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Cherry Blossoms and New Beginnings- Akane

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#1Yuuki Hashimoto 

Cherry Blossoms and New Beginnings- Akane Empty Fri Sep 13, 2024 8:08 pm

Yuuki Hashimoto
Yuuki hummed quietly to himself ears twitching every now and then as he slowly made his way up the long windy path, it was cool in the early evening as slight breeze teased his hair and stirred the cherry blossom petals that dotted the path. He wore his usually teal hakama with a faint koi pattern, and his teal hakama with his families crest emblazoned in gold across the upper right breast portion, he wore his long black hair in a messy pony tail so individual strands hung loosely against the side of his head.

Yuuki reached up and plucked a sakura blossom from a tree over head as he walked, being well over six foot tall Yuuki was a rather imposing individual. He held the blossom to his nose inhaling, the smell reminded him of the many springs he spent in Joya growing up and how he very much cherished those memories, though he missed his sister who he had seen occasionally after she had left to become an apprentice to another mage. Yuuki continued his casual slow stride up the path with only a few hundred feet left before he would arrive at the old but maintained stair case, he was not in any particular hurry and was just enjoying the walk and being outdoors in a place that reminded him of his  native country; as it had been a scant many years since he had been able to just relax at his leisure like this and he intended to enjoy it to his fullest.

Yuuki after some time finally arrived at the stair case noting the sky was clear this evening as the glow of the moon could be faintly seen behind the massive shrine. Yuuki had purpose for being here, he came to pay his respects and to pray as it had been sometime since he had been able to due to his travels and work with the guild. "I never would have guessed  that a shrine would be here in Hosenka." he said softly with a grin as he slowly climbed the steps he stretched a bit, ever since his interview with Knuckles his shoulders felt almost constantly stiff "I guess we will have to let a healer look at that when I get back." he said with a groan as the stretch reached its apex before releasing it.

Yuuki paused at the top of the steps taking in the beauty of the architecture that laid before him, bathed in the rising moons light it looked both eerie and peaceful. Yuuki slowly made his way over to the shrine still taking his time as he had no where in particular that he needed to be, once he finally made his way over to the offering box he thumbed a few coins from a pouch and tossed them in listening to them clink and clatter against the wood before silence. Yuuki clapped his hands three times the claps echoing against the stillness before inclining his head and praying.

Last edited by Yuuki Hashimoto on Wed Sep 18, 2024 8:22 pm; edited 1 time in total


Cherry Blossoms and New Beginnings- Akane Empty Mon Sep 16, 2024 10:23 am

A beautiful Joyan Shrine in an unexpected place. Cherry blossom petals raining down in the bright light of the full moon. A beautiful raven-haired girl lay on the roof of said shrine, enjoying the view with a nice jug of sake. Akane had traveled to this place, a country she'd never been to, for one simple reason, R&R. The anniversary of her mother's passing was fast approaching and she wanted to get away to honor her. However, even though the bounty hunter probably should have gone to her home country to honor her mother, she simply couldn't bring herself to return to that abhorrent place so full of painful memories.

And so, after much research, she read there was a Joyan shrine she could visit in the country of Seven. This is what brought Akane to where she was now. She gave a toast to the heavens for her mother. Then drank it and let the cool night breeze and peaceful silence lull her to sleep. However her little cat nap did not last long. She heard the clear sound of someone ringing the prayer bells below. Someone else must have come to offer a prayer to the God of this shrine. Someone who actually believes in gods.

Akane couldn't help but scoff our loud at the notion. She wondered what soft-hearted fool would actually be stupid enough to pray to something that didn't exist. Even though the daemon wasn't much for people her curiosity got the better of her. She jumped down from the roof, landing on her feet just behind the prayer bells and offering box to see a man who towered over her.

He had to be at least six feet tall. She could tell by the Haori he wore with the golden threaded family crest sewn on the back that he must be some Joyan nobleman. Figures it would be one of those upper-class snobs. Akane couldn't think of anything to say so she just glared at him menacingly. Akane never was good with words or making conversation with strangers. This time was no exception.

Cherry Blossoms and New Beginnings- Akane Akane_12
#3Yuuki Hashimoto 

Cherry Blossoms and New Beginnings- Akane Empty Mon Sep 16, 2024 1:56 pm

Yuuki Hashimoto
Yuuki's was mid prayer when he heard the faint sound of boots hitting the brick work behind him, all though his eyes were still closed Yuuki could feel the hair on the back of his neck stand up. This was not an ideal situation as he was unarmed, as visiting a shrine even this late in the evening with a weapon was bad etiquette and likely bad luck; in any case there was not much Yuuki could do while unarmed, however if the individual was looking for a fight he wouldn't go down so easy.

