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Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.)

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Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) Empty Sat Mar 09, 2024 12:15 pm

The one thing about Blue Pegasus was in some manner it was lively guild there was always something interesting and different going on. One this day was one of the few times Miriko was actually in the guild hall and not hiding some were away because too many people around her would scare her. For as much as a marvel of beauty the young Miriko was, in equal parts she was skiddish and most of the guild knew that.

Even if knowing that most people still seemed to view Miriko well. Some of the newer faces even often checked up on her. Some one with white hair and red eyes in some manner taken a liking to check on Miriko when she was around. Miriko doesn't entirely remember this woman's name yet only knows she seems them, she gets hugged a lot struggles a bit because she's nervous then let go after a check over, in some manner this lady seemed far more normal in the guild then Miriko was. But she had a really nice pointy hat.

But now to today, Miriko was in a common area of the guild hall seemingly tuned out to the world around her painting away at something. Slowly some one could pick up Miriko was slowing down her painting because some one was lingering over her. Smoking casually away and seemingly observing. Miriko was trying not to seem bothered because in some manner it was, you could tell that Miriko slowed down and at some points stopped, she merely acted like she was thinking on her next steps. This one was another white haired woman with red eyes. But her features far different compared to the other one that seems to hug her a lot and gone for long periods of times.

Looking upon the painting one could assume from this woman's stare she was judging Miriko's work. But this woman whenever some one had been around this would they could tell anything she looked into was about making herself look good or pretty, something about her ego. Any measures of work to make imperfections not there was easily seen with this woman but far different from the casualness of the one most think about from iceberg, this woman seemed to be from sin. accents of gold with her attire would attest that she was a bit different. But one could ponder, If the meek painter of Blue Pegasus was uncomfortable, Why hasn't she said anything? better yet, Where is Alistar?


Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) Empty Wed Apr 10, 2024 3:59 pm



Ahh~... How she loved finishing her Master duties early~ For all her whimsical nature, Alisa was a woman of routines. You have to be when there's only 24 hours in a day and only one of you, and on top of her daily exercise routine, her Guildmaster duties, she also wanted to spend time with her family, her Guildmates, and even do some art here and there to relax. She had a long, hot shower after her training, and today, she needed no more than an hour to handle all the paper work. Guild life had been quiet with the event keeping people occupied in Hosenka, after all~... Which made it all the better chance to check up on those who'd already returned from Hosenka, or had simply not travelled.

"Oh...? Hello there Mimi~", catching sight of her niece idling away the hours with her paint brush, Alisa stepped over to her with a bright, captivating smile drawing on her lips, idly tugging the neckline of her sweater a bit higher over her shoulder, "What are you painting~?"

Less work on her plate left Alisa more at ease dressing cofortably, clad in nothing but a snug, cozy sweater dress hanging off her curvaceous frame, one side slipping off her shoulder ever so often until she felt a breeze against her bare, silky smooth skin and remembered to pull it back up, running a hand down that long, flowing black hair. At first, Alisa didn't even notice the stranger as she simply rested a hand on Mimi's shoulder, a soft, reassuring touch as a she took a peek at her work. It was only then that she noticed the tension on Mimi's shoulder, and the discomfort she felt towards this stranger most likely. And yet Alisa simply smiled at her:

"My niece is quite talented is she not~? You should see the portrait she made for me.", she spoke, simply making conversation, with the ulterior motive of drawing the mysterious woman's attention away from her niece, her eyes casually running over the woman's elegant frame. Judging by that distinctively Sinese style of dress, she looked like a foreigner, but not in any way out of place in the Guild known for its devotion to beauty.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) Empty Thu Apr 11, 2024 8:33 am

It was a good question to ask, Miriko would answer. To the lingering eyes watching."I was working on a piece I envisioned in my mind while was I collecting to painting supplies with Alistair today."She mentioned some what nervously. It seemed to have to do with the heart. As she was just merely starting with the base of it with the page mostly blank, with the outline of a heart. With some in depth details with in the corner like the veins and shade reflected like it was from inside the human body at the time.

But alas Miriko also pointed to some other works she had lying around."I did also finish these today...."Miriko continued to be nervous at this time, But she seemed to be trying to fight while. Alas Alistair would slowly enter the building slowly. But Miriko did seemed to feel a bit better even taking a moment of comfort by placing one of her hands upon Alisa's hand on her shoulder. A mark that she knew she was okay. Over all most people knew Miriko was a nervous woman by nature.

Well but this woman seemed to answer finally, Keeping in mind she did speak a decent amount of fiorian but you could tell she was from sin to start with from her accent."I have heard plenty of tales of your nieces work. I just need to see it for myself."The yet named woman had mentioned while she would look at Alisa while she smoked. She did not smoke cigarette's she smoked from a finely well crafted pipe. Complexly made of steel and gold. Whoever made that pipe knew very well knew what they where doing."So much so, I had to entertain my wonder and walk away from the jewellery I was working on."Not mentioning how she felt it was almost not worth of the time she was doing making things, but this lady was just entirely business at this time.

Then she would merely ask Miriko."I will pay you wonderfully, If you can spare the time and paint a portrait of me."There was a hint of smugness to this, almost like it was fulfilling something Alisa and Miriko did not know.Miriko thinking about it, was unsure if she should say yes or not. But because she was already there and most likely it was going to be business. Miriko ask this woman."I can spare the time for it." Miriko answered while she continued working away.

