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Prestige Race - Aberration

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Prestige Race - Aberration Empty Sun Apr 28, 2024 1:58 am



Aberration (New Character): The concept of Aberrations are that of a truly horrific nature. The attempting to advance the capabilities, power, and quality of life of man through the dangerous fusion of Magic and experimental sciences, neither tested nor determined to be safe, yet nevertheless practiced with wild abandonment and hijacked by those within the Underworld of Fiore for a singular purpose, to create living weapons; monsters composed of the marriage of flesh and machinery.

To be created as an Aberration is to likely sacrifice one's own humanity, to forever question whether they are whatever born as or rather that of a machine. Do they possess a soul? Is what drives them that of software, potentially that designed by those with only nefarious intentions behind them? Tragically, this is all too common, and those whom have the misfortune of being born into or ending up having such a fate often only exist for the purpose of becoming a weapon until their eventual destruction, rarely if ever having the opportunity to live an actual life.

Aberration (New Character Details): The user is an unfortunate soul, either having been born into a life where becoming an Aberration was less of a choice and more a consequence forced upon them, whether by their own doing or that of their previous generation. The purpose for them having been subjected to the horrific surgery can be motivated by illicit trade, pure sadism, to be used as a weapon, or for other more nefarious reasons.

Aberration (Burn): To become an Aberration, one must be either willing to undergo or otherwise be forced to suffer through the brutal series of surgeries that will inevitably erode away their humanity, strip them of their free will, grant them extraordinary power at the cost of becoming little more than an advanced weapon of war, having both the imperfections of mortal man while also having the technical flaws that exist within machines. Imperfect however one would look at it, so must be the mind that would ever willingly subject themselves to such a fate.

Aberration (Burn Details): The user uses the burn method to burn away a portion of their experience and statistics in order to successfully undergo the Aberration's Surgery.


  • High Composite Fleshcraft: Aberrations receive a Minor Resistance against Physical attacks.

  • Overdrive Engine Capacity: Aberrations receive a Minor Resistance against Debuffs.

  • Erosive Plating: Aberrations receive a Minor Weakness against Water.

  • Sonar Module: Aberrations can use sonar to detect the movements of anyone within a 50-meter range of them and sense their location.

  • Hyperaccelerated Internal Immune System: Mana Drain and Life Steal effects against Aberrations are reduced by 1 Rank.

  • ARK-Virus Infection: Healing spells applied to Aberrations from other sources are reduced by 2 Ranks.

  • ARK-Virus Synthesizing Cancer: Other Buff spells cast on Aberrations from other sources are reduced by 2 Ranks.


  • Name: Vitality Drain
    Rank: D-S
    Mana Cost: -
    Requirements: Aberration
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 5 Meters
    Cooldown: -
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: An Aberration can hold out one of their hands in the direction of a target spell or in contact with a target. By paying Mana equal to the cost of the spell and/or a rank of their choice when used in contact with a user, the Aberration may drain mana from the target, adding the rank's worth associated with the paid Mana cost towards the Aberration's Constitution, restoring any lost. The cooldown and mana cost are based on the rank's worth of energy drained, up to a maximum of S-rank. While this spell is on cooldown, the Aberration may cast this again, but doing so results in the Aberration's arm(s) being rendered permanently hindered for the remainder of the topic, unable to be used either to fight or as a medium for spells. The cooldown of this spell can only be reduced through the different Aberration Transformations.

  • Name: Fallout Dispersal Unit
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 5% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: 50 RP Posts as an Aberration; at least A-Rank
    Requirements: Aberration
    Type: Debuff
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: A cloud of purple fog begins to disperse around the Aberration, spreading out in all directions. Those who come into contact with the cloud with the exception of the Aberration will suffer from symptoms similar to that of nuclear poisoning, resulting in an S-Rank penalty to all Physical attributes for a period of 3 posts. Upon re-entering the toxic cloud, the duration of the debuff will reset.

  • Name: Modernized Warfare System
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 5% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: 50 RP Posts as an Aberration; at least A-Rank
    Type: Transformation
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The Aberration is capable of restructuring the mechanical and biological makeup of one of its limbs, turning it into that of a weapon system capable of firing projectiles at targets. Once per post, the Aberration may fire a 3cm bullet composed of Magically-infused iron that travels forward, dealing S-Rank damage upon strike. The firing mechanism can be destroyed after suffering 2 S-Rank worth of damage or if the limb is rendered hindered by other effects such as overutilizing Vitality Drain. Only one limb may be subjected to the effect of Modernized Warfare System at a time. This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it cannot be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells. The bullet fired can be cancelled however.


  • Name: Aberration First Stage - Hybrid
    Mana Cost: 2% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: 50 RP Posts as an Aberration; at least B-Rank
    Type: Transformation
    Element: Arcane
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The Aberration restructures the mechanical and biological makeup of its entire body, becoming like that of a humanoid figure having considerable mechanical components to the point where one would wonder if the Aberration were human any further. The Aberration reduces the attributes of those that are ranked equal or one rank lower by 10%. Though, anyone that is two ranks lower or more than the Aberration will suffer a reduction of 20%. This only affects those within 25 meters of the Aberration. Vitality Drain has its cooldown reduced by 1 post. This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it cannot be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.

  • Name: Aberration Second Stage - Aberrant Monstrosity
    Mana Cost: 5% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: 100 RP Posts as an Aberration; at least S-Rank
    Type: Transformation
    Element: Arcane
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The Aberration restructures the mechanical and biological makeup of its entire body, becoming like that of a warped creature combining metal, robotic-like components with horrific creature elements, whatever human elements may have been present now seeming to be gone. The Aberration reduces the attributes of those that are ranked equal or one rank lower by 10%. Though, anyone that is two ranks lower or more than the Aberration will suffer a reduction of 20%. This only affects those within 25 meters of the Aberration. Vitality Drain has its cooldown reduced by 2 Posts and also heals Endurance when used. Lastly, the Aberration may not be healed by any means outside of Vitality Drain, including Life Steal effects. However, their Weakness to Water becomes a Moderate Weakness. This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it cannot be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.


Prestige Race - Aberration Empty Sun Apr 28, 2024 1:59 am

@Astrid may claim this Commission using a Prestige Race Commission ticket.


Prestige Race - Aberration Empty Sun Apr 28, 2024 2:00 am

Submitting my Prestige Race Commission Coupon to claim Aberration as my custom race.

#4Alaric Holloway 

Prestige Race - Aberration Empty Sun Apr 28, 2024 5:03 pm

Alaric Holloway
@Astrid has claimed this race

Prestige Race - Aberration THOXIZP
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