With a Sigh Yuuki opened his eyes, and slowly moved his hands out wide with his hands open and fingers spread to show he was not concealing anything and intended no harm; before he slowly turned around, as he did his eyes went wide with shock. There not more than 5 feet away stood an absolutely gorgeous woman, though the expression on her face was anything but; as for some reason she was glaring at him with menace. Yuuki was not sure as to  why as he had never seen her before in his life, But if she was going to stare he would stare back, He met her gaze with his own his sapphire like orbs seemingly shimmered and glowed in the moonlight.

After sometime Yuuki spoke "Excuse me miss, did I do something to offend you?" he asked warmly with a concerned undertone as his ears twitched either out of excitement or anxiety, Yuuki could not be sure. "Uh-er, I promise I am not here to cause trouble or problems, I just wanted to pray." he said again softly and with warmth as he honestly wished the woman would stop glaring at him as it was making him nervous when as far as he was aware he had done nothing to harm or insult her.

Yuuki lowered himself to the ground to rest on his knees his arms still out wide to indicate he wanted nothing more than peace, " Errr... My names Yuuki, What is yours miss?" he asked curiously though still anxious because of the look on her face "I am sure if we talk we can come to a peaceful resolution." he said softly with a smile as he watched and waited to see what her next move would be.


Cherry Blossoms and New Beginnings- Akane Empty Tue Sep 17, 2024 2:05 pm


Never trust blindly or you'll be in a world of hurt

The man noticed her almost immediately, not that Akane was trying to be stealthy or anything like that. He spoke to her very politely and demonstrated that he wasn't a threat. Not that the bounty hunter really cared either way. The man seemed rather docile for someone who towered over her. Maybe he was just some random Joyanese tourist. Either way, it didn't change Akane's opinion or stance but, since he'd asked her nicely to stop glaring at him, she figured it was only sensible to comply. Her expression still tense as usual but not as menacing as before.

The man introduced himself as Yuuki and asked for her name. The daemon figured she might not see this guy again after tonight so what was the harm in giving her name. "Name's Akane. What's a blue-blood like you doin' out here. Wouldn't you rather be back in Joya in your posh mansion or whatever you rich sods live in?"" She spoke in her native tongue to the young man, but not a hint of politeness could be found.

Akane had her hands shoved in pockets while she gave Yuuki a quick look up and down. He was tall and seemed kind of lankey at first glance. If he took issue with how she spoke, it could give her an excuse to attack him and let off some steam. Maybe he would be too timid to say anything. Either way, Akane kept her guard up, there was no telling how this whole random encounter would play out and the mage wanted to be ready for anything.

Cherry Blossoms and New Beginnings- Akane Akane_12
#5Yuuki Hashimoto 

Cherry Blossoms and New Beginnings- Akane Empty Tue Sep 17, 2024 3:24 pm

Yuuki Hashimoto
Yuuki Smiled as the woman stopped glaring at him though there was still a tenseness to her face she was at least not peering into his soul anymore,  'A scowl is wasted on something so beautiful to begin with.' he mused as his sapphire like orbs as he looked her over, she was tall for a woman and appeared to be slender but with her jacket covering most of her body that was all Yuuki was able to discern, either way Yuuki thought she was beautiful and elegant even if she could scowl like that.

Yuuki's left eye brow raised ever so slightly when the woman who introduced her self in Joyan as Akane, 'Akane, Deep red' Yuuki thought as he eyed her jacket, only to be stunned by what the woman had to say next 'Blue blood, I've not heard that term in a while.' He thought before speaking "I'm merely the son of a noble, I gave up my claims to my fathers title a few years ago." he said softly in Joyan before continuing "I fought in the civil war against the old shogun and denounced my citizenship and any claim to his title because it was the nobles, who allowed things to get so bad and force a civil war." He said yet again in Joyan "So please do not throw me in with all other Joyan's, I care more deeply about people than you know." He said warmly and honestly as his gaze met hers.

