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Calamity arrives in the Seven[SC Founding Thread]

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#1Knuckles Shi 

Calamity arrives in the Seven[SC Founding Thread] Empty Tue Jun 04, 2024 3:42 pm

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles arrived at the arena of Seven, it was after-hours so the place was closed to the public. It was the perfect place for the meeting he had set up. It had been a pain in the ass to track down all of the Orginal Members but with his Noble name, it helped the process. The spending of jewels did not hurt the efforts either. There was also the natural fear he pushed out of people being a Daemon. He learned that a lot of people did not like clowns.

All there was left was to see who would show up, he had hoped all would but he knew better than to think they would. He looked up to the sky saying a silent prayer to Odin that at least one person showed and had that fire still burning within them. On top of the Orginal members he had sent a few invites to some up-and-coming guys he thought had the spirit of a warrior, though granted some of them were more keen to magic than the in-your-face thing, but as long as they lived to fight he could not see the harm in it.

It was about that time for the meeting, they would either show or not. He had given them a brief idea of why he had asked them to visit Seven, though he had kept the whole truth out of it just in case, most of them had bad reputations anyway so the last thing they needed was a repeat of last time. Though IF The Rune Knights showed up this time, Knuckles had two great answers for them. Either way it went if someone came crashing the party they would find themselves dealt with.

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

Calamity arrives in the Seven[SC Founding Thread] Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 1:43 pm


In her roam across earth land over the last several months. There was a silence that both disturbed her and gave somewhat a feeling of tranquility in the aftermath of Sleeping Calamity's disbandment. The former guild master suddenly found herself a lot of more free time, and less amounts of easy to access resources. So much for plans going smoothly. She had just gotten out of the deserted erased land after doing some investigation. The world of that nation had turned to ash. It was just soil, sand, and emptiness. But not inhabitable, and it gave her thoughts to something that was in the back of her mind. Just as she was on a ship traveling the seas after, she managed to get mail. Heaven knows how that bird found her out of Fiore though.

Normally she would not care for any note requesting her presence, even more so in the current times she was in. However, there were a scant few who would always hold Jikan's interest and respect, and the sender was one of them. Regardless of his latest action. Arriving at the arena through the North gate, Jikan found the area of choice funny given their connection.

"Hello again Knux, of Paradise Dawn", Jikan said with a emotionless emphasis on the later part. "What is it that you want to talk about? You message was a bit vague but I know you are short when it comes to words".

wc: 247

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Calamity arrives in the Seven[SC Founding Thread] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc

#3Tsukishima Higurashi 

Calamity arrives in the Seven[SC Founding Thread] Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 8:22 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
The lich stared at the massive construct before him. "Impressive..." Tsukishima murmured, his voice a low, resonant echo in the air. The transformation into a Lich had brought him more than just physical alterations; it had imbued within him with a newfound sense of purpose, a relentless drive to excel beyond mortal bounds. With each passing day, he grew more attuned to the arcane energies coursing through his undead form, each day growing in power.

But alongside this mastery over necromantic forces came a shift in his very personality, a subtle but undeniable change in his desires and motivations. Where once there had been hesitation and caution, now there was only an unyielding thirst for supremacy, an insatiable hunger to prove himself unmatched.

Thus, when the invitation had arrived shortly after his arrival in the country of Seven to this arena, he had accepted without hesitation. Gone was the caution of his former self, replaced by a resolve to seize any opportunity that might further his ascent to greatness. As he strode through the southern gates, his eyes fell upon two figures locked in conversation. The lips on his mortal disguise curled into a knowing smile, a silent acknowledgment of the fun that lay before him.

He quickly closed the distance between them, the invitation held loosely in his right hand. "So I assume you both were gathered here by these invitations as well?


Calamity arrives in the Seven[SC Founding Thread] Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 1:56 pm


Ikazuchi had spent his time during the last several months in Seven refining his skills, training, and frequenting the Arena. During that time, he wasn’t surprised to find out about the dissolution of the guild due to the stigma surrounding it. After the initial period of lawlessness, it had gradually shifted towards a more neutral stance that was clearly experienced by the citizens of Orchidia. Even with that, the pursuit was ultimately more of an annoyance than it was anything else for the guild. At least, from his perspective, a gathering of criminals only meant that more people would be seeking reward rather than challenge.

