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Wings of a Raven [Lumikki]

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Wings of a Raven [Lumikki] Empty Tue May 28, 2024 12:52 pm

Elijah found himself at the entrance of this continent's guild, Paradise Dawn. The building looked truly majestic, he recognized the Desiertian patterns of architecture and admired all it had to offer, at least to the general public. His artistic nature quickly took over as he looked at every column, every wall, every arch. He had already gone back and forth the same rooms three maybe four times. "Such talent, such beauty!" he exclaimed as his eye caught a painting on display. A murder of crows, he thought, no ravens.

Ah yes he had heard talk of one Raven Queen, apparently a member of the guild but the title of Queen fits someone more than, well a member. Maybe she is the leader, he thought. After all no one really knows what is going on inside these guilds, members take on dangerous quests and sometimes accidents happen or maybe it was an emotional reason that led to leadership changes. Elijah had no clue and in all honesty it didn't matter to him he was here mostly for sightseeing and to witness the architecture in all its glory now that the weather allowed for it.

He noticed some of the other people there staring at him awkwardly, maybe his little artistic fit/excitement wasn't very proper of the place. He smiled at them and waved shyly as they returned back to their business. He didn't notice any tattoos on the people in that hall, they probably were just working in the guild or had some requests to post.

He thought of the guild's name and how beautiful it sounded, he heard that the guild didn't really align itself with light or dark, that was to his liking. Maybe he'd consider joining but alas his adventure had just began and he wasn't ready to anchor down to the very first guild he came across. He then turned his attention to the scenery outside, it was already evening and the sun was setting behind the mountains, a breathtaking spectacle for sure. Elijah was captivated.


Wings of a Raven [Lumikki] Empty Tue May 28, 2024 10:47 pm


Lumikki was walking around the grounds of her guild hall, making the proper rounds needed to oversee the departments and make sure they were to her liking. As she strutted every which way to get her errands done, she'd maintain a human form to keep all she spoke to at ease. It was a casual thing before to appear in truer form but as she now sat within a higher power, the Demoness wanted to appear approachable and a lot less intimidating.

So for the moment, the Guild Master wore a long black dress from dark frost that caught the light and shimmered as she moved. Her periwinkle hair was tied into a neat crown braid and her mismatched sapphire and citrine darted around to all that could need to approach her. That was when she noticed a handsome man observing the buildings with veneration, his outburst now affording him a lot of attention from the crowd but Lumikki would giggle at his gesture to see them all off.

As he turned to admire the sky next, Lumikki approached with a smile on her face." Passion is a captivating feeling, and ye bring it out of the crowd. Though could I inquire what's got you gazing with so much love and admiration? Personally, I get bored of how I see the world sometimes so I feel like asking such things helps me maintain perspective. Would I get to see it for the beauty ye do, I really do wonder."

Wings of a Raven [Lumikki] Nerili11

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Wings of a Raven [Lumikki] Empty Wed May 29, 2024 2:19 am

Elijah heard a person approach as his gaze was still fixated on the evening sky. The steps were slow until the person came to a halt near him, he would listen to what they have to say before taking his turn to speak. With eyes still on the horizon he spoke in a soft tone "Ah, our experiences or lack thereof makes us appreciate the little things in life, mmm? A sun hiding behind the mountains, such vibrant colors it produces~" his eyes widened, his expression became that of a kid in awe, during the last moments before the sun fully submerged behind the rocky formations and turned to face the voice. "In the desert the heat gets you first before you can enjoy the sunset!" he said in a slightly comical tone to shift the mood from a serious to a lighter one as he offered the woman a smile.

He then looked at her top to bottom before continuing "But then again, roses like you are so beautiful to find in the desert~" he said but then looked deeper into the woman's beauty. Her dress, her elegance, her periwinkle hair "Ah maybe an Amaryllis instead, a flower that thrives in cold, as beautiful as an ice queen" he said with a chuckle. He might not know exactly who she was but based on how she carried herself in this place and the air around her his intuition told him that she was probably the person in charge. Without missing a beat he introduced himself waiting for her to do the same while offering his hand with an open palm.


