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The Oath of Life - A Pact Between Parents

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The Oath of Life - A Pact Between Parents Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 7:06 am


The Oath of Life -

A Pact Between Parents

They had been in Sin for well over a fortnight at this point, with dinners and plays filling up much of their time which was otherwise occupied by dignities who pestered Kon about his past constantly asking for details that he held in high reserve. Hirota had been more lenient in revealing Kon’s history but in their ongoing discussions was restraint far more than he had anticipated, not that he had much control still tethered to his chair within their mind of minds. Just as he had grown bored of listening to the droning affairs of foreign politics, Hirota’s interest began to dwindle as their shared attention shifted to the workers that kept the embassy they were residing in functioning. Excusing themselves from the drunkards who surrounded them, using the restroom despite his robotic body. With two quick turns and a bit of flair, the sharply dressed machia transformed into Hirota’s true form and felt free from the prying eyes of the embassy guard, Hirota began to harass the workers seeking a means to escape the glorified prison they were now held within.



The Oath of Life - A Pact Between Parents Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 7:06 am


Sweating like old men in a sauna, the workers had little time or patience for someone who appeared as a noble lady and instead barked commoner Sinese at them. Equally short in time, threats were swift and forthcoming as Hirota began to draw her blade between their bosom, startling the servants. Anxious to avoid bloodshed, and taken aback by Hirota’s dialect, they merely resorted to putting out a nearby exit typically used by ladies of the night and for deliveries. Stunned at the expectation of being forced to use such a lowly means of escape, but thankful nonetheless, Hirota tipped a bow before dismissing her blade and leaving the building. Surrounded in filth and debris, neither Hirota nor the possessed Kon wished to linger for long, especially knowing that their absence would become increasingly noticeable after every passing minute. As such their garments were the first to suffer as their shared shoes became soaked through changing from platinum white to first grey, brown then black after stepping on an oil slick, their silk robes faired no better as the loose sleeves caught on everything, leaving tears and ripping chunks from the fine material.



The Oath of Life - A Pact Between Parents Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 7:06 am


Once out of the secret exit, they more closely resembled the lowly prostitute that clung to the corner of the streets rather than the noble lady they appeared as minutes prior. Disgusted with their appearance, Hirota shifted back and forth between her form and Kon’s own, removing only the dirt and stains from their clothes. Torn and damaged, they were still dishevelled beyond recognition and yet their unmistakable use of magic garnered the attention of many onlookers, some more friendly than others. Enjoying for the first time the ability to stretch their wings in what was once their homeland, Hirota let out a subdued laugh, which Kon indulged in equally as the bindings that restrained him were finally beginning to weaken. She was becoming comfortable with him, and it was good, he wanted to establish a good relationship with a being who was so powerful they could restrain their soul from their body. Being friends with a spirit who could seize your body was in his books paramount.



The Oath of Life - A Pact Between Parents Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 7:06 am


More than once, Hirota attempted to rely on memory to guide their way, only to be stopped by a wall or to encounter an entirely different building that had replaced one that had been before. While it was amusing for the first couple of times, it soon caused the otherwise beautiful Sinese woman to frown in frustration, it was only until they wandered into a dark and mostly derelict alleyway that she elaborated to Kon that this was once a rich valley littered with plant life and fauna, instead now it was a slum where the worst of society resided. Even though her comments were audible to all those around, much to both of their surprise they were confronted by a couple of elves, a curiosity due to the relative distance between the typical elven hotspots of Minstrel and Caelum. An observant only revealed to the naked eye after they removed their hoods before them. Bowing with the grace of elves many centuries his senior, Kon despite being possessed by Hirota and being in her form, for the briefest of moments lifted her hand to request they raise while shaking her head. This level of control both shocked and amused Hirota just as he had been, this was quickly replaced by anxiety about the possibility of Hirota simply restraining his psyche once more. “Perhaps she’s gotten used to me? or perhaps her abilities to do so were waning upon his consciousness?’ He thought to himself as the elves introduced themselves.



The Oath of Life - A Pact Between Parents Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 7:07 am


“Greetings Hirota or is it Konstantin?, I am Folre Qinren, and this is my partner, Vaeri Trisvalur, we were hoping that we’d be able to have a word with you.” Spoken with the expected delicacy of an elf from a distant memory, Kon was practically entranced even being trapped within his consciousness, Hirota held her reservations, especially with the knowledge of her identity something would have been lost to the sands of time, their magics must have been incredible to glean such information from their mind. Curious about just how they could know so much about both especially with her taking over Kon in both body and soul. Nodding with the slightest of movements, the elves once again bowed before taking the lead as they followed carefully behind. Despite being renowned or in some eyes notoriously reserved, these elves were far more talkative chatting between themselves in elven while the Sinese commoners around them looked at the three with darkened eyes caused by drug abuse and poor health conditions. Kon couldn’t help but notice even in his state how much the Sinese government was trying to hide from him.



