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Look Who Came Out of Her Shell.(Social.)

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Look Who Came Out of Her Shell.(Social.) Empty Thu Jun 27, 2024 12:07 pm

It had been an oddly long time since anyone had really seen Akuko, She was almost a figure of the past long forgotten. Up until when she seemingly just show up at Seven with Miko. For a while Miko was in her hands but as normal the tiny being did slip away and Akuko merely adjusting to the weather here and just finally managing it.

But Akuko did not realize that Miko was missing, not yet anyway. She was just seemingly walking casually the only thing really to note that she seemed had stop merely being just out of sight form the world was upon looking upon the lands of seven and how the people lived, with a puzzled look on her face she merely went."People...want to live like this?"Akuko was not spoiled by how her life had changed but she was still confused about how other nations where. Almost like she had to learn what it was like some how.

Look Who Came Out of Her Shell.(Social.) Shenhe10

Look Who Came Out of Her Shell.(Social.) Empty Thu Jun 27, 2024 1:31 pm


Mishiko and Ohta were silently behind Akuko as Mishiko's tired dead eyes gazed towards her childhood friend who was human. One of the few mortals that she cherished still who hasn't disappeared from her life. "Akuko... quite the view here, isn't it? Far different than what we endured in our lives?", she asked as she strided closer and now walked beside her while Ohta stayed behind. A small smile of amusement curved on the Death God's lips as she thinks, "These lands, their grass are like golden hay swaying with the wind, their housing are sculptured by white stone with wood as their decor... plants here are mainly vines and yet I heard their wine is very rich here,", Mishiko mused the different things she has learned here.

"Is there anything you want to try?", Mishiko wondered to her friend who she cared for more than anyone else in this world. If only she could do more for her...


Look Who Came Out of Her Shell.(Social.) Empty Thu Jun 27, 2024 2:44 pm

She would eventually get back to focus while she seemed a bit more tuned out of the world, The slightly colder emotionless nature. Misihko did see the friend she had grown up with ever with disagreements, At least Akuko didn't try to scare or pull pranks on people anymore. It seemed entirely out of her system now."These lands are different...Bright....warm...Monsters linger upon the lands...It's different."Akuko seemed like she was fine with the place but unsure what all to say about it over all.

But she was most of the time hiding away so they might have to do some honest walking around. With one lingering problem about to eventually be mentioned."Wines?...Are they are bitter are the plum wine?"Akuko did not seemingly know because she had no tried anything but her normal overly bitter tasting things.

But also as the plan did seem to form."I suppose it is something to try."Akuko seemingly was in decent spirits as this progressed on because with the peace in Joya she seemed after the time has passed had some form of peace.

Then she looked upon Ohta"Oh Hello, Ohta....have you by chance seen Miko anywhere in your travels?"It was not that Akuko was not good at keeping tabs on Miko, the being was just really good at sneaking away when the right time came for it, Hence why at times Akuko asked.

Look Who Came Out of Her Shell.(Social.) Shenhe10

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