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Corrupted Wyvern [Solo]

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Corrupted Wyvern [Solo] Empty Wed Jun 19, 2024 5:24 pm

Ittindi was dressed to the T, his magical tuxedo on with his Top hat a blue cloth stripe adorning the base above the hat’s rim. Ittindi had gotten use to the sound of captain before his name, but the he had recently been promoted to major. He found it odd that his power or renown whatever it was propelling his promotions he had yet to meet anyone from the council. Or Kon himself, Colonel Tōga and his Young Master both mentioned running into him. Ittindi wondered if the man even knew he existed as he looked out over the Era sky. Not that it mattered since General Saturn had taken over, Ittindi had met him as a major just a few months ago on the beach. It didn’t surprise him that Colonel Tōga was passed up, he’d have to ask him about it sometime over drinks. He was doing his daily patrols, going through one of the bars that Rune Knights frequented. It wouldn’t be the first time Ittindi caught men in the bar during working hours. While there was a chance they were night shift typically they drank around lunch not earlier in the morning. To his surprise the bar was practically empty this morning.

”You’re Major Ittindi correct? I have a job for you Young man, there’s a dragon…well a wyvern loose in the Era dungeon I need someone to go down there and clear it out for me. All the other major players are busy in the city, you were listed due to your rank think you got what it takes?

Ittindi was surprised to see a dragon mixed with some kind of mammal-like creature talking to him below his waist. He didn’t believe his eyes until the creature pulled out the highest-level seal of authority that Ittindi had ever witnessed firsthand. This thing worked closely with the council themselves, so that’s why he had knowledge of Ittindi. Seeing himself with little choice he’d accept the mission. The creature would drone on about the dangers of fighting a wyvern they had at least sat down in a booth by this point, its power things to be concerned about. It seemed that this wasn’t the first time this job was offered, at least that was the vibe that Ittindi got from the creature.

After the lecture ended, Ittindi would head out hopping in his mana car to head towards the headquarters. The guards at the gate recognized him, and commented on how nice the car was before letting him in. He’d go to park in his usual spot that he requested, then move towards the buildings near the back where the old dungeon was. They had moved all the prisoners to the two main prison branches in bastille and boiling rock, Ittindi hadn’t been yet but had considered visiting once or twice when his Young Master had been locked up.

The first thing Ittindi noticed was the smell, the mustiness indicated that there was either a leak or a large amount of urine degrading away parts of the building. Letting mold and moss build up or worse, he wondered if wyverns created their own destruction to an environment.  Now that he was thinking about it Ittindi wondered if they even knew if the Wyvern was truly contained, it could of built a tunnel system by now. It could easily use this as its lair and stalk different locations at night, would the council cover up deaths like that? Ittindi wasn’t sure but he was going to find out shortly. There were a couple of guards posted 30 meters away that Ittindi had passed on the way to the entrance. The smell became worse the closer he got to the closed iron portcullis gate. Ittindi wouldn’t even have to look over to the guards as the gate opened and closed quickly behind him.

Between his recent awakening and his change Ittindi had to establish some new habits. The first being that he had to get his hair and eyes magically colored every couple of months. The fright when he woke up to smoother skin, a younger complexion, but white eyes and hair. Well, the member of the Rune Knights on duty for the barracks would never forget his screech. The second was being more intentional on his humanity. He was told by Naki that he was still humanish just something else he had rejected death to many times and all the gods had swore off giving him an afterlife. A tough pill to swallow given his religion, but the Chants of Light indicated that his god was more than the ones who rejected him.

Finally Ittindi reached a point where he could make out the dark outline of the wyvern inside the dungeon. He did not hear the sound of a chain rattling, indicating that it likely had escaped any restraints. Without hesitation Ittindi would clench his right fist while the grey spell circle took a small delay before appearing to the right of the wyvern. His chain and blade emerging slicing diagonally across the creature’s eye. It would let out a blood curdling screech while trying to find its target.

Ittindi not one to lay up, would immediately dash closer to the wyvern, before shooting his strongest shot from the dominator. It’s blue hum as it received his mana; a reassurance that this wyvern wouldn’t be alive much longer. The shot would pierce straight through it’s skull, or it would have if not for the wyvern’s quick thoughts. It had barreled to the side the shot piercing through it’s right wing instead. It didn’t look like it could take much more punishment as it attempted to flap its wings to fly. It wasn’t going to happen with that hole Ittindi had created.

Unfortunately for Ittindi he didn’t’ have a way to stop the massive gusts of wind that sent him flying through the cave. Stopping himself outside the mountain an inch away from falling off he’d regain his balance. The wyvern laid lifeless, Ittindi was surprised too see it defeated so easily. His gun still drawn, he’d move closer. Right when he was around 2 meters he’d stow his gun and retrieve his naginata from nothingness.

The wyvern had indeed been playing possum as Ittindi went to stab with his spear, it flinched and dodged out of the way. Ittindi was expecting this, and would quickly lunge after, faster than the dragon. His stab piercing it’s belly as this time he heard it’s labored breathing stop. The smell of eating the underbelly of society would stink the room up as Ittindi would focus all his attention on not gagging.

Walking back out of the dungeon, he’d wait for what felt like a minute too long before it opened. Greeted by a team of recently awakened nights he was surprised to see them dressed in some kind of magical protective gear. They had a large amount of tools in cases they carried on wheels. As one of the members of the crew would turn to him and say.

”Greetings Major, Standard clean up protocol. We wouldn’t’ want any leaks or curses caused by an improper clean up. You get back to Daragast and we’ll handle it from here.”

He’d give Ittindi a salute which he’d return, while thanking him. Walking back towards the agreed tavern to meet Sir Daragast. Ittindi wondered if he be given more dangerous tasks now that he was a major. He did hear the freedom allotted was very different from having the station assignments. For the most part he was free to travel anywhere he felt like. He still hadn’t met any important council members that he had to protect. Wondering if they all opted for their own private guard over anything the Rune Knights could offer.

WC: 1300/1200

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