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As Life Goes Forward.(Open.)

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As Life Goes Forward.(Open.) Empty Fri Sep 22, 2023 8:22 am

Nasira seemed to be taking to her change of pace with in the life well, considering the open door that was offered and she had been unsure about it while it was starting up, It seemed she had settled in well and was over all in good spirits about these matters. She was still just about the same when you actually saw her in public. No one really saw her between here and home the guild was only just a rare spot for her. Nasira was always doing something.

When you did see her it was in it's own way. But Nasira seemed to just be casually observing the markets with in the square? what was the point was interesting to think about. Nasira seemed over all just watching and seeing what was around and how people seemed to be mood wise at this time. Even if Nasira herself if you just casually looked at her with out knowing might seemed a bit rough looking.

#2Tamás Horvath 

As Life Goes Forward.(Open.) Empty Fri Sep 22, 2023 8:59 am

Tamás Horvath
He was out in Baska square. Still as usual clad in his amour as he was usually a guarded man, metaphorically speaking. But now he just wanted to look over this town and find some good activity to do. It has been a while since he's been here. He spent some time traveling that its been a while. So he wanted to see what Baska had in store for him.

This wasnt his hometown, but he felt connected as if it was. Then again, with amnesia from childhood who's to say this isnt his hometown. Who knows. Surely thoughts for later. As he was walking, he'd look and notice Nasira. He was wondering what was she doing. He figured he can go and check, just to see if she's alright or expecting anyone. Wont hurt to ask and if she desires, he will leave. So indeed, he went to her and spoke
"Greetings, Nasira. What brings you here?"


As Life Goes Forward.(Open.) Empty Sat Sep 23, 2023 5:59 pm

Nasira was here for casual reason nothing more and nothing less. But Nasira could not help but poke a bit of fun at being asked why she was here."Well last I check, the Square is free for anyone to go and I am not a slave as well."She did chuckle about it. She was not rude about it if anything she was just here and enjoying herself so far.

But it was just the starting of casual shopping either now or in the future she was not sure yet."One does view the square as a nice means for seeing the people."Even then Nasira was diving into a lot more words then she normally did.

But she knew at least there was a reason to explain it, Nasira was use to not really speaking much. Often just letting her actions speak more over all. That can wait in the future.

#4Tamás Horvath 

As Life Goes Forward.(Open.) Empty Thu Sep 28, 2023 7:28 am

Tamás Horvath
He nodded "That is true. I was just wondering if it was business or pleasure, if you had time or not." indeed, for all he knew she could've been on a quest and waiting for something. But she could've also been free to do as she wishes. Still, he had to check that he wasnt disturbing her. Besides that was his version of small talk. Probably not the best, but he'll try harder

When she said that one does view the square as a nice means for seeing the people, he nodded in agreeance "Agreed. It is a lovely place. Of the places I've been this place feels like home the most to me" he couldnt remember his past, thus he did not know what his hometown was. But this place, Baska was charming enough for him and made him feel at home. The square was a lovely place and he wanted to protect this simple life

He looked away from the people of the square and moved his gaze back to Nasira "So, what do you like to do in your spare time?"


As Life Goes Forward.(Open.) Empty Fri Sep 29, 2023 8:17 am

In some manner maybe it seemed as if when a leader knew little of each member Nasira should expect when she was the oddest one out that this should have happen eventually."I have plenty of time, It isn't business in any manner."Nasira was use to being a background person, sure anyone who actually saw Nasira would see this deserito woman who seeming had been through a fair amount in life.

Even going on to mention was something that Nasira logically knew would not happen."I walk the markets at time...for a fleeting hope i know will never happen, Thus I know i should let it go."Nasira said almost like Nasira knew she was insane. But still hopeful.

But he asked simple question and Nasira did not mind answering. "I keep myself busy to keep myself in shape, anything to keep me healthy while i learn about Fiore."

#6Tamás Horvath 

As Life Goes Forward.(Open.) Empty Sat Sep 30, 2023 2:48 am

Tamás Horvath
Well she wasnt here for work and she had time. So he guessed they can chat a bit to get to know eachother more. Though the reason she was here was peculiar, at least with the wording she chose. "What is the fleeting hope, if you dont mind me asking" he figures she wouldnt mind because why would you bring it up if you dont want to talk about it. He doubted he can help her, because who knows what it was. But just in that one instance scenario case that he can help her. He did have to ask and offer it.