With this small ego stroke, Seemed to seem to leave this woman passive for the moment."Good, You can finish that picture, I would like to be set in a very particular pose."With that there was a delighted smile on her face. Then Miriko seemed to sigh almost like it was a relief at the time. Almost like there was a major section of stress gone, But everyone that was around in Blue Pegasus knew Miriko was easily left nervous.

Alistair would sit down on a spot between Alisa and Miriko. Watching this lady from Sin actually walking over and sitting."Let me know when you are done that picture. I have time."Unknown to Miriko, As much as this woman was money is time and time is money kind of person. This was something to stroke her ego, Thus she was making spare time for it. Her black gloves  that went to her shoulders,Had fingers guards one in each thumb, one on each ring finger and one on each pinky finger. These were signs of status and wealth in sin culture. Casually relaxing in her chair whatever this lady was smoking did not seem to smell up the room. However it did seem her pipe was now empty.

Miriko then looked up at Alisa and simply would mention."I will be okay now."Miriko had got past the stress. Alistair seemed comfortable and still had not spoke anything. Looking between the three people like he had came in at an odd time. This lady from sin already seem to be like she had been here before, was a guild member already or a friend. Or she was just that much full of herself. When she sat she sat cross legged, revealing on her this lady's thigh was a golden amber dragon tattoo.


Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) Empty Sat Apr 13, 2024 7:05 am



"Ooooh~... These are quite beautiful~...", though Alisa only had the opportunity to give those pictures a passing glance, they still made her brow arch at the sight, for the time being she focused on the painter herself and their new aquaintance. She had to admit, the woman was quite stunning~... She'd have been at home in Blue Pegasus. But as Mimi rested her hand on Alisa's, the sculptress simply smiled, "Mmm, I suppose she's been getting quite famous in recent years, hmm Mimi~? Soon enough people will be flocking to the Guild hoping to acquire one of your pieces~"

Alisa was brimming with pride, her smile all but widening in utter delight at her talented niece. Why, this woman seemed to have come here all the way from Sin. Ordinarily, wearing this much gold might have seemed gaudy and ostentatious, but the stunning blonde pulled it off swimmingly:

"Oh, you're a goldsmith huh?", and yet the moment she said these words, Alisa's interest piqued... With the woman sitting down and posing for her painting, the sculptress gave her the space, sitting close to Mimi and within earshot of them both, now visibly intrigued by this stranger, "My father was a goldsmith as well. From one artist to another, I'd be delighted to admire your pieces sometime?"

No wonder she looked so beautiful in Gold hmm~? Much like Alisa with her gemstones, once you get used to creating art from a simple raw material, you instinctively know how to bring out the depths of its beauty, as if it were the most natural feat in the world:

"Fufu~... And i'll stay here and watch, if you don't mind, Mimi~?", Alisa turned back to her niece, crossing those long, shapely legs as she sat on that cushy leather seat, "So what brings you all the way to Fiore, Miss...?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) Empty Sat Apr 13, 2024 8:05 am

It was a good question but things would show she might be far more prepared and connected for a lot of things here then she let on."I have been aware of her work for a while." the stranger mentioned. But what was next spoken would show maybe the linger ways of how she worked."I assume any artist of her calibre would be more....what you fiorians call brave."She had picked up on Miriko's nervous behaviours and she was smart enough to try and not insult her."Not so skiddish looking like some one yelling at her would going to make her scream and hide."It almost sounded liked she was judging Miriko for a moment. But they where vastly different people.

Miriko always knew she had things to improve upon but she still managed to work away like she was with out many problems after all she was finished. Miriko took a break from her current piece and walked over to pet Alistair. It seemed whatever this was spoke about Mimi it did not seem to bother her, Almost like Miriko had gotten better over the years about what people spoke of her. Then she did something that was considered rare she actually remembered to get a glass of water. Then she seemed to sit back down and continue drawing. She was being watched by this jewel maker from sin.

But Miriko continued drawing away at what she was working on at the start. Miriko was not working quickly seemingly most likely this piece was going to take a bit of time. But it seems it was good enough time for Alisa to get to know this woman. But Miriko seemed happy everything was set at the pace she worked Alistair was happy, Miriko was happy.

This woman would reveal more about herself while she spoke. Alisa wanted to see her work. She merely smiled. It was the smile of some one you could tell had a massive ego in some manner, Like she thought she was one of the greatest."You are seeing my work on me right now...things your father most likely would never be able to make."With a bold smile on her face right now. She would continue on using it as a means to show off. This yet to be named woman was going to show off how seemingly vain and egotistical she might be."I might be able to say i respect your father's work. But I promise you...I do many things different to him....in some manner better then him too."It was also a bold statement but that was just seemingly how this woman worked.

Then she most like revealed her method of working. Reaching over and taking Alisa right hand. Then looped her thumb and ring finger of one of her hands around Alisa's right wrist, A perfectly shaped, moulded, polished and cleaned gold wrist bracelet was there after this woman removed her hand. Then almost like like she had to show off more with a prideful smirk on her face, she snapped her fingers and the missing pieces she just used to attempt to impress Alisa seemed to form back on her fingers.

Miriko was also impressed, she had looked between her bouts of filling in details."There is no goldsmith like me I assure you of that." Then she pulled down her right sleeve revealing on her bicep was an amber gold colour Blue Pegasus Tattoo."I am Fe-Mei. I came from Sin to show Fiore they have no one who make jewels like I do. So much so...I joined the guild."She pulled up her sleeve and seemed to yet again smirk like she was still some what making herself feel important.

