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Zeno vs the paradise nightmare[Yuurei]

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Zeno vs the paradise nightmare[Yuurei] Empty Wed Jun 26, 2024 10:16 pm

After recovering from his last battle with one of the arena's champions, Knuckles, Zeno decides to stay in Seven to recuperate and spectate more fights. Still feeling severely inexperienced in the art of combat, he wanted to continue to spectate, but he knew that would never be enough to give him the experience and power he sought. Talking among the audience had become a norm for him during his stay at Seven, finding out the tidbits of the fighters, some history of the place, and even learning about all kinds of rumors. The current rumor circulating in the crowd is that the champion of champions is accepting challenges again since they will be stationed in Seven for a while. Many were too afraid to challenge him after seeing his might on full display for all to see. Another person who was eavesdropping on their conversation spoke up from behind Zeno. Having heard about the rumors too, he shared what he knew with Zeno. "The stadium gets even more packed whenever he fights, it's like a major event just to see him in action. Some say people who entertain him enough get special treatment". Zeno’s ears buzzed from hearing the words ‘special treatment’. This meant he might be able to get some truly delicate information from this champion. “Seems like I must get into his good graces then” he muttered quietly.

The tales of the champion made him out to be a boogeyman of the arena, but this did not deter Zeno. Instead, he was thrilled at the chance to fight another big name in the arena to see what they were capable of. He expected another beating to come his way, but this was an opportunity he could not pass up. With the chances of him being thrown on another mission at any time now,  this was a now-or-never moment for him. Deciding he would issue the challenge, Zeno psyched himself up but wore a docile expression. After the fight ended, the crowd slowly vacated the premises, and Zeno eagerly stepped over to the receptionist to issue a challenge. He asked her for a challenge request form to fill out. With quick strokes of the pen, he had successfully filled in all the necessary fields and handed her back to the paper after everything was done. The receptionist kindly accepted the form back from Zeno and carefully reviewed it. Everything was filled out correctly and right before she gave it the stamp of approval, she realized the name of the person he issued the challenge to, and she paused. “Umm…S-sir, is this information correct?” The lady frantically asked. Zeno nodded his head with a dedicated expression. “OK, I will process it right away” The lady placed the form Zeno signed on top of another stack of papers and put a sticky note on top of the pile stating ‘For Approval’.

All the excitement filling the day died when nightfall fell, leaving only the peaceful silence under the cloudless night. Resting on a tree, feeling anxious about the next day, Zeno found himself sprinkling the trees with numerous green wisps in the shape of butterflies. "I hope you are watching over me", Zeno spoke softly while looking up at the wisps covering the tree, with the snap of his fingers all the butterflies were extinguished leaving nothing but flickering green embers floating under the moon.

Morning came and blaring horns could be heard ringing out from the arena, a melodic ensemble was played declaring a special event was underway. People flocked to the arena in droves to get the best seats to witness the spectacle about to take place. With the crowd full of high-spirited energy, the crowd could be heard from the combatant chambers. A letter was given to all the fighters detailing the arena’s thematic design for today. The card read as follows: ‘Today’s stage thematic choice will be a 25 x 25 graveyard’

WC 663

Last edited by Zeno on Fri Jul 05, 2024 9:22 pm; edited 1 time in total


Zeno vs the paradise nightmare[Yuurei] Empty Thu Jun 27, 2024 12:03 pm


Yuurei was disappointed in how the last fight had gone; he was having so much fun with Brone, and just like that it was all over. He couldn’t believe this had happened to him, but here he was still in the arena. The man had a fight with someone he could have enjoyed himself with but for nothing. It came to an end just like that, and now he was prepping for the next fight.

He was in front of the gate as he had told the people in charge that he wanted another fight. They looked at him like he was crazy, but they didn’t want to upset him. This man had made them a lot of fighting, and he was here on his own will. That was why they were setting something up, but they figured that he wouldn’t be happy with this fight. When they got an application to fight Yuurei, then things were fine for the time being. Still, he stood by the gate as he would sleep there.