When he asked her what she does in her spare time, she gave a good answer "I like that. I also keep myself in shape. Less so about learning Fiore, more like learning other stuff" like leadership stuff or anything where he lacks experience. He wished he got to talk to Judith and regrets not being able to do so. He also needs to find the Guild Master of Blue Pegasus as well. While he was with Yuurei, his methods are good in some areas, but terrible in others. He's good at reassuring people, making them feel good and welcome. But in terms of making them stronger. Well... Tamas would say it backfires when he gets personally involved. He doesnt see the benefit of beating your guildmate to a pulp. That wont make anyone stronger, it will motivate them for sure, but it wont MAKE them stronger. It will just make them dislike you


As Life Goes Forward.(Open.) Empty Sun Oct 01, 2023 9:48 am

It seemed as she met more of her follow guild member her past tale would be spoken about. Her long awaiting chasing she was in the mental phase of letting go of. So it was not his turn to know."I am hoping on to a wish that I know will never happen."She bluntly put it that she was it was in some manner hopeless, But seeing Nasira being this way might be a shock to most of seemed the always quiet and strong willed woman who seemed to just be careful and watchful of the things around her.

But she would add a bit more detail to it."I use to have a lover named, Lothwen. A beautiful green haired elf woman. One day even if it felt normal she kind of just disappeared, I have not found a single clue to where she went..."It seemed almost like it ate at her in some manner.

#8Tamás Horvath 

As Life Goes Forward.(Open.) Empty Wed Oct 04, 2023 3:20 am

Tamás Horvath
"I see" she may have not been ready to speak or perhaps she wished to keep things private, but in any way, he hoped that should she ever need help with that she can turn to him for guidance and he hopes to not disappoint her in that.

Although surprisingly enough she did add a bit more detail to it, even though he accepted on getting nothing. Though once she said that fleeting hope
"Ah, I understand now. I dont want to butt in on your personal life. But if you ever feel the need to try and find her, we're here for you." he threw the offer on the metaphorical table, but also let her know that if she wants to keep the manner private and not open old wounds that he will stop

So now that she spoke of herself, perhaps he can say something about himself?
"You have told me about yourself, but is there anything you wish to know about me? I feel it is unfair if you tell me about yourself and I dont return the favour"


As Life Goes Forward.(Open.) Empty Wed Oct 04, 2023 12:54 pm

It did seem to bring her some kind of comfort even if Nasira had admitted she had given up. Thus it as not anyone else's problem but hers because she was still emotionally holding on to a dream she would never see happen unless she went to some kind of dream."I would not worry about it, I just need to emotionally let go of the burden I still feel from it."Nasira seemed over all as if even mentally unhappy with it and trying to move on.

It seemed she would be over all not going to be a problem about it or was going to ask for help searching for her."Why did you select me, when you knew nothing about me?"She was starting off with a simple question, a perspective one. After all Nasira was seemingly the most unknown person of that group when they all joined she was the one who showed up out of where.

#10Tamás Horvath 

As Life Goes Forward.(Open.) Empty Fri Oct 06, 2023 12:33 pm

Tamás Horvath
So once he dropped questioning her past that she wanted to move on from, he allowed her to get back at him by asking him anything she desired. The question she asked had made sense.
"Indeed, it was a gamble from my part. But my intuition told me that you would be a good fit. Also this may have been presumptous on my part, but I felt as you needed company, someone to support you in time of need. That is why I made this guild. In my past I was alone and used by people who took me in and raised me. I had nothing. So I wanted to find people who were like me in a way. I wanted to give them a safe place to develop and be their selves"

In a nutshell that is why he made the guild. He lost his family at an early age and he was raised by mercenaries who taught him some basics of life and how to fend for himself. But he became their lackey and got used by them. He was being a second fiddle to those who didnt put the work and didnt get any credit for his work. He always had to bend the knee for someone and work for people he despised as he became a mercenary too.
He wanted to be in charge of his life for once and he wanted to find people who were like him, give them a safer space, make them feel as equals not as lackeys. He forged his own home and his companions were his family. Thats what this guild was for him


As Life Goes Forward.(Open.) Empty Sun Oct 08, 2023 5:48 pm

Nasira would not hide in some manner how it this might have made sense to her personally. Nasira really at this point over all did not have much else going on for her. This gave her something to stride for."Oh? What did you have to go off for that idea?"Nasira laughed about it. In some manner it was a test to see where people learn of her. After all she had settled in here for a while. a vetting process was interesting after all.