It was partially due to this fact that he could calmly accept the fate that came to the guild and migrate his base of operations to a foreign country. Although his bounty stood across the continent, he was naturally less known in other countries with their own troubles and concerns. In particular, the famous arena in Seven had no consideration towards bounties or contracts and served as a place to hone one’s skills.

On this day, Ikazuchi was responding the a call from a former guildmate who he had really only heard rumors of. He wasn’t clear on the details, but the vague understanding that the one sending the invite and Jikan had at one point dueled for leadership was something to keep in mind. This piqued his curiosity. ‘What kind of person is he?’ This is the question that ran through his mind over and over as he casually walked through the passage to the designated area.

Despite his acceptance of the result, Ikazuchi’s fondness towards the guild and what it stood for with its core principles strengthened his expectations. With another step, the path expanded into the venue where he observed three individuals. First, his eyes locked onto the familiar figure of Jikan. ‘Who would have thought?’ As he wasn’t particularly close to her and hadn’t kept in touch, Ikazuchi would simply nod as a greeting should their gazes cross.

Next, his attention drifted to the individual known as Tsukishima. As they didn’t seem particularly strong, Ikazuchi didn’t focus much of his attention on him. His passing glance could only be described as disinterested. Finally, his gaze settled on Knuckles. Ikazuchi was surprised as he intuitively understood that the man had joined Paradise Dawn during the time since his departure. ‘How Ironic…’ He couldn’t help but feel disdain at the idea as he reconsidered the true intentions of the meeting. Even now, he hadn’t let go of the damages inflicted on the guild. Although Sleeping Calamity had disbanded, he wasn’t someone forgiving enough to forget the past. At the very least, he wouldn’t be able to do so without some form of settlement or mediation. As the last to arrive, Ikazuchi didn’t know he entered just moments after Tsukishima had inquired about the invitations and naturally spoke to the gathering's host.

I don’t think we were ever introduced, I’m Ikazuchi…” He spoke clearly having since made it within a reasonable distance of the others. For just a moment, his gaze shifted around the area as he confirmed no one else present.  “...Is this everyone?

Word Count: 530

Combat Stats

*All Gear is Equipped


  • Main-Hand (Left) Damage [641 + 104 = 745]| 2x S-Rank
  • Off-Hand (Right) Damage [641 + 117 = 758]| 3x S-rank
  • Non-Weapon Damage| 2x S-Rank

  • Weapon Mastery: Swords - Grand Master| Weapon Durability +2 S-Rank, Weapon Damage +30% [Rounded Up]

  • Speed| 35 m/s - Duration: 7 Posts
  • Lunge| 17.5 m/s - Frequency: 3 Per post
  • Acceleration| 2 Seconds to Top Speed

  • Health| 4x S-Rank
  • Endurance| 2x S-Rank

  • Head| 2x S-Rank
  • Chest| 2x S-Rank
  • L. Arm| 2x S-Rank
  • R. Arm| 2x S-Rank
  • L. Leg| 2x S-Rank
  • R. Leg| 2x S-Rank

  • Magic Resistance| Minor - 1 Tier Damage Reduction to Direct Magic Attacks
  • Item Spell Mana Reduction| 20% Mana Reduction
  • Item Spell Cooldown Reduction| 2 Post CDR (3 Post CDR on Swords)
  • Passive Stat Bonus| 10% bonus to all stats from Human Perk


Strength: 641 [Base: 501| Adaptability (10%): 50 | Armor Bonus: 90]

Speed: 276 [Base: 251 | Adaptability (10%): 25]

Constitution: 264 [Base: 131| Adaptability (10%): 13 | Equipment Bonus: 120]

Endurance: 178 [Base: 162 | Adaptability (10%): 16]

Intelligence: 4

Mana: 7,450

Equipment Stats and Durability

Left Hand:  Spellcutter: Damage: +104 [80 + 24(30%) = 104] - Durability: 7x S-Rank

Right Hand: Breaker: Damage: +117 [90 + 27(30%) = 117] - Durability: 7x S-Rank

[WM #1]Reserve Weapon: White Walker’s Sword: Damage: +104 [80 + 24(30%) = 104] - Durability: 6x S-Rank

[WM #2]Reserve Weapon: Clarent: Damage: +104 [80 + 24(30%) = 104] - Durability: 6x S-Rank

[WM #3]Reserve Weapon: Arondight: Damage: +104 [80 + 24(30%) = 104] - Durability: 6x S-Rank