Miriko did not seem to have expect it. Nor did Alistair. They where in fact quiet confused that this woman they had yet to have met this woman before was in the guild and they did not know. So much that Mirko stopped what she was working on to merely watch what would happen while they spoke. Thinking she was going to get trouble, She went back to work.

But almost like she considering this all business."Guilds always need shining diamonds...And I am the perfect gem stone."This was the line that most likely proved Fu-Mei's ego was on full display. Even if she most likely knew the guild did not need anything to make it look better."So perfect, you don't need any other gems."She knew Alisa was married, Fu-Mei was smart enough to look into things. She was there to make herself look like the best woman to join the guild off of her looks and work alone.


Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) Empty Sat Apr 13, 2024 9:46 am



"She's young.", Alisa replied, shooting a sympathetic smile at her niece as she knew the girl was much, much younger than she appeared, but made sure not to spill her secret around a complete stranger as she simply shot the girl an understanding smile, "Having too much talent can be difficult to manage when you're only still finding your feet in the world."

She watched the girl as she took a break from her art to grab a glass of water, during which time Alisa got settled getting to know this fascinating femme from a distant land:

"Oho, so you've crafted all those hmm~...? Quite impressive.", she rose her brow with a hint of admiration, she could recognize a big ego when she saw one, but at the same time, she wasn't shy about admiring a masterpiece when she saw one. And yet... Her bold assumptions about the skills of people she knew nothing about, meant her judgements took precedence over her curiosity, "My my~... Sounds like your awfully underestimating my father."

Alisa's eyes narrowed with a smile. She wasn't particularly close with her father, now that she'd made her choice of her family over her vendetta, it made her question whether he'd made the right choice by choosing revenge over Alisa herself. She didn't hold it against him considering she ended up following his path, quite the opposite, she admired his craftsmanship and ended up mastering a form of magic similar to his... But after so many years apart, they were far from close. But as the woman took that soft, silky smooth hand in hers and started crafting a piece so dazzling it made her lips part for a moment, Alisa soon rose those wine red hues right back to hers with a knowing smirk:

"And more importantly... You're underestimating me~...?", with these words, a sliver of magic pulsed down her arm as Alisa weaved it in unison with the Sinese Goldsmith's, creating a trio of perfectly encrusted gemstones in her bracelet, adorned by an interwoven lattrice of crystal, "Pleasure to meet you, Fu Mei~ I'm Alisa Vollan, the Master of this Guild. Fufu~... If that's a challenge, I'm happy to take you up on it... And show you just how little you know of Fiorian craftsmanship~?"

Once the woman peeled the gold away from her wrist, Alisa would be left with a freshly sculptred filigree-shaped diamond bracelet with not a sliver of metal left, merely the shapes that had been left behind by that little bit of teamwork between the two artists.

"Mind you, I'm not even a goldsmith myself... Merely a sculptress.", she replied, knowing that a proper Goldsmith such as her father or others could surpass even her, raising that hand for emphasis and letting the woman admire the exquisite craftsmanship that she'd just left behind, "So as you see it's... Quite amusing... That a stunning gemstone like you would mention diamonds~?"

Despite the arrogance of her introduction... Alisa was enjoying this woman's company. After all it's not every day she meets someone whose craft is so similar to her own~... But with an ego like that... Alisa would make sure to challenge her at every turn.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) Empty Sun Apr 14, 2024 4:02 am

With in it's odd own twist with the mention of being young, This entirely massive ego that expressed seemed to manifest concern in it's own way. It was on her face for a moment, seemingly just as Miriko left the room at that time. But she would hint in other way that under that ego in some manner was a caring woman still as well."Well still young means time to learn many things."Alas more would be revealed about how this woman was. She was not all entirely ego and about herself."Is anyone watching over the young artist? Making sure she is being paid fairly for her work and showing her skills to talk business?"It was the most round about way but it was that moment that shows that she was more then likely there was still a caring woman she just did not want to show it.

But showed she also most likely wanted to help her guild members. After Miriko return. It seemed it was back to was normal woman with a massive ego. But Miriko seemed to be making wonderful progress, After all beng left to work as she was there was a fair amount of movement. Then the deathly focus Miriko had when seemingly having a work flow nirvana. She was not seemingly not slowing down her work any time soon.  Could easily see for this time Miriko was no longer focusing on the world around her.

In some manner. Maybe as the entire way this woman work was understood it would easy to work with her. She was business driven and full of herself in some manner but there was a sense that she was prideful and most likely going to learn and adapt in many ways. Merely taking Alisa by the hand and observe the changes, She seemed to study it fairly in depth. Then she merely placed her finger on out. There was a feeling of magic used on the bracelet but she did not mention anything about it.

To Miriko looking at what was going on, not that she was nosey but Miriko did watch everything with out saying much mostly because she wanted to see how people interacted with one another. A quiet watcher so to say. But seeing as Miriko's say of trying to adjust herself to getting use to people, Mostly likely if anyone said anything it would spook her. Hence why even Alistair would not say anything about and seemingly even himself went back to lazing about.

