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A Raven's Song to the Death's Dance [Lumi]

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A Raven's Song to the Death's Dance [Lumi] Empty Thu May 30, 2024 3:06 pm


Mishiko normally didn't set foot in Fiore herself. She would send off someone who was loyal to her and that was it. Ohta was standing beside her with no expression as a few of her trusted Shinigamis were close by. The death Goddess swayed towards her destination, the Paradise Dawn Guild. She remembered Yuurei, a friend and ally in charge of it. Her mind wondered what could have transpired to make such a change. "I heard this guild is dangerous, Madam Shogun, are you sure we should visit unannounced?", spoke a Shinigami nervously as she looked up at Mishiko nervously. Mishiko didn't share her emotions in public, Ohta knew this much as he'd witnessed her emotions when in private. Her tears, her smile, her anger unless it got too much. Mishiko has felt that, due to her sister, it was best to rule with no emotion so no one could see any weaknesses. The same could be said about that girl she met, Karisa, who smiled a lot to hide their emotions.

"We do not fear danger. We embrace it like death as death rewards us for our bravery. Plus, there are worse ways to go, and thirdly, I am allied with them so me being unannounced should be no problem unless they have things to hide.", she spoke calmly, ghostly beautiful like a haunting lullaby sang to a babe or a story told over the campfire. She wore her normal Shinigami attire as she did not wish to wear something so extravagant as her Shogun attire. Her long black hair motioned like the shadows of nature and the wind caressing her body. The tall goddess towered all. Sure she could adjust to a shorter size, her old height, but for now she stayed put with how she looked.

"We're close...", Ohta spoke in his strict tone as his golden tired eyes gazed straight, his white hair streak with burgundy and his red mask covering half of his face. He wore black mage-like robes as he stayed put in his human form. Finally, at the door, her Shinigami walked in, Mishiko behind, but towering over them both in height, Ohta on her left side with his hand on her lower back as if guarding her weak spot. The god Inari would protect her with his life, while Ryūjin was only a summon away from the oceanic necklace with a dragon inside of it in the shape of a heart made out of indestructible glass.

"Greetings, I am here to see the current Guild Master.", Mishiko spoke in her normal ways as she didn't fray too far from the door.


A Raven's Song to the Death's Dance [Lumi] Empty Sat Jun 01, 2024 3:02 am


The Raven Queen, as her namesake would imply, had her unkindness spread along the various territories of the North. Ever vigilant, ever watching. So the news of her visitor would hardly serve as a surprise, and the moment she had caught word, Lumikki Hrútr had instructed her personal servants to get things in order. Preparing the particular room reserved for meetings with important guests.

By the time Mishiko and her party arrived at the entrance to Paradise Dawn, the patrol overseeing their post had already received information and instructions to escort them in. One of Lumikki's particular servants, by the name of Alvis, would be the one to receive them and guild them. "Greetings honored guests, my Lady awaits your presence. Allow me to take you to her." He'd begin as he offered a respectful bow. Alvis had long raven-black hair carefully tucked into braids and pulled back. He wore a simple but good quality black linen shirt and plain pants paired with a light jacket that included raven feathers trimmed around the collar. He fastened a dark blue sash around his waist, which showcased traditional Iceberg patterns and sigils.

After the quick introduction, he'd promptly begin guiding them to the meeting room, to which they'd first have to cross a bridge. As that party traversed the grounds, they could note many ravens perched among the buildings. Shifting their attention to every member of the group but posing no threat. Once they crossed the long bridge, entering to the first building on the other side, Alvis would escort them up the stairs and open the doorway to the room in question.

The rounded room was quite large, with many windows to allow the rays of the afternoon sun to flood in. A long table with many seats would occupy the center, with a large assortment of snacks, sandwiches, tea, and water for the guest to enjoy. And off to the side would stand seven others of Lumikki's personal servants awaiting instruction. It was a mix of men and woman with an assortment of characteristics, but the unifying factor was the Icebergian dress to tie them to their master and various raven feathered accessories that adorned them.