After all he seemed to take these matter seriously."After all i am sure your process was over all an interesting to look through so many people." Nasira seemed to wonder how many people he might have had to look through but with out asking, Most of the people she met when joining seemed fairly well meaning and friendly so she was kind of pondering and slowly learning.

#12Tamás Horvath 

As Life Goes Forward.(Open.) Empty Mon Oct 16, 2023 8:01 am

Tamás Horvath
He shrugged casually and spoke in a way as he wanted to sound non serious as if lighting the mood "Hello pot, this is kettle" its an informal saying that the two were alike or that he saw himself in her, to which he also added "When I was preparing things for the guild here I saw you. And other than that intuition" he wanted to find a way to present to her that he was not some supreme person or overlord, that he was no better than her. He just felt a connection with someone or maybe recognized someone who is in the same position he once was.

When she spoke about his process, he nodded "It was quite the venture. This recent search has shown me there were many walks of life. People are so diverse. From humble to arrogant. Poor to rich. Pacifist to aggressive. Weak to strong. Lost to certain in their place of life. There was a plethora of people. And it all boiled down to us and this humble guild we have now" he looks away from her to the town "Who knows what awaits us. I personally am happy with how the guild is. For it is like a family I never had. My only concern is to keep it and this place safe."

But it was unfortunate that around the time they formed, Phantom Lord re-assembled. He was ready to deal with Eternal Nightmare. But not with Phantom Lord who is renewed and back from its ashes, full of energy and ready to prove itself to the world just what trouble they can be. What will be their guilds future? Glory or ruin? If only he had met Judith before when they were both at north. He knew he had many things to learn and as a guild master of fairy tail, she had plenty to teach him or at least to reassure him he was doing well. All now he can do is hope.


As Life Goes Forward.(Open.) Empty Thu Oct 19, 2023 2:28 pm

This was a good piece of conversation, However Nasira had to wonder. how did he get information on her? Nasira did not leave a lot of information for people to learn or know of just kind of her name and that was it. So she would ask about it."So...where did you get information about me then?"Nasira asked casually because she wanted to know what all and all he learned. Not that she needed to worry about anything being too horrible about her. after all she was here now.

It as true, who knows what would go on."We can only hope for the best."Nasira left it at that. blunt it might be but seemingly well intended with it over all."I can tell you at least, raising a family is different from running a guild."How she knew this she did not go into detail yet.

#14Tamás Horvath 

As Life Goes Forward.(Open.) Empty Sun Nov 12, 2023 6:22 am

Tamás Horvath
"I had a guy ask around" while he certainly wasnt gunning for someone specific or stalking anyone. He did leave one of his allies back in the West to ask around people and see who is deemed fit to join his guild. It was not something he could do alone. Tamas got some second hand information. And he had a bunch of choices to make. Ultimately among the people he had to choose from, Nasira seemed like the best pick. "If you wish to know all the information, I can direct you to our guilds armourer. He is a daemon whom I left in the West to scout out people to join my guild. He was the one who acquired the information. Everything I got was passed down from him. I have got some candidates to choose from. But ultimately, I felt like you were the best person to ask."

As they spoke, he did not mind Nasira's bluntness because he had been like that as well. He doesnt even know if he improved or was he still blunt. Tamas knew he had to improve as a person in order to be a leader. So he couldnt be that harsh with his words as not all people responded equally to bluntness. Sometimes subtlety was required and he needed to learn when to apply which method.
Tamas nodded hearing Nasira "Perhaps. I certainly dont know what it is like to have a family. So to me, guild and family is interchangeble and the same. Im here to help and support" so if she needs anything or if anyone needs anything, he can help, support or protect

"So Nasira. Do you have a certain goal in life? Anything you wish to aspire to be? Something to get or find or achieve?" yea she did say before that she had someone who was missing. But he didnt pry in to poke and ask about that. Because he didnt know if she was actively looking for the person or not. So he asked her a general question. What was her motivation and her goal


As Life Goes Forward.(Open.) Empty Wed Nov 15, 2023 8:58 am

As she thought about it over all she really did not have a family and merely grasped on to the things close enough to her that she could consider one. But it would depressing to mention it that way, So she would going to let it out."It is the closest thing I had to a family after coming to fiore."Leaving out how she actually got to fiore after all she was from Deserito to start with and she was speaking the language clearly enough but the accent was not entirely gone yet.