Then the crafter would speak."It seems, There was a lot of things to be expanded upon."Her mind did not seem changed all that much.  At least she would seemingly okay with seeing how people in these lands. In some manner it might show she would learn things. But she most likely was going to do more then make things as well. Fu-Mei would look at Miriko for a moment who merely panicked mentally and went back to work since she was spying on the two talking.


Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) Empty Sun Apr 14, 2024 12:02 pm



"Why, she has Alistair, her family, her guildmates... Plenty of people really. And as for talking business. She has others who can take care of that.", Alisa didn't really find it essential that one person needed to excel at everything, "Learning where and when to rely on others is an equally important part of growing up."

Jack of all trades, master of none. That's one reason to rely on your Guildmates, as you simply understand that there will always be some fields where other people perform better than you, much as you have your talents. Though Alisa still glanced at Mimi every now and then, knowing she was comfortable and immersed in her work put her at ease, and allowed focus on this fascinating stranger:

"You can keep it if you'd like? Consider it a welcome present from me~", she smiled and allowed Fu-Mei to examine the piece of jewelry adorning her wrist, using those joined hands to magically shift the bracelet onto the woman's wrist in a way that meshed perfectly with her current choice of ornamentation, "Fufu~... You and me both. I'm looking forward to seeing what you'll create here."

Alisa shifted in her seat, uncrossing those bare, shapely legs and crossing them the other way, cupping her cheek as she washed her gaze up and down that elegant form, before looking back up into her eyes:

"So... Has anybody already shown you around the guild~?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) Empty Sun Apr 14, 2024 5:01 pm

Even if it showed how there was always more to a person for a moment it did settle the slightly worried thoughts."Fine. I guess that will not stop me from giving her a few pointers as well."One just had to think if Miriko could see through the ego and pride that covered this woman. But she seemed to not have thought about it too much beyond on that. In some manner this might not be a good thing considering how this new lady was seemingly most likely far more likely strict compared to other people.

But that was a later problem. But alas she would get up from her spot walk over to Miriko was who quietly working away. Waited for Miriko to have a stopping moment offered her hand. Then seemingly Miriko realized what was intended and in returned offered her hand to Fu-Mei. Then she put it on Miriko's wrist allowing a fair amount of room so she could take it off with ease. Then she merely nodded to the busy painter then left her to work. Miriko seemed almost confused then went back to work to try and not asking questions.

Weather or not this was stressful to Miriko would be if some one asked. The new member from Sin did not even ask. It seemed that was normal just enjoy what was given. Then she would sit back down like nothing happen."I have not been around yet, Some one did offer...but there was something about that tell woman, her flirty ways and seeing more of her shape then any woman's body not in a bikni other than my own...Was a bit odd."Fu-Mei was hinting at some one and she did not know their name. But it sounded like she was uncomfortable for moment. Almost like she was a different person about what she considered fitting attire for the moment. Or she was jealous and expressing it differently.

Miriko was not saying anything because she knew who she was thinking about it. Miriko managed to stay comfortable around this woman. So maybe this new person needed to adjust to some members of the guild. For a moment could hear Miriko chuckle about who they hinting at. Then looking between the both of them she simply said."But if you wish to show me around or Mimi...I would not refuse."Short answer would have been no.


Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) Empty Mon Apr 15, 2024 4:10 pm



"I'm sure she'd appreciate that~...", she chimed, turning her head back to Mimi and shooting her a teasing little wink, after all, there were few people who could have some knowledge to share with the young painter, and a professional artist was one of the rare few. After all, while Alisa and many others were artists in their own right, few were professionals. She was a talented sculptress herself, but never needed to make a living off her art. Her work never paled in comparison to the professionals, but marketing was never a concern, "Ohoo~...? I think I know who you're talking about. Helena's quite stunning is she not~?"

Alisa bit her lip at the mention, recognizing the lover with whom she'd shared a bed on more than one occasion, though she never went as far as to say it, there was a visible warmth on the dark haired woman's expression, her plush pink lips curling that bit wider and making it clear she was at least quite familiar with her:

"If you'd like, either or both of us could show you around. What do you think Mimi~?", Alisa for one didn't mind getting to know their charming new Guildmate, and giving her a little tour seemed like the perfect way to do so. Of course, Mimi was still working on her painting, "Assuming you're done painting that is~?"

Alisa uncrossed her legs and ran her hands down the fuzzy fabric of her black sweater dress, adjusting that overly loose neckline as the garment dipped a few inches too far down along her shoulder... Especially after the comment Fu-Mei made regarding Helena.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) Empty Tue Apr 16, 2024 11:59 am

In some manner it might be just how Fu-Mei was. Merely in some manner about herself in a lot of ways Helena might just seem far too different, Even if she was was wearing short shorts to cover things she did not want other people to see, She was still showing off her legs, while everything else was covered up, Maybe that kind of stuff is what she viewed in some manner as mentioned for more private matters.

Merely observing how Alisa seemed to react, Fu-Mei almost seemed like more and more she was just a stuck up business woman. Since she considered this more at the time business openly seen that way might be a problem. Maybe she will adjust to things in the future but for now she was just this way. But there was an idea of better things in the future."If i showed up in an outfit like that I would expect to see camera's or some one to paint or draw me as a model."

But Miriko seemed to look over both of them while they continued to talk. She was some what still working on her current drawing, But she got off of where she was sitting and started walking over to Alistair. Then got on Alistair and thus started casually walking towards them. Miriko was still working. Part of Miriko's magic was the fact she could pay attention and work at the same time even if seemingly lost in thought.

