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Blackbeard Returns! An Epic Battle Ensues [Companion SL Q4]

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Blackbeard Returns! An Epic Battle Ensues [Companion SL Q4] Empty Tue Jun 18, 2024 12:31 pm

Stepping back into the open air, Tōga allowed himself a deep sigh, savoring the briny scent of the ocean as he stretched his stiff limbs. The exhaustive search through the myriad of warehouses had yielded no signs of the rumored captive sea creatures.

Just as he was about to regroup and plan his next move, a voice shattered the quiet. "Hey! What are you doing here?" Tōga's heart sank as he turned to face the source of the inquiry. Two guards had emerged into the open space behind him, almost as if on cue. His brown eyes quickly took stock of the situation, noting the guards’ weapons and stance. One brandished a hefty hammer, poised for crushing blows, while the other wielded a slender, moonlit sword, already lifting it in preparation for an attack.

"Hey, hey, hey! No need to be aggressive. You guys don’t want to do this," Tōga said, the smile on his face broadening in a diplomatic effort to defuse the escalating tension. For a moment, the guards hesitated, exchanging glances that spoke of uncertainty and confusion. However, the brief pause ended as their expressions hardened into sinister grins.

"I guess we don’t gotta get out of control, if we silence you fast, we can take you in without the help of anyone else and claim the reward from Blackbeard," the guard with the hammer remarked. His voice was thick with greed as he tightened his grip on the weapon’s handle, a menacing lick of his lips punctuating his intent.


Blackbeard Returns! An Epic Battle Ensues [Companion SL Q4] Empty Tue Jun 18, 2024 12:32 pm

Tōga assessed the situation with a calm that belied his rising adrenaline. He knew that reasoning with them further was futile; they were clearly motivated by the prospect of a bounty rather than any adherence to moral or legal obligations. These were not mere security guards but mercenaries, possibly pirates, emboldened by the promise of reward for capturing intruders.

Quickly, Tōga shifted his stance, readying himself for what seemed inevitable. If words failed to pacify their intentions, then he would rely on his agility and combat skills to resolve the confrontation. His mind raced through possible strategies, considering the open space around him and the best ways to disarm or disable his opponents without causing grave harm.

As the guard with the sword made the first move, slashing through the air with a swift, practiced motion aimed directly at Tōga, the Dragon Slayer reacted instinctively. Sidestepping the blade with graceful precision, Tōga closed in on his adversary, aiming to disarm him. His hand shot out in a blur, targeting the wrist of the sword-wielding guard to twist and release the weapon from his grip.


Blackbeard Returns! An Epic Battle Ensues [Companion SL Q4] Empty Tue Jun 18, 2024 12:32 pm

Simultaneously, he needed to keep an eye on the hammer-wielding guard, ready to dodge or counter the heavier, more dangerous swings. His body tensed, prepared to pivot and move with the fluidity of water—his years of training and battles honing his reactions to near-instinctual responses.

The night air was filled with the sounds of a skirmish, a dance of steel and strategy under the watchful gaze of the moon. Tōga knew he had to end this quickly and quietly; any prolonged fight could attract more unwanted attention, complicating his mission further. As he maneuvered around his opponents, Tōga remained focused on the objective, using every skill at his disposal to neutralize the threat and continue his search for the captured sea creatures.

Before the dust could settle, both guards lay sprawled across the sand, their bodies sent tumbling over the grains until they collided with nearby barrels and crates. Tōga blinked, the reality of the encounter settling in—he had hoped for a quieter operation, but the sudden escalation had thwarted that plan. His sigh filled the silent aftermath, marking his disappointment. The tranquility was short-lived; lights flickered on, piercing the darkness, while the growing chatter and clamor of approaching guards signaled a heightened alert.