But if anything Nasira did not seem to press him much more on how he learned of her."Over all, I either intend to live out the rest of my days working here, Finding a out what happen to that one elf of mention, Move on if she is gone and live my life the best i can."it seemed to be a simple thing to consider in the end she just wanted to do her best.

#16Tamás Horvath 

As Life Goes Forward.(Open.) Empty Wed Nov 22, 2023 5:04 am

Tamás Horvath
He nodded "The guild hall is a home for you. So feel free to feel right at home, do as you wish to your hearts content. If you ever need help finding that certain someone, I will support you and give you resources to find closure. Because truth be told, my end goal is similar to yours. To live out the rest of my days working here. And to make Baska safer and improve it. I wish to make sure our guild is not ruined my some upstarts they think are some hot shit. I wish for us to be formidable merely to defend ourselves"

Because he had a bad feeling. The West is a precarious position. Phantom Lord being the closest guild, followed by Paradise Dawn next in north. All other guilds were far away and they were isolated, the only bastion against a dark guild since they were in close proximity. All he wanted was to live peacefully and have a few advantures with his family. The Guild. Nasira's goal was his goal too, because he did in all earnestness which to help her. He needed to speak to Vex after this and try to interact with her too


As Life Goes Forward.(Open.) Empty Sat Nov 25, 2023 10:01 am

In some manner it was easily seen that Nasira was some what of a prideful person and she was most likely was not going to want help with some things."I feel at home here too, I am just at times I am a very private person."Nasira said to Tamas. She phrased it nicely and not rude what she was going to mention next."I will keep in mind with your goal, But my search for the person i am looking I would prefer to do it myself."Nasira did however smile.

It seemed she kept it in mind at least walking over and padding him on the shoulder."But I am happy for these matter to have worked out for us."She would mention to at least show she was happy in some manner. Tamas and her would most likely get along fine. Even if she had to do some digging to learn how she got here.

#18Tamás Horvath 

As Life Goes Forward.(Open.) Empty Sun Nov 26, 2023 7:02 am

Tamás Horvath
He nodded "I understand. I will let you do your own matters in peace then" he then looked around the town and then back at Nasira "Are you hungry or thirsty by any chance?" he could buy her a meal or drink if she wishes, but if not its ok. Although he figured he should probably patrol the town as well or attend to other things. Though if Nasira wished to rest here, he would leave her in peace. But because he was a guild master, he couldnt just stay somewhere for too long being unproductive. He needed to make sure everyone was alright. And considering Nasira was, even though she had her own myteries to resolve, he was confident she was going to be alright and that she didnt need him. Still he made one more offer for her, if she wished to take it or not. And if the answer was no, that would be that


As Life Goes Forward.(Open.) Empty Wed Nov 29, 2023 12:57 pm

A decent question to ask, Nasira left to her own ways did not really rush eating much, she often just made sure she did a lot of other things before eating mostly to kind of keep the less food in her system."I should most likely do both now that I think about it.

But she over all could see that maybe this was in some manner a chance to not let this manner die."What are you intending to make, Or would be interested in something from Deserito? If we have the means to make it."After all she had not had they style of food for a long time, It was just something she had in mind to offer because she knew how to make it just as much as other meals. It was useful skills when she watched over a small child and their mother once. But that long a go.