Then merely looking at how Alisa was dressed it some what dawned on her it was normal."I guess maybe I might be the oddity of choice of attire and how i feel of them."She so far made no comment about how she felt towards her follow guild member so it could easily be assumed it was not too bad she just thought a lot of things as work and business and most likely did not consider how everyone could casually relax.

But it seemed Alisa and Mimi would be taking their new member on a guiding trip around the guild.


Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) Empty Tue Apr 16, 2024 3:15 pm



She did note how despite her words, Mei clearly wasn't shy about flaunting her elegant frame, she just had... A more modest way to go about it perhaps, though from where she stood, Helena might have seemed like a stark contrast, with Alisa herself somewhere inbetween. Granted, she was just as worthy of admiration, but the sculptress never really stared at her, but looked just long enough to express that she found her beautiful. Not that she looked like she needed to hear it, but that hardly mattered to the Guildmaster:

"In all fairness, doesn't look like Helena, or you for that matter, need to go that far to make painters and photographers happy~", she winked at her with a giggle, before raising a finger to her lips as she mused on the idea, she always seemed like she had other more pressing matters to worry about, but sometimes it can be quite relaxing to simply show off in an outfit hand picked to flaunt your good looks, "Still, I've always wondered on that. Perhaps I should ask Helena if she considered modelling work."

Ultimately, her gaze fell on Mimi who she wondered whether or not she'd like to join the two of them for a little tour of the Guild Hall. Alisa didn't plan on taking too much of her time, but she'd at least make sure Mei knew her way around the gardens, and also make sure she'd already gotten herself a room. Oh, and the swimming pool of course, but that wasn't quite as important, after all... It's pretty hard to miss it really?

"If you ask me, it's perfectly natural to dress casually when you're home? Looking your best while still staying cozy~", she smiled, running her hands down the sides of her body as Mei's gaze fell on her choice of outfit, smoothing out the kinks and creases in the fabric until it reached halfway down her shapely thighs once she finally stood up, hand coming to rest on that wide, full hip, "Then... Shall we get that little tour underway~?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) Empty Thu Apr 18, 2024 5:55 am

Miriko seemed fairly ready, you could tell because she pulled out an umbrella even if it's spring and most likely not sure it was raining to make sure she did not overheat or get too wet if it was raining. But alas she seemed prepared. Overall Miriko most likely seemed to just be happy to be around Alisa and her family. But that was subjects that in fact would be left away from most people.

Alas back to her and everyone else paying attention to the conversation at hand."Either of us might not."Keeping in mind Fu-Mei's personality was vastly different. She merely looked at Alisa's outfit for a moment."But I am reserved for only most fitting of suitors of seemingly depending on profits that most fitting of prices for clothing and bikini modelling."But now some what how Fu-Mei seemed to be was always just going to keep showing.

As she looked the outfit Alisa's had chosen seemingly in some manner the Sin goldsmith "fixed" The sleeve by pulling it gentle up to the shoulder matching perfectly in place where the other shoulder is."There now that is even and matching."It showed even more how picky she was and how things it seemed the new member was going to be very interesting to handle.

Miriko almost seemed to be confused at how this woman was over all, but it did take time to adjust to other people. After all Miriko has not met Helena as far as anyone else knew."Let us be off then." Miriko was following them for the tour, Seemingly having finished what she was drawing she was actually fully paying attention and seeing what would happen. It was a good change of pace feeling out how to piece together this new own's personality and ego.


Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) Empty Thu Apr 18, 2024 3:43 pm



"My, quite the flatterer you turned out to be, Fu Mei~...", Alisa teased, shooting her a little wink filled with flirtatiousness, cocking her full hip to the side to the side as her hand rested there, brushing her silky black hair behind her shoulder as she smiled at the woman, "Oh I'm sure any magazine would pay handsomely to have a few pictures of you on the cover? If you'd like I could even bring you alone on one of my next photoshoots~"

Fu-Mei wasn't the first person she'd made this offer to, she often did so whenever she met someone who she knew would feel comfortable in front of a camera with enough pride in their beauty to show it off. Granted, models were usually prideful, and few ever took that line of work as nonchalantly as Alisa herself did, using it simply as an opportunity to to show herself off in outfits she'd otherwise never even have a reason to wear:

"Oh~? I assure you, this is how it's supposed to be worn?", but in the end, nothing quite amused her as much as Mei's attempt to fuss over her clothes, peeling up the neckline of her sweater dress back over her shoulder for a measure of modesty that simply never came, as moments after the blonde let go of the fabric, the garment drifted right back down, exposing her eye catching cleavage one tantalizing inch at a time, at only the slightest motion, "See, I told you? Fufufu~... Unless you want to hold that all day, this is exactly how it's going to look."

With this, Alisa turned around and headed off... First destination... The residential annex. She didn't know if Fu Mei had taken care of living arrangements, but from the short time she'd known her, she expected her to be paying an exhorbitant amount for premier lodgings... Perhaps not knowing she could find them for free at the Guild, as a perk of her membership:

"Come with me then... Where are you staying, if you don't mind my asking?", she mused, hooking her finger at the two and gesturing for them to follow her.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) Empty Sat Apr 20, 2024 6:52 am

To Fu-Mei's credit, she might be serious and business but she had a good eye for a lot of things."I am sure Mimi would be a wonderful model too."She suggested merely because she seemed to have thought there was beauty there and that potential was being hidden away behind canvas and paper. Not realizing why Miriko did not do these things and just strictly did her work most likely over all as things continued on she would understand how Miriko would work.