Relic: Cloud Ring Flow: This effect causes a unique change to the mana within the user that strengthens and supplements their body to increase the wearer's acceleration and their body’s ability to endure that effect. This reduces the time for the wearer to reach top speed from four seconds to two seconds. - Durability: 2x S-Rank

Necklace: Samwise’s Necklace: Bonus: Weapon Durability: The user receives an additional 2x S-rank durability to their weapon. - Durability: 3x S-Rank

Ring: Leonardo’s Ring: Bonus: +60 Constitution - Durability: 2x S-Rank

Earring: Jaan Earring: Bonus: +60 Constitution - Durability: Indestructible

Companion: Sword Spirit

#5Knuckles Shi 

Calamity arrives in the Seven[SC Founding Thread] Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 9:55 pm

Knuckles Shi

Jikan was the first to arrive moments before the Lich. Enough time for her to throw a jab at him, the mark of paradise Dawn clearly on his face near his eye where the crest of Sleeping Calamity once found itself and later the Mark of the Syndicate he had been a part of though they would likely not know he had been a Don for a short while. Knuckles gave a small smirk, "Ah lady Jikan, first as always a pleasure to see you. So you've heard of that, have you? Good. That makes it easier."

As the Lich soon approached Knuckles welcomed him with a smile. He was an up-and-comer as they called them. Someone with real potential and a mage to really balance out the group IF they would hear him out fully and accept his offer. There was another he planned to visit and offer a spot on the team too. They would come later. "Welcome friend, you are half right as I was the one who sent them. We are waiting for one more to arrive and I promise I will not take up much of your time. "

Lastly, Ikazuchi would stroll up with a treasure trove of gear on his person. It was clear the man cared much about his equipment or did not use it but from what he had gathered from the former Guild mate was that this man followed a road much like his own, aside from barraging deals with demons that was. Ikazuchi kept some distance from them likely untrusting the unknown parties as they have never officially met. Knuckles "The Clout Chaser" Shi, currently of Paradise Dawn..."

He paused to let what he said sink in. "There were a few others but I guess they did not wish to attend." Knuckles shifted his body so he would be facing the three gathered before him. "So I won't waste your time and I'll get down to it. I reached out to you all to offer you two things. The first is to reunite Sleeping Calamity here in the Seven where those with the warrior spirit excel in life. The second is to start anew and wash away the stain of the name. " He made more eye contact with Jikan and Ikazuchi when he said this as this would have more meaning to them than the newcomer. "To get it out the way yes, I joined the very guild that destroyed our home those years ago, I went there to revenge us alone and lost. I came to to conclusion that if they had enough power to defeat me first there was something there I needed to learn to grow on my journey as a warrior and due to that I have become strong enough to stand before you with this question. Will you three here tonight join me in a solitary mission to grow stronger and make a place where you can grow as well as help others with the warrior spirit also grow? In this country, we will be free away from the government and its outlooks on how a guild must operate and also welcomed by those who understand the life of a warrior. For those that don't know this." Knuckles dragged his first on the arena behind him. "This is a place where warriors pit themselves against each other to come out better. No laws to arrest you, no headhunters, no hassle, just fighting. This island is ruled by gods and is broken into factions. There is no one power or one ruler here. "

Knuckles relaxed his position and looked to all three of them. "I will end on this. Whatever your feelings are about Paradise Dawn know these two things." Knuckles held up one finger on his right hand. "One, Khalfani has long since left the guild and was the reason we were attacked. Two, they hold no ill will towards those who were of Sleeping Calamity. That being said, if revenge is what you seek then I will ride with you. That being said there are warriors there such as Brone who fight with honor. So any questions?"

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

Calamity arrives in the Seven[SC Founding Thread] Empty Sun Jun 09, 2024 9:18 pm


Jikan was quite intrigued about this turn of events. But internally tense and suspicious. In terms of a warrior Jikan thought of him as a solid example. Strong. Not afraid to fight anyone, and honorable, even among a crowd of criminals, thiefs, and killers. He was a fighter with a darker side but one who had earned a bit of respect. And yet, here she was. COnfronted with him after so long with that MARK on his face. Her disdain and irritation at the symbol of that guild knew no bounds due to their transgression and hindrance to her objectives. Her pride as a warrior could not stand seeing one who was once an ‘ally’ with that symbol. To ‘befriend’ Paradise Dawn…

She wanted nothing more to tear it right off.

