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IV. Jotun's Fang

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IV. Jotun's Fang Empty Thu Jun 20, 2024 8:04 am



Name: Jotun's Fang

Slot: Primary Weapon

Type: Two handed Axe

Class: Legendary [45]

Quantity: Custom

Element: Frost

Damage: 120

Durability: 2xS


Description: Jotun's Fang is a huge axe weapon that stands roughly the height of a full grown man and then some. It's possesses two handles for even swinging and it's large guarded hilt and handles make it difficult to strike at the hands of the wielder. It's made out of ice that will never melt and fashioned around iceworn steel. The defensive arrangement protects the weapon in a bid to make it more durable and makes it easier for the user to swing it as the center of it's weight is more balanced.

The offensive arrangement however forgoes the defensive portions focus and instead creates a top heavy axe that is impossibly poorly balanced. A huge axe head that puts forward it's weight in every swing and it's entire look looks like an oversized icy battleaxe. More akin to a butchers blade like this it's made for one thing and one thing only: To kill.

Fen came across this weapon in a tomb to her ancestors, she fought many draugr for the right to wield this weapon.

Measurements: The overall size of the weapon is ten feet in length and the axe head goes three feet in one direction when transformed into it's offensive nature. When defensive it's large axehead takes a center guard. The size of it's hilt is twice that of normal, nearly a whole three feet in length itself. Overall Jotun's Fang is massive and carrying it around even normally is a pain. It's clearly a killer's weapon.


Requirements: Fen Von Wolfenstein


  • Half Moon: When not in a transformed state, the user's weapon takes a more defensive role. Providing them with a defensive arrangement that allows them to take half damage from weapon clashes.
  • Wolf Moon: When in a transformed state, the user's weapon takes on a more aggressive role. Providing them with a knockback effect that scales with damage dealt.
  • Heavy: This item is impossibly heavy, increasing the strength of the user by 10% while wielded. The user is also the only individual that can lift this weapon as it's weight increases whenever someone other than them attempts to lift it.

Points Breakdown

Please list Forge Points gained and lost for a faster approval process.
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Item Type: Axe/Weapon
  • Weight/Handling: Very heavy/2h
  • Effects: Halfmoon [15], Wolf Moon [15], Heavy [15]

Total points Acquired: 45
Total Points Spent: 45


IV. Jotun's Fang Empty Thu Jun 20, 2024 8:06 am

Claiming with starting adventurer perk + Weaponsmith.


IV. Jotun's Fang Empty Thu Jun 20, 2024 8:30 am


Parcel Claimed, may the start of Fen’s story be grand.

IV. Jotun's Fang Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

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