Alvis would bow upon their entry and walk toward the other side of the table to stand by his Mistress. Lumikki had taken her seat as she waited and was fairly excited to see her guest. She presented in her human form with brown skin and black stained arms. Her miss-matched eyes were the hues of the sun and sky. Darkness painted her lips and eyes, while her periwinkle hair was pulled back into neatly braided and loose locks. She wore a long back dress with dark blue accents and flower motifs, a Iceberg style girdle around her waist.

Lumikki's smile was warm but playful, "Greetings and welcome to the hall of Paradise Dawn. Ye honor me with yer presence, may ya enjoy the spread prepared for yer arrival. I am Lumikki Hrútr, the current acting Guild Master. I hope we could get properly acquainted." She leaned on clasped hands as she waited for her guests to settle.

A Raven's Song to the Death's Dance [Lumi] Img_8011

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A Raven's Song to the Death's Dance [Lumi] Empty Sun Jun 16, 2024 12:49 am


Mishiko gazed at the people here and then at the small creature who was quite unique and cute. A small curve of her lips formed as she then had Ohta materialize a throne of her own so her and Lumi would be seated facing each other. "Thank you for such a warm welcome. I'm glad to see this guild in such good hands. I would ask whatever happened to Yuurei, but maybe that's something for another day," she spoke calmly and looked at the food spread. Her eyes gazed sharply towards her love and nods to go ahead as the couple Shinigami she brought started to eat. Mishiko grabbed a sandwich or two, plus some fruits as she tasted them without fear of anything going wrong.

"So tell me Lumikki, what are your plans?", the Death and War Goddess wondered as her calm expression would not gaze away. Mishiko had a lot of plans, but they only had to do with her own country. Still, she was curious about what other countries had planned and if they would headbutt into her own plans or run into her country.


A Raven's Song to the Death's Dance [Lumi] Empty Mon Jun 24, 2024 8:33 am


”The Angel was always one of come and go, seems he wanted the freedom to go for longer than usual. Can’t blame the lad, it’s easy to get rooted to a place when ye run it. And he did me the owner of passing the seat, though I wonder now in retrospect if this was what I wanted.” A soft sigh left her lips, but Lumikki maintained her posture and pose for the guest.

She was glad to see them eat and she’d take some food as well for herself. Nibbling on one of the sandwiches while she mulled over the answer to such a question. ”Suppose much of the normal kinda. Watching over me own in place of the Seraphim, seeing if I could promote work. I had many things sorted and organized, but there is more to be done. Systems to update, maintenance to approve and so on. If I could plop up to a new location outside of Fiore? Even better…” Lumikki took a long sip of her tea, which was pleasantly soothing. Lavender was always a flavor she was fond about but its aid in calming one down has been crucial. ”How have ye faired in this passing time Madam Shogun, doubt ye’d remember me from back then. I was a nobody at the time, but I fought along ye in the war. Has things been running smoothly for ye now that the dust settled?”

A Raven's Song to the Death's Dance [Lumi] Img_8011

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A Raven's Song to the Death's Dance [Lumi] Empty Mon Jun 24, 2024 11:33 am


She listens to the girl as she speaks about Yuurei, him going out and traveling a bit. She has heard things about him searching for something and found something else. She could have mixed that up with someone else, but his still being alive made her feel content. Mishiko studied Lumi as they were both in their spots. For some reason, when she looks at the young girl, she sees she will be capable of more than just squatting in this place. She gripped her glass of alcohol as it was what she wanted and took a sip.

Listening to the girl talk having so much work to do, then some more with ideas of perhaps going out of Fiore. Something clicked inside of Mishiko, of course as the Goddess of War and death. She stopped sipping and lifted her glass enough to gaze through it and a small curve formed on her lips as she thinks about something. Once Lumi asks about Mishiko's life she then thinks as she finally responds. "Lumi...", she shortened her name out of mere affection since Mishiko saw her as an adorable small bird that is also fierce. "We all start small, no? As just mere 'npcs' in someone else's story till we become more known to the world.", she started and puts down her glass finally.

