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#26Brone Heavyaxe 

Deep Freeze[VOID DUNGEON] - Page 2 Empty Sun Jul 28, 2024 2:35 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone flinched as he watched Lumikki flare up in anger. The demonic visage was something he never saw expressed towards him, not even in battle; the temperature seem to have dropped further and the darkness seem to have nearly overtaken the light from the lamp. The dwarf had a dislike for the technology of the island, but Lumikki had hatred for it, but Brone was mistaken how far the hatred bled until he witnessed this and heard her reasoning. He wanted to tell her that this was just a momentary thing, that he didn't intend on keeping the armor for long, that it felt tight and created a weird whirling sound from time to time, but all of that didn't matter; the demoness was vexed and he didn't blame her, so he said nothing, remained quiet until she was done. The shadows receded and the range of the light from the lamp returned. His niece apologized and he shrugged, giving her a laxed smile so she wouldn't worry. It was common to find such fury and passion when amongst dwarves every so often, but Brone figured he wouldn't try to temper the fire at this point, she needed to express herself.

She would eventually take off down the corridor by flight and Brone would pick up the pace; the sooner they resolve this, the better, though he made sure not to keep too far away from Inttindi. Eventually they would come to a cavern where numerous golems awaited them, "Ah crap" the dwarf said as he drew his golden axe and his green axe. He heard Lumikki's voice call to them, though he couldn't tell where she was, for she was nowhere to be seen and her voice came from all directions; either way, he took his niece's word for it. He would turn to Inttindi and gave him a reassuring nod before running into the army of golems with axes ready.

Brone would slammed into a handful of golems, shattering them on impact as if he was a living bowling ball. As he came to a screeching halt, three golems piled on top of him while trying to rake their sharp claws through his armor; one managed to scratch his arm before the dwarf spun on the balls of his feet while extending his axes out; a tornado immediately formed, it's top reaching the ceiling and the base keeping to the floor. Many golems were ripped to shreds as other were thrown back and the rest were pushed away. As the tornado ended, Brone was left in a large gap in the middle of the horde of golems, but it didn't shake them, the ice golems were continue to rush at him while he met them with fury and steel, sending several of them flying through the air, slammed into the ground in piece while he was getting beaten by ice and magic; blood splattered as the dwarf did little to avoid most of the attacks.

All of a sudden, the horde of golems stopped moving and all attention was on Lumikki who held some kind of weird gem. Brone, returning to his senses from his battle adrenaline state, remembered what they were seeking... the gem.

Then she swallowed it.

"What the!?" Brone blurted out, but soon enough things seemed different and the golems seem to be... obeying her.

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Deep Freeze[VOID DUNGEON] - Page 2 Empty Mon Jul 29, 2024 2:45 pm

The idea of the elements having a taste was something Ittindi had never considered. He wondered if there were slayer magicians out there who sought out new tastes above all else. He wondered what his magic tasted like, if it matched the users personality or it was just purely based on the magic being used. He’d have to investigate exotic living ice or darkness magic as a gift during any celebrations for Lady Lumikki.
Ittindi was surprised to finally see something get under Lady Lumikki’s skin, she didn’t seem to enjoy Talaz Lagaar or its technology going off on finding out where Sir Brone’s armor was from. Now Ittindi understood his answer better, they had a shared history as long and strong as him and the Young Master. He wondered what caused such a rift for a whole civilization to be off limit, was it possible Lady Lumikki was originally from there? Ittindi wouldn’t have more time to contemplate as Lady Lumikki mentioned that she was going to take it all, the void, the ice even Talaz Lagaar itself. It was at times like these that Ittindi realized the true danger he and his Young Master had gotten into by ensnaring their fates with a true Demon. The casual way she took off at breakneck speeds with her wings, Ittindi mind made up on one of his new spells.  Ittindi would get to the cavern where Sir Brone was staring and all to quickly he understood.  He’d hear Lady Lumikki’s command and thought little else but to trust her the same as he would his Young Master.

His naginata still in his hands He would charge opposite of Sir Brone. If not for Ittindi’s ability he might of faltered, scared of the enormous amount of pressure of staying alive surrounded by an army. Or was it the foolishness of his magic that had made him feel this way, it was impossible for Ittindi to untangle. He’d thrust into another golem as a shot from somewhere in the army connected clean with his ribs. It felt bruised not fractured meanwhile Sir Brone did some fancy move where he simulated being an axe tornado, taking out multiple golems, giving Ittindi breathing room to his rear. He was still being swarmed and possibly it seemed that he’d have to feign his own death to avoid true death. The golems would freeze in place, Ittindi would look around and see that it had affected all the creatures.

It seemed that Lady Lumikki had found a way to control all the golems as she emerged with a gem before swallowing it. This would be a development that he’d have to keep private due to the sensitive nature of guild politics. It also had big implications between a link of slayer magic and the void. Or perhaps it used something entirely different, he wondered if on the opposite side of the void there was a world that was receiving gifts from our world.

”I  think I’ll leave this part out of the report Lady Lumikki. We ready to get out of here I’m ready for some warmth maybe hot choloate.”


Deep Freeze[VOID DUNGEON] - Page 2 Empty Mon Jul 29, 2024 7:27 pm


”Ah yessss, let’s get ye two warm.” Lumikki was gliding toward them gracefully on her wings. The golems were like statues in the background until her words brought them back to life.”Me apologies, I needed to vent me frustrations else where and I was hoping me corruption could overtake the gem. From what I gather, the void rewrites the things it touches, but last I check, the Abyss also overtakes and corrupt. The was a thought worth pursuing and now me influence grows.” Normally this would be when she had a cheeky smile or teased her company, but this time she was rather dry in her tone. Almost like she was detached.

”Aye, best to keep them un-noted. Now that they are in me command, they would cause no harm. For the time being, I’ll keep ‘em in me homeland, meaning it isn’t a Fioran matter. I’m glad ye don’t mind. But for the sake of yer work, I’ve broke off this little piece to bring back though its power, unlike that last, has been drained into me. At this rate, I’ve taking a liking to collecting voidlings as pets to use and distort….”

Lumikki pulled away and turned to her new hoard, walking close enough for them to hear her clearly. “Open me a tunnel closest to the village just outside and close it well when we leave. One of ye stay atop the mountain to wait for me return and alert the others when I arrive next. Until then, ye stay within and keep the mortal far away saaafely.” They vibrated to her words, taking soundly her commands. As few worked on the tunnel while another made his way up above. They left swiftly and enjoyed a nice promised hot meal.

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Curtain Call
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