Wings of a Raven [Lumikki] Empty Wed May 29, 2024 5:14 am


Lumikki chuckled at his acute observation.” I do miss the time when me reputation didn’t proceed me but it’s amusing all the same.” Lumikki would take his greeting reaching out with a hand of her own. Her grip, albeit soft, was still firm in his. “ Lumikki of Paradise Dawn. Ye’ve been a charm to meet thus far and even how ye speak is indicative of yer fascinating character. Though perhaps I deem it such because I spend too much time with mercenaries.”

Lumikki giggled at her slight jest, it was no surprise that she was the head of a rowdy bunch but at least they had the tendency for a decent amount of good. ” I’ve only the slightest run-in with deserts but I could agree the heat within them are atrocious. The chill in the night on the other hand is a delight like no other.”

Lumikki could notice the hints of grace from him without leaning to far into her “World’s eye” and despite her demonic nature the company of Yuurei helped Lumikki develop and aversion to any discomfort from his presence. Her animosity lay elsewhere.

Wings of a Raven [Lumikki] Nerili11

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Wings of a Raven [Lumikki] Empty Wed May 29, 2024 10:04 am

With Lumi's hand in his, he slowly turned the handshake into a hand kiss, fitting for such an occasion, he then let it go with the same manner as he took. "A reputation well deserved by the looks of it." he said in a graceful tone and a kind smile. It appeared the rumors were true and he happened upon the lady in charge, but where rumors spoke of a queen surrounded in mystery, ravens and cold he saw a graceful woman.

Ah mercenaries, such good memories did Elijah have, not on the battlefield of course, almost never on the battlefield "Oh, but mercenaries are such fun, they DO know how to wield a sword~" he spoke in a soft suggestive manner before letting out a chuckle and admitting to his joke, partially. He thought Lumi would appreciate the humor even though they had just met, she looked like she could handle a jest or two.

Mentioning the chilly nights in the desert brought back memories of stargazing. Elijah would sit atop the roof of his home together with his mother as she would teach him all about the stars under the Desiertian sky. A tear formed on his eye but he quickly swept it away, "Should you find yourself in Desierto remember to look towards the starry sky, it's a view like no other." he said in a melancholic, longing almost tone. He hadn't been away from home for long but the situation he left in wasn't exactly ideal.

Their little chat seemed to be going great until a ringing in Elijah's ears went off almost making him faint, but he had to keep appearances so he closed his eyes and tried to concentrate and make it stop "Stop wasting your time with the demon-spawn." he could hear the voices of the Seraphim speaking in Lucian in unison, stoic and firm piercing right through his head. "I dictate who I spend time with." he responded to them via telepathy although he felt his voice drown inside the increasing ringing, a form of punishment no doubt but he'd endure until "Very well." the voices replied and then silence. The ringing stopped and it was like he never felt any pain from it. Remembering that Lumi is still standing in front of him he tried to play the whole thing off like it was a migraine. "You'll have to excuse me for this, I get them every now and again." he said with a little smile.


Wings of a Raven [Lumikki] Empty Thu May 30, 2024 8:47 pm


The turning of her hand and the kiss caught her by surprise, it was a gesture that she didn’t receive often but its execution somewhat dazzled her. There were many customs around the world she had yet to discover and the display of his greeting reminded her that there were so many things still to learn.

As Elijah had assumed, Lumikki would chuckle to his jest. Sometimes it was just refreshing to be in the company of someone willing to entertain word play. As a mischievous being herself, she enjoyed weaving deeper meanings to her words and phrases but with a lot of her company here, sadly it would go over many of their heads. She rejoiced in the few that could entertain her, teasing them more tenderly than those who could not. ” Ah, so yer familiar with Desierto? I have yet to explore much meself but I’ll keep yer suggestion in mind. Starring at the stars and marking their placement is a joy of mind and a skill that proves handy at times when yer lost. But I would gather, being under the sky in different places could add more perspective to the celestial bodies up above. I’ll be sure to mark it as a task I’d entertain soon.” And the advice would bring forth her joy which was apparent on her face.