"Why rest here? Conquer your homeland, I heard things went down there already by someone else, someone close to me. The ruler of the NorthWestern/SouthWestern area of Iceberg was killed after they challenged a dear fellow Icebergian Demigoddess.", Mishiko brought up and thinks. "If you wanted to use Iceberg as your main home... now is your best chance.", she spoke and then Ohta snapped and formed a unique beautiful glowing chess board, but of the world. "You see? With only a couple to few more Rulers left... have you ever thought of ruling? It's a lot of work, but with your allies and this current guild, you could definitely takeover.", she spoke, making it sound tempting.

"Me? Well, a member of my own Faction military decided to go 'takeover' and smudge themselves into another Country to make their own Guild.", The Goddess tells Lumi. "Between my Kami life, my Shogun life and normal life, it is... a never-ending journey," her voice was ghostly, soft and yet her eyes gazed towards the girl with tiredness yet warmth for her.


A Raven's Song to the Death's Dance [Lumi] Empty Sat Jun 29, 2024 6:50 pm


”How very wise, but I could never envision ye as a mere character in someone else’s story. At most, ye’d play the role of a sought after wise witch or god that holds the boon to open their path, and even then ye’d enjoy the pleasure of the games or their offerings. What a pleasing role to be, tis what I hope when enough time passes…” Lumikki broke into a giggle, mischief painted clear on her features. Her childish desires softening Mishiko’s elegant and timeless aura upon the room.

But the glorious Goddess’ following words would make Lumikki blush, her nose and cheeks succumbing to a flare of pink that Lumikki quickly tried to wash off with a surge of chill. The Demoness was not always one to get flustered, instead enjoying the cheeky musings of teasing her prey. But one could not help being struck to the core by such praise and advice by a being who far exceeded her claim. War and death, two abdominal forces that consume all like the crashing waves of the boundless see, or relative to Lumikki, the somber and dreadful embrace of dark and cold. Neither ladies sat with an amicable domain, but it would seem there was a warmth and comfort within them despite their reign. And so as Mishiko extended her wisdom, one that could never be overlooked in timing for war, the chess board only adding another layer of awe and intrigue. Lumikki soaked it all in like a child being told their were chosen for greatness. That her tale and wonders only began now as all that she’s done before was but a prelude to her legend.

What more, Lumikki never considered taking over Iceberg before. Beyond the fleeting fancy and curiosities of “what if’s”, she’d keep those’d desires tamed. But now, with this blessing, the destructive hunger quaked within her to try her hand at taking claim. And with less Jarls to vote against her power, it was as Mishiko said. The perfect time to seed herself in a place where she could look after her homeland for ages.

”I would love to hear about this one that is dear to ye, a Demi Goddess within Iceberg deserves her story archived among the others. It’s a desire of mine to seek all the knowledge I could from me Nordic Gods, to not add her to me understanding would be a pitiful failing of mine. Or how these Jarls could be so naive as to anger her so…I’d need to get the gist before watching more take the seats from which they’ve left behind…But glorious are yer words, color me delightful as I think I’d heed yer advice. Perhaps after then, we could arrange things within the two countries. Iceberg is always needing, but Joya could always find use for more gems and steel.”

To quell some of her brimming excitement, she was practically a budding flower shaking within the wind. Her giddy machinations flooding her thoughts as she tried her best to listen carefully for what Mishiko still had to say. ”Of yer guild…?” Lumikki pondered over the parting from her tea. Her eyes now wondering toward the chest board as she mulled the implications over. ”Aaaah yeeees, perhaps ye speak of the Dragon with Joyan name. The lass visited me with her here and there magic, speaking of conquest of her own. Should I join her in battle to become both ally and sister? Well I found her so humorous, that I accepted her request. This world has been busy, but still quite so peaceful as of late. I figured such activities were both entertaining and fruitful for me mercenaries who need to bolster jewel and skill still. But it never occurred to me, even with me insight, she was one of yer own. I only took her as a divinity left wanting but I never pieced the members of her family in those thoughts. The Earthrealm is indeed a small place it seems, how amusing. It is always a treat to meet more within the realm.”

A Raven's Song to the Death's Dance [Lumi] Img_8011

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