He was upset as Lumikki and now Brone had forfeited their fight against him. The next day had come and his eyes would open and he knew that his fight would be the first of the day. They had approached Yuurei, giving a card, and telling him to wait by the gate, and so he would. The Seraphim paced back and forth waiting for this to begin. He was anxious and bothered as he wanted this to start already.

He didn’t know who his opponent was, but he was pretty sure he was going to find out. Then it happened, the announcer started to speak to the crowd as they were all taking their seats. It seemed like they were all making sure to sit down as quickly as possible so it could begin.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, settle down! It is a beautiful day, and already we have ourselves an amazing match to start off! On one side we have a man, you’ve come to watch time and time again! He hasn’t been defeated since he's made his appearance! In the Arena, he is five and zero and we will see him fight another day, let’s hear it for Leviathan!” He shouted as the crowd stomped on the ground and their cheering would roar throughout the arena.

Yuurei’s gate would start to open up in front of him. He was no longer pacing back and forth and he just waited for the gates to open up. When it did, he would walk through the open space and enter the arena. When he did that, he could hear the cheering louder as he entered the place. In this fight, Yuurei had been covered in his Berserker’s Suit. Under his arm, he had his Lord Drakkon’s Helmet. As for his weapon, he chose to have his Excalibur in his free hand and he would bring out Samehada when the time came.

The Seraphim stepped onto the arena and he would look around the area first, and then toward the gate that was on the other side.

“Next we have a newcomer! We saw him fight Knuckles last time, and it seems like this time he wanted to try his capabilities with Leviathan!...” The announcer wasn’t done, and Yuurei waited for it to be finished, so he could see who he was fighting.


Spell and Passives Used:


Attributes in Detail:



Migi's Arm:


Zeno vs the paradise nightmare[Yuurei] Empty Sat Jun 29, 2024 3:28 pm

Zeno found himself sitting on the bench in the waiting room completely zoned out, as if he had no upcoming match. His vision was a blur, the sounds of the rowdy crowd were almost like a faint whisper, and time was as if it was frozen except for the beating of his heart. Like a metronome, the beat of his heart flowed in tandem with the ticks of the clock hanging over his head. After what felt like an eternity of stillness of being lost in his mind, a sudden striking sound pierced the door. This sound was the knocking of the guard informing Zeno his match would be starting soon and to get ready.

The sounds of the guard were crystal clear and brought Zeno back to reality, the sounds of the crowd that was once a whisper were now more clear as well as his vision of the room. “It is go time” Zeno muttered to himself as he stood up from the bench and performed some stretches until the guard came back to escort him to the arena.

“Next we have a newcomer! We saw him fight Knuckles last time, and it seems like this time he wanted to try his capabilities with Leviathan! Without further ado, I Introduce Zenoooo!” The announcer shouts out to the crowd and then points toward the gate where Zeno is stationed. The cheers roar as the gates rise. Zeno walks into the arena armorless and weaponless, raising a hand to wave to the crowd slightly before stepping into the arena space. [Color=yellow “Once again he arrives without anything! He is certainly a brave and strange fellow, but this makes for prime entertainment, does it not!? Let's shout one more time for our warriors! Don't forget to place your bets everybody and Goooooood Luck to our participants!! Without further ado, let the match begin!”[/color] With one last roar, the announcer vacated the area.

The arena before the two participants started to rumble, the white stone tiles started to separate, and smoke emitted from the gap grew in size under the tiles. Rising from the ground was a 25 x 25 meter graveyard. Green patches of grass followed by a plethora of tombstones littered across the grassy terrain.

Not wasting any time, Zeno vaulted over one of the tombstones in front of him, aiming his hand forward and pressing his thumb against his palm to create a magic circle in front of his hand, firing out a green wispy fireball 5 meters ahead at the ground, setting fire to the grass.  The burning green grass continuously spreads slowly across the field. Zeno readies himself as he watches Yuurei from behind the growing blaze.


Spells used:

battle log:

WC 455


Zeno vs the paradise nightmare[Yuurei] Empty Sat Jun 29, 2024 9:14 pm


Yuurei had watched the man enter the arena. He didn’t know this guy, he had never seen him before. This was the first time he had seen him, and when he heard the announcer add on what this man had done, Yuurei was surprised. This caused him to motion away his helmet and his armor off of him. There was no point in using his armor if this man wasn’t going to do this. Still, he had given him respect from entering the arena like this.