Though this merriment would quickly be cut short in the moment of his pained reaction, helpless to his struggle, Lumikki waited patiently until what she thought was a headache had passed. Trying to cool the air as if to alleviate the pain, though she knew it hardly useful it was a gesture sprung from apprehension. When it finally passed, she left him have a moment to catch his breath. Thought she’d lean in slightly to inspect his condition.

” Would ye like to join me for some tea and refreshments? Perhaps it’s lack of hydration, or maybe all this light. Either way I was mostly done with me tasks and errands, if ye have time to spare I could extend me company. Maybe show ye around a bit more since ye did admire the building? Things become even more pleasing once we begin crossing the bridge.” Lumikki gestured at the entrance that led to the bridge mentioned, and took a few steps in while looking back for him to follow.

One of her personal servants could be found just past the entry, and as the pair progress, she’d call for his assistance. The man in question had mid length golden hair that was tied back in a braid but some of his locks would still hang in front of his face. He wore fine Icebergian dress which consisted of cream colored linens and a deep violet sash. Some black feathers would adorn his shirt like a brooch, while the fabric also contained simple traditional patterns.” Torgny dear, could ye fix us up some lavender tea and refreshments? I’ll be up in the room I entertain guests.” He’d entertain her task with a small bow before walking off to prepare her order, and as he went off, so would they.

As Lumikki took him to cross the bridge she’d point out the buildings of note or their uses. But she mostly let him observe them for himself as he’d appreciate the more than she could assist.” I almost forgot to get yer name lad. Ya know more of me than I could ye.” This was not entirely true, as her World’s eyes would tell her what she needed to know including name. But denying the pleasure of a natural exchange didn’t warrant the convenience of her power and the man with her was far more charming not to converse along with.

Wings of a Raven [Lumikki] Nerili11

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Wings of a Raven [Lumikki] Empty Fri May 31, 2024 9:10 am

"A tour of the place sounds marvelous and with such regal company beside me I'm certain it will be a delight~" Elijah agreed readily. This tour of the entire building was a unique chance allowing him to go further than non-guild members could, a chance to admire the artistry of the builders and with the prospect of even more beautiful architecture as told by Lumikki. This had been the first time he entered a mage guild and already was appreciated enough by the leader to be shown around, Desierto or Bellum weren't really known for housing any particularly famous mage guilds if any at all, they mostly had their schools and colleges of magic but that was about it. The nephilim was brimming with excitement and his eyes couldn't lie, already wide open to take in the sights.

"And tea sounds splendid, maybe we could also raid the kitchen for some dessert to go with it~" he said and chuckled, not being serious about raiding the kitchen but after that painful experience a little sugar rush could do wonders for him. He followed the woman dutifully only stopping for her to address what seemed to be one of her servants and giving her order of tea and refreshments. For a servant he looked rather dashing in his outfit, Elijah simply had to ask for him to indulge in his passion for fashion and style for just a moment so as the man bowed and turned to leave the nephilim stopped him "Sorry to be a bother but you look stunning and I would love to check the little details and patterns in your clothes, first time seeing Icebergian style in person~" he said in a soft, slightly excited voice. Elijah was familiar with clothing style and fashion from across the world but having only been in two countries-only thanks to his heritage- he wouldn't want to miss an opportunity to see it for himself. He looked at the embroidery, the colors, the sewing and the touch of the raven feathers "Oh the raven theme in this place is to die for!" he turned excitedly to Lumikki hoping they could touch more on that subject later and finally allowing the attendant to do his job.

The bridge looked breathtaking, literally, as they were so high up if Elijah had a fear of heights he would be in panic mode right now but also so beautiful. He trailed the pattern along the railing with his fingers, through his leather gloves, so he wasn't in danger of a frostbite. "Oh, snow~" he exclaimed cutely as the snow had piled up on his hand from being pushed by his fingers, making a comical gesture to get rid of it. He turned his gaze towards the buildings as the woman explained each of their use before asking her to take him to the laboratories as it presented a unique chance for him to look at how the guild operated in such matters, or even a library if the guild possessed one anything that would tick his nerd box. Before that however, an inquiry about his name was made "Ah, my apologies, I was taken aback by this entire place and some of its residents." he said with a smile properly introducing himself with a little theatrical bow "Pleasure to make your acquaintance~".


