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Baska Tournament I [C-Rank] [Solo]

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#1Tsukishima Higurashi 

Baska Tournament I [C-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sun Jun 09, 2024 4:37 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
In the heart of Baska, The Great Baska Rock loomed like an ancient sentinel, its rugged form casting a shadow over the surrounding plains. This craggy arena was renowned for its brutal tournaments, where warriors of all kinds gathered to prove their mettle. For Tsukishima, it was another battlefield—a place where the clash of steel and the cry of victory echoed through the ages. It was the perfect place to test his own powers.

Tsukishima felt he had begun to rely too heavily on Lucian and the powers bestowed by the Demon King Bael. There would inevitably come a time when their aid would not be so readily available. Thus, he deemed it essential to understand the full extent of his own new capabilities. The Great Baska Tournament, with its fierce competitions and relentless challenges, offered the ideal proving ground. He needed to push his limits, to discover what he could achieve with his own strength. Each contest, each duel, would not just be a fight for survival but a step towards self-reliance. The brutal tournaments of Baska would reveal the true potential of his body, honed by battle.

Word Count: 189

#2Tsukishima Higurashi 

Baska Tournament I [C-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sun Jun 09, 2024 4:37 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
A bounty had been placed on the current champion’s head, the benefactor eager to see him taken down and broken. Whether the champion met a permanent end was left to the discretion of whoever took the job. Tsukishima quickly accepted the challenge. Given the notorious lawlessness of such tournaments, he decided it was best to operate without a disguise under the pseudonym, Unknown. If anything went awry, the blame would fall on the Lich, preserving the anonymity of Tsukishima’s Athlas elf persona.

Tsukishima was aware that, eventually, his dual identity would be exposed. However, until that day arrived, he intended to use the confusion to his advantage. By keeping his true appearance hidden, he could maneuver freely, using the Lich's fearsome reputation to shield his actions. This strategic choice not only protected his elf identity but also allowed him to observe his enemies without revealing his hand. In the chaotic world of Baska tournaments, where rules were often disregarded, Tsukishima’s decision to forgo a disguise added an extra layer of unpredictability. Each encounter would be a test of his cunning and combat prowess, all while maintaining the balance between his two identities.

Word Count: 192

#3Tsukishima Higurashi 

Baska Tournament I [C-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sun Jun 09, 2024 4:38 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
As Tsukishima approached the stage, the air buzzed with anticipation. The first bout was set against a group of fledgling adventurers, their faces alight with youthful bravado. Although fights were usually reserved for one-on-one engagements, special matches like this could be arranged by those with enough money and influence. Tsukishima correctly assumed his benefactor was involved, likely in an effort to showcase his power and put the reigning champion on notice.

I’ll play your game,” Tsukishima chuckled as the group of five surrounded him. They drew their weapons, eyes wide with a mixture of fear and determination as they faced the Lich. For them, this was their first time seeing such an otherworldly being. Their hands trembled, and fear overtook them. Two of them dropped their weapons and ran, much to the displeasure of the crowd. The remaining three, deciding to throw caution to the wind, charged towards their opponent. "Fools," Tsukishima muttered as he prepared to engage.

Word Count: 158

#4Tsukishima Higurashi 

Baska Tournament I [C-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sun Jun 09, 2024 4:39 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
In a blur of motion, Tsukishima dispatched the trio with hand-to-hand combat, a display that left the audience in stunned silence. His movements were a deadly ballet, each strike precise and calculated, yet he showed remarkable restraint, ensuring his opponents were left unconscious but alive. The sheer skill and control he exhibited were a testament to his formidable prowess, showcasing the finesse and agility he displayed in his previous life.

In a matter of seconds, all three adventurers lay on the ground, defeated. The crowd erupted in a roar of approval, the first round unequivocally belonging to the Lich. Tsukishima stood amidst the fallen, his gaze sweeping over the throngs of spectators. He could feel the potent mix of awe and fear, a palpable energy that surged through the arena, electrifying the atmosphere.

This was merely the beginning, a small, yet tantalizing glimpse of his capabilities. The true challenge lay ahead. His presence commanded respect and instilled dread in equal measure, a dark figure standing tall. The spectators were captivated, their eyes fixed on him, knowing they were witnessing something special.

