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A Dragon's Dogma III [Epic SL]

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A Dragon's Dogma III [Epic SL] Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 9:10 pm


Although the events were proceeding well in her favor, Ryuko had to admit she felt slightly restless. The first steps had been made into establishing an alliance with Lumikki, aware that when the raven queen earned her rightful place as High Jarl of Iceberg it would provide an immense boon in establishing political security, and with recent efforts in establishing stability within her domain had proved successful it was only a matter of time till she could properly create a place where her kin could peacefully coexist with mortals. But there was one obstacle left to clear before she could properly unite Pergrande: The province of Drugigrad stood as a lone beacon of resistance against the Dragon Knight's conquest. All of the other provinces had already either been assimilated into her domain or joined Drugigrad. It was a pity there were some who chose the path of defiance, but it was something that seemed to be a part of mortal nature.

As she contemplated those thoughts the sound of knocking resounded on the door leading into the audience chamber, and soon a middle-aged man entered, flanked on each side by one of her Monarch Knights. "Ah, one of the Prince's attendants." Ryuko mused softly as she adjusted her posture upon the throne she was seated. The Prince seemed quite favorable of her hard-handed methods, perhaps because he agreed that only through these methods could they possibly unite a stubborn nation like Pergrande?

"I have to hand it to Igor, he always seems to know when things are about to get interesting." Ryuko's musings earned a brief smile from the attendant who bowed lightly and unfolded the parchment he had brought with him. "The Prince would like to enjoy your company after you finish the upcoming battle." The words made Ryuko smile as she made a verbal jab "I guess the Prince considers a war with Drugigrad beneath his attention as a spectacle. Fine, I will meet him once I'm done."

The attendant nodded his head curtly and proceeded to leave the throne chamber, granting Ryuko a moment of quietness. She couldn't help but think back about the rumors she had heard: Of how the prince had enjoyed a long reign because of dark dealings with a nefarious spirit. Whatever the case might had been, Ryuko did plan to press the prince on the matter sometime, but for now she was going to turn her focus elsewhere. Closing her eyes the Dragon Knight focused her mind and spoke in the language of her kin.

"Tiamat, svaklar re wux? si mi persvek rigluin di dout taexirsj."

It didn't take long for a roar to resound in the far distance of the keep, somewhere closer to the river.

"Si jahus thesekir creol mabliki lehhav creol nibel. si geou rannox ekess dout symba momentarily tilabil myvish"

It seemed Tiamat was developing a similar interest in mortal activities as she herself did, perhaps a good sign all things considered.

WC: 501


A Dragon's Dogma III [Epic SL] Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 9:26 pm


Soon the sound of heavy wings flapping through the air drew Ryuko's attention as she watched the familiar sight of Tiamat's true form soaring through the sky till she reached the balcony of the audience room and mid-flight transformed into her humanoid disguise. The child-like dragon could barely contain her excitement as she rushed over to the throne the Dragon Knight was seated at.

"Tira wux lamith dout tairais, tiamat? svabol type di activity jahen wer mabliki engaging persvek?"

Ryuko's inquiry earned a excited nod from the dragon child who exclaimed happily.

"Astahii jahen togikir creol senar di garmth! kagh hak kicked coi sva nomeno odd drid shaped oium kagh astahii shio orneesha extremely excited zahae coi!"

The child's words earned a soft hum from Ryuko who beckoned her over, and once nearby rested a hand on Tiamat's head, ruffling her hair lightly.

"Batobot nibel zklaen tepohada coanwor magnus garmth. coi ui vi nibel kurralpoca persvek recent cetai ini vi zi vehaforlii hewa svaust tuor ekess ocuir xiekivi klae asta skills persvek vi throdenilt lehhavir polskiv."

The child nodded her head again in acknowledgment as Ryuko closed her eyes for a moment. "Tia, I have a request of you." Hearing her revert to the common language the dragon girl followed with a soft hum. "Sure~ What do you need done?"

Ryuko paused, considering what was about to happen and soon voiced her concern. "I believe that war will soon be upon us Tia." Hearing these words the dragon girl exclaimed excitedly. "You want me to scare them away?" To which Ryuko merely chuckled softly. "No, not this time. I'd like for you to keep an eye on Maple for me." Tiamat couldn't help but pout at these words, not entirely pleased with the request. "But I want to fight-" Yet Ryuko shook her head gently in response. "I know, but I need someone strong like you to keep an eye on Maple, and if anything happens while I'm gone use our bond to call for me. Can you do that for me?"

Tiamat went silent for a moment, pouting in frustration. "Fine, but only because she has Onee-chan's favorite pillows!" Ryuko couldn't help but snicker briefly at these words. "Yes, and it would sadden me immensely if something happened to her while I was gone."

At least she had succeeded in convincing Tiamat, and that was a worry less for Ryuko to deal with. With the little dragon keeping an eye on Maple she could be sure that she would be alerted if something happened, but in the best case it was just a safety precaution. She still remembered the conversation she had with Maple about this, and honestly the mere thought about it frightened her more than anything. Just the thought of someone foolish enough to try to provoke her by targeting Maple was an event she wished to avoid at all costs. After all this war was hers to fight...

WC: 505

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