Still, the fight had begun, he looked at Zeno moving around as it seemed like he had been covered by one of the tombstones around them. It was then he saw what he had done, the field was on fire now, or at least turning into a blazing field.

This was interesting, he didn’t think he ever had someone start a fight that way since he had left the forest. Still, that wasn’t going to be enough to stop him. When he fought against Eelzad the man was taken down in two shots, he hoped that this guy would last a bit longer than that. The ground continue to burn, and even though he figured he would be able to move around the fire without a problem, he decided to do something else. Instead, he pushed forward hovering in the air with his cape. If he was going to try and burn him that way he would have to be more direct in Yuurei’s eyes. That was when he closed the gap between the two.

“Hello Zeno.” His eyes staring down as he would attack him.

He figured he would start this thing off right. He swung his hand that held the invisible Excalibur as he tried to strike with his powers holding back. His swing was swift, but he was only trying to deal damage to test the waters. He was sure he would catch the man by surprise with the invisible blade in his hand, but he wasn’t too sure what would happen.


Action Log:

Spell and Passives Used:


Attributes in Detail:



Migi's Arm:


Zeno vs the paradise nightmare[Yuurei] Empty Tue Jul 02, 2024 3:40 pm

Yuurei gazed upon the green flames before taking flight and darting towards the fae, swooping over the flames avoiding them to cross the battlefield. Zeno slammed his hands on the floor when Yuurei took flight and held the position while watching him soar. The magic circle was camouflaged in the green flames burning the grass surrounding the graves, the moment Yuurei got close enough to Zeno he would trigger the spell activation. Launching thick green burning hot tree roots from out the fire trying to attack the flying man from behind. In that moment Zeno felt an impact hit him clean in the chest from an invisible force. The blow was not fatal, but the surprise of it caught him off guard. This left Zeno confused as to what had happened since he saw only the man flying towards him empty handed and triggered no magic circles.

He thought back to the moment just before he got hit that there was still a sizable gap between Yuurei’s hand and his body, implying the attack was one that had range. “Ughh, An invisible attack I see. Quite the warm welcome, though I must say it was pretty impressive, I expected nothing less from an elite like yourself, Yuurei. I wonder what other tricks you have in store'' he scoffed at the man with a grin. Deciding It would be best to keep his distance Zeno dashed back roughly 5 meters in range of him while shooting another fireball from his hand towards Yuurei legs. With this Zeno figured if He dodges more fire will spread if not it will be  some damage.

With this being the first opponent he had seen fly it was a spectacular moment but also nerve-racking as he could swoop down any time with that invisible attack. Unsure how it works or its range keeps Zeno on his toes. He duck behind tombstones and kept a lookout while staying in proximity. “You're much kinder to give me a sporting chance with such a soft strike. Knuckles practically went straight for the knockout on me. I appreciate it So I will do my best to give you a show. I am here to see a marvelous showcase of your power after all.” He circles the perimeter while looking around, seeing more and more of the battlefield being set ablaze, nearly covering all corners and encroaching among the two like a crack on the mirror splitting.  

Jumping back from his current position of standing behind a tombstone, firing out another fireball but this time aiming at the patch of grass in front of him, setting more fires in the inner portion of the arena. A fury of emerald mystical looking fire grows big behind Yuurei from the roots of Zeno spell. Thick gray smoke clogged the air, growing into a smokescreen in the arena. Using his fae eyes he can see the massive soul energy emitting from Yuurei making it easy to identify his location. For extra measure, he places his hands on the ground once more in anticipation.

WC 512

Passive abilities:

battle log:


Zeno vs the paradise nightmare[Yuurei] Empty Tue Jul 02, 2024 9:49 pm


Yuurei had hit Zeno with his attack and honestly, he didn’t expect the young man to know that an attack was coming. He was using an invisible sword for the time being, and it seemed like Zeno was surprised and impressed as well. The young man had attacked with a spell that was coming from the ground.

