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Old Friends: Cut Apart [Epic]

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Old Friends: Cut Apart [Epic] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 9:59 pm

Saturn couldn’t make much headway in the talks; many of the mindrache seemed to think he didn’t understand their culture their way of life and how they managed to survive for so long. This group at least was the sort to always be on the move and make plans at the last minute. A way to avoid getting tracked was so that you didn’t plan ahead and word wouldn’t get out. Having a home would make it easier to plan and easier to attack them. Something that the others argued that it’d be easier to defend and grow if you remained in place. The bickering kept on going throughout the night leaving many tempers high and even a few instances of the members almost coming to blows.

Saturn had stepped out at one such point, sitting down outside and having his arms resting against his legs. Echo was tired too and sat next to him, staring down at the ground and eventually sighing. The both of them didn’t need to say anything and saturn just rested his hand on echo’s head in an effort to re-assure him. The talks would be going on for a long time saturn felt but all of them had a lot of time. Saturn was practically ageless, echo was too. Most mindrache’s lived for hundreds of years so they weren’t in a rush either.

The night came to a close and the discussions teetered off; there wasn’t much more that could be said as answers were scarce. The mindrache that supported saturn were the ones that saw how well the guards did or enjoyed the protection of the rune knights. Something they wanted to further involve themselves in. Mindrache as part of rune knight organization would be a big step for them. Further still if they could get a town that was for them. Saturn crossed his arms as he watched the elders that didn’t agree with this retire to their tent. They were old and stubborn in their ways.

We’ve got a lot to work on saturn…

They’ll eventually come around. Or they’ll split up and weaken the group so much that neither can do what they’re doing. This is why it’s so important. If they can’t come to an agreement it’ll mean that the whole community is gone.

Echo sighed and nodded his head; he already knew this but it felt good to have it out and in the air. The two of them would eventually leave the area of the meeting, going back to their tent. The vestige was already there, making tea and had prepared them some food. For a beast they were remarkably well equipped and well mannered in an effort to help them. Saturn pondered over the general dilemma that they faced while echo and the vestige chatted with one another.

The morning was restless, a lot of heat had come from the night and there wasn’t much that could be said until the next meeting a few days later. Saturn made sure that the mindrache were well kept after. More of his rune knights showed up one after another; armorers, weapon smiths, guards and more. They were making this into an actual well defended location for the time being. Saturn was happy to help but he knew the longer they stayed here the less traction the caravan wanting elders would have which would just… backfire.

Which when the next meeting came around was evident. They were mad that saturn was moving forward but they couldn’t control that. He had to prepare for the inevitable fact that they would get attacked again and it was better to be prepared than not. Many of the mindrache even the ones on the other half of the discussion were admitting that was a wise move. Only a few elders remained stubborn at this point; the youngest among them didn’t really seem to care either way. They wanted a home but also understood the need to travel.

When the bickering reached a new height and there were almost blows exchanged echo finally took a stand. He was larger than most of the mindrache here, by about a head or so. So when he stood on his little box everyone turned to listen. Saturn stood near the entrance of the tent to make sure that people stayed and listened rathering than scampering off if things got too heated.

You’ve been running your whole lives, losing people left and right. Not able to even replenish your numbers in anything that matters. Hundreds at some point is hardly now even fifty or sixity of you. How much longer before there’s just five or six? Seven? How long before you realize that you can’t do this on your own? How many lives do we need to sacrifice to the world before you admit you were wrong?

Saturn could see that the words hit the faces of each and every mindrache in audience. The young, the old, the guards, the elders. Every one of them looked between themselves; they mumbled a bit and looked down at their feet in shame, some of the guards nudged one another as saturn adjusted slightly. Like he was going to say something further and he would step forward slightly. Clearing his throat and causing literally the whole meeting to look at him. Nearly a hundred set of eyes upon him.

The Rune Knights have already lent a hand throughout this whole process. I’ve arranged for if you’re agreeing to it, for supply and trade to make its way here. All it needs is a place to arrive to. A town or city for you to have and call home. I can get people to come here and construct homes for you; all sorts of resources. Echo’s right in the idea of staying here. You can build something here that’ll last longer than most. You can have a home again. Just let me and echo help you.

Echo folded his petite arms and nodded his head along with what saturn had to say. Most of the elders seemed to agree save for one of them that wanted to say something but his face fell a bit when he saw the reaction of everyone here. There were folks that were tired of running, folks that wanted to fight and folks that just wanted to live in peace for once. Saturn saw the process in his head and would eventually speak up again.

You won’t be alone in this, the rune knights will support you. Support the birth of a new pseudo nation in their midsts. A colony of sorts. It’ll need a name and it’ll take some time but it’ll be worth it. We’ll make it worth it too.

Saturn motioned towards some of the rune knights that had arrived, an array of different races serving under it. From a few elves, to a couple demi humans. Even a dwarf or two who seemed the better part of annoyed being above ground. The few humans that had arrived were on the younger sort and even a few of those were from the outpost that the mindrache had taken refuge in not even what seemed a month ago. Saturn’s smile widened a bit and he’d step forward slightly.

You’ll also have my support, in it’s entirety.

The murmuring that came from that was a little surprising to say the least but echo looked happy at the fact that the both of them were able to make such an impact on the mindrache here. Not a single one looked at odds anymore and a few handshakes were exchanged between disagreeing parties. Saturn looked to the few rune knights that had arrived. One of which was a quartermaster…


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