Blackbeard Returns! An Epic Battle Ensues [Companion SL Q4] Empty Tue Jun 18, 2024 12:32 pm

Tōga's apology to the unconscious guards was a mere whisper lost in the wind as he swiftly retreated. His movements were fluid and calculated, weaving through the dark alleys and shadowed corners of the sprawling warehouse complex. As he navigated the labyrinthine paths, seeking refuge, he stumbled upon a seemingly deserted area. It appeared to be the perfect place to lay low—until a large, imposing shadow detached itself from the darker recesses of the environment.

"Boy... I’ve been dying to see your face again," boomed a voice that sent a visceral shiver down Tōga’s spine. He turned, his eyes narrowing as the source of the voice stepped into the dim light.

"So, you really are behind this, Blackbeard," Tōga stated, his tone laced with a mix of accusation and relief, his face breaking into a wry grin as he recognized the formidable figure from their past encounters. The towering pirate, whose presence loomed large and menacing, responded with a guttural laugh that echoed ominously through the open space.

"I knew setting up this operation would pull you out of hiding. You can’t help playing the hero," Blackbeard taunted, his voice dripping with contempt. His thick, unruly mane swayed as he moved, his stance brimming with confidence. The pirate's rugged appearance—crusty teeth and scabbed skin—only added to his menacing demeanor as he unsheathed a large sword, its blade glinting maliciously in the low light.


Blackbeard Returns! An Epic Battle Ensues [Companion SL Q4] Empty Tue Jun 18, 2024 12:32 pm

Without a moment's hesitation, Blackbeard charged, closing the distance between them with determined strides. His intent was clear—to settle old scores and capitalize on the opportunity to catch Tōga unprepared.

Tōga, however, was far from defenseless. Adrenaline surged through his veins as he readied himself for the confrontation. This was not just a clash of steel but a battle of wits and wills. As Blackbeard advanced, Tōga’s mind raced, calculating angles and maneuvers to counter the brute force of the pirate's attack.

Drawing his own weapon, Rengoku’s Kimetsu, Tōga braced for impact. The metallic whisper of his blade slicing through the air was a sharp counterpoint to Blackbeard’s heavier movements. He sidestepped, using his agility to his advantage, aiming to outmaneuver the larger man’s straightforward assault.

Their dance was a deadly one, each move punctuated by the clash of steel and the shuffling of feet on sand. Tōga knew the stakes were high—this wasn’t just about surviving the night or disrupting a nefarious operation. It was about proving that no amount of cunning or brute strength could deter him from his path as a guardian of justice. As the battle raged, the warehouse district of Luluhawa Island transformed into an arena where past grievances were aired and futures could be forged.


Blackbeard Returns! An Epic Battle Ensues [Companion SL Q4] Empty Tue Jun 18, 2024 12:33 pm

The cacophony of battle erupted through the narrow streets of Luluhawa Island, its violence etched in the splintering of crates and the crushing of barrels under the force of combat. Tōga and Blackbeard, locked in a fierce contest, exchanged a flurry of slashes and blocks, each move echoing through the air with the resonance of clashing steel. As the fight unfolded, it became evident that the balance of power was shifting dramatically.

Initially, Tōga had approached the duel with caution, using the early moments to gauge his opponent’s strength and tactics. With each clash and maneuver, he tested the pirate’s defenses, probing for weaknesses while evaluating his own growth since their last encounter. It wasn't long before he realized the extent to which his abilities had outstripped those of his adversary.

With a swift and decisive motion, Tōga's blade met Blackbeard's with such force that it sent the pirate's sword spiraling upwards, arcing through the air before disappearing from view. As the metal clattered away into the darkness, Blackbeard's eyes widened in terror, the realization of his impending defeat dawning upon him.

"W-what!? How did you get so strong!?" Blackbeard's voice cracked as he staggered back, the fear evident in his widened eyes.

Without a word, Tōga answered with action. His leg whipped through the air, landing a powerful kick squarely in Blackbeard’s chest. The impact sent the burly pirate hurtling backward, his body smashing through the walls of nearby structures. Each building offered little resistance as Blackbeard’s form tore through them, creating a path of destruction that marked his involuntary flight.

Wc: 1354

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