Wings of a Raven [Lumikki] Empty Sat Jun 01, 2024 1:59 am


Torgny, after his curt bow, was quick to turn and start walking, but the interruption from their guest was enough to stop him. "Of course, these were given to me by my Lady." He'd step back over and allow the guest to observe his dress for the length that desire before setting back out to complete his task.

"If ye take a liking to fashion as well, we could chat over it. Me mother is a talented seamstress and I often have fabric sent to her for work. So she'd kind to send me some things as well, including things for me personal servants to wear. It brings me pride having a little more of Iceberg around." Lumikki smiled warmer than she'd like upon his mention of the raven aesthetic, finding joy from his interest. "Quite the eye for detail per usual, but yes. I thought it fitting to add something small to tie them to me. Figured it would prove a pleasant touch, but yer the first to point it out."

So used to the snow, it was like a second skin. Simply a part of her, like one often overlooking the shapes of clouds in the sky. So when he pointed it out, even making a little deal of it, it was like bringing it back to the light for the Frost Demoness. Lumikki often forgot that not all places enjoyed this simple pleasure. " Isn't it serene? I could never be more at peace than in the snow."

His theatrical bow, very suiting to his dashing character, only helped to pile the charm. Lumikki chuckled at his enthusiasm before trying to address the new interests. "The library is one of me favorite places, we could spend a bit of time there before they finish with the refreshments if ye'd like." Though as she made the offer, Lumikki already began to make her way there. The library was hardly that much of a walkaway.

The building they entered was fairly peculiar. Many structures seemed clustered together, and the pair walked until they reached the building far to the east. Each structure they came across had carefully built curved shelves hugging the walls. But Lumikki allowed him to take in the sight and look around for himself.

Wings of a Raven [Lumikki] Nerili11

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Wings of a Raven [Lumikki] Empty Sun Jun 02, 2024 6:07 pm

Elijah was still processing Lumikki's comments about the whole fabric exchange with her mother, maybe he could benefit from a similar situation after all he had been thinking for a while the prospect of him entering the fashion world. He had read books and magazines and his design skills were quite advanced but he needed someone to show him how to actually bring them to life if he was going to invest in this. He was still flirting with the idea of a proposal, something he would announce over tea but for now it was still taking shape.

"The library sounds like a wonderful destination!" he said in an excited tone. Art might be his biggest love but within books he could also find and unravel myths and legends and perhaps link them to religions around the world. Theology was a big passion of his especially since he had been turned into a nephilim and got to exist in what appeared to be Lucent even for a few moments. This talk however had to wait as they were passing by the common room designed for the guild members and graceful as his hostess was she allowed him access.

Elijah felt like a kid in a playground, he entered the room full of curiosity and joy "Oooh!", "Aaah!" and "How Interesting!" would echo throughout the place as he didn't leave a single leaf or rock unturned checking for every bit of detail, whether it was Icebergian or just from the north part of Fiore, or anywhere else in the known world really, as long as it had been in a book the arts nerd in him would recognize the origin. "Oh how positively magnificent!" he finally exclaimed as he beckoned cartoonishly to Lumikki to approach and look at what caught his attention. "This pattern here on the head of the sofa. Many think it's of Caelish design but the truth is," he stopped while pointing at a small detail of tiny flower shapes "this design originates from Bellum and the Caelish altered it by adding those shapes at the end." he finished his sentence while pointing at some other beautiful shapes at the two ends of the sofa's upper part. After he finished admiring the furniture in the room he asked Lumi to show him the other buildings, he was positively thrilled with the gold mine of culture he had found in this place and didn't hesitate to let the owner know.