But he was his own man. In Sleeping Calamity they held no fidelity to each other and barely to the guild group. It was something she would just have to stomach, for now. Her respect for the man earned that at the least.

At the end of this chain of thought, a voice tricked and tickled her ear. A strong yet soft resonance carrying unknown mysteries as her eyes locked onto the figure shifting out from the southern gate. With a pointed finger to Knux she gave an answer to the man’s question as she did not speak. Curiosity in her mind, this man was quite unknown to her. And Knux invited him as well? Either he was a budding power that piqued the fellow red head’s interest, or he was a powerful being from foreign land that she had not gotten information of.

With Knux’s words Jikan was starting to wonder if this was becoming a bigger gathering than she had thought at first. Another? Who? Shifting her body and turning her head, Jikan peered through the shadows of the arena. Earning the prize of another familiar face long faded in time. A bemused light smirk came now in the corner of her mouth. At this rate she half expected Skald or Agna to show up. Either way, when their eyes locked for a second she would return his nod with one of her own. It seemed he had been at it again when it came to making armor and weapons. With all that skill it was insane that his bladework kept being rumored to improve with each craft. In truth it was like he was obsessed as she could not remember ever to really be able to pry the man from his passions. All before closes her eyes and simply crossed her arms underneath her bosom as if she was in thought listening to Knux’s words.

Her eyes closed, she focused on tranquility. More and more this ring felt like it was bringing out the evil and unbalance in her soul. She had lingering thoughts before being shook with an internal chuckle, the Clout Chaser. Oh, how she always wondered how he got the epithet, it sounded like it held so much mockery yet he always said it with such pride. It had to be a nickname from old or family she would bet. Either that or he was always chasing fam- yep. That would explain it.

With Knux’s meeting debrief starting she slowly opened her eyes. A lackadaisical glow to her as he began before raising an eyebrow at the thought of bringing Sleeping Calamity back as guild within Seven. Such a prospective proved…interesting to hear. Yet she had no real need for it. Orchidia was the same from what she could tell with or without them now, she would always be there to help that town. And well, With Ari long gone into the shadows, there was less amusement with the thought of a place to compare, grow, and find a kin in strength. Yet…she could not lie about having good memories over the last several years.

Stain…the defeat and failure of expansion. Of growth in power for their guild at a whole. Not just their elite. Their impression of the world. Each chance of his word’s meaning flipped into her head like a picture book.

She took a soft breath, a long and slow draw that shook her striking red-black tipped hair down her back in a cascade like a fiery waterfall. Her white skin seemed pale in comparison, her blue green eyes were in a void of exuberance. At first at least. The glassy calm grew into a subtle ember, the common gleam when it came to a fight growing in her belly. Her untouched soul was tempted at the chaos before them. They could grow and experience new fighters.

No questions, for now. So long as they stay out of my way this time”.

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Calamity arrives in the Seven[SC Founding Thread] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc

#7Tsukishima Higurashi 

Calamity arrives in the Seven[SC Founding Thread] Empty Mon Jun 10, 2024 9:50 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
As Tsukishima listened intently to the individual who had called the meeting, one final participant arrived. This newcomer was a dark-haired man with steely blue eyes who cast a disinterested parting glance at the lich before offering more favorable acknowledgments to the others. An immediate disdain for the man welled up within Tsukishima; in that moment, he desired nothing more than to watch his bones break. "So they're all acquainted," he muttered to himself, feeling slightly out of place. Despite not sensing any immediate threat, he remained prepared for any eventuality.

As they all gathered, their benefactor, now revealed to be Knuckles Shi of the guild Paradise Dawn, began to speak. He presented an enticing offer: the reformation of the guild Sleeping Calamity, albeit without the tarnished reputation of its dark past. Tsukishima had heard tales of this guild and its downfall during his travels across Fiore. Now, he found himself standing among some of the original members. Knuckles’ words were filled with ambition, promising a fresh start to grow and excel with the warrior spirit. The idea of reviving the guild, cleansed of its former sins, sparked a glimmer of interest in Tsukishima. Since his transformation, he had felt a burning desire to continually test his power and see how far he could push his body. He glanced around at the others, recognizing the potential for greatness that lay within this assembled group.

