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What Lies Beneath 3 [Quest: Astrid]

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What Lies Beneath 3 [Quest: Astrid] Empty Thu Jun 20, 2024 2:05 pm

She wasn’t expecting to have been back in Oak Town so soon, certainly not given the circumstances surrounding why. Her service to The Divine, it would be something that she had no way out of, no means of going against, nor really any incentive either to. The Divine held all the cards at the moment, but eventually that would change once everything was properly handled. In time, in time that would take place. For now, there was an unexpected, but welcome, opportunity for her to relax and breath. A calm before the storms of sorts. The Divine would call for her with what was to happen next, but until that point, she was to look at her time in Oak Town as a sort of vacation and means to relax. It had been all too long since she had been given such an opportunity in proper, and to have it now, it was certainly overdue. After all, the stresses of everything that had preceded her in the past several days within Crocus were taxing to anyone whom happened to be a distant party, but she was the one at center stage all in all. It was impossible for her to not feel fatigued by it all.

206/1000 (-50% | -20% Symbiotic Fleshweave, -20% Sia & Noir, -10% Phantom Lord, Rank 2 Perk)


What Lies Beneath 3 [Quest: Astrid] Empty Thu Jun 20, 2024 2:05 pm

There was something to be wary towards however, when it came to lounging about and doing little. There were always optics to be concerned about, even with her having successfully played her gambit in Crocus. There was no rest, not as far as she were concerned, nor able to entertain. There were always things that needed to be done, and regrettably too, as she started to reflect on her time now within the city, her city to be more accurate, she realized the unexpected trouble that she had brought forward to Oak Town. Now that she was the Reigning Senator, there would be no shortage of those who would wish to see her fall, whether those within the political world based in Crocus or those who viewed her as an eventual stepping stone as she in some ways had done with Iblis before her. It was a dangerous gamble for anyone to attempt, but it would be one that was even more foolish for her to be caught unaware and vulnerable. She herself was not someone to be caught by surprise, but she realized that if The Divine could have found out, however it was that she did, that there may have been others that one day may have sought that too.

418/1000 (-50% | -20% Symbiotic Fleshweave, -20% Sia & Noir, -10% Phantom Lord, Rank 2 Perk)


What Lies Beneath 3 [Quest: Astrid] Empty Thu Jun 20, 2024 2:06 pm

The best way of preventing that would be by reaching out to those who were as instrumental and invested in her own success, or rather, interested in what her own success would reap them. The local leaders, the ones who had helped build a grassroots network for Astrid, they were the ones that she as much knew would be loyal to her until it became no longer worthwhile. The Senators that she had gotten into their positions within her city, she did not have to worry about them. They were bound to her, as much so in that especially after she became the Reigning Senator. With that, there was no doubt that she could force one of them out if it were necessary, something that was never openly discussed, but silently recognized all throughout amongst those within The Cabal. She and Lady Tsara, alongside one or two others who preferred to remain in silence and secrecy, were the ones that called the shots. It was their party at this point, Astrid having done more to give it strength than what anyone could have realized. Far more than certainly what they would have figured for.

612/1000 (-50% | -20% Symbiotic Fleshweave, -20% Sia & Noir, -10% Phantom Lord, Rank 2 Perk)


What Lies Beneath 3 [Quest: Astrid] Empty Thu Jun 20, 2024 2:06 pm

That loyalty did not much matter for those that were the local leaders however, all of them instead preferring to work as they did, and as well support whom they preferred to support. It was a frustrating cycle, but one that she as much had to endure and play with as anyone else had to, if not more even. She figured it would work out, but as a precaution she reached out to a former associate, the older man whom had been a sort of advisor to her in recent days, someone who was far better in touch with the community than what she could have hoped to have been. They had worked together in the past enough times with the spirits that were still existent within Oak Town, effectively her methods having turned the crypts into a ferry of sorts, enabling for past spirits that were trapped a chance to escape and live on freely. It worked out, and it was a constant thing, but it was also something that the old man sold as a matter of good will on Astrid’s part, something that helped her stand out from Iblis, and helped the people think that she truly cared for them.

815/1000 (-50% | -20% Symbiotic Fleshweave, -20% Sia & Noir, -10% Phantom Lord, Rank 2 Perk)


What Lies Beneath 3 [Quest: Astrid] Empty Thu Jun 20, 2024 2:06 pm

While in reality she did not much care, she knew that it was good will, and it was easy work more importantly. Her efforts often paid off with little difficulty, and even while she was back unexpectedly, it was another of the same thing. Hardly a trouble that she had to put forth to get results, and certainly not something that she would have complained towards fulfilling either. Everything taken care of properly, it was not long before she was already done with things, returning to the old man once again, again to inform him of the same sort of success that she had achieved, one that was nothing shy of impressive, but also one that she could not help but wonder just how deep did Iblis go to supress these spirits. It was clear that this was not a one time thing given how often it seemed that she was having to handle this matter, nor the lack of progress that it really seemed like it translated to. Something to consider later on, she figured. For the time being at least, it was just a way of making sure that if anything were to have happened, she knew that at least one leader would remain loyal to her.

1024/1000 (-50% | -20% Symbiotic Fleshweave, -20% Sia & Noir, -10% Phantom Lord, Rank 2 Perk)

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