Wings of a Raven [Lumikki] Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 7:45 am


Lumikki observed his reaction, his enthusiasm for the decor and details was fascinating but his passion was contagious and uplifting. Prompting Lumikki to let him enjoy as much as he could while within the halls. The Demoness wasn’t surprised he didn’t thumb through an of the books, but his comment on the fine details of the couch had. She’d lean in to study the point he made. Tracing the flourish of flowers with her gaze.

”Quite the eye ye have lad. Admittedly I still have a ways to go when learning the culture to other countries, and even the ones I’m investigating now feel as though it’s on a shallow level. I’ll keep the point ye made in mind as I’m curious to read more about both Bellum and Caelish now. Hmmm however, tell me friend, how do ye come across such information like this? And on that note, what more do ye happen to know?”

Lumikki continued to the deepest part of the building where the library resided. Various art pieces of ancient figures hung on the wall. There were a plethora of sections, genres, and book styles to read from. A number of the newer ones coming from contributions and investments on the Demoness’ part.

The lamps that hung about or sat on the many tables, all had a green glass to them and gold detail. Tapestries I line with Deiserto and Bellum workmanship would be sprawled on varying walls and the furniture was most worn in comfortably.

Wings of a Raven [Lumikki] Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Wings of a Raven [Lumikki] Empty Mon Jun 10, 2024 12:49 pm

Elijah felt delighted having a partner that listened to him and admired the knowledge he could offer, even going as far as making inquires. The truth was that while he had great artistical talent and made a comfortable living out of selling his paintings, he never had many chances for discussions other than painting when it came to art, it always felt like a sting when he had spent countless hours studying everything he could find on all seven of the major art forms, literature being the one he was possibly the worst at as he was mostly interesting in reading and not the analyzing part, too boring, felt somewhat not creative either.

"Sadly that's mostly information that comes from university and books and not so much personal experience, although that would be quite a grand undertaking I'd like to roam the world and look for all the hidden gems of art. Then again fearing the dark depths of the sea really makes a man want to stay on land." he chuckled and then made a theatrically pained grimace at the thought. That had been his dream for a long time but with aircrafts not that common at least where he was from and ships being the usual means of transport meant that his fear had a debilitating grasp on him, making it unable for his dream to be fulfilled.

"As for how little you know and what else I know, I think it's best we explore that over time~" he said with a soft smile as he turned to look at Lumikki "After all I've taken quite a liking to your company and would like to save some discoveries for another time!" he chuckled as he continued walking, entering the library at his hostess's permission. The spectacle almost brought him to tears, paintings, sculptures, tapestries and books that filled the place to the brim. "Oh, I've died and gone to heaven!" he said with glee, although he had literally done that already, this time it felt like a much more positive experience than being enlisted by angelic beings. "I could just live in here for days, I simply must come another day to behold this spectacle again and all it has to offer" of course he knew one extra day wouldn't be enough but he looked at her expectantly as if a simple "Yes" would change his whole world and maybe she could pick up on his enthusiasm and grant him more than just one more day.


Wings of a Raven [Lumikki] Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 3:21 pm


”Can’t blame ye for the fear of the sea lad, she’s devastating in her power and vastness. Closest thing to the Abyss this realm has. Honesty, when I find meself standing beside her, I can’t help but stare and realized the sheer difference between her and I. How endless I perceive her to be. But ye know, ya could consider the air if the sea feels to trying. I’ve even know something called trains, though yet to try them just yet.” She’d take a moment to pounder if there were things he that he could possibly enjoy reading, but the conversation would go on as she sorted her thoughts.

”Oh yer right, we have nothing but time….Ye think I wouldn’t be one to rush but I’ve always been ravenous.” The pair would finally enter and Lumikki took the moment to observe her friend. His joy clear on his face as he took in the sights and she couldn’t blame him, she’s been comfortably tucked within this library the moment she got here. The comment of heaven made her chuckle, but his desire to return made her even more content. ”If ye like, I could easily arrange for ya to stay. There are still rooms that are vacant, if ye don’t mind them, and ye could stay for how long ye like. I could even arrange for ye to follow along a member to their work to ease ye to travels when ya finally follow that dream of yers. Though it’s as ye said, no rush lad.”

