.

As they completed their tasks, Tsukishima and Lady Merlin exchanged a nod of satisfaction. Their attention turned to Lucian, who had successfully secured Abbadon in the chair, his expression unreadable beneath the shadow of his demonic visage. Lady Merlin's gaze lingered on him momentarily, a flicker of concern betraying her thoughts before she refocused her attention on the task at hand.

Word Count: 185
Total Word Count: 1,474 / 1,000

#10Tsukishima Higurashi 

I'm only (Almost) Human [C-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sun Jun 02, 2024 12:31 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
"Now, we just need him to drink this, and it should correct the problem," Lady Merlin explained, her voice steady as she approached the homunculus with a vial of amber liquid in hand. With a gentle touch, she stroked Abbadon's face, her soothing words momentarily calming his agitated state. "Swallow this potion, and it will be all over," she murmured softly, her voice a reassuring whisper. Despite his inner struggle, Abbadon complied, his resistance fading as the elixir trickled down his throat. As the liquid took effect, Abbadon's body convulsed violently, prompting Lucian to step forward and restrain him.

But just as suddenly as it had begun, the twitching ceased, leaving Abbadon in a state of bewildered clarity. "Lady Merlin, where am I?" he inquired, his voice clear and coherent as he surveyed his surroundings. "It's good to have you back, Abbadon," Lady Merlin replied warmly, moving to untie him from his restraints. "These gentlemen found you and brought you back so I could help you." Abbadon turned toward Tsukishima, a glimmer of recognition in his eyes from the brief moment of clarity he had before.. "So it is you I have to thank. You have my sincerest gratitude."

Word Count: 199
Total Word Count: 1,673 / 1,000

#11Tsukishima Higurashi 

I'm only (Almost) Human [C-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sun Jun 02, 2024 12:33 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
"Happy to assist. I'm glad you're doing better," Tsukishima responded, his tone genuine as he accepted Abbadon's thanks with humility. A few moments later, after Lady Merlin had graciously rewarded him with a substantial sum of jewels, Tsukishima prepared to take his leave. "I hope to see you both again," he remarked, his words tinged with genuine goodwill as he and Lucian made their exit. Once they were out of earshot, Lucian couldn't help but voice his curiosity. "My apologies if I'm speaking out of turn, but I am curious as to why we helped them. I know Lord Bael requested that you join the Rune Knights and to do whatever to accomplish that goal, but this seemed rather unnecessary."

"Lady Merlin is a powerful wizard," Tsukishima explained. "It is better to have someone such as her owe us a favor than not." “Interesting.” Lucian says as he disappears back from within the portal, leaving the elf alone for the evening once more.

Word Count: 163
Total Word Count: 1,836 / 1,000
Quest Completed

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