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poor lloyd [nq]

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poor lloyd [nq] Empty Mon Jun 03, 2024 5:41 pm

Momiji was drawn naturally to gatherings of people, for good or for ill, and rarely was the line not blurred within that sparkling light of his emeraldic eyes. They'd glint devilishly, his resting face caught in a lackadaisical smile and bobbling with every skip that his decorated legs carried him in. He was dressed for the occasion - well, an occasion - and it shown in spilling frills and vibrant shades that made him the eye-catcher of the tournament entrant grounds.

He had been in Baska no more than two months at this point in time; and he couldn't think of a better way to further cement his place here than marking the territory, so to speak. He was a lover, of course, and not a fighter, but he was hardly lacking in that department; if the glint of his revolver's barrel in its spin on his finger was anything to go by.

[ 157 / 1350 (10% Monopoly) ]

poor lloyd [nq] 8auN8uY

you might be the bigger person but i'm l o u d e r ♢

poor lloyd [nq] Empty Mon Jun 03, 2024 5:44 pm

It sure made its point in distancing the straggling contestants from him, as well as earning the eye - or ire - of the burlier men who made this their hunting grounds, not yet aware a new predator had waded into their midst. Who expects the small boy in silks with the gameshow smile? Ah, but, if they didn't like Momo, that would be their faults. It wouldn't be a mistake they'd suffer the effects of for long. He'd swing his way over to the counter with a big bunny hop, landing on one foot in an excited twirl and a fan of her arms.

"Momo is here for the battle ROYALE! Momo knows his noblesse oblige, hai, hai ~" He'd announce to the lady at reception, scattering her various papers with the sheer force of his personality ... and motion, twitching between his standstill and an eager splay over the top of registration. "Ehe? Momo is allowed, yes?"

[ 317 / 1350 (10% Monopoly) ]

poor lloyd [nq] 8auN8uY

you might be the bigger person but i'm l o u d e r ♢

poor lloyd [nq] Empty Mon Jun 03, 2024 5:48 pm

It took a stark silence and the drawn gazes of the other entrants before she was able to nod slowly, worried briefly for the actual admission of what could only be a person who wasn't quite all there ... but that wasn't for her to judge, it was for the arena, and their screening process was relatively light. He had a guild emblem - which he was all too ready and eager to showcase for those in attendance, turning and lifting her shirt in its display, and she'd hasten him to settle down and fill out the requisite forms.

It wasn't much longer before he was properly signed up for the event and soon assigned to his first opponent, wiling away the ticking minutes with an awe and wonder he'd share with the attendees in one of his more annoying attempts at garnering attention. He stood out too much; and, yet, with his guild banner revealed, he was allowed more leeway than the next twerp over. They couldn't do much more but wait to teach him his lesson in the ring; staring back at that shit-eating grin and the giggles of a creature who couldn't so much as sit straight on his waiting chair.

[ 527 / 1350 (10% Monopoly) ]

poor lloyd [nq] 8auN8uY

you might be the bigger person but i'm l o u d e r ♢

poor lloyd [nq] Empty Mon Jun 03, 2024 5:54 pm

He'd have his name called with nowhere near enough enthusiasm to match his, Momiji leaping from the seat he had thoroughly off-kiltered in his occupation of it to bound across the room and threw the wide doors to the fighting area. He'd wave excitedly at all the new friends he presumed to have made, flashing that winning smile to the receptionist, and he was given ... well, at least a weak smile back from her, if not anyone else. It was a clear mixture of pity, sympathy, confusion and annoyance.

His opponent, when he found himself face to face with them, breathed no different than that atmosphere. Momiji's nose was forced to wrinkle from the smell, a tower of a man with rippling muscles and a mug that wouldn't befit Momiji's collection staring back with all the grace or fear of a bullhound. He appeared to immediately dismiss Momiji, deriding him with a snort and dragging his body back and eyes away to wait for the referee's signal.

