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IV Nyancelot

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#1Fei Yu 

IV Nyancelot Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 12:34 pm

Fei Yu


Name: Nyancelot

Slot: Companion

Race: Formely Exceed - Currently: Heroic Spirit

Class: Evolved Legendary 60P

Quantity: Custom

Element: Light

Mana: 2000

  • Strength: 79
  • Speed: 61
  • Constitution: 121


Height: 40 centimeters

Weight: 20kg

A light-blue Exceed with a dull pink nose and golden inner-ear coloring, Nyancelot has black eyes and a light-yellow muzzle. The remainder of their body is concealed behind an elaborate and incredibly impressive suit of armor reflective of medieval aesthetic, perfectly scaled down to accommodate the frame of an Exceed. The armor, almost entirely white in color save for some black chainmail-like material which is worn beneath the armor itself, is further complimented by a royal blue cape that clumps around Nyancelot's neck, effectively doubling as a scarf whilst still being a cape. In totality, the outfit portrays Nyancelot as 'The White Knight', or 'The White Exceed Knight' to be thematically correct.

Once a Exceed Knight for hire, Nyancelot found himself drawn into the service of the young Fae Yu when she was captured by pirates during one of his heroic adventures. Finding himself drawn in by her kindness and fragile nature he sworn to be her shield and sword during their adventures together. However, their adventures were cut short when during a void breach in Caelum something possessed Nyancelot from beyond the void and mortally injured Yu. While Yu survived thanks to Gaia's intervention, Nyancelot couldn't forgive himself for the crime he committed and died by his own sword.

Since then Nyancelot, whose heroic deeds earned him the title of Hero became a denizen of the Throne of Heroes, becoming a spirit that secretly longed for one wish: to be reunited with his beloved lady.

Nyancelot is a strong-willed young Exceed who speaks truthfully. He is courageous and determined. Nyancelot is resolute in following his own morals, regardless of the more viable, yet underhand, tactics being available. He prefers direct, fair confrontations based upon codes of chivalry. Nothing can make him abandon his code of honor. While winning is of the utmost importance, rejecting his chivalry is something he will never do, even if it should put him at a disadvantage. A partner tends to do well with Nyancelot when they respect his rules. A firm believer in justice, Nyancelot cannot stand when evil goes unpunished.

In the wake of his adventures Nyancelot developed an immense adoration for his lady Fei Yu, and frequently can be found being overprotective of the young fairy. However, he clearly has the best intentions in mind, as seen when he was willing to let a void-tainted being like Nui near his beloved lady. However, the events have also caused Nyancelot to develop a darker transformation, only known as 'Berserker Nyancelot', this transformation has the knight abandon his usual code of chivalry for a single purpose: to obliterate whoever has harmed his lady.


Requirements: None.


  • Speech: Nyancelot is able to communicate in Fiorian and Caelish.

Companion Perks:
  • Lionheart: Nyancelot is a knight and will never cower in front of others, even if they have a fear effect.

Partner Perks:
  • Yu's Shield: As a valiant protector of the fairy, Nyancelot increases Yu's durability by 2 S-rank as long as he remains conscious.
  • A Hero's work: Nyancelot makes for a perfect mentor on adventures, granting Yu a 20% WC reduction on quests.

Points Breakdown

  • Evolved Legendary
  • Druid Companion
  • Speech T2, Lionheart T4, Yu's shield T5, A Hero's work T4
  • +18 SP (6)

Total points Acquired: 60
Total Points Spent: 60



IV Nyancelot Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 1:05 pm

Fei Yu has claimed Nyancelot as their Druid companion.

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