#20Tamás Horvath 

As Life Goes Forward.(Open.) Empty Fri Dec 01, 2023 4:03 am

Tamás Horvath
As he asked Nasira if she was willing to go and get a meal with him she asked him what is he willing to make. Alas, Judith he was not, so the culinary arts are not his forte as the Fairy Mothers. He can make meals sure, but certainly nothing from desertio
"To be honest, I have never had a meal from Deseirto. I originally planned to buy you a meal of your choosing. But if you wish, we could go back to the guild and perhaps you can teach me about your culture" he mostly knew traditional fiorian stuff. That was his forte and was less familiar with foreign cuisine and culture. Especially one distant as Deseirto
"If you want, we can go and buy some ingredients now?" he offered to her as he was willing to pay for the expense out of his own coin. Still he welcomed it, because this was a chance to learn more about his guild mate in other aspects he did not know


As Life Goes Forward.(Open.) Empty Tue Dec 05, 2023 1:31 pm

It seemed Nasira was just going to be Nasira and just kind of take the on a bit of a different role now."Well, It is fairly different then what most people are use too. I have a fair amount of skill cooking from helping raise a child once and often being left baby sitting, So I can make these meals with out worry."Nasira said with a bit of a chuckle about it.

Nasira seemed to agree to this idea."I know everything we are looking for. It will be a short trip."She most likely had found where to find these things on her own before. She assumed he was already prepared and she started leaving. Not even considering money on hand or mentioning anything else. But given how Nasira was she most likely had been ready for this much like most things she was just ready over all.

#22Tamás Horvath 

As Life Goes Forward.(Open.) Empty Sun Dec 10, 2023 4:36 am

Tamás Horvath
"Really? Huh, I am surprised our guild has a number of talented cooks" he knew Scarlett was a talented cook. Well, he knew how to cook too a bit, but he just didnt have the motivation to put thought into his meals so for himself he defaults to simple stuff. But now Nasira also reveals her own cooking skills? Well he was fascinated to learn from her now

Anywho she seems to have known everything she needed so she started to lead the way and he'd follow. He was curious how she would cook. As well as trying to think what was their food like? Spicy? Were they the spicy ones or was it Bellum? He wished he could remember, but he guessed he shouldnt worry about it as he would find out soon enough. They just needed to get some ingredients that the guild hall probably didnt have.


As Life Goes Forward.(Open.) Empty Mon Dec 11, 2023 3:04 pm

Nasira did not know that yet, But she did not have a lot over connections to most of her guild members yet."It just means most of us are prepared for the world around us. Mind you feeding a hungry werewolf and his mother might not be an easy task at times."Nasira mentioned casually.

But Nasira over all kept the shopping trip quick, picking up various vegetables and dried beans. Different it might be compared to other people. but Nasira did quick up some spices as well. Then they would head back to the guild quickly to Nasira start making the things she wanted to try to see if he would enjoy. Nasira as time went on would end up making Falafel and Pita bread, With times tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, lettuce and a few sauces one of them being tahini. This was not typical Fiorian food but none the less it was something.

#24Tamás Horvath 

As Life Goes Forward.(Open.) Empty Wed Dec 20, 2023 1:51 am

Tamás Horvath
"You know a werewolf?" he felt like that was quite the story to tell and he was intrigued in hearing it. But he was still fine if Nasira didnt want to share all in one time, so they continued what they were doing

Their shopping trip was overall rather quick, as the two picked up various vegetables and dried beans. Nasira also made sure to get some spices along then way.Then they would head back to the guild quickly so Nasira can start making the things she wanted to try to see if he would enjoy. Tamas followed Nasira's instructions and either helped in the kitchen or if she told him to wait it out, he would respect that and wait for a surprise.

Eventually the meal would be made and he would be able to try it out, taking off his helmet, he examined the meal "Is this a traditional meal from your home?" he asked


As Life Goes Forward.(Open.) Empty Wed Dec 20, 2023 4:20 pm

Nasira would explain some what just the basic detail, unless he really wanted names she would go into detail."For many years, I lived with a two of them, The mother and her son both werewolves. Mind you their diet was a bit different so i had to alter what i normally cook."She went on. A bit longer of phrased then when she spoke most of the time. It was over all her life for most recent of her years of life.

For his second question it was a simple answer."Yes."It was a meal from her home land. Something over all she did not show up but did not know many people who were interested in Desierto food. But she was happy some one was happy with trying it currently."It is some what rare to see it cooked around here anyway."But it seemed all and all everything was pretty settled.

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