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Ikazuchi Kumo's Ranking Statistics

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Ikazuchi Kumo's Ranking Statistics Empty Thu Jan 07, 2021 11:17 pm

Source: D to C
Stat Points: 20 with Human Perk
Mana Boost: +300
Distribution +15 Strength, +5 Constitution


Ikazuchi Kumo's Ranking Statistics Empty Fri Jan 08, 2021 12:01 am

The user's statistics have been distributed to +15 Strength, +5 Constitution and +300 Mana.

Ikazuchi Kumo's Ranking Statistics Maxresdefault

Ikazuchi Kumo's Ranking Statistics Empty Tue Jun 22, 2021 1:06 pm

I would like to apply for Novice Weapon Mastery (Requirements: 1 Victory and 5,000 WC).

Modifiers: [Adventurer: Requires only 1 fight victory - 20% Word Count Reduction], [Endurance (61+): 20% Word Count Reduction]

Total Word Count Reduction: 40% (Lowers required Training/Fight Word Count to 3,000.)

Link to Fight: Victory
Thread Word Count: [3,680/3,000]


Ikazuchi Kumo's Ranking Statistics Empty Wed Jun 23, 2021 5:32 pm


The user's Weapon Mastery has been approved.


Ikazuchi Kumo's Ranking Statistics Empty Thu Jul 01, 2021 5:47 pm

Source: C to B
Stat Points: 40 with human perk
Mana Boost: +400
Distribution +5 Endurance, +35 Speed


Ikazuchi Kumo's Ranking Statistics Empty Thu Jul 01, 2021 5:51 pm


Ikazuchi has ben promoted to B Rank and stats have been adjusted accordingly.


Ikazuchi Kumo's Ranking Statistics Empty Wed Jul 21, 2021 1:40 am



Ikazuchi Kumo's Ranking Statistics Empty Fri Jul 23, 2021 9:02 pm


Ikazuchi has been promoted to Tyrant (Adventurer).


Ikazuchi Kumo's Ranking Statistics Empty Wed Sep 29, 2021 2:06 pm

Applying for intermediate Weapon Mastery

[1/1] Fight victory

2,440 WC
3,510 WC

Total Word Count: [5,950/5,500]

Reductions: 45% | [Adventurer: 20% discount on Weapon Master training.] [121 Endurance: 25% discount of Weapon Mastery Training.]
Requirement: 55% of 10,000 Word Count = 5,500


Ikazuchi Kumo's Ranking Statistics Empty Thu Sep 30, 2021 2:38 pm


The user's Weapon Mastery has been approved.

Ikazuchi Kumo's Ranking Statistics Sigme10

Ikazuchi Kumo's Ranking Statistics Empty Sun Oct 17, 2021 9:58 am

Source: B to A
Stat Points: 60 with human perk
Mana Boost: +500
Distribution +60 Strength


Ikazuchi Kumo's Ranking Statistics Empty Sun Oct 17, 2021 11:48 am


Ikazuchi has ben promoted to A Rank and stats have been adjusted accordingly.

Ikazuchi Kumo's Ranking Statistics Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

Ikazuchi Kumo's Ranking Statistics Empty Sat Aug 13, 2022 7:12 pm



Ikazuchi Kumo's Ranking Statistics Empty Sat Aug 13, 2022 8:45 pm

Ikazuchi has been promoted to Reaver (Adventurer).


Ikazuchi Kumo's Ranking Statistics Empty Tue Aug 30, 2022 10:49 am

Applying for Master Weapon Mastery

[1/1] Fight victory

6,400 WC

Total Word Count: [6,400/3,750]

Reductions: 75% (MAX) | [Adventurer: 20% reduction to Weapon Mastery Training.], [Human: 20% reduction to Weapon Mastery Training.], [121 Endurance: 40% reduction to Weapon Mastery Training.], [Guild Level 1 Perk: 10% reduction to Weapon Mastery Training.]
Requirement: 75% (MAX) of 15,000 Word Count = 3,750


Ikazuchi Kumo's Ranking Statistics Empty Tue Aug 30, 2022 1:28 pm

Ikazuchi has been promoted to Master weapon mastery.


Ikazuchi Kumo's Ranking Statistics Empty Tue Oct 04, 2022 12:34 pm

Source: A to S
Stat Points: 80
Mana Boost: +600 (Total: 5,250)
Distribution +80 Strength (Total: 501


Ikazuchi Kumo's Ranking Statistics Empty Tue Oct 04, 2022 12:59 pm

Ikazuchi has been promoted to S Rank and stats have been adjusted accordingly.


