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Drinking Contest [FPHS - Drinking contest]

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Drinking Contest [FPHS - Drinking contest] Empty Wed Jul 03, 2024 4:53 pm

Froydis walked around in her heel shoes and medium valkyrie lilac dress as she looks around with her eyes. The girl swore that there was suppose to be a nice place to drink around here. Her mother told he that there were places in the homeland that had good drinks! Her eyes saw some people walking around the unknown city of Hosenka and she went up to them without a thought. "Ello? Dou know whered' the best drinks are'l at?", she asked in her unique accent that was soft, sweet and innocent.

The people looked at her appearance and realized what she was. They nod and tell her where it was. Her eyes shimmered and sparkled happily. "Exciting! Thank qou~.", she then trotted off carefully like a deer that was cautious as she smiled, gazing at each inch of this city till she found the place. Her eyes looked a the sign saying 'Some Hosenka drinking place here' and she walked in to see the place look like a simple tavern. It was with decorations of Joyan-like stuff that and people keeping to themselves. Froydis went to the barstand and ordered something. "What can I get you?", spoke the tender. She was unsure, "Dou have thee mixed drinks here?", she asked hopeful with big beautiful eyes.


Drinking Contest [FPHS - Drinking contest] Empty Thu Jul 04, 2024 3:50 pm


WORDS: 330 |Steamy Setting

“Greetings, sir. I hope this day finds you well? Oh and you too, Miss?” The manner of the miss known as Sung Lo Mei seeming to entirely contrast that of the white wonder as she marched up to the same counter where Froy was with both a sense of stiffness and urgency, her manner was polite as ever as she introduced herself both to the figure who was serving the drinks and as well the pretty young woman to whom he was, though even as she offered each a little bow of her head one could not deny that the doe eyed doll had an air of distraction about her. Though, it did seem one which she wouldn't waste too much time in explaining.

“You wouldn't happen to have seen a black cat recently, have you? Well, a plush fellow really, stands about this high off the bar?” Letting loose a heavy breath as she explained her woes and revealing them to have something to do with the fleecy furred friend she had made only too recently, though the connection betwixt her and the feline had been forged only recently it had quickly become a strong one due to how protective that the siren from sin was over her pet, and the tendency that he had to find trouble.
“We arrived together, but we seem to have become separated…?” Only too easily seeming to be swept up by children and the sort who mistook him for a toy or more of one than one really wanted, not all who seemed to eye him as a prize did so with wholly positive intent, and she couldn't help but worry that he was being dunked into a hot spring or rolled down one of the slopes by one of less than wholesome design. Though, with the words that followed from a raucous corner of the room, it seemed that she might just have making mountains of molehills…

"Ohhhh, Lassie! I'm over here~!"

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Drinking Contest [FPHS - Drinking contest] Empty Wed Jul 24, 2024 5:06 pm

The guy was gazing at her like she was in the wrong area or have never heard her sort of accent. Froydis looks over as she heard a voice speak towards them, her nosey yet anxious self looking immediately to the woman yet was unsure rather to respond. 'What if she isn't talkin to me?', the Valkyrie wondered in her own thoughts. Her eyes gazed towards the bartender and then the lady. "Urm, ello there," She spoke slowly as if questioning on if she should have. "I am Frøydis, and I have not seen ya cat," she spoke slowly once more trying to sound 'normal' and 'correct' in the manner of Fiore. She failed a little, but it was good enough, right?

"Ou! Is that them?", Frøydis wondered as she pointed to the one talking towards the woman in front of her. Frøydis wondered what it'd be like to have a traveling companion. A talking cat seemed amusing and funny to her innocent yet not-so-innocent mind. Her eyes looked towards the bartender, "Seex on thee lake, please.", Frøydis told the bartender who sighs in defeat as he wasn't going to make a fuss towards a sweet young lady like Frøydis who looked like a lost little lamb. Frøydis's eyes looks at the woman and her cat. "Are ye from here?" , she spoke in an Icebergian accent.


Drinking Contest [FPHS - Drinking contest] Empty Sun Jul 28, 2024 8:11 am


WORDS: 440 |Steamy Setting

"I didnae mean to run off, but these fine gentlemen asked me if a cat could drink, and well…
Nae man of Caelum could turn doon that kindae offer, eh?"

A purrfectly pulush figure with black fur and a bright smile seeming to emerge from a parting pair of bodies and showing himself to be currently stood atop one of the tables with his hands spread and easily a half dozen shot glasses currently stacked upon his brow, as usual it seemed that the magnificent moggy known as Cait Sith was at the centre of the mirth as he showed himself off in his typically clownish fashion, and through that appeared to instantly relieve the young woman who had worried after him so.