With a determined step forward, Tsukishima allowed his mortal disguise to slowly shed away, revealing his skeletal visage in its entirety. His voice, now echoing with an eerie resonance. “I’m not well-versed in the history of Sleeping Calamity beyond what’s been reported throughout Fiore, so I can’t speak to any desire for revenge against Paradise Dawn. However, I will say this: if your proposal is for the pursuit of power, I will join. And if revenge is your goal, I will support it as long as it allows me an outlet to prove my strength.


Calamity arrives in the Seven[SC Founding Thread] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 5:17 pm


Ikazuchi was able to calmly listen to the introduction from Knuckles, nodding slightly in greeting after the personal portion was out of the way. Although it annoyed Ikazuchi to hear the part about his current affiliation, he wouldn’t take that out on someone considering the nature of Sleeping Calamity. At the end of the day, it wasn’t as if the man had directly backstabbed anyone. He simply moved on, something that Ikazuchi hadn’t done. What followed was an intriguing offer, one that almost immediately dispelled his annoyance. ‘Re-establishing the Guild, huh? That doesn’t sound so bad…’

Ikazuchi recalled his time in Seven and the progress he had made as Knuckles continued his speech. The environment was superior to Orchidia in basically every way. Much like the speech suggested, this country supported their way of life countless times better with far fewer restrictions. Plus, there wasn’t a seemingly endless rat infestation. That was one thing he would never miss about the place, despite the fond memories he had of the original guild.

One thing in particular stood out to Ikazuchi was the fact that this would be an attempt to start anew. Recalling his bounty and the life he had lived after the passing of his parents, the idea of washing away the stain on his name alongside the guild didn’t sound too bad. Finally, Knuckles explained the circumstances of Paradise Dawn and his stance. He couldn’t help but smirk at the idea of him charging back in to seek revenge after all of this time.

Jikan answered with few words, but generally seemed supportive of the idea. Considering their former role, Ikazuchi imagined that they were happy to have less burden of management with the new iteration of the guild. Then came the new guy, Tsukishima. In more words than Ikazuchi cared for, he also supported the formation of the guild. He held back the urge to shake his head as he still had hope for the man to grow into someone formidable.

This left Ikazuchi as the last to respond to the invitation. “I’ll set aside whatever frustrations I have with Paradise Dawn for now. We can always settle our differences in the Arena, right?” He paused momentarily as he cast his gaze across the familiar stage before continuing. “As for the guild, I’m in….but, about that whole starting anew deal… you know I'm a bit of a wanted man, right?” He spoke in an almost playful tone as he didn’t think the others would care considering their natures. In the end, once upon a time, they were a part of a Dark Guild. If they were the type to shy away from bounty hunters, they should give up before the Guild is ever re-established.

Word Count: 457

Combat Stats

*All Gear is Equipped


  • Main-Hand (Left) Damage [641 + 104 = 745]| 2x S-Rank
  • Off-Hand (Right) Damage [641 + 117 = 758]| 3x S-rank
  • Non-Weapon Damage| 2x S-Rank

  • Weapon Mastery: Swords - Grand Master| Weapon Durability +2 S-Rank, Weapon Damage +30% [Rounded Up]

  • Speed| 35 m/s - Duration: 7 Posts
  • Lunge| 17.5 m/s - Frequency: 3 Per post
  • Acceleration| 2 Seconds to Top Speed

  • Health| 4x S-Rank
  • Endurance| 2x S-Rank

  • Head| 2x S-Rank
  • Chest| 2x S-Rank
  • L. Arm| 2x S-Rank
  • R. Arm| 2x S-Rank
  • L. Leg| 2x S-Rank
  • R. Leg| 2x S-Rank

  • Magic Resistance| Minor - 1 Tier Damage Reduction to Direct Magic Attacks
  • Item Spell Mana Reduction| 40% Mana Reduction
  • Item Spell Cooldown Reduction| 2 Post CDR
  • Passive Stat Bonus| 10% bonus to all stats from Human Perk


Strength: 641 [Base: 501| Adaptability (10%): 50 | Armor Bonus: 90]

Speed: 276 [Base: 251 | Adaptability (10%): 25]

Constitution: 264 [Base: 131| Adaptability (10%): 13 | Equipment Bonus: 120]

Endurance: 178 [Base: 162 | Adaptability (10%): 16]

Intelligence: 4

Mana: 7,450

Equipment Stats and Durability

Left Hand:  Spellcutter: Damage: +104 [80 + 24(30%) = 104] - Durability: 7x S-Rank