Ikazuchi Kumo's Ranking Statistics Empty Mon Oct 17, 2022 10:06 pm

Applying for Grandmaster Weapon Mastery

[1/1] Fight victory

2,860 WC
2,930 WC

Total Word Count: [5,790/5,000]

Reductions: 75% (MAX) | [Adventurer: 20% reduction to Weapon Mastery Training.], [Human: 20% reduction to Weapon Mastery Training.], [121 Endurance: 40% reduction to Weapon Mastery Training.], [Guild Level 1 Perk: 10% reduction to Weapon Mastery Training.]
Requirement: 75% (MAX) of 20,000 Word Count = 5,000


Ikazuchi Kumo's Ranking Statistics Empty Tue Oct 18, 2022 3:52 am

Ikazuchi has been promoted to Grandmaster weapon mastery.


Ikazuchi Kumo's Ranking Statistics Empty Thu Apr 06, 2023 11:56 pm


Claiming Adventurer Perks with my previously approved 250 Posts, also need to have the "(Reaver)" removed from the class.

C-Rank/50 Posts - Soundlessness: You don't make any sound when moving on your feet on land. This allows you to remain undetected from those you're hunting.

B-Rank/75 Posts - Armor Penalty Removal: You are used to wearing heavy-weight armor and wielding heavy weapons. The speed reduction that is applied for wearing heavy-weight armor, heavy weapons, and shields doesn't apply to you.

A-Rank/100 Posts - Knock-back immunity: You may ignore the effects of knock-back.  Should the user have made a weapon upon character creation it may now be replaced with a legendary custom weapon.

S-Rank/150 Posts - Block Resistance: Damage received to your weapons is reduced by one rank. In addition, you receive a Minor Magical Resistance.

X-Rank/250 Posts - Armorsmith: You unlock an additional helm and armor slots. The additional helm and armor slots may at most be Legendary. The user's helm and armor pieces now mitigate the effects of Armor Penetration causing half of the effective damage to apply to it instead of the user while entirely negating the effect of Shared penetration causing it to only apply to the armor or helm first.

#22Go D. Drakkon 

Ikazuchi Kumo's Ranking Statistics Empty Fri Apr 07, 2023 7:24 am

Go D. Drakkon
@Ikazuchi has gained his Adventurer Perks and has Reaver removed from their profile.


Ikazuchi Kumo's Ranking Statistics Empty Thu May 30, 2024 9:22 am

Ikazuchi wrote:

Claiming Adventurer Perks with my previously approved 250 Posts, also need to have the "(Reaver)" removed from the class.

C-Rank/50 Posts - Soundlessness: You don't make any sound when moving on your feet on land. This allows you to remain undetected from those you're hunting.

B-Rank/75 Posts - Armor Penalty Removal: You are used to wearing heavy-weight armor and wielding heavy weapons. The speed reduction that is applied for wearing heavy-weight armor, heavy weapons, and shields doesn't apply to you.

A-Rank/100 Posts - Knock-back immunity: You may ignore the effects of knock-back.  Should the user have made a weapon upon character creation it may now be replaced with a legendary custom weapon.

S-Rank/150 Posts - Block Resistance: Damage received to your weapons is reduced by one rank. In addition, you receive a Minor Magical Resistance.

X-Rank/250 Posts - Armorsmith: You unlock an additional helm and armor slots. The additional helm and armor slots may at most be Legendary. The user's helm and armor pieces now mitigate the effects of Armor Penetration causing half of the effective damage to apply to it instead of the user while entirely negating the effect of Shared penetration causing it to only apply to the armor or helm first.

Following up on this here since the perks have changed since I was last active. I am going to apply for the perks listed below.

  • Soundlessness
  • Armor Penalty Removal
  • Armorsmith
  • Knockback Immunity
  • Armor Expert
  • Melee Penetration


Ikazuchi Kumo's Ranking Statistics Empty Thu May 30, 2024 10:20 am

@Ikazuchi has gained his Adventurer Perks


Ikazuchi Kumo's Ranking Statistics Empty Mon Jun 17, 2024 10:12 am

Claiming Legendary Master and bumping to GoW WM due to no current GoW for Swords once https://www.fairytailrp.com/t53199p325-fight-review#616533 this fight review has been completed.

Endurance: -40% WM WCR
Companion: -20% WM WCR

Total WM WCR: 60%

Required WC: 25,000*0.4=10,000

WM Training Topic: 7,518 WC

Fight Win Topic + WC: 3,857

Total WC: 11,375

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