If Lumikki enjoyed anything, it was being amused and his reactions were like dazzling stars in the sea of darkness she’d gotten used to swimming thought. Earnest, excitement, and passion were the more riveting traits one could offer. Oddly addictive in nature and one vice she would fan the flames for.

”What is it ye like to read most? For me, it would have to be lore and myth. I tend to adore learning about the countries and their stories. Something about them is simply so nostalgic.”

Wings of a Raven [Lumikki] Nerili11

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Wings of a Raven [Lumikki] Empty Sat Jun 15, 2024 11:39 am

Having a room in the guild itself and being able to stay for a while was a prospect that hadn't crossed his mind until his hostess most graciously offered that solution. He could have as much time as he wanted to study the place, the architecture, the paintings, the whole library itself with no rush, no person being above his head telling him to go away in the night hours. "Ahh, such bliss, such benevolence~" he said in a theatrical manner as a tear formed on his right eye and dropped down right on cue, turning to face the woman he continued "You are a most gracious hostess miss Lumikki and I humbly accept the offer. I'll stay for a short while and peruse this place... and hopefully a handsome thing or two." he said with that last line theatrically lower in volume as to not openly be heard but at the same time absolutely able to be heard by those near him.

The possibility of being eased to travels over time by shadowing a member of the guild didn't seem like a bad idea to him, if anything it sounded very logical, but he needed to have more information about this, what it would entail and the timetable that it would take place in as he still wanted to have a chance to look at the rest of Fiore before going for travels in other places, then again if he just made this country his base of operations then he could just come and go as he pleased. His stomach growled, elegantly of course, "Looks like we'll have to discuss about this while taking that tea and treats after all, hunger does not agree with me." he said and laughed assuring Lumi that he would be back in the library for a more extensive search. "As for my reading habits, I tend to study theology -angelology and demonology included- when it's not art, and you would be amazed at how closely intertwined myths and the divine are for a given country." he said as he got lost in thought for a mere second before coming back to the conversation with his partner. "Tell me one of the stories you like -myth, legend or simply history- about a place you like." he then said completely fixated on the woman, with curiosity and interest peaking in his expression.


Wings of a Raven [Lumikki] Empty Sun Jun 23, 2024 1:57 am


Lumikki giggled at the sound of his stomach, that paired with his enthusiasm made his seem quite endearing. And so she began to lead him to their next destination, the one she first had planned. ”It’s always curious to hear when another studies such subjects. If ye don’t mind, I’d love to hear things of note, or what ye found interesting about Angels and Demons alike.” The pair were just out of the library now and were passing through the common space. By the time they reached the final door to leave, Elijah hit her with a curious question as well.

It took her sometime before she could settle on just what, there were many stories that cycled through her thoughts. Many places she could also mention, but she figured it was best to think about something that reminded her about home.

”Down, deep within the depths of a mountain of Fjallgard, lived a large clan of Dwarves broken into seven major families. Long were the days that they knew the molten depths, but they were pleased with their home over ground. Things were still amicable then, all seven families were content with their lives and home. That was until a large hulking dragon found its way through their tunnels with hopes to siege treasure of its own. The Dwarves taken back, would challenge the creature. Keen to meet the beast head on as they had family gems to maintain. But the dragon would also put up a fierce fight, and it would bring them both at a stand still. As a last resort, and a keen strategy, the Dwarves muster their numbers and grit to push the dragon back into a room, it was within said place that the creature would inevitably meet its end. To those that lived the ordeal, the place was simply called the dragon room, a marker for their victory. But more often remarked was the pride they gained from banning together to meet and strike down a threat to their home. It was a story of strength, and they held on to such a thing for a long time.”