Word Count: 181

#5Tsukishima Higurashi 

Baska Tournament I [C-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sun Jun 09, 2024 4:40 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
You’re up,” the tournament official said, motioning for Tsukishima to head towards the stage. The Lich remained silent, moving past the man as if he wasn't even there. “That guy gives me the creeps,” the official muttered, a shiver running down his spine.

Tsukishima's next challenger was a former Rune Knight, his armor glinting in the sunlight. He advanced with a confident stride, his sword crackling with enchanted energy. “I have always wanted to slay a foul beast such as yourself. A pity it could not be on a grander stage,” the former knight taunted. “You talk too much,” Tsukishima retorted dryly. He knew better than to underestimate a seasoned warrior, especially one as self-assured as this.

As soon as the match started, the knight charged. Tsukishima responded by drawing two daggers from within his cloak. The weapons clashed, sparks flying, as the knight raised an eyebrow. “A Lich that prefers melee? I am intrigued.” “I’m full of surprises,” Tsukishima replied, his voice cold and measured.

Word Count: 166

#6Tsukishima Higurashi 

Baska Tournament I [C-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sun Jun 09, 2024 4:42 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
The knight’s attacks were relentless, each strike powered by the runes etched into his blade. Tsukishima met each blow with deft precision, his daggers dancing in a deadly rhythm. The audience watched in rapt attention, the clash of metal and the hum of enchantments filling the air. The Rune Knight pressed forward, his confidence unwavering. “Is this all you’ve got, Lich? I expected more from a creature of your reputation,” he sneered, attempting to goad Tsukishima into a mistake.

You’ll see…,” Tsukishima responded, a hint of amusement in his voice. With a sudden burst of speed, he closed the distance, his daggers slicing through the air with lethal intent. The knight barely managed to parry, his expression shifting from arrogance to concentration. Tsukishima’s movements were fluid and unpredictable, a stark contrast to the knight’s disciplined style. The Lich’s experience and adaptability began to show as he exploited small openings, wearing down his opponent’s defenses. The Rune Knight’s frustration grew as he struggled to land a decisive blow. “What are you?” he growled, realizing he had severely underestimated his foe.

Word Count: 179

#7Tsukishima Higurashi 

Baska Tournament I [C-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sun Jun 09, 2024 4:43 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
I am your better,” Tsukishima replied, his eyes gleaming with a cold, dark light.

In a swift, decisive maneuver, Tsukishima disarmed the knight, sending his sword clattering to the ground. The Lich’s daggers were at the knight’s throat before he could react, the fight brought to a sudden and undeniable end. The crowd erupted in a mix of cheers and gasps, the spectacle of the battle leaving them exhilarated. Tsukishima stepped back, allowing the defeated knight to pick up his weapon and retreat. The Lich’s victory was clear, his prowess in combat undeniable.

As Tsukishima stood in the center of the stage, he could feel the eyes of the spectators on him, a blend of fear, respect, and awe. This was another step towards proving his strength, another victory in the brutal arena of Baska. The path ahead was still fraught with challenges, but Tsukishima was ready, his resolve unshakable. The final battle was at hand.

Word Count: 156

#8Tsukishima Higurashi 

Baska Tournament I [C-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sun Jun 09, 2024 4:44 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
The final match approached, and the atmosphere grew tense. Ragnar the Red, the reigning champion, stood ready. He was a hulking brute of a demi-human, his body a tapestry of scars and muscle. His eyes gleamed with a savage intelligence, and he carried a massive axe that had tasted the blood of countless foes. "You dare challenge me, bone man?" Ragnar snarled, brandishing his weapon and placing it mere inches from Tsukishima’s face. "I’ll use your ribs to pick my teeth."

Tsukishima's hollow eyes glowed with an eerie light. "We shall see." The battle commenced with a thunderous clash. Ragnar’s axe swung with brutal precision, forcing Tsukishima to weave and dodge. Each swing of the massive weapon seemed to cut through the air with lethal intent, making Tsukishima acutely aware of the danger he faced. Quickly gathering himself, Tsukishima launched a counterattack, his daggers flashing as they met Ragnar’s axe. The sheer force behind the demi-human’s strikes pushed Tsukishima back, his feet skidding across the arena floor. “Game over, little man,” Ragnar taunted, his confidence unshaken.