Right Hand: Breaker: Damage: +117 [90 + 27(30%) = 117] - Durability: 7x S-Rank

[WM #1]Reserve Weapon: White Walker’s Sword: Damage: +104 [80 + 24(30%) = 104] - Durability: 6x S-Rank

[WM #2]Reserve Weapon: Clarent: Damage: +104 [80 + 24(30%) = 104] - Durability: 6x S-Rank

[WM #3]Reserve Weapon: Arondight: Damage: +104 [80 + 24(30%) = 104] - Durability: 6x S-Rank



Relic: Cloud Ring Flow: This effect causes a unique change to the mana within the user that strengthens and supplements their body to increase the wearer's acceleration and their body’s ability to endure that effect. This reduces the time for the wearer to reach top speed from four seconds to two seconds. - Durability: 2x S-Rank

Necklace: Samwise’s Necklace: Bonus: Weapon Durability: The user receives an additional 2x S-rank durability to their weapon. - Durability: 3x S-Rank

Ring: Leonardo’s Ring: Bonus: +60 Constitution - Durability: 2x S-Rank

Earring: Jaan Earring: Bonus: +60 Constitution - Durability: Indestructible

Companion: Sword Spirit

#9Knuckles Shi 

Calamity arrives in the Seven[SC Founding Thread] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 5:49 pm

Knuckles Shi

Everyone had respected his time to talk, and so when it was their turn he did the same letting Jikan go first, she seemed uneasy about the ordeal but there was something on her mind, something troubling her. He hoped she remembered she could lean on him if she needed to, he would have to remind her of that but this was not the place for that kind of talk. For now, he needed to make sure all were okay with this reforming.  It seemed she was in. Her feelings with Paradise Dawn, however, remained for the time being. "They will, I can assure you that personally. The current Guild Master and I have a Pact with each other. " They had much more than that but that was all that needed to be said at this time.

Then there was the newcomer, Jikan and Ikazuchi might not know much about him not that Knuckles knew too much more. But as the man allowed the human shell to fall and said he was in while also committing himself to a war of revenge if needed Knuckles could only smile at his drive for greatness.  That was exactly what the Guild was for.  "Those goals will be watered and nurtured within this group.  We stand to fight all battles that come our way to test our strength and grow in power. No matter who the opponent is. "

Lastly, it was Ikazuchi who had to agree. He could see he was working it over in his head as Jikan had. Perhaps he should have left the guild of Paradise Dawn before coming here, but if they had refused his offer then that would be where he remained for a time. Ikazuchi brought up his bounty. " As I was once too, but that isn't a matter I am concerned with. We can always arrange for it to go away, after the fall of Calamity, I joined an organization that allowed me to make connections.  While it might not be able to get the bounty removed we can surely make an impact on it if it bothers you. As for the Dawn, we can probably handle any issues in this beauty behind me.  Just note that their Guild Master Lady Lumikki and I as I said before have a pact, I am a Daemon and she is my Demoness, the source of my Demonic powers. Those who are her enemies are my own. That being said I don't foresee a reason she would not accept a challenge. Just, note, I could not even touch her while I was able to deal damage to Yuurei himself to give you an idea. But it seems we are all in agreeance. "

Knuckles took out the guild stamp remover kit and pushed it to his cheek removing the guild mark from his eyes and cheek area. He then pulled out the Guild stamp that had been crafted for the reimaging of the guild.  He pressed it to his cheek applying the mark of Sleeping Calamity to it.
He tossed it to Ikazuchi. "After we make this official I'll show you the place I bought. I think you all will like it. It's a lot better than the old place. "

Knuckles would wait for them to stamp themselves and then lead them to the Guild hall. It was time to put the world on notice, Sleeping Calamity had returned!


"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

Calamity arrives in the Seven[SC Founding Thread] Empty Fri Jun 14, 2024 10:58 am


A pact huh? Noted. Externally, Jikan was straight to the point and indifferent. If Paradise Dawn stayed out of her way as an individual, they would be fine. Their group started off with a few growing elites, but now was a power house. Many fighters she held in an excited thought of fighting against and testing her own strength against. They could have a formal public view of being buddy buddy that way. But internally she held reservations and distrust of that group of mercenaries camouflage as a guild. They wanted power and influence just as any person and group after all. No matter how any one of them wanted to portray it, influence in the Northw as a competition. And they took the chance to attack the guild unprovoked saying they were ‘free’ Orchidia when no one was harming the town. Jikan would always walk watching that guild, no matter the amount of time passed as long as they were existing in the same spheres.