Miriko seemed did her best not to be flustered but the suggestion, Thus showing some what there was grounds over all are being improved for the young artist. She just didn't speak out against it so there was still some progress that needed to be had. If one thing it over all was good there was always progress with other things. Alistair seemed to find it funny how this woman thought, knowing full well that she was still new to the guild.

But alas how she was. The new guild member was an oddity to Miriko but would still just observe it was not that she seemingly avoid conversation. It was merely it seemed she just did not want to say much. But if Alisa every over all continued to check on and look at Miriko seemed completely fine and content. Over all it seemed she was progressing well.  

As for the conversation at hand between the two. At least now that outfit she merely was going to continue on like it was nothing then."And here i wanted to ponder if it was stretched out or not."But alas she seem to admit the loss with trying to fix clothing at the time, At least with out saying it since it was not a problem.

Where she was staying might be a bit different then expected."Whatever is the cheapest place at this time. I check prices weekly."The business woman was finding the most cost effective place to stay during the time."Until i found some where more important to settle." She was good at saving when she could to think Fu-Mei was most likely sleeping in the most horribly of dirty places around here or what was cheap until joining the guild, Alisa could take with that information as she could.

Miriko however seemed shocked to hear her say that,almost like she expected this woman to be spending money just as much as she made it. But it seemed there was always more things to learn with in the world.


Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) Empty Sat Apr 20, 2024 8:45 am



"Mmmm, indeed she could~", Alisa flashed Mimi a smile, but she knew better than to say anything else more than offer her encouragement to her beautiful niece, while knowing fully well she was far from the type who'd enjoy showing off in front of a camera.

Perhaps she'd never be, and that was alright. Alisa knew Mimi would eventually find her own way of expressing her beauty, which would undoubtedly feel different from what Alisa or Fu Mei might have been used to:

"It's not a flaw, but a feature~?", she replied, her lips curling that bit wider as her hand rose over her mouth with a melodious, captivating giggle. Even then, Alisa herself still lifted that neckline just a few inches higher every now and then, more for modesty than any other reason really... But something about Mei's words made her brow arch, "Heavens... Cheapest? I'm... Surprised a woman like you who dresses to beautifully could neglect your living arrangements? I'd sure hope you're not sleeping in bunk beds."

Strange, after all, when she imagined those fine silks adorning her body must have been prohibitively expensive, and even Alisa herself only wore outfits like that for parties. The casual clothes she had on now wouldn't have cost nearly as much. Still, she shouldn't be surprised that a woman so preoccupied with gold would be mindful of money, but she defenitely didn't expect her to be that stingy

"Well, if that is the case... You're in luck~? I'm sure you'll find Blue Pegasus's living quarters far more welcoming than that 'cheapest option' you mentioned~", Alisa teased, raising one hand and doing air quotes with a knowing smile on her face, guiding the women through the gardens until a large residential building came into view


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) Empty Sun Apr 21, 2024 11:40 am

I seemed over all that was all that would be mentioned of it. Almost like in some manner unless Miriko spoke out about it. It would not be brought up anymore. Over all a good and peaceful way for people to know what boundaries where. But alas it seemed over all nothing else was going to be mentioned too much in depth about it.

but alas some of how the new members habits we're revealed."A feature is it? I suppose if beauty and status is how i was sold on the guild it does work."And in some manner that was fairly funny to Miriko at least as she was trying not to laugh, seemingly she was merely letting the two play off one another."I suppose we must catch eyes some how then."It seemed she just merely dealt with it. A wonderful note in the future of the new member that she seemed to be some what of a control freak.

Not that she seemed to try to over step boundaries. But she would explain why she was this way."I am picky with my spending, Save money where I can and expand for later."Yes very new member one who's beauty was starting to equal others and most likely leaving various men and women's jaw on the floor was leaving in the cheapest people as possible."I can improve upon it later."It seemed there was more things to most likely surprise both Alisa and Miriko.

Fu-Mei was very stingy with her money spending unless needed."I sold everything before coming here, I sold a few things, found a cheap bed, a bag of rice and a supply of jasmine tea."Which in some manner seemed to shock Miriko almost like this entire matter was not going as she expected.

Fu-Mei seemingly just left Sin behind, Sold everything but some clothing, Made a few quick sales and seemed to have started to pick up the pieces. She had a business plan and it was odd. But Miriko even after a long time of not saying anything seemed to speak up."W--wait you just randomly chose to do this?"Miriko was unsure if she wanted the new member's answer. Merely she looked back at Miriko and nodded like she was right.

Fu-Mei was chasing a life of status, wealth and reputation this was her start."I merely needed to confirm there was a place to sleep here. It won't take long for me to settle in."Considering she did not have much it was most likely going to be interested what happen in the future.


Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) Empty Mon Apr 22, 2024 8:53 am



"Indeed we should~... Beauty exists to be admired, don't you think~?", Alisa replied, speaking naturally without even a sliver of hesitation, after all, these were words she lived by at every moment of her life. However, Fu Mei's posture on her living arrangements defenitely appalled her... Alisa's brow furrowed, a disapproving shake her head at the thought of such a bewitching beauty treating herself so dismissively, "You know, you really shouldn't neglect some self pampering every now and then?"