Word Count: 176

#9Tsukishima Higurashi 

Baska Tournament I [C-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sun Jun 09, 2024 4:46 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
Tsukishima's mind raced. He knew he couldn't match Ragnar's raw power head-on. Instead, he needed to rely on his agility and cunning. As Ragnar charged again, Tsukishima feigned a stumble, drawing the champion in. At the last second, he sidestepped, slashing at Ragnar's exposed flank. The demi-human roared in pain and anger, but the wound only seemed to fuel his fury.

The crowd watched in anticipation as the two combatants clashed repeatedly. Each exchange was a dance of death, Tsukishima's speed and precision against Ragnar's brute strength and relentless aggression. Despite his formidable opponent, Tsukishima remained calm, his movements calculated and efficient.

You’re quicker than you look, bone man,” Ragnar growled, wiping blood from his side. “But you’re still just delaying the inevitable.” Tsukishima didn't respond. Instead, he focused on the rhythm of the fight, searching for any weakness to exploit. As Ragnar swung his axe in a wide arc, Tsukishima saw his opportunity. He ducked under the blow and drove one of his daggers into Ragnar’s knee, causing the behemoth to stumble.

Word Count: 173

#10Tsukishima Higurashi 

Baska Tournament I [C-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sun Jun 09, 2024 4:47 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
Ragnar roared in pain, his movements becoming more erratic. Sensing his advantage, Tsukishima drove the other dagger into Ragnar’s side and wrapped his hand around the champion’s neck. A smoky black aura began to radiate from Tsukishima as he started to levitate, still gripping Ragnar by the neck. The champion continued to struggle but found his strength rapidly draining. He could feel his bones beginning to buckle, as if they were withering away.

The ominous aura enveloped them both, and Ragnar could only see the ghoulish green glow emanating from Tsukishima’s eyes. “What was that phrase you mentioned before? Ah, right. Game over, little man.” Tsukishima chuckled, his voice dripping with dark amusement.

With a final, mocking laugh, he released Ragnar, who plummeted to the ground below, defeated and broken but alive. The impact left the once-mighty champion lying motionless, a stark reminder of Tsukishima's overwhelming power. The crowd stared at the scene in stunned silence, witnessing the fall of their champion in what could only be described as a display of sheer domination.

Word Count: 174

#11Tsukishima Higurashi 

Baska Tournament I [C-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sun Jun 09, 2024 4:48 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
Slowly, the silence turned into a crescendo of cheers as the reality of the moment sank in. The audience erupted in applause and roars of approval, the tension that had gripped the arena now released in a wave of exhilaration. Tsukishima, the champion, stood victorious, his presence commanding respect and fear in equal measure.

The air was thick with the scent of sweat and blood, the arena echoing with the sounds of the crowd’s jubilation. Tsukishima glanced at the fallen former challenger, then left the stage, apathetic to his victory. As he moved to exit the arena, a figure in black caught his eye. The figure, seemingly waiting for Tsukishima, approached. “Unknown. Your benefactor sends his regards on a job well done. He requests that you keep in touch. He may require your services again in the future.” the figure said, handing Tsukishima a hefty bag with his reward along with a business card. Tsukishima took the card and placed it inside the bag without a word.

Word Count: 167

#12Tsukishima Higurashi 

Baska Tournament I [C-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sun Jun 09, 2024 4:50 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
Though pleased with his progress, the Lich was not satisfied. This battle had proven to him that relying solely on his old prowess as an elf would eventually be a detriment. He needed something more—something that would complement his new existence and amplify his strength. The time had come to seek out a new weapon, one that would harness his dark power and make him even more formidable.

As Tsukishima walked away from the arena, the cheers of the crowd still ringing, he contemplated his next move. The thrill of victory was fleeting; his true ambition demanded constant evolution. The battles at Baska had tested him, but they were merely the beginning. He knew there were greater challenges ahead, adversaries who would push him to his limits and beyond. Determined to continue his ascent, Tsukishima set his sights on acquiring a weapon that would become an extension of his very essence. As he pondered, his mind set on one man who could accomplish the task of creating such a weapon. “Him…” Tsukishima spat in irritation as he dreaded asking of a favor to that man.

Word Count: 185
Total Word Count: 2,096 / 800 [20% Word Count Reduction]
Quest Completed

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