Something moved with in Yuuki's haori, and small head popped out with a cherubic face, silver hair and pointy ears and honey colored eyes, Yumi rubbed at her eyes before speaking in a high pitch voice "Yuuuuukiiiii, Why are you being so loud?" she asked annoyed as she had been trying to sleep. The little pixie who stood only half a meter tall climbed out of his haori to sit in his lap. Yuuki looked down at her "Now you know I would not intentionally wake you up Yumi." he said softly with a smile before patting her gently on the head and looking back up at Akane. "This is Yumi, she's my companion; I found her a year ago badly injured and nursed her back to health, and since then she has refused to leave my side." he said with a smile as rubbed her head as she hummed softly


Cherry Blossoms and New Beginnings- Akane Empty Wed Sep 18, 2024 11:56 am


Never trust blindly or you'll be in a world of hurt

This was unexpected, Akane figured he would immediately get mad and act insulted when she spat her bile at him but instead he just gave her a kind smile as if her words had no affect on him. He claimed to have given up his inheritance rights and that he fought in the civil war. The daemon wasn't really sure what to make of this new information nor how to respond. After all, most people she talked to would get mad and then a fight would ensue. All of this was new to her. Just as Akane was trying to come up with a response, she heard a voice coming from Yuuki's haori and then out popped a tiny creature with a cherubic face and silver wings. "A fairy?! I thought they only existed in picture books..." Akane thought to herself. Growing up, Akane was too poor to be able to read pictures books like most kids her age. However, one of her childhood employers took pity on her and gave her their kids old fairy tail book they had outgrown.

Akane couldn't help but stare in childlike wonder at the small fey. It was her first time seeing that one actually existed, her usual tense expression softened and her cheeks slightly flushed with her eyes alit. That was until Yuuki introduced the fairy as his companion Yumi, whom he'd saved and nursed back to health. At his words, the bounty hunter managed to regain composure hopefully before he noticed she'd lost it in the first place.

Maybe Akane had been wrong, maybe there was a good "noble" in Joya but it was too soon to tell whether he was using this tiny thing to make Akane drop her guard. Either way, the bounty hunter decided she would give the guy a chance to prove he could be worthy of her trust.

Cherry Blossoms and New Beginnings- Akane Akane_12
#7Yuuki Hashimoto 

Cherry Blossoms and New Beginnings- Akane Empty Wed Sep 18, 2024 2:57 pm

Yuuki Hashimoto
Yuuki was playfully poking Yumi's cheeks while watching Akane stand there silently, he was unsure if it was his words or the appearance of Yumi that left her speechless, but as he watched the moonlight dance across her face he noticed that her tense facial expressions had softened, and had a innocence to it and he eyes seemed to be more expressive than before, Yuuki smirked ever so slightly "Now, that expression is more befitting for the face of a gorgeous young lady ." he said gently in Joyan with a smile and a wink.

Yuuki noticed the change was brief but it was there and wondered if kindness and warmth would further bring out more of Akane's softer side she clearly hid for some reason Yuuki did not yet know, but that only intrigued him further 'Beautiful and mysterious.' he thought to himself before speaking "Ya know, you can come close and sit, I do not bite." He said warmly as Yumi looked up at him pouting "Yu-u-ki, why are you inviting strangers this close to you?" she asked with a huff "She's not a stranger Yumi, her names Akane... strangers are people who's names you do not know." he said playfully poking her in the forehead before looking back up to Akane and gesturing for her to sit by patting the ground in front of him "You intrigue me, and I would very much like to hear your story." he said warmly and and with genuine interest.

Yuuki, Waited for some time but got no response from the woman so he picked up the now sleeping pixie put her in the usual pocket in his haori and got up and walked off leaving the woman all alone


Cherry Blossoms and New Beginnings- Akane Empty Sat Sep 21, 2024 2:53 pm

Yuuki had said something about Akane being gorgeous, which Akane blushed at ever so slightly. She'd never been complimented before like that so the daemon wasn't used to it. While busy trying to regain her composure, he offered Akane a seat next to him, saying he didn't bite. The small fairy was upset and confused as to why Yuuki was asking Akane to sit with him. He explained to her he wasn't a stranger and then spoke again to Akane saying he wanted to get to know her more.

Akane wasn't sure still if she could trust him, but she wanted to try. After all, he seemed genuine enough. However, it seemed as if she took too long to respond to his invitation while hesitating he eventually decided to just leave, not bothering to say a word of goodbye. What a jerk. Now that she had been left alone with her thoughts, she was glad she didn't give the guy a chance. Exhausted from being social, she hopped back onto the roof and went back to her nap.


Cherry Blossoms and New Beginnings- Akane Akane_12

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