The Oath of Life - A Pact Between Parents Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 7:07 am


The walk to their destination was shorter than anticipated with them stopping at a simple little abode, isolated from all the other buildings that were nearing only being ghettos. Vaeri was the first to enter drawing a dagger as she did so, before a little whisper was heard, and then Folre and Hirota entered. Compared to the stench outside, the interior of the building was a breath of fresh air with a sweet distinct smell that resembled Minstrel’s forests, something that brought immense joy to the elves causing the briefest of smiles, before Vaeri finally spoke to them, with a voice that left him shaking. Kon shaking, not Hirota as her form disappeared and Kon regained control over their body while she had been put within their mind of mind much to her horror. Feeling his fingers for the first time in weeks within complete control, there was a sense of almost pins and needles, as the elves began to speak to him with the entrancing effects dulling rather than being compounded much to their shared surprise. “Thank you,” Kon said with a hint of confusion as his voice felt weird to him, in their debt, he continued. “Now how can I repay you for dismissing that spirit within me?”



The Oath of Life - A Pact Between Parents Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 7:07 am


Looking at each other, a bead of sweat grew upon Vaeri, who spoke with teeth clenched. “This isn’t permanent, she’s clawing her way back into taking you over again, I’m containing her using my own mind, but it won’t be for long.” This was compounded as Hirota howled in Kon’s ear and Vaeri began to double over in pain, “Be quick…” Vaeri pleaded to Folre, who nodded with grew haste causing his hair to flick from side to side. “Sit.” Sensing his own control already diminishing, Kon did so without hesitation kneeling upon a pillow opposite the couple who unfurled a map of central Sin upon the table between them, with a large estate being marked out in various coloured lines and indicators. Clutching the edge of the table, Kon could only listen to the elves’ ethereal words as they explained just why they were in Sin. A complicated backstory that Kon only heard parts of as Hirota continued to shout at Kon in their stead. What finally made her stop was the mention of the name, Miharu, the name of their child which was named to honour both their new home and allow for them to integrate with the Sinese culture.



The Oath of Life - A Pact Between Parents Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 7:08 am


The Miharu spoken of earlier in the festival was none other than their child born 16 years ago with a genetic defect that neither could heal. The two had made the hardest choice surrendering their control of their only child, an elven child to an unknown religion in the hopes that they could repair her weakened heart. An act that was performed using the combined energy of all the priests within the religion's sole temple and Qing Long, which turned her auburn hair purple resembling so many other Sinese. This was, however, not a benevolent blessing with them seizing the child from the couple and forbidding access to them. Miharu would go on to be raised in the temple, learning magic and practising archery much to the dismay of many Sinese monks. Countless times the couple would attempt to sneak into the temple, with little success as Miharu would be quickly escorted away from them while they were ejected from the ground.



The Oath of Life - A Pact Between Parents Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 7:08 am


With each attempt, the temple became increasingly more secure with guards being placed and magic traps littering the grounds only visible to the monks themselves. Sympathising with the elves, Hirota relaxed her assault and instead spoke through Kon even while he had control of what had become their body. “I’m sorry I didn’t know, how can we help get her back?” “We?” He thought to himself, they worked together now, “A pleasant change, I suppose.” Recomposing herself after Hirota stopped assaulting both Vaeri and Kon, the elf began to plead her case, asking that the general intervene by whatever means he could to retrieve them. A troubling request as it would mean the direct intervention of a political situation within a foreign country outside of the consent from the Rune Knights. A firm “No.” tried to leave Kon’s lips, however, Hirota had other plans and instead forced his hand, nodding and seizing the map from the table, rolling it up before putting it into a pocket dimension.



The Oath of Life - A Pact Between Parents Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 7:08 am


Swearing under his breath, Kon might have regained some sense of control, but it didn’t mean he could still make critical choices. “We are not doing this, do you know what this will do to me if I’m caught?” Laughing with a mix of both Kon and Hirota’s voices, she replied despite being in the abode with Vaeri and Folre. “We are helping these people, I don’t give a damn about your status and rank within some military organization.” Stunned at this realization, Kon conceded before relinquishing control over his body to Hirota. Realizing it had been several hours at this point from when they had left the embassy, Hirota excused themselves, before making their way back into the dark while being harassed by drunkards looking for a good time before forcibly entering the embassy and collapsing into bed as she transformed back into Kon.



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