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With Bow and Knife (NQ S-Rank)

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With Bow and Knife (NQ S-Rank) Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 2:38 pm

Vex walks up to the arena sign in area as she was going to once again take on the challenge and see if she can stand with those that come into the arena and not let herself fall behind her guild as she needed to get stronger and that meant taking on those that came here to the great Baska rock where the fights are held and it seemed like there were a lot of dark group members here today it must be a big day or something or they were looking to match fix and bully people into backing down or take a dive she was not going to do either. She had her bow across her chest and she signed in and it seemed some of them realized who she is. She guessed that they thought it was a good time to strike as their guild master had gone dark for the time being.


With Bow and Knife (NQ S-Rank) Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 2:38 pm

Vex was not going to worry about it as it means that she just has to better watch her own back but her cult also does that for her but here she was looking to handle her dirty work herself as there was nothing that they could do that would phase her as she is a fighter in her own right and her trusted bow and her daggers set her apart from other people that might look down on her as she is shorter than a lot of them but she would not allow that to be the case of her losing because of that. Akiza starts stretching and she can see some of them are looking a bit nervous to be face to face with her here and now. A big man walks toward her and challenged her his dark mark in full view to Vex who looked up at him and agreed to the fight.


With Bow and Knife (NQ S-Rank) Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 2:39 pm

The officials are told about it and the two make their way to the arena to settle it and Vex is loose and ready to go and the big man hits his fists together his fists coated in darkness magic, Vex wonders if this is more of an assassination attempt than it is a fight but she knows that she can handle herself here and that will be how this ends as she made the first move as she drew her bow and pulled back while running firing off arrows made of water magic. The big man tried to use his coated hands to block the arrows but the shots passed right though it and into his hands and arms. The man smirked and ran right at her and he starts throwing his giant fists at her in attempts to hit her but Vex dodges the mans attacks and side steps him.


With Bow and Knife (NQ S-Rank) Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 2:39 pm

Vex with a fluid motion she had drawn her dagger and hit the man with the handle of the dagger to knock the man out as he had  left himself wide open and she took that opening and left him on the ground of the arena knocked out and the official called the match and Vex had won it. The crowd is cheering and clapping the next fighter came onto the stage to take on vex another dark mark on the man. It seemed that she was not going to get a chance to rest before she is attacked again, this time the man was quicker than Vex, Vex just barely able to dodge an attack from the man. The man looked pleased with himself as he could see the moment of fear on Vex's face as his attack had come at her like that. Vex knew she was going to have to be extra careful as this one is clearly a more skilled fighter than the last.


With Bow and Knife (NQ S-Rank) Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 2:39 pm

The man draws two daggers and started swiping at Vex and she used her dagger to block and make an opening and she does a flip over the man and kicks him in the back knocking him off balance and off the stage onto his face and she landed on her feet like a cat one of the perks of being an elf. Vex had out smarted him and the Official called the match as the man had landed out side of the fighting area and that was out of bounds and the man got up and looked at her with a bloody nose and a whimper. Vex kind of felt bad from him as he seemed like he might have been well trained but he had allowed himself to under estimate her and that lead to his down fall. Vex went to get off of the fighting stage and another man comes up onto the stage to fight her and she looked at him and this man had guns.


With Bow and Knife (NQ S-Rank) Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 2:39 pm

Vex sighed and grabbed her bow and she readied herself as she was ready to move and shoot even though she knows that she is going to be out fire rated here she has to think and be quick on choices one second of her hesitating and she might not see the next day. She hopes that she can maybe find an opening and take the man down. The fight started and Vex got on the move dodging the gun fire that was raining around her and she dropped low while firing a few arrows and they looked like they went wide of the guy with the gun and the guy started to laugh at her. "You aren't so tough and your aim seems to suck." Then the man stopped laughing as those arrows that missed all came back and hit the man in the back realizing that she had gotten him to let his guard down and took him down, the man drops to the ground defeated.


With Bow and Knife (NQ S-Rank) Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 2:39 pm

The last fighter for the day walked onto the stage she also bore the same dark mark that the others had when they had come to face her and the woman, got into the same stance that Vex was in as she had been watching and was making the same moves vex did as she did them like she was a total mirror of Vex herself and they matched blow for blow their daggers clashing and even flipping back in sync with the other and Vex knew what to do and she quickly grabbed her bow and let and arrow fly and the woman did the same thing in sync with vex the arrows crossing in the air and Vex's arrow hitting the shocked woman's who didn't expect to get hit. Vex smirked at her as the woman's arrow had missed but Vex's arrow still hit true to the woman.


With Bow and Knife (NQ S-Rank) Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 2:40 pm

The woman tried to shake it of but her rouse had failed and she ran at Vex and tried slashing at her with her daggers and Vex blocked and fought back with her own daggers Vex was not use to the rough life or fighting for what she believed in and she wasn't backing down if she could help it. The woman was attacking more crazed now and Vex was biding her time till the woman makes a mistake. The woman went for a double stab and Vex parried the blades making and opening and she got in and punched the woman in the stomach and she dropped her daggers and slumped over and then dropped the fight being called and Vex leaving the stage as the Rune Knights took the fighters that she had beaten away. She was not sure that she would ever really get use to being on the good guy side of the fence but she was going to keep trying for her new guild... her new family, so she had to stay out of trouble for them.
(182) (1,305/1,250) (Exit) (50% WC) (30% guild + 20% Relic)

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