Wings of a Raven [Lumikki] Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Wings of a Raven [Lumikki] Empty Thu Jun 27, 2024 6:11 am

It was refreshing for someone to take interest in his studies, most people would either be too superstitious and afraid of it or would outright brand him as a lunatic and wasting his time, especially on the part of studying about demons. "I mostly study their appearance and involvement in religions, a lot of common ground can be found where they appear similar but always have various differences. My goal is to one day discover the absolute truth, whether they are all different beings for each religion or if they are one and the same seen from a different light based on people's religions." he said in a somewhat serious tone, his study involved much more than just that of course but he deemed it to be too big of a topic to be discussed in a first introduction.

He then listened closely to Lumi's story, his eyes brightening up when the dragon and the valiant efforts to fight it off were mentioned. He had never seen a dragon before with his own eyes and it would definitely be added in his to-do or rather to-see list. With Lumikki finishing her story he realized his mouth had stayed open for a little while marking his awe of the brave Dwarves. "What about the clans now? The way the story was told seemed like the coming together was a thing of the past. I am sadly not versed in the history of the Dwarves so perhaps you could enlighten me a bit." he said as he opened the door for both of them letting her pass first with a gentle hand gesture.


Wings of a Raven [Lumikki] Empty Tue Jul 16, 2024 1:57 pm


"Is that so?" Lumikki tilted her head with curiosity and intrigue. It was odd to hear about someone so interested in her kind and what more, in a more superficial way. One rarely cares all that much about the Abyssal beings unless they mean to slay them or get involved with one. She honestly figured that she would be the only one to consider the possibility of just that same. Were Demons regarded as different things to different peoples, or were they all her kin born of this realm?

"How very curious indeed, as I had hoped to learn the same meself. Given enough time, I figured I'd find the answer. But it is hard to say....A brother of mine, well one I consider as such, is an Oni. The Joyan standards consider him a Yokai, but I find him akin to a Demon, but not quite. Yet if I were to stumble into Joya, I believe I would be considered the same, a Yokai. From what I've read, they would more than likely mistake me for a Yuki-onna, though somewhat inverted. Tengu would've been another thought in their part, but as ye might know, women Tengu have never been mentions. Still.....I am indeed curious how a Demon of my like would be perceived in this world...."

Lumikki gave Elijah a slight bow as thanks for opening the door, mulling over the words to answer his question. Aye, the clans live, though I am not privy to all of them at the moment. I'm sure they live, as ye know, Dwarves are too stubborn to die. But I seek to find them and integrate 'em back into the family in time."

The pair were now walking toward the door of the next building the meant to enter. Torgny was there to meet them and he opened the way to let them pass. Following them at that point on as they made it to the room with refreshments. "I have gathered an assortment of sweets and sandwiches, my Revna. Your favorite lavender tea is also present, but I have prepared some simple black tea as well should your guest prefer as such. Milk and honey are there to make it to your liking, sir. Of course, if there's anything eeelse you need, I'd be the fastest to get it~" Lumikki chuckled, while Alvis was a bit more dry in his work and sarcastic, Torgny was more playful and boastful. She enjoyed their differences and their varied personalities. It made them feel more alive and a joy to have them around.

"There ye have it dear, I hope ye like the spread. Of course if yer left wanting, it's as Torgny said. Ask the lad and he'd bring it to ye. I'm sure yer travels have left ye famished." Two more servants were present, and they both opened the double doors. Allowing both Lumikki and Elijah entry. the room was quite large, and with the window open, quite airy. A nice breeze passed through, ruffling the table cloth and their loose hair. The long table, usually used for more special occasions, was now placed by the far wall, tucked to the side. A smaller table now sat in the center of the room, making discussion and the enjoyed of the other's company far easier. The spread on top was just as Torgny said, it not more. Fruits were also offered in an assortment to the side and a bottle of Lumikki's favorite plum wine was tucked in a bucket full of ice. She flashed a small smile as, even though she was getting used to their presence and care, she never lost her sense of gratefulness in the work that they did.

"It all looks lovely Torgny, thank ye." The Demoness would utter as she took a seat. He'd return the compliment with a flashier bow, "Oh but of course my Revna. Alvis isn't the only one who could prepare a nice event. I am happy you ran into in the lobby."

Wings of a Raven [Lumikki] Nerili11

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