And that was not taking the factor now that Knux, who was Ace of the guild under Jikan’s watch. Was a member after leaving Sleeping Calamity. That charming face of his noble lineage held trickery within it, the game of thrones within Minstrel raised her smart enough at least to be cautious of that. Be as it may, she could not help being enticed by it all. The mental game of watching Knux, of trying to push further of her own power. She did grow leaps and bounds while within Sleeping Calamity, and soon after the guild disbandment, found she was in a stall just existing in a peaceful calm within the community she had made. The prosperity of facing Paradise Dawn, be it in revenge or humors contest, made something within her stir. Knux’s ambition in his eyes and voice made her crack an ever soft grin. And the mysteries of their group was only beginning with the faded veil of Tsukisima. A lich huh? They were only two Jikan had ever heard about actually existing, and the last one she actually got to meet attacked her…

With the mortal disguise gone, Jikan felt her hunter linage pull towards the man’s figure as her eyes shifted. The skeletal visage held power, a sinister power but was a bud. Growing and new, but one to be watched all the same. Her crimson eye of the god of death peaked out from her hair, interest growing further and further about the dynamics of this group. The souls of the dead clinging to each and everyone one of them.

Turning to Ika next, Jikan followed after Knuckles, choosing to add a layer of words to give the swordsman some solace. “Little Ika, I had never known you to be so stressed by the joy of the challenges a bounty brings”, Jikan said in a bit of a friendly tone. Expecting the ‘little’ to cause agitation within the blacksmith. She did have a fondness of teasing the man no matter how little they did get to interact. The distraction of a fight later due to it may be good enough to take his mind off of it knowing him. “I did not get to tell either of you due to not seeing you. But during the invasion i managed to acquire… a bit of a pardon for the guild due to my and others co-operation. I can send some paperwork in and your bounty will be expunged. Keep in mind though if you cause trouble in Fiore I cannot help with that as this is an one time token I have".

This Lady Lumikki was the current guild master from Knux’s words. Jikan, thought she heard of her. A powerful mage that was a relative of one of the guild members. Jikan was not sure of whom, but it was someone high up if she recalled right. Knux was no push over, and surely grew leaps and bounds by Jikan’s expectation. Just how strong was he now? And how did this women fight?? If Knux said he was unable to lay a single hand on her that was both a concern and exciting prospect. Because for all purposes Yuueri was quite an annoyance to deal with although Jikan had never gotten the chance to fight the man. If one was more than the troubles of her past… WONDERS. She would have to get a taste of that too~.

Jikan would walk up to Ika and reach out her left hand in a gesture to take the guild mark. “I may need help applying this to my back again”.


twc: 1805

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Calamity arrives in the Seven[SC Founding Thread] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc

#11Tsukishima Higurashi 

Calamity arrives in the Seven[SC Founding Thread] Empty Sat Jun 15, 2024 8:19 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
The lich stood back and watched as the three warriors interacted with one another, noting their apparent joy at being reunited as a group once more. A fleeting thought crossed his mind about whether he truly had a place in a guild such as this, but he quickly dispelled that notion. He would prove his worth in this guild and demonstrate his power among them all in time. As a lich, he had all the time in the world.

When it came time to receive the guild mark, he stepped forward with resolve. He placed the mark on the back of his skeletal hand, feeling a strange sense of permanence as the symbol took hold. With a swift motion, he reverted to his mortal disguise and saw that the mark was reflected there as well. From that moment, it was official. He was now a member of the reborn Sleeping Calamity. The lich glanced around at his new comrades, each of them embodying a unique strength and potential. He felt a renewed sense of purpose, a challenge that invigorated his weary bones. This was more than just joining a guild; it was a commitment to a shared path, a chance to carve out a new legacy.

As the group continued to interact, he remained observant, absorbing their dynamics and unspoken bonds. He knew that trust and camaraderie would take time, but he was patient. He had centuries behind him and an eternity ahead. For now, he would focus on proving himself, honing his abilities, and supporting the guild in its quest for power and redemption. The lich's skeletal hand tightened into a fist, the guild mark glowing faintly. This was the beginning of a new chapter one that he was eagerly ready to embrace.



