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What Lies Beneath 1 [Quest: Astrid]

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What Lies Beneath 1 [Quest: Astrid] Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 6:50 pm

“I’m sorry, but you’ll have to explain to me why this is a matter that I should care about?” Her words were like venom, a cruel reflection on the nature of things as they stood within Oak Town, Astrid having become someone positioning themselves for outright power, some that was not available to those outside of a small select few that existed right now, none even within recent times. There had been Iblis, but with him gone, there was a void that people were trying to seek and siege power from. The most obvious candidates would have been the Senators, those who like Astrid were the ones that ran the city of Oak Town, many of which as puppets of Iblis, having helped him secure his foothold, or perhaps more accurately, stranglehold over Oak Town.

That power though, died with Astrid in her return. A return that was supposed to have come with her severing all ties with Phantom Lord, it sure enough had instead yielded the most opposite result. Now, here she was, in charge of the guild, and without the resistance that sure that were to have come with the Senators that had once supported Iblis. The masterwork of her plan, the removal of nearly all of them in power, a severance of funds to their election cycles, the money and power and influence that they had once been able to leverage no longer able to sustain them, resulting in mass defeats on their part and mass victories on the part of Astrid. And all of this coming even before she had secured herself as the Phantom Lord Guild Master role.

With both combined, it was a full and absolute consolation of power, one that was going to secure herself within the city for the foreseeable future.

299/1500 (-40% | -20% Sia & Noir | -20 Symbiotic Fleshweave)


What Lies Beneath 1 [Quest: Astrid] Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 6:51 pm

However, though she knew the power structure that existed within the city at this point, unwavering and absolute in her control, there was still the matter that she had an obligation of sorts to appease the people. She had built herself as a Senator, the one who would bring Oak Town into a golden era, and there was a great deal of truth towards this already. Oak Town had seen a massive resurgence in its standing within Fiore, the economy being some of the best that it had been, the people happier, trade booming, and there being for the first time in a long time no shortage of funds that were available, thanks to a combination of Astrid having denied much of the funds that would have gone for the Senators that once served Iblis while at the same time, her role as the Head of the Office of the Auditor secured her with the ability to take no shortage of funds from the other cities in Fiore.

All of it came together to set her up with the ability to completely reinforce her hold, even if she were to do nothing. But if there were anything that potentially risked her grasp over the city, it was the potential that her fellow Senators may have lost their footing and power. They were sadly more vulnerable targets than she were in terms of political weakness, many of them being very junior, barely having more experience than that of Astrid when she arose to the Senate. However, her ascension came under a mass of different circumstances that seldom ever would take place. It also came with the mass support of key allies like Lady Tsara, whom has remained one of her key allies in support. With her as her support, there were many Senators who had security within the city, but if things went to a worst case scenario, there was little doubt that at least one or two of them may have seen their spots put at risk.

Enough issues and one or two Senators putting themselves at risk or worse even finding themselves removed from power, and the situation would go from bad to potentially terrible, very quickly.

667/1500 (-40% | -20% Sia & Noir | -20 Symbiotic Fleshweave)


What Lies Beneath 1 [Quest: Astrid] Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 6:51 pm

“Please, you do not realize how important this is. You… You can be something special that we so desperately need…” His words were weak, frail, much like his body. Old, withered away, yet still having the vitality that enabled him to carry on, that gave him the vigor to stand before someone whom dwarfed him in terms of potential and power. He was an older man, one of the oldest within Oak Town, but there was respect that came with that. He was influential, powerful, so much so that while he directed battled with Iblis when it came to issues on the direction that Oak Town was heading, he was as much of a threat to the former Phantom Lord ruler’s power, a risk that should have been removed. Yet his own influence was more than enough to secure him safety, to secure that nothing would come to harm him.

To be removed would be the equivalent of declaring war on Oak Town. It was something that Iblis knew only after having failed some times before, the backdraft of it being enough to see several of his more entrusted yet naïve Senators removed from power. It set up the foundation that Astrid would eventually exploit, the anger that had been long harbored to see them gone. When she came to power, she knew better than to believe that the man who now stood opposite her from the table was someone that was to be wholly ignored. There may have been disagreements that the two may have shared, but they at the same time could have expected to work together. Or at the very least, they would be able to communicate with one another. That was the point of this meeting after all, to see if there could be something done to help with a plight that was facing the city.

977/1500 (-40% | -20% Sia & Noir | -20 Symbiotic Fleshweave)


What Lies Beneath 1 [Quest: Astrid] Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 6:51 pm

The terms were discussed in private. An accord struck that Astrid wanted little to do with, but recognized the boon that stood to come with this. A plight that was strangling those within Oak Town, something that needed to be handled. The assumption would have been that Astrid would have sought out allies to handle the matter, but there were complications in that idea. Her justification to reaching out to whomever could lead back to a trail that she wanted not revealed, nor could she have hoped to truly reveal Phantom Lord’s association with anything happening.

No, it was a matter that she had to handle on her own. And to some degree, that was something that she preferred honestly.

So there she was, alone within the catacomb. An area that she seldom spent any time near while she had been in Oak Town before, save for the rare moment where she was expected to show her face and express sorrow for those whom had lost their lives before. It seemed that in her absence, or the many absences that plagued Oak Town, that spirits had become restless, desperate for the presence of one to hear their cries.

A surprise that the old man did not wish to be the one that heard their voices. Perhaps he assumed himself unable to bear their request. Perhaps he had wanted someone of Astrid’s prestige to handle the matter. Perhaps that was the goal, giving them a voice that could actually hold weight to the task that they may have sought for themselves.

1237/1500 (-40% | -20% Sia & Noir | -20 Symbiotic Fleshweave)


What Lies Beneath 1 [Quest: Astrid] Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 6:51 pm

She saw them, just a snicker on her face, a smirk upon her lips. It was exactly what she thought, what she assumed the justification behind why the man had wanted her to be there. They wanted her help. The spirits sought someone of power, someone who come influence and secure something for them. The man was repsected, but he was old. He lacked strength, he lacked the ability to carry out anything, any sort of request like that of what they may have wanted.

But Astrid was a different story. She had the power, she commanded respect, and that was the key point. They would trust her, they would believe her. She was not like the rest of them that simply existed. A normal person whom would approach them, there was no reason to think they would be trustworthy. But Astrid was not trustworthy either, but she was respected and that carried enough weight to justify putting their trust within.

And so the request came, to the destroy the statues, set up by an occulist at some point during Iblis’ time as Phantom Lord Guild Master. A request on behalf of a corrupt official that feared that the spirits would interfere in the matters that he were involved with. So a quick solution, one that sealed the spirits away. Remove the statues, allow the spirits to rest, and they would be grateful for the aid. There was no reason for her not to agree, as even as spirits, there were those who believed in the power of the ancient forces of the city. It was enough for her.

It was not hard, hardly a difficult matter, nor one that she had much to worry towards in terms of the risk. They fell, one by one, to the point that there was nothing more for her to be worried towards, nothing more than an easy matter handled, just as she wanted it to have been. The spirits, they approved, thanking her as they disappeared away, Astrid grateful to have been helpful, but more grateful that the old man now was no doubt in debt to her for this favor.

1596/1500 (-40% | -20% Sia & Noir | -20 Symbiotic Fleshweave)

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