Sure, she could understand being careful with one's spending... But the way Alisa saw it, money should be spent first on one's needs and comforts, and those of one's relatives for those who had them. After all, after toiling tirelessly for hours crafting these marvels for herself and other people to wear, surely the woman deserved to treat herself to some luxury:

"My~... The barest essentials then? Heavens, didn't think you'd go that far. Sounds like you must have been in quite the hurry to leave?", Alisa's brow arched, sensing there was a story behind that, but for the time being letting the matter rest and instead simply guiding the two women into the residential building, "Fufu~... Sounds like our new Guildmate is quite the gambler, huh Mimi~?"

Walking up to a closet just by the entrance and opening it, revealing an assortment of keys dangling under a label with the corresponding room. Alisa leaned over it slightly, finally reaching over one of the top rows, brushing her fingers over her keys, the hem of her sweater dress climbing just an inch higher along those luscious legs as she looked back over her shoulder:

"Hmmm, would you like a view for the swimming pool, or perhaps the rest of Hargeon?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) Empty Mon Apr 22, 2024 11:45 am

More of this new member's ego would just merely sprout, after all in some manner there was always things to expect form others in this ladies case. Even if there was good thing about this woman there was still the lingering part of her own behaviour that was there to start with."And here I figured any brave man or woman wanting to win me over would attempt to pamper me and that it was merely a matter of time."almost like she figured it was a smart thing to say she winked at Alisa almost like she knew what exactly that could have suggested. Other people should spoil her as she expected to be spoiled.

Even if Alisa saw what kind of woman was hidden under all of them there was still in some manner that she seemingly expected other to treat her merely like a princess. But given her behaviour she was not as young and needy as a princess she expected to be treated almost akin to a queen."Surely....some one is brave and fitting enough out there?"Miriko almost seemed unsure how to think of this woman now, in some manner almost like she was mad or just too stuck in a manner that might make her seem like she was too much to be around.

But thus everything kind of showed the piece they needed to be. Fu-Mei was chasing a dream and had a means to achieve it, taking the idea and finding a way to try and make it work."I will achieve my plan, Nothing will stop me from what I want."And to think she just wanted to be a high class and well known jewel maker and make money for it blessing to be had that she was never anyone evil to start with, At least a picky heart breaker who comes off rude at times.

It seemed most likely her choices where were simple."Hargon, I would rather see the land personally."Almost like in some manner one could assume she could expect some one trying to get her attention from being closer to the land, lest some one check the eye of people trying to enter the pool.


Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) Empty Mon Apr 22, 2024 12:26 pm



"Fufu, treat yourself how you'd like others to treat you, is what I'd advise~", she chimed, returning the flirtatious wink as her lips curled into an alluring smile, holding the woman's gaze as she responded without even a moment's pause... Far from intimidated by her words, quite the opposite, Alisa was surprised at how they resonated with her... Alisa Vollan was a giving lover who wanted nothing more than to spoil her partner in however way she could, "But for a stunning vision such as yourself. I've no doubt someone will jump at the chance to pamper you sooner than you think~?"

However innocent her flirtation, Alisa wouldn't really pursue anything beyond them after all, she was a married woman... And despite her polyamorous nature, she doubted most people would want that in a partner, and more importantly... A mere few weeks ago she'd just found the affection of that very same beauty Fu Mei met earlier, and so long as Helena remained in Hargeon she knew she and Sofia would have their hands full with her. Wouldn't be fair to turn to someone else when she couldn't give them their undivided attention:

"And with that determination, I've no doubt you will succeed~... Why, a matter of time really~", Alisa encouraged, nodding in approval as she picked out a key according to what Fu Mei chose, before turning around and once again adjusting the neckline of her sweater before placing the key in the blonde's hand, before turning around and motioning for her and Mimi to follow, "Come on then~... I'll show you to your room? I'm sure you'll prefer that to wherever it is you're staying in now~"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) Empty Tue Apr 23, 2024 2:37 pm

Even if that was a common saying, It seem it would alas not change her at all she was far more interested in other things at the time mostly what was in front of her."I think...I have already been showing that haven't I?"She most likely had that lesson and was not going to change. Then again the world did work in odd ways some one could find the hidden treasure that was how this lady acted behind the scenes so to say.

However still one must deal with how she was now."Everything is in place how I thought it would it, There is no way i can fail."Anyone smart enough to know the life of a mage knew there was a lot of things that could not be guessed even if she was mostly just there to work and make things. But also it was because this woman merely just said it how she thought it was going to be, she wouldn't fail.

But she would answer about the room."I should see it now, So i can plan to have to have it arranged how I need."It was pretty quick to come to that idea all and all. Some one knew they would have to do some planning in the future.


Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) Empty Tue Apr 23, 2024 3:46 pm



"Mmmm, I suppose you have~? I guess now it's my turn to give you a hand.", Alisa chuckled as she nodded towards the key in her hands as she handed it over to her new guildmate, brushing her hand gently over Fu Mei's as if driving that point home... Returning every ounce of flirtation from the bewitching blonde in front of her, before finally guiding her up the nearest flight of stairs, her hands running along the handrail as she climbed up the stairs one step at a time, "Indeed~... And I can't wait to see what you'll do once you reach the pinnacle~?"