Calamity arrives in the Seven[SC Founding Thread] Empty Sat Jun 15, 2024 7:30 pm


Both Knuckles and Jikan seemed to have solutions to the bounty that he mentioned, so Ikazuchi wasn’t concerned for the impact it may have on the guild. He could only shake his head a bit, not bothering to explain more than necessary at Jikan’s comment about stress related to the bounty. At the end of the day, he hardly ever encountered anyone brave enough to attempt to claim his bounty; there most certainly hadn’t been any notable figures among those interested.

Ikazuchi decided to save his curiosity about other matters like the pact Knuckles has with Lumikki, the current guildmaster of Paradise Dawn, among other things. WIthout any additional concerns, Ikazuchi deftly caught the guild stamp and observed it. ‘A lot better than the old one.’ His hands were already moving as he skillfully opened up the area on his forearm to place the stamp. The symbol seemed faintly familiar as he observed it, but the exact meaning was currently lost on him.

At this point, Jikan had approached and requested assistance with the Guild Mark being placed on her back. “No Problem.” Following that, he helped as needed before the new guy approached to have the mark placed on him as well. Ikazuchi naturally handed it over and observed curiously where the man would place the mark. He found it interesting to see a lich in such close proximity. Following that, it could be said the guild was established and it was time to visit their new home. One final thought crossed his mind as they migrated out of the arena. ‘The new guy is a bit awkward… He didn’t even introduce himself…’ It was something Ikazuchi would make sure to address later.

Word Count: 284

OOC: Exiting Topic

Combat Stats

*All Gear is Equipped


  • Main-Hand (Left) Damage [641 + 104 = 745]| 2x S-Rank
  • Off-Hand (Right) Damage [641 + 117 = 758]| 3x S-rank
  • Non-Weapon Damage| 2x S-Rank

  • Weapon Mastery: Swords - Grand Master| Weapon Durability +2 S-Rank, Weapon Damage +30% [Rounded Up]

  • Speed| 35 m/s - Duration: 7 Posts
  • Lunge| 17.5 m/s - Frequency: 3 Per post
  • Acceleration| 2 Seconds to Top Speed

  • Health| 4x S-Rank
  • Endurance| 2x S-Rank

  • Head| 2x S-Rank
  • Chest| 2x S-Rank
  • L. Arm| 2x S-Rank
  • R. Arm| 2x S-Rank
  • L. Leg| 2x S-Rank
  • R. Leg| 2x S-Rank

  • Magic Resistance| Minor - 1 Tier Damage Reduction to Direct Magic Attacks
  • Item Spell Mana Reduction| 40% Mana Reduction
  • Item Spell Cooldown Reduction| 2 Post CDR
  • Passive Stat Bonus| 10% bonus to all stats from Human Perk


Strength: 641 [Base: 501| Adaptability (10%): 50 | Armor Bonus: 90]

Speed: 276 [Base: 251 | Adaptability (10%): 25]

Constitution: 264 [Base: 131| Adaptability (10%): 13 | Equipment Bonus: 120]

Endurance: 178 [Base: 162 | Adaptability (10%): 16]

Intelligence: 4

Mana: 7,450

Equipment Stats and Durability

Left Hand:  Spellcutter: Damage: +104 [80 + 24(30%) = 104] - Durability: 7x S-Rank

Right Hand: Breaker: Damage: +117 [90 + 27(30%) = 117] - Durability: 7x S-Rank

[WM #1]Reserve Weapon: White Walker’s Sword: Damage: +104 [80 + 24(30%) = 104] - Durability: 6x S-Rank

[WM #2]Reserve Weapon: Clarent: Damage: +104 [80 + 24(30%) = 104] - Durability: 6x S-Rank

[WM #3]Reserve Weapon: Arondight: Damage: +104 [80 + 24(30%) = 104] - Durability: 6x S-Rank



Relic: Cloud Ring Flow: This effect causes a unique change to the mana within the user that strengthens and supplements their body to increase the wearer's acceleration and their body’s ability to endure that effect. This reduces the time for the wearer to reach top speed from four seconds to two seconds. - Durability: 2x S-Rank

Necklace: Samwise’s Necklace: Bonus: Weapon Durability: The user receives an additional 2x S-rank durability to their weapon. - Durability: 3x S-Rank

Ring: Leonardo’s Ring: Bonus: +60 Constitution - Durability: 2x S-Rank

Earring: Jaan Earring: Bonus: +60 Constitution - Durability: Indestructible

Companion: Sword Spirit

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