“I'm glad to know you're having fun? Enjoy~” Meeting this jovial jester in circumstances which had been a little problematic for him and as such feeling a note of protection toward him, though Mei did not wish to be too possessive with a character whom she had only met recently she still felt an almost sisterly urge to look out for him, but ultimately felt happy that he was happy. After all, with any luck the patrons here would be less likely to toss him into a river or try to pull him apart, eh? At least not before they got too drunk, that was.

“A-Ah, yes. My name is Mei, and I come from the country of Sin? What of yourself, Miss Froydis?” As such it seeming that the leggy lass would be left to her own devices and minding that fact to no large degree really, though the brunette showed a hint of blush for the fact that her feline friend had so quickly distracted herself from the attention which she had been paid by this stranger she did not forget it, and soon returned the introduction which she had been given as well as a reply to the question which had come with it.
“Ohhhh, perhaps I should try one of those too? What was the name again? D-Does it have alcohol…?” Tilting her head however when the figure beyond the counter seemed to produce something which seemed fruity and entertaining for this fair haired stranger to consume upon her request, since Miss Sung had been trying to broaden her horizons thanks to the encouragement of the eminent Empress whom had impressed herself upon her so she felt a curiosity to consume something similar, though cautiously asked about the content of alcohol therein. After all, last time she had gotten a little carried away with the drinking, and didn't wish to impose herself too much upon a stranger…

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Drinking Contest [FPHS - Drinking contest] Empty Fri Aug 02, 2024 11:27 am

She looked at the girl who claimed her name was 'Mei'. The Country of Sin was interesting; she knew from her mother that Iceberg and Sin were neither friendly nor enemies. Of course, this was after the deal with the talking, walking cat. It looked silly, but adorable - it did. "Ou, me name is Froydis, from Iceberg,", she spoke in her accent and smiles sweetly as her gemstone eyes glistened with excitement. When Mei asked about the drink she just ordered for herself she then turned to the bartender, "Two Seex on the Lakes!", she spoke cheerful with a shit-eating grin as she gave the tender the list of ingredients. Her head turned to look at Mei and nods. "Ye boi, we're gonna party.", she spoke and then looks at the bartender. "I hope ye're ready for some bag of gold cause I'm getting drunk tonight!", she spoke cheerfully as she then looked around, for a good seat.

"Hey, Mei, dou they have music (Mousic) here? Like to play songs. Seems quiet like death of winter,". she asks the beautiful woman as they wait on their alcoholic drink. the people here seemed so down, like someone just died in here which she saw no dead body anywhere. The Valkyrie in disguise looks about and walked towards a jukebox and saw no coin slot, kicks it lightly. Nothing was working. She sighed, tilted her head cutely and then bangs it with her hand a specific way and suddenly it turns on, playing beatful music. "There ye go,", she spoke simply and returned to the bar counter and get her drink that was now ready. It was a pretty pink color with some red, orange and white, a cherry on top and orance slice in the glass.


Drinking Contest [FPHS - Drinking contest] Empty Sun Aug 11, 2024 1:42 pm


WORDS: 370 |Steamy Setting

“Iceberg, you say? Is it true that the snow stays there year round…?” The moth of Miss Sung seeming to open for a moment as the girl with whom she shared the bar mentioned not only her name but also her origin as well, the brunette raised her brow at the discovery which she shared, and immediate found her venturesome spirit rising. Planning to visit all the countries in the area when she got the chance and the berg of ice among them, the doe eyed doll had heard bits and pieces about it, and felt both happy and curious to meet someone who called it their home.

“I-I don't actually know? I only arrived here myself today…” Quickly however it seeming that her cheeks would redden when next her new acquaintance asked about the possibility of music, having arrived only recently and spent the time enjoying the refreshing warmth of the baths since then, Mei felt that she was not much of an authority when it came to the entertainments of the place. Cait perhaps knowing better than her, ultimately he seemed to be enjoying himself elsewhere, and for the moment she did not wish to disturb him.

“O-Oh um… I suppose one won't hurt?” The fair skinned femme feeling a little bit flustered however when the man behind the bar laid out a drink before her thanks to the generosity of the girl nearby, Miss Sung couldn't help but feel a little in two minds as to whether to drink it or not knowing it had alcohol in, but ultimately decided it would be rude to quickly refuse such hospitable spirit.
“I should go steady though… Last time I had alcohol, things got kind of… Out of hand?” All the while bearing in mind the wicked spirit which had seemed to seize her the last time she had become intoxicated however, the demure dish couldn’t help but feel her face glow that bit warmer as she confessed the effect which the demon of drink had upon her, and hoped that this charitable soul might accept the restraint of her spirit. After all, she didn't wish to gain a reputation for her late night habits when under the influence, eh~?

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.

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