Alisa met confident new members every day, but she rarely met someone who not only had the ambition, but had clearly thought things through... And more importantly, she carved out a niche for herself in a Guild that yet lacked anyone quite lack her, letting her grow and make her name for herself without having to stand under another's shadow... Alisa chewed her bottom lip, already imagining she'd enjoy spending time with this woman. It sounded like they could discuss the nature of art at length together, and their own ideals of beauty... For an artist like Alisa, the prospect was irresistible. But first, she had to make sure she was properly settled in:

"Well, here we are... Would you like to do the honours?", Alisa nodded as she reached the door, stepping aside as she made way for Fu Mei to open the door herself. Inside she'd find a spacious, tastefully decorated room, with pure white walls and a large bed fit for an Empress, adorned with matching silk drapes... A bathroom lined with marble and an equally large bathtub, and a dresser with a few ssimple, but fine quality clothes of various sizes... And once past the windows, she'd find a large, expansive balcony overlooking the city of Hargeon, with a cool, salty sea breeze blowing all the way from the ocean.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) Empty Wed Apr 24, 2024 4:23 am

In some manner with how everyone was new and unexpected when she was given the key. She took them "Good, give me...2 to 3 minutes."With that the new Blue Pegasus member took the key that offered to her, walked into the room alone and closed the door. She didn't lock it but she seemed to have been looking over it all in her own way and planning. It seemed to be over all her way of thinking and planning was seeing everything with the room being completely her and that was it.

It was awkward but there Miriko was, watching with Alistair looking almost a bit confused about how this turned out. Miriko then speaking for once in which was a bit of a rarity at the time."Well...she's interesting."Miriko did not expect this woman to just close the door and that was it."I am sure she will fit right in."Miriko even got off of Alistair for a moment and stretched out. Using it as a chance to close that umbrella since they where staying inside.

But Miriko even seemed to wonder a few things to herself."Part of me thinks...her high standards make me think she won't like her picture for some reason..."Miriko did not know the kind of woman Fu-Mei was hiding away so this worry was quite valid in her eyes. With that admission Alistair was laughing about it, because while Miriko had not been in the room. He was and he heard Alisa and the new guild member talking. But he was not telling her anything at this time.

But Miriko would also add something else in."I do see with her behaviour...she might get in trouble in the future."It was some what an actual worry. But she was most likely not sure if she was right or not but it was just a Miriko feeling. It was a chance talk with Miriko. they while they had a moment she was adjusting to this new woman and was most likely unsure about talking around them yet.

By the time they where done their conversation,Fu-Mei opened the door as gracefully as anyone trying to be the highlight of the room was."Well, That will be a different room with what I want."It seemed she had been planning the entire future changes.


Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) Empty Wed Apr 24, 2024 8:59 am



"By all means, go right ahead... I'll wait here~", Alisa nodded, motioning towards the door, turning her attention to Mimi as the two of them simply waited for Fu Mei to get settled in her new room, "Fufu~... She has the attitude for it does she not~? Many people reach that confidence throughout their time in the guild, very few already boast it when they arrive."

Alisa was one such people, while she had confidence in troves when she joined the Guild, she wasn't concerned with beauty in any way shape or form. She took pride in her power and her martial arts, but after a long time of being admired, she grew a newfound appreciation for her own reflection that she'd simply never stopped to notice:

"Oh, nonsense... Mimi, you're every bit the artist she is? Probably greater still~?", Alisa shook her head and rested her hand on Mimi's arm with a warm, reassuring smile. Others, like Mimi, still had a long way to go before she could see in herself that which others had grown used to admiring, "And that... I don't believe there's any escaping it? When you stand as proud as she does, you're bound to find conflicts with others trying to outdo you~"

Alisa did share some of Mimi's worry... But at the same time, she believed she found a measure of common ground with Fu Mei, and imagined there was more to that pride and ego than simple bluster. The woman had made some plans for the path she wanted to take in Fiore. Though Alisa folded her arms under her bust, a smidge of worry drawing on her face, when Fu Mei opened the door she simply smiled:

"Well, so long as you don't bring down any walls, you're quite welcome to redecorate however you please?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) Empty Thu Apr 25, 2024 6:15 am

Maybe it was just Miriko's worry about it over all but most likely something the painter would have to keep in mind for the future. After all everyone did help each other in some manner so this might be something that Miriko could just think risk happening and could be shown eventually."I am merely slightly worried, If she is working with the public that her attitude might cause an unwanted scene."Miriko remarked most likely not trying not to hopefully seem rude about how she felt about situation over all."I am unsure how she will be taken....Some one will argue with her."Then again she had the front but what would this woman do to handle people getting overly upset.

But given everyone learns from one another maybe Miriko was merely observing so many things."Greater? I can't mould or shape like either of you..."Miriko said almost like she didn't get the point. Miriko was focusing on what she could not do rather then realizing her skills far more outclassed most people."I could barely complete a decent looking sculpture for Judith..."But maybe one day she will learn, But for the moment it was still just in Miriko's nature.

With that question it was answered fairly quickly."No...but expect a painting crew to come in and turn the room a different colour and a lot of costly furniture to be made and brought in based off my old bedroom from Sin."All she did was leave it at that, most likely exact dates were not known.

Then she looked at them both almost like she was unsure what could have been going on but it did not bother her all that much at this time."Unless our guild is known for breaking walls? I can do that easily."Fu-Mei then made the most typical noblewoman laugh possible at this time. She was not going to break down a wall but it seemed to be the humor of it for now.

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