The Seraphim saw the attack coming, but why would he dodge the attack? It would be unfair if he had done that, so he allowed the attack to hit true. When he felt the damage of the burn, he could tell that he was strong or at least stronger than those around his level. If it wasn’t for the fact that Yuurei had been able to tank damage, that would have hurt more than it should. Still, with the harm being done to him, he had also been passively healed by Avalon.

“I’m intrigued with the usage of your firepower. Are you some type of Slayer? I know it can’t be Dragon, but the damage output behind it says you might be something else.” He said to Zeno as he was waiting to see what Zeno would do.

He watched him run towards the tombstone and wondered what else he was going to do next after that. He did hear his words and he wondered if he should show him some of his power.

“I mean if you want me to show you what I can do, then that is fine.” He said to Zeno.

It was then he would stop the cape from being used the moment he would reveal his wings to Zeno. His form had changed and he looked different. This was his true form, and his eyes looked at where he was located. He would unwrap his Samehada at the same time this was happening revealing the mouth and the sentient being ready to eat a piece of Zeno right away.

“Nice use of your magic. It’s a good way to mask yourself in it, but to let you know there are mages that can find you even if you do something like this. You have to be careful and ready at all times even if you think you’re safe.” He said to Zeno.

They weren’t far from each other, and he had felt the vibration of the young man as he had put his hand on the ground. His necklace allowed him to find him with a bit of effort. Yuurei flew to him and flapped his wings and closed the gap between the two of them again. It was then he swung his Samehada at him this time attempting to do a bit more damage than he did last time, but hopefully not a lot to take him out.


Action Log:

Spell and Passives Used:


Attributes in Detail:



Migi's Arm:


Zeno vs the paradise nightmare[Yuurei] Empty Fri Jul 05, 2024 9:21 pm

Yuurei praised the faes efforts after shrugging off his attack and admiring his tactics. He gave advice to the young man about such tactics as child's play with battle-hardened warriors whose senses are as sharp as the blades they wield.

Zeno heard Yuurei praise him, but even so, he felt the gap in power and experience between the two. It could be compared to the distance between the land and the heavens. Yuurei's words took root in Zeno’s mind like a seed waiting to grow and blossom.

In the blink of an eye, Zeno found himself having the wind being knocked out of him due to the impact of the humongous sword striking his chest. Only thoughts of how fun the fight was filled his mind before falling unconscious. These were the thoughts he had upon seeing the champion show just why he is called that, by dashing at him at breakneck speed and slamming his monstrous sword into him like lightning striking a lake before he could react.

Silence filled the arena at that moment, leaving only the dust and smoke the cloud the two battlers. Upon the dust settling, the announcer spots Yuurei standing over an unconscious Zeno. “Ladies and gents! With that, the match is oooovver! What a destructive yet beautiful display of fire magic from Zeno. His growth in the ring is clearly showing, and we cannot wait to see more of his performances! But enough of that, let's give a warm congratulation to our victor! our champion of champions!! YUUREI STARLIGHT! Another win under his undefeated belt! Will anybody be able to dethrone him?"

Zeno laid in the smoldering grass unconscious as arena staff rushed to the stage doing their best to put out the fires. They acted as quickly as possible to rid the smoke from the arena to protect the audience from inhaling too much of it. With help from crowd members, everybody was safely escorted out of the stands. Later that day Zeno found himself in the nursing bay bandaged up. He smiled realizing he was still alive and kicking before dozing back off to sleep.

WC 356
TWC 1986


Zeno vs the paradise nightmare[Yuurei] Empty Fri Jul 05, 2024 9:50 pm


Yuurei had looked at Zeno it seemed like that it had taken a lot out of the man. He was happy to see that this man had fought him without hesitating. He would raise his arm into the air to show that he was the victor, and the crowd would start cheering about this. The Seraphim looked at everyone now as he had done a three-sixty to show himself to the audience. It was then his weapon would disperse from his hands and his armor would do the same thing. He looked back at Zeno and when he was going to pick him he saw the staff was coming to get him.

He nodded as he saw this and he walked away from them and he would head through the gates he had come from. This was the end of his journey with just swords. In his next battle, there wouldn’t be anybody who would want to fight him or they would face the wrath of his entire arsenal.


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