A whistle blew and so did the bang of a gun, green-light mana wisping off the end of Momiji's quickdrawn pistol -- and a gape left in the chest of the man across from him, a hole blown open with the sheer intensity of the magical bullet and the killing intent of the maddened creature. Momiji never enjoyed that look in people's eyes. He'd be left standing, and the other wouldn't, which secured his victory; and the utter revulsion he glared back at him, all while smile along, sealed the last of his fate as medic arrived.

[ 804 / 1350 (10% Monopoly) ]

poor lloyd [nq] 8auN8uY

you might be the bigger person but i'm l o u d e r ♢

poor lloyd [nq] Empty Mon Jun 03, 2024 5:58 pm

He'd casually walk back to the waiting area with a cheery expression, eager for his next bout and tossing his gun between his fingers like a hot potato; until several disapproving glances and a wag of the receptionist's fingers led him to hold it more secure, pointed to the side just under his chin, and pout like a puppy. He didn't want to make the nice lady at the counter mad. He'd be on better behavior, saving the electrifying urge that ran like voltage through his fingers for the coming fight. His previous opponent - he was told, in passing, with his eyes near-glazed over - would make it, thank goodness to the timely intervention of first aid, and Momiji would tut his tongue.

"O~tay. Sorry! Momo will do better next time," and it pacified the man with his clipboard somewhat, misunderstanding the honest intent behind Momiji's words. His next shot would be to kill - it was only the kind and fair thing to do, considering the mess he had made and all the work that had to be done to clean it up. He wouldn't leave so much leftover for the next crew of medics. A bell rung within the next dozen minute that called him to order once more.

[ 1024 / 1350 (10% Monopoly) ]

poor lloyd [nq] 8auN8uY

you might be the bigger person but i'm l o u d e r ♢

poor lloyd [nq] Empty Mon Jun 03, 2024 6:06 pm

A gaggle of onlookers parted way for the skipping young lad and his strapping little suit, none the worse for the swing of his trigger guard around his left fingers so the right hand could wave again to the increasingly tired - if more affable - receptionist, earning a short wave back and an empathetic lift of her eyebrows. Kid probably just needed friends, she reasoned. He wouldn't be making any here - that was obvious with the way he played the game, entering the arena once more with that same carefree attitude and facing the next of his opponents. And the next. And the next.

He ran through the bracket over the entire afternoon, clearing fight after fight with increasing amounts of energy expended but everything ending at the same place, in the same way; him, towering despite his stature over the wounded sprawl of his opponent, his eyes alight with a disconcerting stare and his teeth too bright in the showcase lights. He could feel the toll it started to have on his mana ... and he still made his way to the finals without a scratch on his pretty clothes, leading all the way up to his final called match.

[ 1224 / 1350 (10% Monopoly) ]

poor lloyd [nq] 8auN8uY

you might be the bigger person but i'm l o u d e r ♢

poor lloyd [nq] Empty Mon Jun 03, 2024 6:11 pm

Lloyd. That was the name of his final mark, a man of average height and well-built brawn, his eyes friendly despite the ruggedness of his face. He was a regular around the tournament grounds and the small business they ran with the bets traded in Baska, as well as the last man standing in the lobby with Momo after all had been said and done through the daylight. The sun was beginning to set - peeking orange through the gateway - and the two set off at final bell with that last wave back to the receptionist. "Do your best, Momo, Lloyd!" She'd exclaim with the last of her energy, earning a giddy scamper from Momiji and both arms waving back to her.

The fight played out similarly, with Lloyd struggling to keep up with Momiji despite his superior strength - the boy was just too quick, too slippery, and his movements too unnatural to follow. The difference between this and the previous bouts is the sheer force and intellect Lloyd displayed was enough to finally wound the boy ... 's clothes, tearing a line through silk hip.

The arena became an Unseelie's playground. Momiji had to be pried off poor Lloyd, the man left in scraps and riddled; and the choir that sung of his end came from several shining figures the spent Momiji had called to the human's doom. Trash. Every single one of them.

[ 1461 / 1350 (10% Monopoly) ]

poor lloyd [nq] 8auN8uY

you might be the bigger person but i'm l o u d e r ♢

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