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Mad Shopping [Quest]

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Mad Shopping [Quest] Empty Sat Jun 15, 2024 4:48 pm

Another day, another jewel. Rhea was up bright and early for her first client of the day in Era City, Hugo. The Dragon Slayer stood in front of the laboratory, tapping her foot very impatiently and watching the early morning sun paint the sky in shades of orange and pink. She'd heard plenty about Hugo – a legend among the Knights, known for his scientific inventions and sourpuss attitude.The laboratory door creaked open, and Hugo shuffled out, looking like he’d been pulled backward through a hedge. He handed Rhea a list of items without so much as a word. She gave him a quick nod and set off, eager to tackle the day's errands.

First stop: the hardware store. The list mentioned a huge package, so she decided to tackle that beast first. The hardware store was just a few blocks away, its large windows gleaming like eyes on the busy street. Inside, the store owner greeted her with a wave and pointed to the back where a wooden crate as big as a bear was waiting. The only issue with the box was its size, but she could carry it over her shoulder. Rhea was strong enough to break whole weapons, this was nothing. Arriving back at the lab, she found Hugo already lost in his world of bubbling concoctions and clinking glassware. She planted the crate inside and got a curt nod from him – high praise from the old man. Catching her breath, she glanced at the next items on her list.



Mad Shopping [Quest] Empty Sat Jun 15, 2024 4:50 pm

Next up: the grocery store. She needed whipped cream, cooking oil, and candles. Simple enough, she thought, almost like shopping for a peculiar party. The grocery store was a whirlwind of activity, but Rhea navigated the aisles like a seasoned shopper. She grabbed the whipped cream, the cooking oil, and the candles. With her items in hand, she checked out and headed back to Hugo’s lab. She dropped off the groceries, earning another grunt of approval from Hugo, who was still muttering to himself over some bubbling brew. Rhea chuckled to herself – the guy was so old and focused. She wondered what the hell he was making.

The last item was a bit more of a wildcard: a white dog? She set off on a pet store crawl, determined to find the perfect puppy. The first store had dogs, but none were snowy white. The second store was the same story. Finally, at the third store, she found exactly what she'd been looking for– a fluffy, white puppy with big, soulful eyes that looked like they could melt even Hugo's frosty demeanor. She picked up a collar, leash, food, and a little bed, and set off back to the lab, the puppy trotting happily beside her.Hopefully she wasn't setting this puppy up to die...

When she arrived with the puppy, Hugo actually looked up from his work, a rare sight indeed. He inspected the dog, patted its head, and gave a grunt that Rhea interpreted as approval. With a nod, he gestured to the table near the entrance. There, was a small pouch which belonged to her. She picked it up, feeling the satisfying weight of jewels inside.


- end -

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